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L'Éthiopie et ses populations
ISBN: 2870270100 9782870270103 Year: 1977 Volume: 3 Publisher: Bruxelles: Complexe,

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Ethiopië : mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur, milieu
ISBN: 9068324144 Year: 2004 Volume: *90 Publisher: 's-Gravenhage Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen

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De Landenreeks behandelt verschillende aspecten van de geschiedenis, de cultuur, de politiek, de sociale omstandigheden en de economie van een land. Het werk bevat zwart-wit en kleurenfoto's, cijfergegevens, tabellen en kaarten. Er is een duidelijk accent gelegd op achtergrondinformatie en analyses van recente ontwikkelingen. Veel Ethiopiërs gaan nog altijd gebukt onder de gevolgen van de rampzalige combinatie van oorlogen en droogte in de afgelopen decennia. De economie en de voedselproductie in Ethiopië groeien, maar de bevolking groeit harder. Nog altijd is er jaarlijks voedselhulp van buitenaf nodig. Bijna de helft van de ruim 70 miljoen Ethiopiërs leeft beneden de armoedegrens

Guji Oromo culture in southern Ethiopia : Religious capabilities in rituals and songs
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3496009969 Year: 1991 Publisher: Berlin Reimer

Historical dictionary of Ethiopia
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0810849100 Year: 2004 Volume: 91 Publisher: Lanham Oxford Scarecrow Press

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908 <63> --- Heemkunde. Area studies--Ethiopië --- 908 <63> Heemkunde. Area studies--Ethiopië --- Ethiopia --- Ėfiopii︠a︡ --- Abyssinia --- Abisynja --- Etiopie --- Etiopia --- Etʻovpia --- Federazione etiopica --- Avēssynia --- Hạbashah --- Äthiopien --- Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia --- Abissinii︠a︡ --- Etyopiyah --- Etyopyah --- Etiyopiyah --- Etiyopyah --- Ḥabash --- People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia --- ʼItyoṗyā --- YaʼItyoṗyā ne. na. mangeśt --- YaʼItyoṗyā neguśa nagaśt mangeśt --- Imperial Ethiopian Government --- YaH̲ebratasabʼāwit ʼItyoṗyā gizéyāwi watādarāwi mangeśt --- Provisional Military Government of Ethiopia --- Empire of Ethiopia --- YaʼItyoṗyā ḥezbāwi dimokrāsiyāwi ripublik --- Abissinia --- YaʼItyop̣ya yašegeger mangeśt --- Transitional Government of Ethiopia --- Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia --- YeĪtyopʼiya Fēdēralawī Dēmokrasīyawī Rīpeblīk --- YaʼItyopyā mangeśt --- Ityop --- Motumā céhumsa ʼItyopyā --- ʼIḤeDeRi --- Abesiniye --- Abesinija --- Eṭiopiye --- Gouvernement impérial d'Éthiopie --- Éthiopie --- Aethiopia --- Ityopp'ya --- Ye-Ityopp'ya Federalawi Dimokrasiyawi Ripeblik --- République fédérale démocratique d'Éthiopie --- Ityop'iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik --- Abessinien --- Demokratische Bundesrepublik Äthiopien --- Repubblica democratica federale d'Etiopia --- República Democrática Federal de Etiopía --- Abisinia --- Alta Ætiopia --- Ethiopia (Territory under British occupation, 1941-1942) --- Reserved Areas of Ethiopia (Territory under British occupation, 1942-1955) --- History --- Dictionaries --- English --- エチオピア --- Echiopia --- YaʼI.Fé.De.Ri. --- IFeDeRi

Ethiopia : a comprehensive bibliography
ISBN: 0816190666 Year: 1989 Publisher: Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall,

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Ethiopia --- Ethiopie --- Bibliography --- Bibliographie --- 908 <63> --- Heemkunde. Area studies--Ethiopië --- Bibliography. --- 908 <63> Heemkunde. Area studies--Ethiopië --- Abesinija --- Abesiniye --- Abessinien --- Abisinia --- Abissinia --- Abissinii︠a︡ --- Abisynja --- Abyssinia --- Aethiopia --- Alta Ætiopia --- Äthiopien --- Avēssynia --- Demokratische Bundesrepublik Äthiopien --- Ėfiopii︠a︡ --- Empire of Ethiopia --- Éthiopie --- Etiopia --- Etiopie --- Eṭiopiye --- Etiyopiyah --- Etiyopyah --- Etʻovpia --- Etyopiyah --- Etyopyah --- Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia --- Federazione etiopica --- Gouvernement impérial d'Éthiopie --- Ḥabash --- Hạbashah --- ʼIḤeDeRi --- Imperial Ethiopian Government --- Ityop --- Ityop'iya Federalawi Demokrasiyawi Ripeblik --- Ityopp'ya --- ʼItyoṗyā --- Motumā céhumsa ʼItyopyā --- People's Democratic Republic of Ethiopia --- Provisional Military Government of Ethiopia --- Provisional Military Government of Socialist Ethiopia --- Repubblica democratica federale d'Etiopia --- República Democrática Federal de Etiopía --- République fédérale démocratique d'Éthiopie --- Transitional Government of Ethiopia --- YaH̲ebratasabʼāwit ʼItyoṗyā gizéyāwi watādarāwi mangeśt --- YaʼItyoṗyā ḥezbāwi dimokrāsiyāwi ripublik --- YaʼItyopyā mangeśt --- YaʼItyoṗyā ne. na. mangeśt --- YaʼItyoṗyā neguśa nagaśt mangeśt --- YaʼItyop̣ya yašegeger mangeśt --- Ye-Ityopp'ya Federalawi Dimokrasiyawi Ripeblik --- YeĪtyopʼiya Fēdēralawī Dēmokrasīyawī Rīpeblīk --- エチオピア --- Echiopia --- Ethiopia (Territory under British occupation, 1941-1942) --- Reserved Areas of Ethiopia (Territory under British occupation, 1942-1955) --- YaʼI.Fé.De.Ri. --- IFeDeRi

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