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681.3*I2 <063> --- 681.3*F22 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*H28 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Nonnumerical algorithms and problems: complexity of proof procedures; computations on discrete structures; geometrical problems and computations; pattern matching --See also {?681.3*E2-5}; {681.3*G2}; {?681.3*H2-3}--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Database applications--Congressen --- Machine learning
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The European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) and the European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD) were jointly organized this year for the ?fth time in a row, after some years of mutual independence before. After Freiburg (2001), Helsinki (2002), Cavtat (2003) and Pisa (2004), Porto received the 16th edition of ECML and the 9th PKDD in October 3–7. Having the two conferences together seems to be working well: 585 di?erent paper submissions were received for both events, which maintains the high s- mission standard of last year. Of these, 335 were submitted to ECML only, 220 to PKDD only and 30 to both. Such a high volume of scienti?c work required a tremendous e?ort from Area Chairs, Program Committee members and some additional reviewers. On average, PC members had 10 papers to evaluate, and Area Chairs had 25 papers to decide upon. We managed to have 3 highly qua- ?edindependentreviewsperpaper(withveryfewexceptions)andoneadditional overall input from one of the Area Chairs. After the authors’ responses and the online discussions for many of the papers, we arrived at the ?nal selection of 40 regular papers for ECML and 35 for PKDD. Besides these, 32 others were accepted as short papers for ECML and 35 for PKDD. This represents a joint acceptance rate of around 13% for regular papers and 25% overall. We thank all involved for all the e?ort with reviewing and selection of papers. Besidesthecoretechnicalprogram,ECMLandPKDDhad6invitedspeakers, 10 workshops, 8 tutorials and a Knowledge Discovery Challenge.
Machine learning --- 681.3*F22 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*H28 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> --- 681.3*I26 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- 681.3*I26 <063> Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- Nonnumerical algorithms and problems: complexity of proof procedures; computations on discrete structures; geometrical problems and computations; pattern matching --See also {?681.3*E2-5}; {681.3*G2}; {?681.3*H2-3}--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Database applications--Congressen --- Conferences - Meetings --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- Machine learning - Congresses
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The ILP conference series has been the premier forum for work on logic-based approaches to machine learning for almost two decades. The 19th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, which was organized in Leuven, July2-4,2009,continuedthistraditionbutalsoreachedouttoothercommunities as it was colocated with SRL-2009 - the International Workshop on Statistical RelationalLearning,andMLG-2009-the7thInternationalWorkshoponMining andLearningwithGraphs. While thesethreeseriesofeventseachhavetheirown focus,emphasis andtradition,they essentiallysharethe problemthatis studied: learning about structured data in the form of graphs, relational descriptions or logic. The colocation of the events was intended to increase the interaction between the three communities. There was a single program with joint invited and tutorial speakers, a panel, regular talks and poster sessions. The invited speakers and tutorial speakers were James Cussens, Jason Eisner, Jure Leskovec, Raymond Mooney, Scott Sanner, and Philip Yu. The panel featured Karsten Borgwardt, Luc De Raedt, Pedro Domingos, Paolo Frasconi, Thomas Gart ¨ ner, Kristian Kersting, Stephen Muggleton, and C. David Page. Video-recordings of these talks can be found atwww. videolectures. net. The overall program featured 30 talks presented in two parallel tracks and 53 posters. The talks and posters were selected on the basis of an extended abstract. These abstracts can be found at http:// dtai. cs. kuleuven. be/ilp-mlg-srl/. Inaddition,asinpreviousyears,a- lectionofthepapersofILP2009havebeenpublishedinavolumeintheLectures Notes in Arti?cial Intelligence seriesandinaspecialissueoftheMachine Lea- ing Journal.
Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- Induction (Logic) --- Logic programming --- 681.3*F1 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*H28 <063> --- 681.3*H3 <063> --- 681.3*I23 <063> --- 681.3*J2 <063> --- Inductive logic --- Logic, Inductive --- Logic --- Reasoning --- 681.3*I23 <063> Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- 681.3*J2 <063> Physical sciences and engineering (Computer applications)--Congressen --- Physical sciences and engineering (Computer applications)--Congressen --- Computation by abstract devices--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Database applications (Data mining- Image databases - Scientific databases - Spatial databases and GIS - Statistical databases) --- --Information storage and retrieval--Congressen --- Conferences - Meetings
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The two premier annual European conferences in the areas of machine learning and data mining have been collocated ever since the ?rst joint conference in Freiburg, 2001. The European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) traces its origins to 1986, when the ?rst European Working Session on Learning was held in Orsay, France. The European Conference on Principles and Practice of KnowledgeDiscoveryinDatabases(PKDD) was?rstheldin1997inTrondheim, Norway. Over the years, the ECML/PKDD series has evolved into one of the largest and most selective international conferences in machine learning and data mining. In 2007, the seventh collocated ECML/PKDD took place during September 17–21 on the centralcampus of WarsawUniversityand in the nearby Staszic Palace of the Polish Academy of Sciences. The conference for the third time used a hierarchical reviewing process. We nominated 30 Area Chairs, each of them responsible for one sub-?eld or several closely related research topics. Suitable areas were selected on the basis of the submission statistics for ECML/PKDD 2006 and for last year’s International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2006) to ensure a proper load balance amongtheAreaChairs.AjointProgramCommittee(PC)wasnominatedforthe two conferences, consisting of some 300 renowned researchers, mostly proposed by the Area Chairs. This joint PC, the largest of the series to date, allowed us to exploit synergies and deal competently with topic overlaps between ECML and PKDD. ECML/PKDD 2007 received 592 abstract submissions. As in previous years, toassistthereviewersandtheAreaChairsintheir?nalrecommendationauthors had the opportunity to communicate their feedback after the reviewing phase.
Machine learning --- Apprentissage automatique --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Computer Science --- Mechanical Engineering - General --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Mechanical Engineering --- 681.3*I2 <063> --- 681.3*F22 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*H28 <063> --- Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Nonnumerical algorithms and problems: complexity of proof procedures; computations on discrete structures; geometrical problems and computations; pattern matching --See also {?681.3*E2-5}; {681.3*G2}; {?681.3*H2-3}--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Database applications--Congressen --- Conferences - Meetings --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- 681.3*I2 <063> Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Computer science. --- Algorithms. --- Mathematical logic. --- Database management. --- Computer Science. --- Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics). --- Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity. --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Database Management. --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Data base management --- Data services (Database management) --- Database management services --- DBMS (Computer science) --- Generalized data management systems --- Services, Database management --- Systems, Database management --- Systems, Generalized database management --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Mathematics --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism --- Algorism --- Algebra --- Arithmetic --- Informatics --- Science --- Foundations --- Computer software. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- Software, Computer --- Computer systems
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Data mining --- Database searching --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*F42 <063> --- 681.3*G3 <063> --- 681.3*H2 <063> --- 681.3*H3 <063> --- 681.3*I26 <063> --- 681.3*I7 <063> --- 681.3*J2 <063> --- 681.3*J2 <063> Physical sciences and engineering (Computer applications)--Congressen --- Physical sciences and engineering (Computer applications)--Congressen --- 681.3*I26 <063> Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Grammars and other rewriting systems: decision problems; grammar types; parallel rewriting systems; parsing; thue systems (Mathematical logic and formal languages)--See also {681.3*D31}--Congressen --- Probability and statistics: probabilistic algorithms (including Monte Carlo);random number generation; statistical computing; statistical software (Mathematics of computing)--Congressen --- Database management: security; integrity; protection--See also {?681.5*E5}--Congressen --- Information storage and retrieval--Congressen --- Text processing (Computing methodologies)--See also {681.3*H4}--Congressen
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Data mining --- Machine learning --- 681.3*F22 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*G3 <063> --- 681.3*H3 <063> --- 681.3*H33 <063> --- 681.3*I23 <063> --- 681.3*I53 <063> --- 681.3*I7 <063> --- 681.3*J1 <063> --- 681.3*I23 <063> Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Nonnumerical algorithms and problems: complexity of proof procedures; computations on discrete structures; geometrical problems and computations; pattern matching --See also {?681.3*E2-5}; {681.3*G2}; {?681.3*H2-3}--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Probability and statistics: probabilistic algorithms (including Monte Carlo);random number generation; statistical computing; statistical software (Mathematics of computing)--Congressen --- Information storage and retrieval--Congressen --- Information search and retrieval: clustering; query formulation; retrieval models; search process; selection process--Congressen --- Clustering: algorithms; similarity measures (Pattern recognition)--Congressen --- Text processing (Computing methodologies)--See also {681.3*H4}--Congressen --- Administrative data processing (Computer applications)--Cursussen. Instructies. Onderwijs--Congressen --- Information systems --- Artificial intelligence. Robotics. Simulation. Graphics --- 681.3*H2 <063> --- 681.3*H28 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Database management: security; integrity; protection--See also {?681.5*E5}--Congressen --- Database applications--Congressen
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, ILP 2008, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2008. The 20 revised full papers presented together with the abstracts of 5 invited lectures were carefully reviewed and selected during two rounds of reviewing and improvement from 46 initial submissions. All current topics in inductive logic programming are covered, ranging from theoretical and methodological issues to advanced applications. The papers present original results in the first-order logic representation framework, explore novel logic induction frameworks, and address also new areas such as statistical relational learning, graph mining, or the semantic Web.
Logic programming --- Induction (Logic) --- Inductive logic --- Logic, Inductive --- Logic --- Reasoning --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- 681.3*D16 <063> --- 681.3*I26 <063> --- 681.3*I23 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- Computer programming --- 681.3*I26 <063> Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- 681.3*I2 <063> Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- 681.3*I23 <063> Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Computer science--?*D16 --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. --- Computer science. --- Computer software. --- Data mining. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- Programming Techniques. --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity. --- Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. --- Algorithmic knowledge discovery --- Factual data analysis --- KDD (Information retrieval) --- Knowledge discovery in data --- Knowledge discovery in databases --- Mining, Data --- Database searching --- Software, Computer --- Computer systems --- Informatics --- Science --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Computer programming. --- Mathematical logic. --- Algorithms. --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Mathematics --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism --- Computers --- Electronic computer programming --- Electronic digital computers --- Programming (Electronic computers) --- Coding theory --- Algorism --- Algebra --- Arithmetic --- Programming --- Foundations
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Logic programming --- Nonmonotonic reasoning --- Programmation logique --- Raisonnement non-monotone --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Logic programming -- Congresses. --- Nonmonotonic reasoning -- Congresses. --- Computer Science --- Mechanical Engineering - General --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Mechanical Engineering --- 681.3*I23 <063> --- 681.3*I24 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*D16 <063> --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Knowledge representation formalisms and methods: frames and scripts; predicate logic; relation systems; representation languages; procedural and rule-based representations; semantic networks (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Computer science--?*D16 --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- 681.3*I2 <063> Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- 681.3*I24 <063> Knowledge representation formalisms and methods: frames and scripts; predicate logic; relation systems; representation languages; procedural and rule-based representations; semantic networks (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- 681.3*I23 <063> Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Non-monotonic reasoning --- Computer science. --- Software engineering. --- Computer programming. --- Mathematical logic. --- Artificial intelligence. --- Computer Science. --- Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems. --- Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics). --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Programming Techniques. --- Reasoning --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Mathematics --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism --- Computers --- Electronic computer programming --- Electronic digital computers --- Programming (Electronic computers) --- Coding theory --- Computer software engineering --- Engineering --- Informatics --- Science --- Programming --- Artificial Intelligence.
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Logic programming --- Automatic theorem proving --- Artificial intelligence --- Programmation logique --- Théorèmes --- Intelligence artificielle --- Congresses. --- Congrès --- Démonstration automatique --- Computer Science --- Mechanical Engineering - General --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Mechanical Engineering --- 681.3*D24 <063> --- 681.3*H2 <063> --- 681.3*F3 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*I2 <063> --- 681.3*I23 <063> --- Computer programming --- Automated theorem proving --- Theorem proving, Automated --- Theorem proving, Automatic --- Proof theory --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Program verification: assertion checkers; correctness proofs; reliability; validation (Software engineering)--See also {681.3*F31}--Congressen --- Database management: security; integrity; protection--See also {?681.5*E5}--Congressen --- Logics and meanings of programs (Theory of computation)--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Information Technology --- Artificial Intelligence --- 681.3*I23 <063> Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- 681.3*I2 <063> Artificial intelligence. AI--Congressen --- Computer science. --- Software engineering. --- Computer programming. --- Computer logic. --- Mathematical logic. --- Artificial intelligence. --- Computer Science. --- Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems. --- Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics). --- Programming Techniques. --- Software Engineering. --- Logics and Meanings of Programs. --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Mathematics --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism --- Computer science logic --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical --- Computers --- Electronic computer programming --- Electronic digital computers --- Programming (Electronic computers) --- Coding theory --- Computer software engineering --- Engineering --- Informatics --- Science --- Programming --- Logic design. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- Design, Logic --- Design of logic systems --- Digital electronics --- Electronic circuit design --- Logic circuits --- Switching theory
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Logic programming --- 681.3*D16 <063> --- 681.3*I26 <063> --- 681.3*I23 <063> --- 681.3*F41 <063> --- 681.3*F22 <063> --- Computer programming --- Programming techniques: Logic programming--Congressen --- Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- Mathematical logic: computability theory; computational logic; lambda calculus; logic programming; mechanical theorem proving; model theory; proof theory;recursive function theory--See also {681.3*F11}; {681.3*I22}; {681.3*I23}--Congressen --- Nonnumerical algorithms and problems: complexity of proof procedures; computations on discrete structures; geometrical problems and computations; pattern matching --See also {?681.3*E2-5}; {681.3*G2}; {?681.3*H2-3}--Congressen --- Computer Science --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- 681.3*I23 <063> Deduction and theorem proving: answer/reason extraction; reasoning; resolution; metatheory; mathematical induction; logic programming (Artificial intelligence)--Congressen --- 681.3*I26 <063> Learning: analogies; concept learning; induction; knowledge acquisition; language acquisition; parameter learning (Artificial intelligence)--See also {681.3*K32}--Congressen --- Computer science. --- Architecture, Computer. --- Software engineering. --- Computer programming. --- Algorithms. --- Mathematical logic. --- Artificial intelligence. --- Computer Science. --- Computer System Implementation. --- Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems. --- Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics). --- Programming Techniques. --- Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages. --- Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity. --- AI (Artificial intelligence) --- Artificial thinking --- Electronic brains --- Intellectronics --- Intelligence, Artificial --- Intelligent machines --- Machine intelligence --- Thinking, Artificial --- Bionics --- Cognitive science --- Digital computer simulation --- Electronic data processing --- Logic machines --- Machine theory --- Self-organizing systems --- Simulation methods --- Fifth generation computers --- Neural computers --- Algebra of logic --- Logic, Universal --- Mathematical logic --- Symbolic and mathematical logic --- Symbolic logic --- Mathematics --- Algebra, Abstract --- Metamathematics --- Set theory --- Syllogism --- Algorism --- Algebra --- Arithmetic --- Computers --- Electronic computer programming --- Electronic digital computers --- Programming (Electronic computers) --- Coding theory --- Computer software engineering --- Engineering --- Architecture, Computer --- Informatics --- Science --- Foundations --- Programming --- Computer network architectures. --- Computer software. --- Artificial Intelligence. --- Software, Computer --- Computer systems --- Architectures, Computer network --- Network architectures, Computer --- Computer architecture --- Logic programming - Congresses --- Computer architecture. --- Logic, Symbolic and mathematical.
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