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658 --- 65.012.12 --- 65.012.12 Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- 658 Zaakvoering, administrat --- Zaakvoering, administrat --- 658 Business management, administration. Commercial organization --- Business management, administration. Commercial organization --- Library research --- Library management --- Planning (firm)
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63 --- Farm produce --- -Produce trade --- -Profit --- 65.012.12 --- Net income --- Business --- Capital --- Distribution (Economic theory) --- Economics --- Finance --- Surplus (Economics) --- Surplus value --- Wealth --- Income --- Risk --- Agricultural marketing --- Agricultural products --- Food trade --- Agriculture --- Food industry and trade --- Commodity exchanges --- Agricultural commodities --- Produce --- Food --- Raw materials --- Plant products --- Produce trade --- Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation --- Prices --- Costs --- Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- Economic aspects --- Profit. --- Social Sciences and Humanities. Marketing --- Prices. --- Costs. --- Agricultural Marketing --- Agricultural Marketing. --- 65.012.12 Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- 63 Agriculture and related sciences and techniques. Forestry. Farming. Wildlife exploitation --- Profit
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Agriculture --- -System analysis --- -631.151 --- 65.012.12 --- 631.1 --- 519.71 --- 631.151 --- 519.71 Control systems theory: mathematical aspects --- Control systems theory: mathematical aspects --- 631.1 Farm management and organization --- Farm management and organization --- 65.012.12 Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- 631.151 Systems of farm production and management (extensive, intensive, specialized, diversified, integrated). Farming systems --- Systems of farm production and management (extensive, intensive, specialized, diversified, integrated). Farming systems --- Network theory --- Systems analysis --- Farming --- Husbandry --- Congresses --- Conferences - Meetings --- System analysis --- Basic Sciences. Agriculture -- Agricultural Systems --- Congresses. --- ALLW. --- Agriculture - Congresses --- System analysis - Congresses
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65.012.12 --- 681.3*I63 --- 681.3*J3 --- 631.15 --- 631.15 Farm production. Farm management. Farm administration --- Farm production. Farm management. Farm administration --- 681.3*J3 Life and medical sciences (Computer applications) --- Life and medical sciences (Computer applications) --- 681.3*I63 Applications (Simulation and modeling) --- Applications (Simulation and modeling) --- 65.012.12 Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- Social Sciences and Humanities. Agricultural Economics -- Farm Management --- Farm production. Farm management. Farm administration. --- Investigations. Observations. Analyses. --- Applications (Simulation and modeling). --- Life and medical sciences (Computer applications). --- ALLW.
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DEEL 1 : Het externe kijkvenster : Klanten. Belanghebbenden. Behoeften. Producten. Klanteninteracties. Kanalen. Strategische doelstellingen - DEEL 2 : Het interne kijkvenster : Processen. Activiteiten. Uitvoerders. Voorstelling van de procescontext. Voorstelling van het verloop van het proces - DEEL 3 : De baten : Verhogen van de klantenwaarde. Verminderen van de doorlooptijd. Verminderen van de kosten. Verminderen van de fouten. Voldoen aan de wetgeving - DEEL 4 : Aanpak procesoptimalisatie : Organiseren van procesoptimalisatie. Voorstelling stappenplan van een optimalisatieproject. Definiëren van een optimalisatieproject. Verwerven en delen van inzicht in de huidige situatie. Identificeren van hefbomen voor optimalisatie. Uitwerken van implementatievoorstellen. Implementeren van maatregelen tot optimalisatie. Waarborgen van de geoptimaliseerde situatie. Goede praktijken bij procesoptimalisatie. Uitdagingen voor innovatie
#SBIB:35H302 --- Réforme de l'administration Bestuurshervorming --- Changement Verandering --- 65.012.12 --- Performance Prestatie --- management --- Organisatieleer: processen --- Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- Procesoptimalisatie --- Organisatiekunde --- publieke sector --- publieke sector. --- 65.012.12 Investigations. Observations. Analyses --- Publieke sector. --- BPB9999 --- BPB1807 --- Réforme administrative --- Administration publique --- Gestion --- Administratieve hervorming --- Overheidsadministratie --- Beheer --- Municipal government --- Belgium --- Flanders (Belgium) --- Management --- Public administration --- PXL-Central Office 2015 --- bedrijfsmanagement --- strategisch management --- maniġment --- poslovodenje --- valdymas --- pārvaldība --- gestione --- johtaminen --- gestión --- ledning --- управување --- zarządzanie --- gestão --- beheer --- пословодство --- διαχείριση --- manažment --- menaxhim --- menedzsment --- управление --- menadžment --- juhtimine --- ledelse --- förvaltningssätt --- politica di gestione --- ledelsesform --- Betriebs- und Geschäftsleitung --- știința conducerii --- vállalat vezetése --- styring --- vedení --- forma de gestão --- раководење --- mode de gestion --- amministrazione d'impresa --- upravljanje --- poslovodstvo --- vadyba --- vadovavimas --- strategia di gestione --- vadovybė --- üzletvezetés --- řídicí aparát --- менаџмент --- piano di gestione --- Managementmethode --- direzione operativa --- wijze van beheer --- vezetés --- μάνατζμεντ --- јавна администрација --- viešasis valdymas --- amministrazzjoni pubblika --- offentlig forvaltning --- pubblica amministrazione --- administración pública --- јавна управа --- overheidsadministratie --- public administration --- valsts pārvalde --- veřejná správa --- offentlig förvaltning --- administratë publike --- administrație publică --- javna uprava --- administracja publiczna --- държавна администрация --- öffentliche Verwaltung --- közigazgatás --- administração pública --- štátna správa --- δημόσια διοίκηση --- avalik haldus --- julkinen hallinto --- државна администрација --- valstybės valdymas --- hatóság --- P.A. --- státní správa --- viešasis administravimas --- general government --- Behörde --- riigihaldus --- органи на јавната администрација --- kormányhivatalok --- orgány státní správy --- државна управа --- qeveri e përgjithshme --- riiklikud haldusorganid --- administratieve hervorming --- Verwaltungsreform --- haldusreform --- pārvaldes reforma --- riforma amministrattiva --- hallinnonuudistus --- upravna reforma --- administrative reform --- reforma administracyjna --- förvaltningsreform --- riforma amministrativa --- управна реформа --- reformă administrativă --- administrativ reform --- administracinė reforma --- správní reforma --- administratívna reforma --- reformë administrative --- административна реформа --- közigazgatási reform --- reforma administrativa --- διοικητική μεταρρύθμιση --- reforma státní správy --- staatshervorming --- statsreform --- správní přestavba --- реформа на државниот апарат --- riforma dello Stato --- lyderystė --- ledarskap --- vezető szerep --- водеща роля --- Führung --- johtajuus --- liderança --- vodstvo --- leadership --- tmexxija --- capacités d’encadrement --- lederskab --- ηγεσία --- līderība --- capacități de conducere --- przywództwo --- vodenje --- liderazgo --- líderstvo --- leiderschap --- athchóiriú riaracháin --- riarachán poiblí --- bainistíocht --- Réforme administrative
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