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Discovery and evaluation of new feed components for the inhibition of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection in early-weaned piglets : from in vitro to in Vivo.
ISBN: 9789088263385 Year: 2013 Volume: 1153 Publisher: Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Faculty Bioscience Engineering,

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Variousapproaches have been tried to reduce or even eliminate the occurrence of ETECinfections in piglets. The therapeutic use of antibiotics has been, by far, themost common practice to control this problem.Next to thetherapeutic use of antibiotics, they were applied as antibacterial growthpromoters (AGP). AGPs were and are relatively cheap and cost-effective, hence theirpopularity. Due to public concern on the increase of antibiotic resistantbacteria, the use of antibiotics as AGPs has been banned. Many alternatives toreplace AGPs have been proposed but proved to be ineffective.Recently, a newapproach has been suggested to combat ETEC infection by inhibiting theadherence of the toxin to its receptor in the small intestine. While thisapproach is verypromising, problems arise due to regulatory and registrationissues and costs of manufacturing and designing artificial components.In this researchwe used a similar approach but tried to eliminate the above problems by usingnatural components. Recently, research groups have demonstrated that they wereable to inhibit the activity of several toxins of the AB5 family, like shiga-and cholera toxin by using polyphenols. Since LT isclosely related to these toxins, our first research question was: is thisinhibition of several AB5 toxins an effect shared by all its members, and thuscan polyphenols be used in vitro toinhibit the effects of LT toxins.With this aim wetested several components that have been suggested to possess variousanti-binding effects. Our results demonstrated that only D-(+)-galactose,lactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine and two tea extracts, which have a veryhigh polyphenol concentration, were able to inhibit the binding of LT to itsGM1 receptor. In the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) assay, only the twotea extracts showed inhibitory activity. This shows that D-(+)-galactose, lactoseand N-acetyl-D-galactosamine can indeed inhibit LT binding to GM1 based onstructural homology with GM1 in the abse nce of living cells. However, in thecAMP assay, D-(+)-galactose, lactose and N-acetyl-D-galactosamine areapparently metabolized to below their effective inhibitory concentration,indicating limited practical applicability invivo and high costs due to their high effective concentration. Both teaextracts maintained their activity in the presence of cells.Secondly, wewanted to dig deeper on how these polyphenols exert their anti-binding effects.Here, seven different polyphenols were tested in vitro (1) for inhibition of LT binding to GM1 (GM1-ELISA), (2)for LT inhibitory activity in the cAMP Vero-cell assay, and (3) for testingtheir aggregating properties with LT using molecular weight exclusion membranefilters, and centrifugation techniques. Our results showed only three out ofseven polyphenols, i.e. pentagalloylglucose (PGG), epigallocatechin gallate(EGCG) and gallocatechin gallate (GCG), to be active with all three techniquesused. It was concluded that direct inhibition of LT-induced cAMP, and blockingof the GM1 receptor is unlikely to be the underlying mechanism. Surprisinglythe inhibitory activities of polyphenols coincided with the formation of largeLT-polyphenol aggregates (>100 kDa) Furthermore it became clear that theenterotoxin inactivation property of polyphenols depends on the number ofgalloyl moieties in the polyphenol structure.Finally, aftershedding some light on the mechanism, a final part of this thesis was dedicatedto evaluation of effectiveness in vivo.Severalcommercial polyphenol extracts were tested in an invivo post-weaning diarrhoea (PWD) model in piglets, two extractswith (OMNIVIN, and ALSOK), and one without (OMNICOA)in vitro activity were tested for in vivo efficacy. Piglets were divided in four treatment groupsreceiving various polyphenols; half of each treatment group was infected withETEC on day 6 and 7. Post-infection, rectal faeces were assessed daily fordiarrhoea (as % DM), ETEC excretion, and average daily gain (ADG). Averagedaily feed intake (ADFI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) were determined forgrowth performance. Post-infection, ETEC excretion (day 6-13) was reducedsignificantly by addition of all three extracts compared to the control group.While diarrhoea increased significantly following infection of the controlgroup, this increase was lifted in the OMNIVIN and ALSOK group, but not in theOMNICOA group. Differences between treatments were absent for ADG, ADFI and FCRpre- and post-infection, except for OMNICOA, which significantly depressed ADGpost-infection. The latter result suggests OMNICOA to contain one or moreanti-nutritional factors. The overall results for the different polyphenolextracts were consistent with the respective in vitro activities in the LT-inhibition assay. It was concludedthat polyphenol extracts widely differ in properties, some may have deleteriouseffects, but others can indeed reduce ETEC-induced diarrhoea most likely byinactivating LT in vivo. By doingthis we were able to demonstrate that some, but not all, commercial polyphenolextracts were able to control ETEC infection in early-weaned piglets.In conclusion, we haveprovided the first evidence that polyphenols are indeed a commercial viablefeed supplement in the prevention of ETEC diarrhoea. Further in vivo research is needed to confirmthe first results as well as to make a cost/benefit analysis for potentialcommercial use.

Metabolic modeling and engineering of Escherichia coli to reduce acetate formation in recombinant DNA-fermentations
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789059891593 Year: 2007

Evaluation of 'bacterial ghosts' with iron receptors for protection against avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC).
ISBN: 9789088261381 Year: 2010 Volume: 898 Publisher: Leuven : Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen,

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Aviaire pathogene Escherichia coli (APEC) zijn Gram-negatieve bacteriën die wereldwijd verscheidene ziektes bij pluimvee veroorzaken. Een van deze aandoeningen, colibacillosis, wordt beschouwd als één van de belangrijkste oorzaken van economische verliezen in de pluimvees ector. De bacteriën tasten eerst de ademhalingswegen aan waarna ze de bl oedbaan binnendringen (septicemie) en interne organen infecteren hetgeen leidt tot perihepatitis, pericarditis, peritonitis, splenitis en salpin gitis. Dit resulteert in koorts, verminderde groei, verhoogde mortalitei t en een lagere eiproductie. Een ander belangrijk ziektesyndroom is cell ulitis of necrotische dermatitis waarbij APEC de diepere weefsellagen ro nd de dijen koloniseren. Cellulitis is gekarakteriseerd door een diffuse , oedemateuze ontsteking en wordt meestal vastgesteld in het slachthuis met karkas afkeuringen tot gevolg. Deze gegevens illustreren de behoefte aan preventieve maatregelen. Het doel van deze doctoraatsthesis was dan ook de ontwikkeling van een breedspectrum vaccin tegen APEC infecties. Een van de virulentiefactoren geassocieerd met APEC is het ijzeropnamesy steem dat gebruik maakt van ferri-siderofoor receptoren en receptoren vo or heem. Met behulp van 5 nieuw ontwikkelde multiplex polymerase ketting reacties werden 239 APEC stammen onderzocht op het voorkomen van 12 ijze rreceptorgenen. De volgende prevalenties werden gevonden: 100% voor fhuE en fepA, 96.2% voor fiu, 92.9% vo or cir, 92.5% voor iroN, 87.4% voor iutA, 63.2% voor fecA, 53.1% voor fyuA, 46.9% voor&nb sp;fhuA, 45.6% voor ireA, 41.8% voor chuA en 4.6% voor iha. In elke onderzochte stam werden minstens 4 ij zerreceptorgenen gedetecteerd hetgeen het belang van het ijzeropname sys teem voor APEC virulentie benadrukt. Gebaseerd op deze prevalenties en/o f op eerdere publicaties die melding maakten van succesvolle vaccinatiep roeven werden de ferri-siderofoorreceptoren FhuE, FepA, IroN en IutA weerhouden als beloftevolle kandidaat antigenen. Voor de ontwikkeling van een breedspectrum vaccin is het belangrijk dat een kandidaat antigen geconserveerd is tussen de verschillende stammen. Aangezien werd aangetoond dat APEC sterk verwant is met uropathogene&nbs p;E. coli (UPEC) en neonatale meningitis geassocieerde E. coli (NMEC) werd de graad van conservering voor FhuE, FepA, IroN en I utA tussen deze pathotypes nagegaan met behulp van meervoudige proteïnea lignering. De proteïnesequenties geassocieerd met deze receptoren werden afgeleid voor de APEC stam CH2 (en/of APEC1) en vergeleken met de seque nties voor APEC, UPEC of NMEC terug te vinden op NCBI. Alle ferri-sidero foorreceptoren waren voor minstens 99% geconserveerd tussen de geselecte erde stammen. Twee tentatieve vaccins, levende E. coli en E. coli ‘bacterial ghosts’ die FepA, FhuE, IroN en IutA uitdrukken als recombi nante proteïnen in hun buitenmembraan, werden geëvalueerd in een vaccina tie-experiment. Twee expressievectoren die elk 2 ferri-siderofoor-recept orgenen bevatten, pACYC::fepA,iutA en pRSF::fhuE,iroN, werde n gebruikt om E. coli BL21 Star DE3 te transformeren. Express ie werd geïnduceerd met behulp van isopropyl-ß-D-thiogalactopyranos ide (IPTG) en resulteerde in het tentatieve levende E. coli v accin. Hiernaast werden E. coli BL21 Star DE3 getransformeerd met het lysisplasmide pBAD::lysE gevolgd door transformatie met p ACYC::iutA,fepA of pRSF::iroN,fhuE. Expressie van de ijzerre ceptoren door inductie met IPTG gevolgd door initiatie van lysis met behulp van L-arabinose resulteerde in 2 recombinante ‘bacterial ghost’ cons tructen die samengevoegd werden tot het tentatieve geïnactiveerde vaccin . Immunisatie van kippen, intramusculair met de ‘bacterial ghosts’ of in tranasaal met levende E. coli, induceerde een E. coli -specifieke IgG immuunrespons, die vlak voor challenge significant ho ger was dan de respons in de controle groepen, die PBS of LB toegediend kregen. Hoewel deze tentatieve vaccins noch letsels noch mortaliteit kon den verhinderen na APEC challenge, lag de mortaliteit na immunisatie met recombinante (23%) of niet-recombinante (30%) ‘bacterial ghosts’ lager dan in de controle groep (60%). Niettemin resulteerde enkel immunisatie met de recombinante ‘bacterial ghosts’ in een trend naar significantie.

Metabolic modelling and analysis for the optimisation of Escherichia coli as a production host
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789059892194 Year: 2008

A short course in bacterial genetics : a laboratory manual and handbook for Escherichia coli and related bacteria
ISBN: 0879693495 Year: 1992 Publisher: New York, NY : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press [C.S.H.L.],

E. Coli : a practical approach to the organism and its control in foods
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0751404624 Year: 1998 Publisher: London Blackie

Escherichia coli and salmonella typhimurium : cellular and molecular biology. Volume 1
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 0914826891 0914826859 9780914826897 Year: 1987 Publisher: Washington, DC : ASM [American Society for Microbiology],

Experiments with gene fusions.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 0879691638 9780879691639 Year: 1984 Publisher: New York : Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory,

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Genetic intervention --- Genetics, Microbial --- DNA, Recombinant --- Gene fusion --- Escherichia coli --- Recombinant DNA --- ADN recombinant --- Experiments --- Laboratory manuals --- Genetics --- Génétique --- Manuels de laboratoire --- Expériences --- ADN recombiné --- Génétique moléculaire --- Molecular genetics --- Fusion de gènes --- 575.08:577.21 --- 579.842.11 --- #abib:almm --- Genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, recombinant DNA --- Escherichia --- Experiments. --- Laboratory manuals. --- DNA --- Erfelijkheid --- Genen --- Genetica --- Nucleinezuren --- Nucleotiden --- DNA. --- Erfelijkheid. --- Genen. --- Genetica. --- Nucleinezuren. --- Nucleotiden. --- 579.842.11 Escherichia --- 575.08:577.21 Genetic engineering, genetic manipulation, recombinant DNA --- Recombinant dna --- Dna, recombinant --- Genetics, microbial --- Genetic Engineering --- Génétique --- Expériences --- rDNA --- Genetic engineering --- Genetic recombination --- Genetic vectors --- Fusion, Gene --- Microbial mutation --- Transduction --- Translocation (Genetics) --- E. coli (Bacterium) --- Genetics&delete& --- Gene fusion. --- Gene fusion - Experiments --- Gene fusion - Laboratory manuals --- Escherichia coli - Genetics - Experiments --- Escherichia coli - Genetics - Laboratory manuals --- Recombinant DNA - Experiments --- Recombinant DNA - Laboratory manuals --- Genetic intervention - Experiments --- Genetics, Microbial - Experiments --- DNA, Recombinant - Experiments

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