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European law --- Freedom of movement --- Free choice of employment --- Emigration and immigration law --- Libre circulation des personnes --- Liberté du travail --- Emigration et immigration --- Droit --- Aliens --- -Free choice of employment --- -Freedom of movement --- -325.14 EUR --- 341.215.4 --- Movement, Freedom of --- Civil rights --- Domicile --- Industrial laws and legislation --- Labor laws and legislation --- Liberty --- Personality (Law) --- Employment, Free choice of --- Freedom of employment --- Freedom of occupation --- Liberty of employment --- Liberty of occupation --- Occupation, Free choice of --- Labor supply --- Enemy aliens --- Expatriates --- Foreign citizens (Aliens) --- Foreign population --- Foreign residents --- Foreigners --- Noncitizens --- Resident aliens --- Unnaturalized foreign residents --- Persons --- Deportees --- Exiles --- Immigrants --- Refugees --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Liberté du travail --- 325.14 EUR --- Illegal aliens --- Illegal immigrants --- Non-citizens --- Unauthorized immigrants --- Undocumented aliens --- Undocumented immigrants --- Freedom of movement - European Union countries. --- Free choice of employment - European Union countries. --- Aliens - European Union countries.
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Europa --- Europe --- Immigratie --- Immigration --- Racisme --- Rassenvraagstuk --- Immigrants --- Racism --- Emigration and immigration. --- Emigration et immigration --- Emigration and immigration --- -Racism --- -Academic collection --- 325.14 EUR --- 323.12 EUR --- #SBIB:39A6 --- #SBIB:316.8H16 --- Bias, Racial --- Race bias --- Race prejudice --- Racial bias --- Prejudices --- Anti-racism --- Race relations --- Emigrants --- Foreign-born population --- Foreign population --- Foreigners --- Migrants --- Persons --- Aliens --- Etniciteit / Migratiebeleid en -problemen --- Welzijns- en sociale problemen: migranten, rassenrelaties --- Academic collection --- European communities --- immigranten --- racisme --- Immigrants - Europe --- Racism - Europe --- Europe - Emigration and immigration --- Europa.
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Europese Unie --- Politiek --- Politique --- Union européenne --- Citizenship --- Citoyenneté --- Political rights --- -Political rights --- -342.71 EUR --- 325.14 EUR --- Civic rights --- Civil rights --- Birthright citizenship --- Citizenship (International law) --- National citizenship --- Nationality (Citizenship) --- Political science --- Public law --- Allegiance --- Civics --- Domicile --- Law and legislation --- Political rightsLaw and legislation --- Citoyenneté --- DNDROIT DNETUDE DNIEE DNPOLIT DNSOCIA DNU-EUB EPUB-ALPHA-C EPUB-DNU-FT EPUB-LIV-FT LIVDROIT LIVETUDE LIVIEE LIVPOLIT LIVSOCIA EDITIONSULB-B --- European Union countries --- 342.71 EUR --- Citizenship - Europe. --- Political rights - Europe.
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Citizenship --- Citoyenneté --- European Union countries --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Emigration and immigration --- Government policy --- Emigration et immigration --- Politique gouvernementale --- -342.71 EUR --- 325.14 EUR --- Birthright citizenship --- Citizenship (International law) --- National citizenship --- Nationality (Citizenship) --- Political science --- Public law --- Allegiance --- Civics --- Domicile --- Political rights --- Law and legislation --- -EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- -Emigration and immigration --- Citoyenneté --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- 342.71 EUR --- Government policy. --- Citizenship - European Union countries --- European Union countries - Emigration and immigration - Government policy
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I. BELGISCH RECHT 1. Voorgeschiedenis 2. Bilaterale akkoorden door België gesloten 3. Het toepassingsgebied van de Belgische wetgeving 4. Voorwaarden voor de tewerkstelling in België 5.Bevoegdheidsverdeling, procedure en beroepsmiddelen 6. Toezicht en sanctionering II. INTERNATIONAAL RECHT 1. De Benelux Economische Unie 2. De OESO 3. De Raad van Europa 4. De Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie III. EUROPEES RECHT 1. Voorgeschiedenis 2. Het vrije verkeer van de werknemers en de externe betrekkinge van de Europese Gemeenschappen 3. Het toepassingsgebied van het vrije verkeer van werknemers 4. Verbod van discriminatie op grond van nationaliteit 5. Niet-discriminatoire belemmeringen op het vrije verkeer 6. Directe en horizontale werking 7. Vrij verkeer van werknemers en verblijfsrecht 8. De toegang tot de openbare dienst naar Europees gemeenschapsrecht
grensarbeiders --- tewerkstelling --- internationaal recht --- arbeidsrecht --- Social law. Labour law --- European Union --- Buitenlandse werknemers --- Europese Unie --- Grensarbeiders --- Travailleurs frontaliers --- Travailleurs étrangers --- Union européenne --- Foreign workers --- Freedom of movement --- Libre circulation des personnes --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Droit --- Arbeidsrecht ; EU --- Sociale mobiliteit ; recht ; EU --- 325.14 EUR --- 331.55 EUR --- 131 Arbeidsrecht --- 450 Werkgelegenheid en arbeid --- 331.5 --- 351.83 --- recht, arbeid --- recht, internationaal --- internationale verdragen --- europese unie --- 331.656.48 --- Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --(algemeen) --- Arbeidsrecht. Arbeidswetgeving --- droit du travail --- travailleurs frontaliers --- traites internationaux --- union europeenne --- arbeidswetgeving - arbeidsrecht - sociaal recht (zie ook 331.16) --- Grensarbeid --- Internationale werkgelegenheid --- 351.83 Arbeidsrecht. Arbeidswetgeving --- 331.5 Arbeidsmarkt. Werkgelegenheid --(algemeen) --- Grensarbeid. --- Internationale werkgelegenheid. --- Travailleurs étrangers --- European Union countries
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Migration. Refugees --- Sociology of minorities --- European Union --- Colloques --- Colloquia --- Communautés européennes --- Europese Gemeenschappen --- Immigratie --- Immigration --- Immigrants --- Emigration and immigration --- Emigration et immigration --- Political aspects --- Aspect politique --- European Union countries --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Government policy --- Politique gouvernementale --- Emigration and immigration law --- Refugees --- Asylum, Right of --- Congresses. --- Government policy. --- -Refugees --- -Emigration and immigration law --- -#SBIB:327.7H232 --- #SBIB:327.7H233 --- #SBIB:35H431 --- #SBIB:013.IEB --- 325.14 EUR --- #A9511A --- Immigration law --- Law, Emigration --- Law, Immigration --- International travel regulations --- Displaced persons --- Persons --- Aliens --- Deportees --- Exiles --- Right of asylum --- Sanctuary (Law) --- Defection --- Deportation --- Extradition --- Congresses --- -Congresses --- Europese Unie: binnenlands beleid en justitie --- Europese Unie: externe relaties, buitenlands- en defensiebeleid (ook WEU) --- Beleidssectoren: binnenlands beleid en justitie --- Law and legislation --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- -EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- Hulpwetenschappen --- politieke wetenschappen --- -Emigration and immigration --- politieke wetenschappen. --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- #SBIB:327.7H232 --- Government policy&delete& --- Europe - Emigration and immigration - Government policy
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