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Julien (empereur romain ; 331-363) --- Rome --- Histoire --- 361-363 (julien) --- 284-476 (bas empire)
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Ammien Marcellin (0330?-0400?). Histoires --- Rome --- 284-476 (Bas-Empire) --- Ammianus Marcellinus. --- History --- Historiography. --- Historiographie
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"De l'Écosse jusqu'à la Mésopotamie, de l'embouchure du Rhin jusqu'aux contreforts de l'Atlas, Rome a dominé durant près de cinq siècles un immense territoire. Le démembrement rapide de sa partie occidentale a d'autant plus frappé les esprits que l'Empire a remporté jusqu'au bout des succès décisifs, notamment contre Attila en 451. Pour faire comprendre ce paradoxe, Peter Heather rouvre le dossier en déplaçant le point de vue. Brassant une superbe documentation avec un art consommé du récit, il s'intéresse autant à la vie culturelle, économique et politique de l'Empire qu'à celle des "barbares". Ceux-ci, en effet, ne viennent pas de nulle part. Qu'il s'agisse des peuples germaniques ou, plus encore, des Huns, Peter Heather fait revivre de l'intérieur la logique des adversaires de Rome. Une logique qui, tout autant que celle des héritiers d'Auguste, façonnera le Moyen Âge européen. On découvre ici l'histoire de la fin de l'Empire d'Occident autant que celle des débuts de l'Europe, comme celle des personnages hauts en couleur qui l'émaillent : diplomates de Rome et de Byzance toujours sur les routes, généraux, chefs barbares, impératrices ambitieuses, poètes, philosophes, théologiens... Considérée comme un classique, cette décapante "histoire nouvelle" a marqué un tournant dans les analyses de la chute de l'Empire romain."
Rome -- 284-476 (Bas-Empire) --- Rome -- 3e-6e siècle (Grandes invasions) --- Rome --- History
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Rome --- Iran --- Armenia --- History --- Relations --- Arménie --- 284-476 (Bas-Empire) --- 224-651 --- Jusqu'à 428 --- Relations extérieures --- Antiquité
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Rome --- Europe --- History --- Histoire --- Germains --- Barbares --- 3e-6e siècle (Grandes invasions) --- 284-476 (Bas-Empire) --- 392-814
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Ammien Marcellin (0330?-0400?). Histoires --- Rome --- 284-476 (Bas-Empire) --- Ammianus Marcellinus. --- Virgil --- Criticism and interpretation. --- History --- Historiography. --- Historiographie
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In the first half of the fifth century, the Latin-speaking part of the Roman Empire suffered vast losses of territory to barbarian invaders. But in the Greek-speaking half of the Eastern Mediterranean, with its capital at Constantinople, there was a stable and successful system, using Latin as its official language, but communicating with its subjects in Greek. This book takes an inside look at how this system worked in the long reign of the pious Christian Emperor Theodosius II (408-50), and analyzes its largely successful defense of its frontiers, its internal coherence, and its relations with its subjects, with a flow of demands and suggestions traveling up the hierarchy to the Emperor, and a long series of laws, often set out in elaborately self-justificatory detail, addressed by the Emperor, through his officials, to the people. Above all, this book focuses on the Imperial mission to promote the unity of the Church, the State's involvement in intensely-debated doctrinal questions, and the calling by the Emperor of two major Church Councils at Ephesus, in 431 and 449. Between the Law codes and the acts of the Church Councils, the material illustrating the working of government and the involvement of State and church, is incomparably richer, more detailed, and more vivid than for any previous period.
Théodose II (empereur d'Orient ; 401-450) --- Empire byzantin --- Rome --- Jusqu'à 527 --- 284-476 (Bas-Empire)
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Ammien marcellin (0330?-0400?). histoires --- Ammien marcellin (0330?-0400?) --- Rome --- Critique et interprétation --- 284-476 (bas-empire) --- Historiographie
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Ammianus Marcellinus. --- Rome --- History --- Historiography --- Ammien Marcellin (0330?-0400?) --- Ammien Marcellin (0330?-0400?). Histoires --- Critique et interprétation --- 284-476 (Bas-Empire)
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Rome's Gothic Wars is a concise introduction to research on the Roman Empire's relations with one of the most important barbarian groups of the ancient world. The book uses archaeological and historical evidence to look not just at the course of events, but at the social and political causes of conflict between the empire and its Gothic neighbours. In eight chapters, Michael Kulikowski traces the history of Romano-Gothic relations from their earliest stage in the third century, through the development of strong Gothic politics in the early fourth century, until the entry of many Goths into the empire in 376 and the catastrophic Gothic war that followed. The book closes with a detailed look at the career of Alaric, the powerful Gothic general who sacked the city of Rome in 410.
Goths --- Ethnology --- Germanic peoples --- History. --- Rome --- Europe --- History --- Histoire --- 3e-6e siècle (Grandes invasions) --- Relations extérieures --- 284-476 --- 284-476 (Bas-Empire)
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