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L'exégèse de saint Jérôme
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782862726984 2862726982 Year: 2018 Volume: 42 Publisher: Saint-Étienne Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne

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La richesse de l'exégèse hiéronymienne ressort des diverses contributions de cet ouvrage : la première partie s'intéresse aux questions d'herméneutique, clés de l'interprétation hiéronymienne ; approfondissant ces problématiques par des exemples pratiques, la deuxième partie est consacrée aux Psaumes, tant ruminés à Rome qu'à Bethléem, dont les explications subissent des influences diverses, en particulier origéniennes ; la troisième partie souligne l'omniprésence de l'exégèse dans l'oeuvre de Jérôme, orale ou écrite, que ce soit la sienne propre ou celle de ses contemporains examinée à l'aune de son acribie coutumière ; enfin, la quatrième et dernière partie s'attache à la diversité des interprétations de la Bible impactant la vie du Chrétien, à travers l'ascèse, ou encore motivant d'âpres discussions théologiques et dogmatiques, par exemple lors de la crise pélagienne. L'oeuvre de Jérôme ne laisse ainsi pas indifférents ses contemporains, pas plus que nos contemporains qui peuvent être admiratifs devant le savoir encyclopédique du moine de Bethléem ou parfois simplement déçus par la pauvreté de sa pensée théologique, comparée à celle d'un Augustin par exemple. Seule une lecture attentive révèle aux lecteurs d'antan et d'aujourd'hui des voies nouvelles pour mieux appréhender l'oeuvre si riche du Stridonien.

Commentary on Galatians
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0813212219 9780813212210 9780813201214 0813201217 Year: 2010 Volume: 121 Publisher: Washington, D.C. Catholic University of America Press

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"Prior to the middle of the fourth century, the exegesis of St. Paul had been monopolized by Greek and Syriac commentators. Then, in the space of half a century (c. 360 - c. 409), there appeared no less than 52 commentaries by six different Latin authors. This sudden flurry of literary activity has been dubbed the western "Renaissance of Paul." Jerome's commentaries on four Pauline epistles (Galatians, Ephesians, Titus, Philemon), which he composed in 386 shortly after establishing himself in Bethlehem, occupy a central place in this relatively short but prolific segment of the history of Pauline exegesis in Latin. Jerome was the greatest biblical scholar of the ancient Latin church, and his Commentary on Galatians is one of the crowning achievements of his illustrious career. It far outclasses the five other contemporary Latin commentaries on Galatians in its breadth of classical and patristic erudition, Hebrew and Greek textual criticism of the Bible, and expository thoroughness. It is unique also because it is the only one of the Latin commentaries to make the Greek exegetical tradition its main point of reference. Jerome's Commentary in fact preserves, in one form or another, a treasure-trove of otherwise lost Greek exegesis, particularly Origen's Commentary on Galatians, from which he worked very closely when composing his own work. Jerome's Commentary on Galatians is presented here in English translation in its entirety. The introduction and notes situate the Commentary in its historical, exegetical, and theological contexts and also provide extensive coverage of ancient and modern scholarly debates about the interpretation of Paul's epistle."--Publisher's website.

Commentarii in Aggaeum, Abdiam, Malachiam
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503602677 2503602673 Year: 2022 Publisher: Turnhout Brepols Publishers

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La principale entreprise exégétique de Jérôme est un commentaire des prophètes, qui est resté sans concurrence en Occident pendant plusieurs siècles. Les premiers commentaires médiévaux eux-mêmes ne sont guère plus que des relectures de cette œuvre fondatrice. Avant de s'attaquer aux quatre grands prophètes, qui l'occuperont durant les dix dernières années de sa vie, Jérôme a commenté les douze petits prophètes en trois vagues successives, de 393 à 406. 0Le présent volume réunit un représentant de chacune d'entre elles; il permettra déjà d'observer l'évolution de la technique du commentaire chez Jérôme dans l'entre-temps. Les douze commentaires sont des ouvrages séparés, qui ont chacun leur histoire textuelle propre; même lorsqu'on les trouve réunis en un corpus unique, à partir de l'époque carolingienne, ils conservent chacun leur particularité. Le travail d'ecdotique doit donc être refait pour chacun d'eux, avant de pouvoir retracer le parcours sinueux et complexe de leur transmission, durant lequel ils se sont progressivement agrégés jusqu'à ce que l'ensemble s'en trouve finalement rassemblé.

Intertextualität in den Mönchsviten des Athanasios und des Hieronymus : Eremiten zum Dialog bestellt
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783110699746 3110699745 9783110700169 9783110700237 Year: 2020 Publisher: Berlin Boston De Gruyter

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Hieronymus reagiert mit seinen drei in lateinischer Sprache verfassten Mönchsviten intertextuell auf Athanasios als seinen griechischsprachigen Vorläufer. Insofern dessen Prätext die Motive, Themen, Problemstellungen und Figuren der Viten des Hieronymus beeinflusst, entsteht ein vielseitiger Dialog, mit dem Hieronymus seine Helden vom großen Vorbild Antonius abrückt, ohne ihre geistige Verwandtschaft zu leugnen. Einerseits weiß sich Hieronymus dem griechisch-römischen Literaturerbe verpflichtet. Andererseits erlaubt ihm die Perspektive seiner Eremiten, entscheidende christliche Glaubenswahrheiten zu markieren, die den absoluten Wert eines auf Enthaltsamkeit ausgerichteten Lebensideals betonen.

Commentarius in Abacuc
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782503579559 2503579558 Year: 2018 Volume: 6 76-76A bis I Publisher: Turnhout Brepols Publishers

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"L'opportunità di un nuovo testo critico del Commentario al profeta Abacuc di Girolamo è dettata non solo dal fatto che le antiche edizioni a stampa - ne sono state prodotte almeno cinque - risultano inadeguate rispetto alle esigenze critiche attuali, ma che anche la più recente, pubblicata da Marc Adriaen in Corpus Christianorum (76A, 1969) sulla base della collazione di un solo nuovo manoscritto, non offre un testo sufficientemente sicuro. La recensio dei manoscritti selezionati per il presente volume, pur non avendo consentito la completa ricostruzione della diramazione della tradizione manoscritta, ha tuttavia permesso significativi progressi nella costituzione del testo. Il presente lavoro, poi, così come auspicava Yves-Marie Duval nell'introduzione alla sua edizione dell'In Ionam, può diventare un utile tassello per una vera e complessiva edizione critica dei commenti di Girolamo ai dodici profeti minori e per lo studio dell'esegesi geronimiana. Il lavoro di edizione ha permesso, inoltre, di evidenziare con più precisione le fonti che ispirarono il commento scritturistico di Girolamo e di confermare il suo spirito eclettico nel riprendere i commentatori che lo avevano preceduto, in modo particolare Origene".

Negotiating heresy : the reception of Origen in Jerome's eschatalogical thought
ISBN: 3402137453 9783402137451 9783402137468 3402137461 Year: 2021 Publisher: Münster Aschendorff Verlag

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"Jerome of Stridon has gone down in the history of Christianity as a fierce defender of what he considered to be orthodox teaching, and, in particular, as a convinced opponent of Origenism. However, this champion of orthodoxy often found himself suspected of relying on heretical writers, and a main purpose of his heresiological efforts was to defend himself against such accusations. The present study argues that this was the case with his production of anti-Origenist polemics in the context of the Origenist controversy. It aims at contributing to a nuanced description of Jerome’s way of relating to Origen’s thought, which implied acceptance as well as resistance. It is suggested that as a result of Jerome’s anti-Origenist rhetoric, important aspects of his reception of the Alexandrian writer have been overlooked by modern scholarship. Taking account of the rhetorical strategies that Jerome used both in his presentation of Origen and in his orthodox self-presentation, the great complexity of his reception of Origen is revealed."--

Der Koheletkommentar des Hieronymus
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783110375688 3110375680 9783110400946 9783110401134 Year: 2014 Volume: Extra seriem Publisher: Berlin De Gruyter

Jerome of Stridon and the ethics of literary production in late antiquity
ISSN: 25899805 ISBN: 9789004417465 900441746X 9789004417458 9004417451 Year: 2020 Volume: 2 Publisher: Leiden, The Netherlands ; Boston : Brill,

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"This book becomes legible when light plays across a material substance, be it screen or page. Without the light and without the material, there is no book. To read the book, however, you must perceive meaning in the words before you and in the way that they sit relative to other words, words that are on this page or words that you know and have learned from elsewhere. Without this apprehension - which literary theorists call 'textuality' - there is no book. This book before you is about the interplay between the material and the textual.2 Without the two, it would not exist".

Roman nobilitas in Jerome's letters : Roman values and Christian asceticism for socialites
ISBN: 9783161593437 316159343X 9783161606823 3161606825 Year: 2021 Volume: 127 Publisher: Tubingen Mohr Siebeck

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"Jerome of Stridon promoted a new model of Christian nobility that safeguards traditional Roman values and the exclusivity of the illustres. In this study, Jessica van 't Westeinde demonstrates how the difference between the true nobility and the nouveau riche becomes visible in Jerome's corresondence with these elites." --

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