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260.2*5 --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme
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260.2*5 --- 260*8 --- 260*8 Charismatische vernieuwing binnen de Kerk. Pinkstergroepen --- Charismatische vernieuwing binnen de Kerk. Pinkstergroepen --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Pentecostalism --- Religious fundamentalism --- Fundamentalism, Religious --- Fundamentalist movements, Religious --- Religion --- Charismatic Movement --- Charismatic Renewal Movement --- Latter Rain movement --- Neo-Pentecostalism --- Pentecostal movement --- Christianity --- Gifts, Spiritual --- Glossolalia --- religion --- fundamentalism --- charismatic movements --- Modernity --- Globalization --- Charismatic movements --- conversion movements --- politics
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At the same time, Maltby identifies some of fundamentalism's legitimate spiritual concerns, assesses the cost of perpetual critique, and exposes the deficit of spiritual meaning that haunts the culture of disenchantment.
Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Christian religion --- United States --- Christian conservatism --- Christianity and culture --- Fundamentalism --- Liberalism --- 260.2*5 --- Liberal egalitarianism --- Liberty --- Political science --- Social sciences --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Church history. --- United States of America
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In Conjectures and Controversy in the Study of Fundamentalism, W. Paul Williamson takes a critical look at the sociohistorical emergence of fundamentalism and examines how historians constructed popular, though questionable, conceptions of the movement that have dominated decades of empirical research in psychology. He further analyzes the notions of militancy and anti-modernity as valid characterizations of fundamentalism and examines whether fundamentalism, as a Christian Protestant phenomenon, is useful in labelling global forms of religious extremism and violence. In observing the lack of theory-driven research, the publication offers theories that situate fundamentalism as a social psychological phenomenon as opposed to some personal predisposition. Students and scholars of fundamentalism will discover Conjectures and Controversy in the Study of Fundamentalism to be a provocative study on the topic.
Fundamentalism. --- Christian fundamentalism --- Protestant fundamentalism --- Religious fundamentalism (Protestantism) --- Protestantism --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Evangelicalism --- Millennialism --- Modernist-fundamentalist controversy --- History --- Fundamentalism --- 260.2*5 --- 291.7 --- 291.7 Acties op religieuze beweeggronden: godsdienstoorlogen; missiewerking; zending; fanatisme; religieuze propaganda; fundamentalisme --- Acties op religieuze beweeggronden: godsdienstoorlogen; missiewerking; zending; fanatisme; religieuze propaganda; fundamentalisme --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Christelijk fundamentalisme
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Fundamentalism --- Religious fundamentalism --- Religion --- Philosophy & Religion --- Religion - General --- Fundamentalism, Religious --- Fundamentalist movements, Religious --- Christian fundamentalism --- Protestant fundamentalism --- Religious fundamentalism (Protestantism) --- Protestantism --- Theology, Doctrinal --- Evangelicalism --- Millennialism --- Modernist-fundamentalist controversy --- Comparative studies --- Congresses --- History --- 260.2*5 --- 291.7 --- 291.7 Acties op religieuze beweeggronden: godsdienstoorlogen; missiewerking; zending; fanatisme; religieuze propaganda; fundamentalisme --- Acties op religieuze beweeggronden: godsdienstoorlogen; missiewerking; zending; fanatisme; religieuze propaganda; fundamentalisme --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Comparative studies&delete&
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Christian church history --- Catholic Church --- History --- 260.2*5 --- 26(091) --- Chistelijke kerk ; geschiedenis --- 27-9 --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Religie ; de christelijke kerk ; geschiedenis --- Kerkgeschiedenis --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Church of Rome --- Roman Catholic Church --- Katholische Kirche --- Katolyt︠s︡ʹka t︠s︡erkva --- Römisch-Katholische Kirche --- Römische Kirche --- Ecclesia Catholica --- Eglise catholique --- Eglise catholique-romaine --- Katolicheskai︠a︡ t︠s︡erkovʹ --- Chiesa cattolica --- Iglesia Católica --- Kościół Katolicki --- Katolicki Kościół --- Kościół Rzymskokatolicki --- Nihon Katorikku Kyōkai --- Katholikē Ekklēsia --- Gereja Katolik --- Kenesiyah ha-Ḳatolit --- Kanisa Katoliki --- כנסיה הקתולית --- כנסייה הקתולית --- 가톨릭교 --- 천주교
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This book takes a historical-theological approach to understanding the complex relationships among gender, religion, economics and politics in a global context, with particular reference to Islam and Catholicism as two worldwide, culturally diverse and patriarchal religious traditions. It looks at ways in which Catholic and Muslim women, both within and between their respective traditions, are critiquing fundamentalist theological and cultural positions and reclaiming their rightful place within the life of their religious traditions. In so doing, it argues that they offer to their respective religious communities, and beyond, a holistic way of negotiating the impact of modernity in a globalized world. The final chapter of the book gives voice to some Australian Muslim and Catholic women who, at a local level, reflect many of the overall concerns of women who find themselves at the cutting edge of their respective religious tradition's negotiation of modernity. «This book can greatly assist those interested in understanding the rise of fundamentalism because it offers a more complex analysis of the causes and reasons it exists. It is particularly good in identifying the attraction and influence of fundamentalism in modernity and showing why it is not just an ancient problem rearing its ugly head again but this time it is deeply rooted in the modern globalized economy and its power interests.» (Peter Maher, Editor of The Swag) «Patricia Madigan has made a major contribution to the study of fundamentalism insofar as she has approached it from a feminist angle which enables one to see it in a new perspective.» (Agnes Wilkins, One in Christ) «Patricia Madigan has produced a compelling work that identifies and critiques the social, economic, political and religious approaches to a globalised world and the impact on women. [She] has made an important contribution to understanding the globalised world and the response of two of the major world religions to emerging social, political and economic realities. More importantly she has identified the critical need to redress the economic and political disadvantage of women as part of the movement to a just and peaceful world order.» (Therese Vassarotti, The Australasian Catholic Record) «This work is full of in-depth analysis and insight, and the section where the author looks into the relationship between tradition and fundamentalism, the sections where fundamentalist strategies are examined, the survey of 8 Catholic and 8 Muslim women and the questions asked by the author during those surverys, the insightful answers provided by the women, and the author's enrichment of these responses by using her own insight, are matters that require reading.» (Ismail Albayrak, Pacifica 25, 2012)
Women and religion. --- Religious fundamentalism. --- Women in Islam. --- Women in the Catholic Church. --- Femmes et religion --- Fondamentalisme --- Femmes dans l'Islam --- Femmes dans l'Eglise catholique --- Women and religion --- Religious fundamentalism --- Women in Islam --- Women in the Catholic Church --- Religion --- Philosophy & Religion --- Religion - General --- 396.7 --- 260.2*5 --- 297.17 --- Vrouw en religie --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Islam: religieus geïnspireerde acties; fanatisme --- 297.17 Islam: religieus geïnspireerde acties; fanatisme --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- 396.7 Vrouw en religie --- Islam --- Religion and women --- Women in religion --- Sexism in religion --- Fundamentalism, Religious --- Fundamentalist movements, Religious
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Manif pour tous, Sens commun, PMA, crise migratoire visibilité de l'islam, chrétiens d'Orient, François Fillon, Marion Maréchal : les "cathos" seraient-ils de retour en politique ? Qui sont toutefois ces femmes et ces hommes dont on parle tant sans jamais les définir ? D'où viennent-ils, que disent-ils, quels sont leurs combats et quel sens confèrent-ils à la défense de leurs valeurs ? C'est en spécialiste et analyste de l'opinion, sondages, études et statistiques à l'appui, que Jérôme Fourquet répond à cette question. Mais aussi en historien et en politologue. Sur fond de baisse constante de la pratique religieuse et d'engagements militants grandissants, depuis la lutte contre l'IVG ou pour l'école libre jusqu'à l'actuelle contestation du pape François, le voilà qui retrace et éclaire les étapes cruciales d'un réarmement identitaire. Le constat est sans appel : les catholiques se sentent désormais minoritaires en France. Pourtant, malgré un net recul sociologique, ils n'ont pas dit leur dernier mot. Et il faudra compter, à l'avenir. avec leur force de mobilisation. Une enquête inédite au coeur du pays réel.
Catholics --- Right and left (Political science) --- Conservatism --- Conservativism --- Neo-conservatism --- New Right --- Right (Political science) --- Political science --- Sociology --- Left (Political science) --- Left and right (Political science) --- Christians --- Attitudes --- History --- Political activity --- France --- Politics and government --- 27 <44> "20" --- 944.09 --- 260.2*5 --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- 944.09 Geschiedenis van Frankrijk--(1945-heden) --- Geschiedenis van Frankrijk--(1945-heden) --- 27 <44> "20" Histoire de l'Eglise--Frankrijk--?"20" --- 27 <44> "20" Kerkgeschiedenis--Frankrijk--?"20" --- Histoire de l'Eglise--Frankrijk--?"20" --- Kerkgeschiedenis--Frankrijk--?"20"
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260.2*5 --- 267.1 FOCOLARI --- 267.1 OPUS DEI --- kritiek --- sekten --- katholieke Kerk --- traditionalisme --- conservatisme --- fundamentalisme [godsdienst] --- pausen --- Heilige Stoel --- Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Religieuze verenigingen voor mannen en vrouwen--(alfabetisch)--FOCOLARI --- Religieuze verenigingen voor mannen en vrouwen--(alfabetisch)--OPUS DEI --- 267.1 OPUS DEI Religieuze verenigingen voor mannen en vrouwen--(alfabetisch)--OPUS DEI --- 267.1 FOCOLARI Religieuze verenigingen voor mannen en vrouwen--(alfabetisch)--FOCOLARI --- 260.2*5 Christelijk fundamentalisme --- Religious studies --- Katholieke Kerk --- 210 --- godsdienst overige werken --- religion autres ouvrages --- BPB2212 --- Comité permanent de Contrôle des services de renseignement et de sécurité (Comité permanent R) --- katholicisme --- religieuze sekte --- mormoni --- ezoterism --- езотерија --- окултизам --- ésotérisme --- Јеховини сведоци --- ezoterizmas --- мормони --- esoterism --- ezoterizëm --- esoterisme --- jehovista --- верска секта --- sekt --- svědkové Jehovovi --- scientologie --- esoterismo --- esoterie --- esoterismi --- εσωτερισμός --- култ --- ezoterizmus --- Církev sjednocení --- religijska sekta --- okultismus --- moonismus --- скиентологија --- ezoterisms --- religiös sekt --- vjerska sekta --- vallási szekta --- religiöse Sekte --- religinė sekta --- sekt fetar --- secte religieuse --- религиозна секта --- secta religiosa --- verska sekta --- secte religioase --- religious sect --- reliģiska sekta --- θρησκευτική αίρεση --- sekta religijna --- seita religiosa --- seict reiligiúnach --- náboženská sekta --- uskonlahko --- religiøs sekt --- usulahk --- setta reliġjuża --- setta religiosa --- papežství --- katolická víra --- katholische Kirche --- katolické náboženství --- římskokatolická církev --- католичка црква --- katolická věrouka --- pausdom --- katolická církev --- katechismus --- papauté --- katolictví --- католичка вера --- papado --- církev římskokatolická --- католичка веронаука --- katolikus vallás --- римокатоличка црква --- påvedöme --- Katholizismus --- katolicizem --- katolicizmus --- catholicisme --- katolicisms --- katolisuus --- katolicismus --- catolicism --- katalikybė --- katoliiklus --- katolicyzm --- katolicisme --- католицизам --- katolicizam --- καθολικισμός --- Catholicism --- katolicizëm --- cattolicesimo --- katolicism --- католицизъм --- catolicismo --- Caitliceachas --- Vast Comité van Toezicht op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten (Vast Comité I) --- Opus Dei --- spiritualiteit --- katholieke sekte --- de kerk --- traditionalistische sekten --- Focolare --- Comunione e Liberazione --- Catechumenaal --- fundamentalistische sekten --- charismatische leiders --- extreme missioneringsactiviteiten --- totale controle --- het Vaticaan --- Paus Johannes Paulus II
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