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Leonzio vescovo di Neapolis in Cipro compose alla meta del VII secolo la biografia del patriarca di Alessandria Giovanni il Misericordioso (610-619). L'opera conobbe una grande diffusione non solo nell?Impero bizantino, ma anche in altre tradizioni letterarie. La versione siriaca della Vita costituisce un importante testimone indiretto dell?originale greco e risulta interessante per lo studio della ricezione dei testi agiografici bizantini in ambito siro-ortodosso. Il valore ecdotico della versione siriaca ci ha incitato a ricostruire il suo testo nella forma piu prossima all?originale, tenendo conto dell?apporto di tutti i manoscritti e recensioni esistenti.00Il primo volume presenta un?introduzione relativa alla tradizione manoscritta. Segue l?edizione, corredata di un apparato critico che tiene conto, oltre che dei tre principali testimoni, dell?apporto di alcuni frammenti, della ?versione corta? del codice Par. syr. 234, dei principali codici greci e della versione latina del codice Par. lat. 3820. Completa il volume l?indice dei sostantivi siriaci, dei prestiti greci, dei nomi propri.00Il secondo volume comprende la traduzione in lingua italiana ed uno studio delle differenze tra testo greco e versione siriaca. La traduzione italiana resta volutamente fedele al testo siriaco, affinche meglio possano essere apprezzate le difformita tra le due versioni. Le note di commento sono funzionali alla descrizione della storia del testo e dello stile della traduzione. Il volume presenta in appendice un elenco dei luoghi biblici e delle cose notevoli.
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Leonzio vescovo di Neapolis in Cipro compose alla metà del VII secolo la biografia del patriarca di Alessandria Giovanni il Misericordioso (610-619). L?opera conobbe una grande diffusione non solo nell?Impero bizantino, ma anche in altre tradizioni letterarie. La versione siriaca della Vita costituisce un importante testimone indiretto dell?originale greco e risulta interessante per lo studio della ricezione dei testi agiografici bizantini in ambito siro-ortodosso. Il valore ecdotico della versione siriaca ci ha incitato a ricostruire il suo testo nella forma più prossima all?originale, tenendo conto dell?apporto di tutti i manoscritti e recensioni esistenti.00Il primo volume presenta un?introduzione relativa alla tradizione manoscritta. Segue l?edizione, corredata di un apparato critico che tiene conto, oltre che dei tre principali testimoni, dell?apporto di alcuni frammenti, della ?versione corta? del codice Par. syr. 234, dei principali codici greci e della versione latina del codice Par. lat. 3820. Completa il volume l?indice dei sostantivi siriaci, dei prestiti greci, dei nomi propri.00Il secondo volume comprende la traduzione in lingua italiana ed uno studio delle differenze tra testo greco e versione siriaca. La traduzione italiana resta volutamente fedele al testo siriaco, affinché meglio possano essere apprezzate le difformità tra le due versioni. Le note di commento sono funzionali alla descrizione della storia del testo e dello stile della traduzione. Il volume presenta in appendice un elenco dei luoghi biblici e delle cose notevoli.
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L’ouvrage est consacré à une petite partie du riche patrimoine livresque de la bibliothèque du monastère de Sainte-Catherine au Sinaï : les manuscrits syriaques écrits sur parchemin. Bénéficiant de l’apport des « Nouvelles découvertes » de 1975 et de l’identification d’un grand nombre de membra disjecta présents dans les bibliothèques étrangères, l’auteur s’emploie à reconstituer l’état de ces manuscrits, tel qu’il devait être au début du 19e siècle, avant que ne s’opère un important processus de fragmentation et de dispersion. De contenu presque exclusivement religieux (biblique, patristique et liturgique), ces manuscrits sont des témoins précieux des usages du livre dans les communautés chrétiennes de langue syriaque ; leur copie s’étend sur une période de huit siècles (de l’extrême fin du 5e s. à la fin du 13e s.). Le travail de reconstitution ici entrepris donne une vue d’ensemble de la part ancienne du fonds syriaque de Sainte-Catherine, bien plus précise que l’inventaire sommaire d’Agnes Smith Lewis paru en 1894, et marque une étape importante vers la réalisation d’un catalogue moderne. Il met en relation des fragments maintenant conservés à des milliers de kilomètres de distance. Il offre aux spécialistes (éditeurs de textes, biblistes, liturgistes, historiens, codicologues) une base renouvelée et plus sure pour de futures recherches.
Academic collection --- 235.3*33 --- 235.3*33 Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Manuscrits syriaques --- Sinaï
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The reign of Khusro I (531-579) was a key-period for the history of the Sasanian Empire. Nevertheless, sporadic persecutions of Christians converted from Zoroastrianism are attested. Among these martyrs, there were famous people of civil society such as Grigor Piran-Gusnasp, general-in-chief of the king’s armies, Yazd-panah, a high dignitary and judge, and ‘Awira, a courtier. The most famous was the Catholicos Mar Abba (540-552), who reunified the Church of the East after nearly twenty-five years of schism; canonist and exegete, he also restored ecclesiastical discipline which had been significantly weakened since 484. He is known to have been involved in Mazdeo-Christian controversies and polemical debates with West-Syrian Christians. These narratives written by contemporaries to the events are the only East-Syrian hagiographies of that time in Syriac; they provide valuable informations regarding socio-religious and political situation of the sixth century Orient. A critical edition based on manuscripts from the London, Berlin and Vatican Libraries, including a translation in French with a commentary, is presented for the first time. Le règne du souverain Khusro Ier (531-579) fut une période-phare de l’histoire de la Perse sassanide, marquée aussi par des persécutions sporadiques à l’encontre des chrétiens d’origine zoroastrienne. Parmi ces martyrs figurent de grands personnages de la société civile tels Grigor Pirian-Gusnasp, général en chef des armées du roi, un haut-fonctionnaire et juge du nom de Yazd-panah ainsi qu’un notable de la cour, ‘Awira. Le plus illustre fut sans doute le catholicos Mar Abba (540-552), réunificateur de l’Église d’Orient après un schisme de près de vingt-cinq ans, canoniste, exégète, restaurateur de la discipline ecclésiastique qui avait été affaiblie depuis l’action entreprise par Barsauma en 484, controversiste réputé avec les zoroastriens et les chrétiens syro-orthodoxes, médiateur de paix pour les communautés chrétiennes. Ces textes, mis par écrit par des contemporains des événements, sont les seules hagiographies syro-orientales de cette époque à nous être parvenues en syriaque et présentent une remarquable qualité d’informations sur le paysage socio-religieux et politique de l’Orient au VIe siècle. Une édition critique commentée, accompagnée d’une traduction en français, est pour la première fois proposée à partir des uniques manuscrits existants de Londres, Berlin et du Vatican.
235.3*33 --- Academic collection --- Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Christian martyrs --- History --- Syria --- Church history --- 235.3*33 Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Sources
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A reference work, in French, of saintly figures who played a role in the history and consciousness of the Syriac-speaking church in the East. Details about them are scattered in calendrical, hagiographical, martyro-logical, historical, and other works, and the author has now collected this material and organized it in a work that will long remain a classic in its field. Entries for the various saints are arranged in alphabetical order (with full cross-referencing) and offer not only such details as are known about these figures but also a scholarly assessment of their personae and references for further reading. The book is essential reading for those interested in the history of the Syriac church, Muslim-Christian relations, the rise and development of Christianity in the Middle East, comparative religion, and Syriac literature.
Christian saints --- Syriac Christians --- Eastern churches --- Christian hagiography --- Saints chrétiens --- Chrétiens syriaques --- Eglises orientales --- Hagiographie chrétienne --- Dictionaries --- French --- Dictionnaires français --- Syriac Christian saints --- 235.3*33 --- Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- 235.3*33 Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Saints chrétiens --- Chrétiens syriaques --- Hagiographie chrétienne --- Dictionnaires français --- Syriac saints, Christian --- Syriac Christian saints - Dictionaries --- Syrie --- Saints --- Martyres Persae
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"The History of the 'Slave of Christ' : From Jewish Child to Christian Martyr offers the first critical editions and English translations of the two Syriac recensions of this fascinating text, which narrates the story of a young Jewish child, Asher, who after converting to Christianity and taking the name ʻAbda da-Miḥa ('slave of Christ') is martyred by his father Levi in a scene reminiscent of Abraham's offering of Isaac in Genesis 22. In a detailed introduction, the authors argue that the text is a fictional story composed during the early Islamic period (ca. 650-850) probably in Shigar (modern Sinjār). Building upon methodology from the study of Western Christian and Jewish texts, they further contend that the story's author constructs an imagined Jew based on the Hebrew Bible, thereby challenging the way that previous scholars have used this text as straightforward evidence for historical interactions between Jews and Christians in Babylonia at this time. This ultimately allows the authors to reevaluate the purpose of the text and to situate it in its Late Antique Babylonian context"--
Christianity and other religions --- Martyrs. --- Judaism. --- ʻAbdā da-Mšiḥā, --- Criticism, Textual. --- ʻAbdā da-Mšiḥā, --- ʻAbdā da-Mšíḥā --- 235.3*33 --- 235.3*33 Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Slave of Christ --- Martyrs --- Heroes --- Martyrdom --- Persecution --- Judaism --- Criticism, Textual --- Christianity and other religions - Judaism --- Abd al-Masih (Christodulus) qui et Aser Iudaeus m. Singarensis
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Theology, Doctrinal - History - Early church, ca. 30-600 --- Stephen bar-Ṣūdhailē, - approximately 500-approximately 550 - Ketava de-ḳudsha Iyruteʼus --- Theology, Doctrinal --- History --- Stephen bar-Ṣūdhailē, --- Stephen bar-Ṣūdhailē, --- Syrian Orthodox Church --- Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch --- Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East --- Jacobite Church --- Syro-Iakovitikē Ekklēsia --- Baṭriyarkīyat Anṭākiyah wa-Sāʾir al-Mashriq lil-Suryān al-Urthūdhuks --- Syriac Orthodox Church --- Syriac Orthodox Church of Antioch --- Église d'Antioche syrienne orthodoxe --- Église syriaque orthodoxe --- Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East --- ʻIdto Suryoyto Triṣut̲ Šub̲ḥo --- Syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkan --- Kanīsat Anṭākiyah al-Suryānīyah al-Urthūdhuksīyah --- كنيسة أنطاكية السريانية الأرثوذكسية --- ʻIdtā d-Anṭiyok d-Súryāye Ārtādāwksú --- Syriasch-Orthodoxe Kirche --- Doctrines --- History. --- 235.3*33 --- 235.3*33 Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Syrische hagiografische bronnen --- Stephen bar-Ṣūdhailē
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