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Women --- Revolutionaries --- Revolutionaries. --- Women. --- 1868-1945. --- Japan --- Japan. --- History
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Buddhism --- Orientalism. --- Missions. --- History --- World's Parliament of Religions --- Buddhism - Missions. --- Buddhism - Japan - History - 1868-1945.
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Diplomatic relations. --- 1868-1945. --- China. --- Japan --- Japan --- Japan. --- Foreign relations --- History, Military
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Bouddhisme --- Buddhism --- Buddhism. --- Buddhist scholars --- Buddhist scholars. --- Savants bouddhistes --- Histoire --- History --- Murakami, Senjō, --- 1868-1945. --- Japan.
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Meiji-restauratie --- Ishikawa-ken (Japan) --- History --- History. --- Japan --- History, 1868-1945
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Bénédiction des drapeaux, croisade pour la défense de la civilisation chrétienne face au bolchevisme, théories suspectes de la guerre juste, on croyait ces images et ces thèmes réservés à l'Occident. Au moins la compassion bouddhiste aurait-elle protégé l'Asie de pareilles dérives. Point, comme le démontre à l'envi le livre de Brian Victoria. Très tôt dans le XXe siècle, le bouddhisme japonais s'est dévoyé en idéologie guerrière au service d'un pouvoir agressif et impérialiste. Les plus grands maîtres, et le célèbre D. T. Suzuki, ont légitimé l'alliance entre le sabre et le zen. Collecte de fonds pour l'effort de guerre, cérémonies spéciales pour l'obtention de la victoire, création de centres d'instruction, activités de renseignement, endoctrinement des populations, cette collusion n'a pas cessé en 1945, elle s'est métamorphosée dans le fameux " zen d'entreprise " du Japon en plein essor. Le pouvoir impérial a réussi à fabriquer de toutes pièces, avec la complicité des maîtres de sagesse, une " âme du Japon éternel " inquiétante, trahissant les lois de la tradition bouddhiste la plus établie. L'Occident n'est donc plus seul à porter la lourde tâche d'une interrogation sérieuse des origines et de la nature des déviances totalitaires du siècle venant de s'écouler.
Bouddhisme --- Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) --- Nationalisme --- Zen --- Guerre --- Militarisme --- Aspect religieux --- Zen. --- religion --- 1868-1945 --- éthique --- histoire buddhiste --- bouddhisme en occident --- militarisme japonais --- Japon --- non-violence --- ultranationalisme --- doctrine
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"Faith and Power in Japanese Buddhist Art explores the transformation of Buddhism from the premodern to the contemporary era in Japan and the central role its visual culture has played in this transformation. Although Buddhism is generally regarded as peripheral to modern Japanese society, this book demonstrates otherwise. Its chapters elucidate the thread of change over time in the practice of Buddhism as revealed in temple worship halls and other sites of devotion and in imagery representing the religion’s most popular deities and religious practices. It also introduces the work of modern and contemporary artists who are not generally associated with institutional Buddhism and its canonical visual requirements but whose faith inspires their art.The author makes a persuasive argument that the neglect of these materials by scholars results from erroneous presumptions about the aesthetic superiority of early Japanese Buddhist artifacts and an asserted decline in the institutional power of the religion after the sixteenth century. She demonstrates that recent works constitute a significant contribution to the history of Japanese art and architecture, providing evidence of Buddhism’s compelling presence at all levels of Japanese society and its evolution in response to the needs of new generations of supporters." -- Publisher's description.
Buddhism - Japan - History - 1600-1868. --- Buddhism - Japan - History - 1868-1945. --- Buddhism - Japan - History - 1945 --- -Buddhist arts - Japan. --- Buddhist arts --- Buddhism --- Arts, Buddhist --- Arts --- History
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Anarchism --- Anarchism. --- Buddhism --- Buddhism. --- Dharma (Buddhism). --- Dharma (Buddhism). --- Socialism and Buddhism. --- Socialism and Buddhism. --- History --- Uchiyama, Gudō, --- Uchiyama, Gudō, --- 1868-1945. --- Japan.
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Zen --- Buddhist teachings --- ethics --- venerated doctrines --- Buddhist history --- western Buddhism --- Japanese militarism --- Japan --- nonviolence --- ultranationalism --- Japanese Buddhism --- religion --- 1868-1945 --- world religion --- Zen Buddhism --- japanese religions --- Meiji Restoration
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Japon --- Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) --- Histoire militaire --- Campagnes et batailles --- Japon --- Guerre mondiale (1939-1945) --- Histoire militaire --- 1868-1945 --- Campagnes et batailles --- Japon
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