Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Vita del beato Giuseppe Calasanzio della Madre di Dio fondatore de' Cherici Regolari Poveri della Madre di Dio delle Scuole Pie

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The true coppie of a letter, written from the leager by Arnham, the 27. day of Iuly : according to the computation of the Church of Rome. Wherin is perticularly set forth, the ouerthrowe of the Prince of Parmaes forces, before Knodtsenburgh sconce. Translated out of Dutch. Seene and allowed.
Year: 1591
Publisher: At London : Printed [by E. Allde] for Andrew White, and are to be sold at his shop by the Royall Exchange ouer against the Conduct in Corne-hill,

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A copie of a certaine letter written by a person of reputation, to a prelate of brabant, being at Brussels. The 25. of Februarie. 1599
Year: 1599
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By [E. Allde for] Iohn Wolfe, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes-head Alley neere to the Exchange,

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A proclamation of the Lords the Generall States, of the vnited Prouinces : whereby the Spaniards and all their goods are declared to be lawfull prize: as also containing a strickt defence or restraint of sending any goods, wares, or merchandizes to the Spaniards or their adherents, enemies to the Netherlandes. Faithfully translated out of the Dutch coppy printed at S. Grauen Haghe by Aelbercht Heyndrickson, printer to the Generall States.
United Provinces of the Netherlands.
Year: 1599
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By [E. Allde for] Iohn Wolfe, and are to be solde at his shop in Popes-head Alley, neere .. Exchange,

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A declaration or proffer of the Archdukes of Brabant : concerning a truce betweene them and the States of the Free vnited Netherlandish Prouinces, tending to the treatie for a perpetuall peace betweene them: or for a surceasance of armes for certaine yeares. Contained in a letter sent vnto the said states. Also the ansvver and acceptance of the states of the vnited prouinces vnto the arch-dukes. Translated out of Netherlandish printed copie.

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Le Soulèvement des Pays-Bas contre la domination espagnole, 1574-1579

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Kerk en Staat in de zuidelijke Nederlanden onder de regeering der aartshertogen Albrecht en Isabella (1598-1621)

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Geschichte des Aufstandes und der Kriege in den Niederlanden

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San José de Calasanz
Bau, Calasanz
Year: 1967
Publisher: Salamanca: Publicaciones de Revista Calasancia,

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Princeps iuventutis : Giuseppe Calasanzio e la rivoluzione educativa : atti del Convegno internazionale di studi, Lecce - Campi Salentina, 24-25 novembre 2017

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