Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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A dissertation on John Norris of Bemerton.
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An essay towards the theory of the intelligible world intuitively considered : designed for forty-nine parts : Part III : consisting of a preface, a postscript, and a little something between
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The philosophy of John Norris of Bemerton (1657-1712)
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The philosophy of John Norris
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Mary Astell and John Norris : letters concerning the love of God
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A true discourse of the late battaile fought betweene our Englishmen, and the Prince of Parma, on Monday the 15. of Nouember 1585 : and of such towers and cities as are of late conquered and brought to the Queenes Maiesties subiection, by that valiant gentleman M. Norris.
W. M.
Year: 1585
Publisher: London : Imprinted by Roger Ward, dwelling néere vnto Holburne Conduit,
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A just reprehension to John Norris of Newton St Loe, for his unjust reflection on the Quakers, : in his book, entituled, Reflections upon the conduct of human life, &c. : Together with his false representation of their principle of the light, in his postscript, wherein he opposes it to his notion of the divine logos or ideal world, as he terms it. His confusion and self-contradiction therein manifested; and the doctrine and principle of the Quakers thereby cleared from his abuse; occasionally written by way of letter, with advice to him, and may serve for a better information of the Quaker principle, to whom the knowledge of his and this shall come.
Vickris, Richard
Year: 1691
Publisher: [London] : Printed, and sold by T.S. at the Crooked-Billet, in Holywell-Lane, in Shoreditch,
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A farewell : Entituled to the famous and fortunate generalls of our English forces: Sir Iohn Norris & Syr Frauncis Drake Knights, and all theyr braue and resolute followers. VVhereunto is annexed: a tale of Troy. Doone by George Peele, Maister of Artes in Oxforde.
Peele, George
Year: 1589
Publisher: At London : Printed by I[ohn] C[harlewood] and are to bee solde by William Wright, at his shop adioyning to S. Mildreds Church in the Poultrie,
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Nevves sent out of Britayn, and other places on the third of Iune 1591. to a gentleman of account : Concerning the seuerall exploits of Sir Iohn Norris, Lord Governour of hir Maiesties forces in Brittaine, since his departure from England.
Year: 1591
Publisher: London : Printed by Iohn VVolfe, and are to be sold at his shop right ouer against the great south-doore of Paules,
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Truth and innocency defended : being a sober reply to some excesses in a treatise written by John Norris, concerning the divine light, wherein his personal reflections and misrepresentations of the Quakers about their principle of the light are further considered.
Vickris, Richard
Year: 1692
Publisher: London : Printed and sold by T. Sowle ...,
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