Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The resurrection revealed, or, The dawnings of the day-star : about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory far beyond any since the creation upon the Universal Church on earth : for a thousand yeers yet to come before the ultimate day of the general judgement to the raising of the Jews and ruine of all antichristian and secular powers that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws and advance his interest in this design : digested into seven bookes with a synopsis of the whole treatise and two tables, 1 of scriptures, 2 of things opened in this treatise
Homes, Nathanael
Year: 1654
Publisher: London : Printed by Robert Ibbitson and are to be sold by Thomas Pierrepont ...,

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The catechism of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in the thousand years : shewing by Scripture 1. That the great articles of the redemption, 2. The resurrection, 3. The mystery of the saints not dying but chang'd, 4. The judgment, 5. The delivery up of the kingdom to God all in all, cannot be explained at full dimensions without it.
Beverley, Thomas.
Year: 1696
Publisher: London : Printed for and sold by William Marshall and also by John Marshall,

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A treatise on the millennium : in which the prevailing theories on that subject are carefully examined and the true scriptural doctrine attempted to be elicited and established
Bush, George
Year: 1932
Publisher: New York J.J. Harper

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A dissertation upon the beginning of the next century: and the solution of the problem : to know which of the two years 1700 or 1701 is the first of the next century? With some considerations about the observation of the year of Jubilee. Translated out of French.
Year: 1699
Publisher: London : printed, and are to be sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-Hall,

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The Day of the Lord, or, Israel's retvrn : with an humble presentation of the divine characters whereby this wonderfull day may seem very neer approaching.
Year: 1654
Publisher: London : Printed by T.W. for J. Crook,

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A demonstrative Scripture-proof from Mahometan times : the kingdom of Christ must needs be in its succession, 1697. By T. Beverley.

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The catechism of the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in the thousand years : shewing by scripure that the great articles of the redemption, the resurrection, the mystery of the saints not dying but chang'd, the judgment, the delivery up of the kingdom to God all in all cannot be explained at full dimensions without it.

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Millénarisme et acculturation
Kaufmann, Robert
Year: 1964
Publisher: Bruxelles: Ed. de l'Institut de sociologie de l'ULB,

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Millennial dreams in action

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Christs personal reign on earth one thousand yeers wih his saints : the manner, beginning and continuation of his reign clearlie proved by many plain texts of Scripture and the chief objections against it fully answered : explaining the 20 of the Revelations and all other Scripture prophecies that treat of it, and of Satan being shut up for one thousand years that he shal not have power to deceive the nations during the thousand years.
Burden, William.
Year: 1654
Publisher: London : Printed by T. Lock for Wil. Burden,

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