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The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all aspects of our everyday lives - from the political to the economic to the social. Using a multimodal discourse analysis approach, this dynamic collection examines various discourses, modes and media in circulation during the early stages of the pandemic, and how these have impacted our daily lives in terms of the various meanings they express. Examples include how national and international news organisations communicate important information about the virus and the crisis, the public's reactions to such communications, the resultant (counter-)discourses as manifested in social media posts and memes, as well as the impact social distancing policies and mobility restrictions have had on people's communication and interaction practices. The book offers a synoptic view of how the pandemic was communicated, represented and (re-)contextualised across different spheres, and ultimately hopes to help account for the significant changes we are continuing to witness in our everyday lives as the pandemic unfolds. This volume will appeal primarily to scholars in the field of (multimodal) discourse analysis. It will also be of interest to researchers and graduate students in other fields whose work focuses on the use of multimodal artefacts for communication and meaning making.
Linguistics. --- Language Arts. --- Language arts --- Language arts.
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Die Fachdidaktik Niederländisch - richtet sich an angehende und praktizierende Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die das Fach Niederländisch unterrichten oder unterrichten möchten - ist dem kompetenzorientierten Niederländischunterricht an weiterführenden Schulen verpflichtet - führt allgemein-fremdsprachendidaktische Grundlagen sowie fachdidaktische Besonderheiten des Niederländischunterrichts auf - kann bundeslandunabhängig und schulformübergreifend Anwendung finden - ist benutzerfreundlich durch Navigation, Stichwortverzeichnis und Verweise - enthält eine Methodensammlung mit 30 Methoden und Arbeitsformen.
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"Carlos Assuncao/José Paulo Tavares/Goncalo Fernandes Ambiguidade e desambiguacao automática das preposicoes latinas no livro terceiro da Clavis Prophetarum Marcello Aprile I primi secoli della lessicografia dialettale italiana Patrizia Cordin/Leonardo Degasperi Cambiamenti morfo-sintattici nel dialetto trentino di Piracicaba Renata Coray/Alexandre Duchêne Das Seilziehen um Zahlen. Schweizer Volkszählungen und das Bündnerromanische Véronique Winand Le Ms. Modena, Biblioteca Estense Universitaria .W.3.13 (Mod2): Une structure cyclique alternative de Guiron Le Courtois Maria Colombo Timelli Moyen francais entre manuscrit et imprimé. Le cas du Dialogue des creatures (traduction anonyme, 1482) Riccardo Regis I continuatori di -tor/-tore nelle Valli Valdesi: oggi e ieri Paolo Gresti Sulla canzone "Nulhs hom non es tan fizels vas senhor" di Aimeric de Pegulhan (BEdT 10.38) Aitor Carrera Variació geolingüistica en la fitonimia de l'occità de la Vall d'Aran. Les designacions de la gavarrera i el gavarró, el jonc, l'ortiga i la ginesta a l'alta conca de la Garona Rémy Viredaz Catalan eixorc 'stérile' Santiago Vicente Llavata Notas en torno al grado de castellanización de la Crónica troyana promovida por Juan Fernández de Heredia en el estudio contrastivo de su fraseologia Maria José Martinez Alcalde <> de la Spanish Grammar (1599) de John Minsheu frente a la Gramática de la lengua vulgar de Espana (1559): algo más que un plagio Livia C. Garcia Aguiar La elisión de que en las completivas de un corpus municipal de los siglos XVIII y XIX José Barbosa Machado A perifrase verbal com haver + de + infinitivo na traducao portuguesa da Vita Christi de Ludolfo de Saxónia Rolf Eberenz Germán Colón Doménech. 30 novembre 1928 - 20 mars 2020 Eric Flückiger, Paul-Henri Liard. 7 février 1945 - 8 juin 2019 Besprechungen - Comptes rendus Nachrichten - Chronique Prix Collegium Romanicum pour l'avancement de la relève Adresses des auteures et auteurs (contributions originales)".
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Eine der grundlegenden Fragen, im öffentlichen Recht im Allgemeinen wie im Bergrecht im Besonderen, ist immer noch die Frage nach der Rechtsnachfolge in öffentlich-rechtliche Zulassungen. Dabei ist kaum ein anderes Rechtsgebiet wie das Bergrecht von einer langen Tradition geprägt, ohne an Aktualität einzubüßen. Gerade in einer Situation wie der heutigen, in der viele (ehemalige) Bergbauunternehmen einem Restrukturierungsprozess unterzogen werden, ist besonders die bergrechtliche Nachfolgefrage von praktischer Bedeutung: was geschieht im Falle des Todes eines Berechtigungsinhabers, in Fällen gesellschaftsrechtlicher Umwandlungen bestehender Bergbauunternehmen oder im Falle der Veräußerung eines Bergwerks mit den erteilten Bergbauberechtigungen und Betriebsplanzulassungen? Ein Vergleich mit der Rechtsnachfolge in verschiedene Zulassungsakte auf dem Gebiet des vorhaben- und produktbezogenen Umweltrechts liefert Lösungsmöglichkeiten und fördert zugleich das Bedürfnis nach einer Änderung der im Bundesberggesetz bestehenden Regelungen über die Rechtsnachfolge zutage.
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This volume provides a collection of research reports on multilingualism and language contact ranging from Romance, to Germanic, Greco and Slavic languages in situations of contact and diaspora. Most of the contributions are empirically-oriented studies presenting first-hand data based on original fieldwork, and a few focus directly on the methodological issues in such research. Owing to the multifaceted nature of contact and diaspora phenomena (e.g. the intrinsic transnational essence of contact and diaspora, and the associated interplay between majority and minoritized languages and multilingual practices in different contact settings, contact-induced language change, and issues relating to convergence) the disciplinary scope is broad, and includes ethnography, qualitative and quantitative sociolinguistics, formal linguistics, descriptive linguistics, contact linguistics, historical linguistics, and language acquisition. Case studies are drawn from Italo-Romance varieties in the Americas, Spanish-Nahuatl contact, Castellano Andino, Greko/Griko in Southern Italy, Yiddish in Anglophone communities, Frisian in the Netherlands, Wymysiöryś in Poland, Sorbian in Germany, and Pomeranian and Zeelandic Flemish in Brazil.
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This book introduces formal grammar theories that play a role in current linguistic theorizing (Phrase Structure Grammar, Transformational Grammar/Government & Binding, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, Lexical Functional Grammar, Categorial Grammar, Head-?Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Construction Grammar, Tree Adjoining Grammar). The key assumptions are explained and it is shown how the respective theory treats arguments and adjuncts, the active/passive alternation, local reorderings, verb placement, and fronting of constituents over long distances. The analyses are explained with German as the object language. The second part of the book compares these approaches with respect to their predictions regarding language acquisition and psycholinguistic plausibility. The nativism hypothesis, which assumes that humans posses genetically determined innate language-specific knowledge, is critically examined and alternative models of language acquisition are discussed. The second part then addresses controversial issues of current theory building such as the question of flat or binary branching structures being more appropriate, the question whether constructions should be treated on the phrasal or the lexical level, and the question whether abstract, non-visible entities should play a role in syntactic analyses. It is shown that the analyses suggested in the respective frameworks are often translatable into each other. The book closes with a chapter showing how properties common to all languages or to certain classes of languages can be captured.
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In un poliedrico contesto d'interculturalità e d'internazionalizzazione, in cui si rende necessaria una formazione linguistica specializzata basata su competenze trasversali, il volume intende incentivare la discussione su questioni relative alla concezione del discorso come fenomeno che si sviluppa dinamicamente nell'intersezione tra lingua e società. Ci siamo proposti, quindi, di consolidare l'interesse dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II a promuovere il dibattito sulla rilevanza, nella ricostruzione dell'attuale contesto sociale, del conseguimento di un'istruzione di qualità, che sia equa, inclusiva e sostenibile. I saggi raccolti, che nascono da un progetto europeo di ricerca (ErasmusPlus, EULALIA), ci consentono di osservare e comprendere l'utilizzo di nuove tipologie e modalità discorsive a partire da tre nuclei tematici: Multialfabetizzazione e multimodalità: trasversalità e i discorsi del futuro, Discorso inclusivo e sociale: verso un utilizzo responsabile e Digital literacies: nuovi discorsi e formazione linguistica./ [English]: In a multifaceted framework of interculturality and internationalization, where specialized language education based on transversal skills is required, this volume aims to stimulate discussion on discourse as a dynamic phenomenon developing at the intersection between language and society. It thus consolidates the interest of the University of Naples Federico II in promoting debate on the need to achieve equitable, inclusive, and sustainable quality education in today's social context. The essays gathered in the volume, inspired by a European research project (ErasmusPlus, EULALIA), are intended to allow a deeper understanding of the utilization of new discursive types and modalities, taking a cue from three thematic cores: Multiliteracy and multimodality: transversality and future-oriented discourses, Towards a responsible use of inclusive and social discourse, Digital literacies: new discourses and langua.
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"Marion Uhlig / Fabien Python Barlaam et Josaphat ou l'asymptote étymologique Silvia Natale Ancora sulla perifrasi progressiva: aspetti microdiacronici Filippo Pecorari Anafora e coreferenza: riflessioni in prospettiva teorica Wolfgang Eichenhofer Glarner Namengut (vor)romanischer Herkunft Ricarda Liver Das Lied vom Müsserkrieg von Gian Travers in der Sprachgeschichte des Bündnerromanischen Ricarda Liver Zur Geschichte von bünderromanisch prus 'gut, rechtschaffen, fromm, brav, zahm ...' Claudio Lagomarsini I frammenti losannesi dei Fet des Romains Huw Grange French didactic works in medieval Italy. The case of the Dyalogue du pere et du filz Francisco de Borja Marcos Alvarez Algunas enmiendas al texto del Libro de Alexandre Maria Heredia Mantis Mateo Alemán y la gramática castellana Besprechungen - Comptes rendus Nachrichten - Chronique Adresses des auteures et auteurs (contributions originales) Prix Collegium Romanicum pour l'avancement de la relève".
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