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cardiology --- heart failure --- cardiac failure
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Management of Heart Failure has been conceived as a rapid but comprehensive review for practitioners of all persuasions involved in the management of patients with heart failure. Heart failure is a problem of epidemic proportions in all parts of the world. State of the art treatment may not be accessible to all, but simply creating an awareness of simple methods of diagnosis and treatment would assist in promoting a better global response to this epidemic. This practical volume, written by a panel of world-renown cardiology experts, focuses on the surgical management of heart failure. Surgery for heart failure is an evolving and new area in cardiac surgery with many exciting developments. This volume will be essential reading for all specialists dealing with patients with or who are at risk of heart failure, including but not limited to cardiologists, emergency medicine physicians, critical care physicians, anesthesiologists, interventionalists and cardiothoracic surgeons.
Heart failure --- Treatment. --- Surgery. --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Diseases
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Heart failure. --- Heart --- Diseases --- Epidemiology. --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Cardiac arrest
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Heart failure --- Treatment. --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Diseases
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Heart failure is defined as the weakening of the heart's pumping power, and that it is unable to adequately supply the body with oxygen and nutrients. As the heart weakens it tends to stretch and stiffen under the stress. The kidneys respond by causing the body to retain fluid. If fluid builds up in the arms, legs, ankles, feet, lungs, or other organs, the body becomes congested, and congestive heart failure is the term used to describe the condition. Heart failure is the result of heart damage that can be caused by a number of diseases, including coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, atria
Heart failure --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Research. --- Diseases
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Heart failure. --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Diseases
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"Clinical practice consensus guidelines for management of heart failure are available from the American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology, Heart Failure Society of America, Canadian Cardiovascular Society, and European Society of Cardiology. The guidelines from these organizations, based on evidence from clinical trials and expert agreement, are largely concordant and provide useful information for practitioners. Yet, the organization of the guidelines may confound efforts by a practitioner to determine which specific intervention, or combination of interventions, are most appropriate for an individual patient. As part of the Oxford American Cardiology Library, Heart Failure utilizes the staging of heart failure proposed by the ACC/AHA guidelines as a framework to develop a systematic approach for diagnosis and treatment across a broad spectrum of clinical presentations. Each chapter addresses a different stage in the progression of heart failure and provides a patient-centered description of the appropriate diagnostic and treatment options for that setting. Each chapter also incorporates discussion of the diagnosis and treatment options for both low ejection fraction heart failure patients and preserved ejection fraction heart failure patients, of which the latter group comprises at least 50% of all heart failure cases in clinical practice. Heart Failure restructures the information in the clinical guidelines to a format that is more accessible and clinically useful to practitioners"--Provided by publisher.
Heart failure --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Diagnosis. --- Treatment. --- Diseases
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Heart failure is an important and ever expanding sub-speciality of cardiology. Many health care professional bodies are now developing specialist expertise in heart failure. This is true for cardiologists in training, consultant cardiologists, care of the elderly and general physicians, cardiothoracic surgeons, primary care doctors, pharmacists and specialist nurses. With advances in medical therapy, the prognosis of the condition has improved dramatically. Whereas once heart failure was a pre-terminal diagnosis, now for many it is treatable. However, some patients remain symptomatic and at hi
Heart failure --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Diseases
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Učebnice Srdeční selhání podává ucelený souhrn epidemiologie, etiologie, diagnostiky a léčby akutního a chronického srdečního selhání. Jejím cílem je mimo jiné upozornit na špatnou prognózu pacientů, nutnost včasné diagnózy a zahájení terapie. Učebnice zahrnuje také současný pohled na organizaci péče o pacienty se srdečním selháním a podává ucelený pohled na aktuální problematiku paliativní péče. Současné druhé vydání je doplněno o nové poznatky především z oblasti patofyziologie a farmakoterapie. Podává informace o moderních metodách přístrojové a chirurgické léčby. Kniha je určena nejen pro studenty se zájmem o obor vnitřního lékařství a kardiologie. Při stoupajícím výskytu srdečního selhání v populaci je pravděpodobné, že s pacientem se srdečním selháním se během své praxe setkají nejen kardiologové, internisté nebo praktičtí lékaři, ale i lékaři dalších odborností.
Heart failure --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Diagnosis. --- Treatment. --- Diseases
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Dr. Douglas L. Mann, one of the foremost experts in the field, presents the 2nd Edition of Heart Failure: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease. This completely reworked edition covers the scientific and clinical guidance you need to effectively manage your patients and captures the dramatic advances made in the field over the last five years. Now in full color and with convenient online access, this edition features eleven new chapters, including advanced cardiac imaging techniques, use of biomarkers, cell-based therapies and tissue engineering, device therapies, and much more.
Heart failure. --- Cardiac failure --- Cardiac insufficiency --- Failure, Heart --- Insufficiency, Cardiac --- Heart --- Cardiac arrest --- Diseases
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