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Many lower density regions in the OECD face shrinkage, with projections suggesting that half of Europe will need to manage decline in remote regions by 2050. Half of Estonia's counties experienced population decline greater than 25% since 1991. Shrinkage leads to problems including lower municipal revenues, ageing, and greater per capita costs of service and infrastructure provision. Estonia is also the most carbon-intensive economy in the OECD, and heavily utilises its forests and land. To tackle these challenges, the report provides analyses in a number of policy areas to respond to demographic change in a smart and sustainable manner. A policy framework that emphasises a spatially oriented, coordinated approach for responding to shrinkage is developed. The report provides policy recommendations to make land use more efficient and spatial planning more coherent. It suggests ways to improve the transfer system and strengthen the municipal revenue base while encouraging inter-municipal cooperation. It also discusses education, the municipalities' largest spending responsibility, providing recommendations that adapt the school network to shrinkage while ensuring access to high-quality education for all students.
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Este trabalho analisa as teorias científicas que procuram explicar a aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem e do pensamento sob a perspectiva genética. Essa análise é feita a partir dos debates entre seus expoentes mais ilustres, como Vygotsky, Wallon, Chomsky e Piaget, e dos pontos de convergência e divergência entre eles. Apesar das diferenças, há entre esses pensadores um propósito comum: fundamentar o estudo psicológico daquelas funções sobre bases científicas e genéticas e superar as concepções idealistas e materialistas mecanicistas. Desse modo, Dongo-Montoya retoma o tema da origem do pensamento da linguagem, com o debate entre Vygotsky e Piaget, cujas ideias estiveram presentes nas discussões do século XX. Na sequência, confronta as posições de Wallon e Piaget e de Piaget e Chomsky. Por fim, o autor dedica-se a evidenciar o pensamento mais atual e acabado de Piaget sobre o tema e a apresentar as consequências do desenvolvimento desses debates e dessas teorias sobre pensamento e linguagem para as questões educacionais e pedagógicas atuais.
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Conçu pour l'apprentissage et le perfectionnement de l'anglais en psychologie, écrit par des spécialistes appartenant à de nombreuses universités françaises ou étrangères, cet ouvrage aborde les thématiques classiques et contemporaines des différents champs de la psychologie (sociale, cognitive, clinique, santé, organisations, ergonomie, neuropsychologie). [4e de couv.].
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« Qu'est-ce qui se passe vraiment dans ton cabinet avec tes patients ? » A cette interrogation, il est ici répondu, à ceci près que le cabinet en question trouve une place singulière à l'hôpital et que les patients désignés sont tous des malades, atteints dans leur corps, gravement, parfois même tragiquement. Des psys témoignent, au plus près de leurs pratiques, de ce qui fait la vérité et l'intensité de leur rencontre avec ces malades, leurs familles et les équipes qui les prennent en charge. Ils exposent leur façon de faire, de penser, de vivre ces rencontres et ce faisant, s'exposent au plus vrai de leur être. « C'est quoi être psy en milieu médical et auprès de malades, souvent expropriés d'eux-mêmes par la maladie ? » Ce livre nous le dit. Plus, il convie le lecteur à participer à ce travail et à ces rencontres. La porte s'entrouvre sur ce monde mystérieux qui sait si bien se protéger sous prétexte de confidentialité. Cet ouvrage espère trouver ainsi de nouveaux confidents à cette souffrance humaine et de nouveaux passeurs qui témoignent de l'importance de ce travail, au quotidien, pour la vie et la pensée.
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"The main thread of these memoirs is limited, approximately, to the first two-thirds of my professional career largely devoted to clinical practice, the organization, supervision, and administration of departments or divisions of special education for all kinds of handicapped children, the offering of courses of instruction in 28 colleges, universities, schools of education, and training schools in the fields of special education, clinical psychology, and mental hygiene, and the prosecution of investigations of widely different kinds. Although thus limited in its main stream, digressions have frequently been made in order to incorporate more recent happenings or developments which supply additional concrete illustrations of the earlier situations depicted, or additional confirmatory evidence for the implications suggested or the conclusions drawn, or additional or different practical applications. In the introduction of such commentaries the psychological, rather than the logical order has, in general, been followed. They have been introduced as asides at the relevant points in the narrative, that is, in connection with the incidents or situations that have been described. The attempt has been made to introduce these remarks in such a way as not to interfere seriously with the progress of the story. Parts of the narrative have, indeed, been brought down to 1954. The narrative may prove of interest and value to psychologists, psychiatrists, educationists, teachers, physicians, school patrons, and taxpayers, as well as to students who are preparing for service as psychologists, teachers, principals, and superintendents of publicly-supported day and residential institutions. It is hoped that this frank and truthful recital of pioneering in several areas of public service will prove, not only interesting, entertaining, and edifying, but that it will provoke action to overcome the conditions that may still interfere with the efficient operation and organization of public institutions"--Introduction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).
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