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Kvensk grammatikk
ISBN: 9788202569655 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oslo Cappelen Damm Akademisk/NOASP (Nordic Open Access Scholarly Publishing)

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Kvensk grammatikk is a comprehensive presentation of the structure of the Kven language, a Baltic-Finnic minority language in Norway. The grammar has been reviewed and approved by Kvensk språkting, the decision-making body for the school norm of Kven. The book was first published in Kven, and Kvensk grammatikk is a somewhat revised version, translated into Norwegian. The book describes the sound system and orthography in Kven. It contains a detailed syntactic-semantic analysis of adposition usage and of the conjunction and subjunction system in the language, and describes the adverb types found in Kven based on their semantic function. The pronouns system as well is thoroughly described in the grammar. The syntax part is based on an ontological-semantic analysis of the verbs. The basic idea is that the verbs of the same ontological-semantic category have the same valency structure; that is, the actual semantic relationships are reflected in the sentence structure. The result is a description of frequent sentence types in the language, what kind of complements they take, and what case the complements have. The morphology part takes care of nominal and verbal inflection, and all of the inflectional categories are described in detail. Their usage is illustrated with example sentences. All linguistic phenomena treated in this grammar are richly illustrated with examples. For some linguistic phenomena, two or three different dialectal variants may occur. The grammar takes into account this dialectic variation in Kven.



Språk och social miljö : [en introduktion till sociolingvistiken]
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9117640415 Year: 1976 Publisher: Stockholm : PAN/Norstedt,

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Die Rechtsnachfolge in Bergbauberechtigungen und Betriebsplanzulassungen nach dem Bundesberggesetz - Zugleich eine exemplarische Untersuchung der Rechtsnachfolge in umweltrechtliche Anlagen- und Produktzulassungen
Year: 2019 Publisher: Universitätsverlag Göttingen

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Eine der grundlegenden Fragen, im öffentlichen Recht im Allgemeinen wie im Bergrecht im Besonderen, ist immer noch die Frage nach der Rechtsnachfolge in öffentlich-rechtliche Zulassungen. Dabei ist kaum ein anderes Rechtsgebiet wie das Bergrecht von einer langen Tradition geprägt, ohne an Aktualität einzubüßen. Gerade in einer Situation wie der heutigen, in der viele (ehemalige) Bergbauunternehmen einem Restrukturierungsprozess unterzogen werden, ist besonders die bergrechtliche Nachfolgefrage von praktischer Bedeutung: was geschieht im Falle des Todes eines Berechtigungsinhabers, in Fällen gesellschaftsrechtlicher Umwandlungen bestehender Bergbauunternehmen oder im Falle der Veräußerung eines Bergwerks mit den erteilten Bergbauberechtigungen und Betriebsplanzulassungen? Ein Vergleich mit der Rechtsnachfolge in verschiedene Zulassungsakte auf dem Gebiet des vorhaben- und produktbezogenen Umweltrechts liefert Lösungsmöglichkeiten und fördert zugleich das Bedürfnis nach einer Änderung der im Bundesberggesetz bestehenden Regelungen über die Rechtsnachfolge zutage.



Analysieren als Deuten/Wolf Schmid zum 60. Geburtstag
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2004 Publisher: Hamburg Hamburg University Press

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This collection brings together the articles dedicated to the 60th birthday of Professor Wolf Schmid, one of the foremost literary scholars of our times who made a crucial contribution to a wide range of scholarly fields: narratology, poetics, history of Russian and Slavic literature, Pushkin and Dostoevsky. The contributors form a distinguished international group of prominent scholars whose essays in this volume further develop Wolf Schmid's narratological theory, shed new light on major works of literature and offer fascinating new insights into various periods of literary history.



Beruf(ung) DaF/DaZ Band 2 : Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. Uwe Koreik

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Prof. Dr. Uwe Koreik has played a decisive role in shaping the subject of German as a Foreign and Second Language in academic and institutional terms over the past decades. Under the title Beruf(ung) DaF/DaZ, which reflects Uwe Koreik's decades of commitment to the subject and the people associated with it, the commemorative publication for him on the occasion of his 65th birthday is now available. It combines 24 academic contributions and 16 vignettes in two volumes. The academic contributions, written by renowned representatives of the field, trace Uwe Koreik's academic career and address topics from his fields of work and research: Cultural Studies, Film and Literature, Places of Remembrance as well as the field of testing and examination. The vignettes from colleagues, companions and friends also take a look at the human side of Uwe Koreik in humorous and anecdotal form.



The Reality of Tense
Year: 2004 Publisher: Hamburg Hamburg University Press

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philosophical jargon are called Tenses". To claim that Tenses are real is to claim that they are satisfied, i.e. that something in fact possesses them. The debate between realists and antirealists concerning Tense has so far been conducted in ontological terms. Realists about Tense (so-called A-theorists)claim that things really do have Tenses, antirealists (Btheorists) deny this. Most of them claim that Tenses can be reduced to tenseless properties. This book criticises the current debate between A-theorists like Quentin Smith and B-theorists like D. H. Mellor on methodological grounds. It suggests an alternative strategy for how the debate might proceed, where insights from other kinds of realism-debates are made useful for the debate about Tense. This book makes the original attempt to apply two general frameworks for realism-debates, developed by Michael Dummett and Crispin Wright, to the debate about Tense. Here the focus lies on the correct interpretation of the truth-predicate for statements of the disputed kind. The aim of this publication is to show that the debate about the reality of Tense should be reinterpreted as a debate about the truth and semantics of statements which ascribe Tenses."



An introduction to descriptive linguistics
Year: 1955 Publisher: New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston,

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Die Szene des Erzählens : a Ereignishaftes Sprechen in "Bagatelles pour un massacre", "Guignol's band" und "Féerie pour une autre fois" von Louis-Ferdinand Céline
ISBN: 3846754382 Year: 2012 Publisher: Paderborn : Wilhelm Fink Verlag,

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Der französische Schriftsteller Céline ist als Person umstritten, und seine literarischen Texte sind schwer auf den Begriff zu bringen. Vor allem an der Schnittstelle von Pamphlet und Roman stellen sich ästhetische Fragen, die von ethischen nicht zu trennen sind. Antisemitismus und Avantgarde? Was für viele Interpreten nicht zusammengehören darf, scheint in Céline eine groteske Synthese gefunden zu haben. Zeitlebens bedient der Autor die Maske des Monsters, und das nicht nur in seinen Hetzschriften. Das Pamphlet und der Roman liegen dabei auf ein- und derselben Entwicklungslinie: Célines berühmter ›Stil‹ ist nichts anderes als eine ästhetische Strategie, die Selbstinszenierung und Narration auf einen Nenner bringt. Die literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse ist hier mehr als Funktionsbeschreibung. Sie seziert das Monster.



Taal en leven : Een populaire uiteenzetting van enkele taalverschijnselen.
Year: 1949 Publisher: Amsterdam Bezige Bij

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Reading together : Hindu, Urdu and English Village Novels
Year: 2017 Publisher: Basingstoke : Springer Nature,

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Every region of India is and has been multilingual, with speakers of different languages and speakers of multiple languages. But literary 'multilingual locals' are often more fragmented than we think. While multilingualism suggests interest, and proficiency, in more than one literary language and tradition, very real barriers exist in terms of written vs. oral access, mutual interaction, and social and cultural hierarchies and exclusions. What does it mean to take multilingualism seriously when studying literature? One way, this essay suggests, is to consider works on a similar topic or milieu written in the different languages and compare both their literary sensibilities and their social imaginings. Rural Awadh offers an excellent example, as the site of many intersecting processes and discourses-of shared Hindu-Muslim sociality and culture and Muslim separatism, of nostalgia for a sophisticated culture and critique of zamindari exploitation and socio-economic backwardness, as the home of Urdu and of rustic Awadhi. This essay analyses three novels written at different times about rural Awadh-one set before 1947 and the others in the wake of the Zamindari Abolition Act of 1950 and the migration of so many Muslim zamindars from Awadh, either to Pakistan or to Indian cities. The first is Qazi Abdul Sattar's Urdu novel Shab gazida (1962), the other two are Shivaprasad Singh's Alag alag vaitarani (1970) and the Awadh subplot in Vikram Seth's A Suitable Boy (1993). Without making them representatives of their respective languages, by comparing these three novels I am interested in exploring how they frame and what they select of Awadh culture, how much ground and sensibility they share, and how they fit within broader traditions of 'village writing' in Hindi, Urdu, and Indian English.



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