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Das vierbandige "Handbuch zur Geschichte der Konfliktloesung in Europa" beschaftigt sich mit rechtlichen und ausserrechtlichen Wegen der Entscheidung von Konflikten zwischen einzelnen Menschen sowie zwischen Personen und ihren Obrigkeiten. Das von Expertinnen und Experten aus vielen europaischen Landern geschriebene Handbuch soll als zentrales Referenzmedium fur die historische Dimension aller Aspekte der Streitentscheidung dienen.Der Aufbau des Werks orientiert sich an den vier Epochen Antike, Mittelalter, Fruhe Neuzeit und 19./20. Jahrhundert.Nach einer Einfuhrung in die jeweilige Epoche werden die fur den Zeitabschnitt kennzeichnenden Akteure, Verfahren und Institutionen vorgestellt sowie Kernfragen und Zentralprobleme der Streitentscheidung in zeittypischen Konfliktfeldern behandelt. Die europaische Perspektive des Handbuchs schlagt sich in UEberblicken zu einzelnen Landern, Regionen und Rechtskulturen nieder. Ausfuhrliche Hinweise auf die weiterfuhrende Literatur runden die Darstellung ab. Der vorliegende Band 3 umfasst Beitrage zur Fruhen Neuzeit.
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Discoveries (in geography) --- Colonization --- European exploration, 1450-1650 --- History. --- Discoveries (in geography). --- European exploration, 1450-1650.
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Stadt --- Cities and towns --- Growth --- History --- Geschichte 1450-1650 --- Europa
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Book history
anno 1500-1799
Book industries and trade
Early printed books
's-Hertogenbosch (Netherlands)
094.1 <492 'S-HERTOGENBOSCH>
-Early printed books
Cradle books (Early printed books)
Printing, Practical
Graphic arts
Book trade
Cultural industries
Manufacturing industries
Oude drukken: bibliografie--
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Roep om rechtvaardigheid' belicht de rijke en fascinerende wisselwerking tussen kunst, de praktijk van de rechtƯspraak en het idee van rechtvaardigheid in de gebieden die onder de jurisdictie van de Grote Raad van Mechelen hebben gestaan tijdens de hoogdagen van deze instelling. Kunstwerken uit de Bourgondische Nederlanden van het midden van de vijftiende tot het midden van de zeventiende eeuw worden gesitueerd in de woelige juridische, politieke en culturele context waarin ze zijn ontstaan: de vereniging van de Nederlanden, het steeds absolutistischer wordende bestuur van keizer Karel V, de ReforƯmatie en de Opstand tegen Spanje. Roep om rechtvaardigheid toont aan hoe deze kunstwerken op een krachtige manier een van de meest universele menselijke verlangens zichtbaar hebben gemaakt: het streven naar rechtvaardigheid en de complexe confrontatie daarvan met de werkelijkheid. Met prestigieuze topwerken van onder meer Quinten Massijs, Maarten van Heemskerck, Pieter Bruegel de Oude, Maarten de Vos, Peter Paul Rubens, Antoon van Dyck en Philippe de Champaigne.00Exhibition: Museum Hof van Busleyden, Mechelen, Belgium (23.03.-24.06.2018).
History of the law --- History of the Low Countries --- History of civilization --- anno 1500-1599 --- anno 1600-1699 --- anno 1400-1499 --- 34 <09> <493> <064> --- 34 <09> <493> <064> Rechtsgeschiedenis --(algemeen)--België--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- Rechtsgeschiedenis --(algemeen)--België--Tentoonstellingscatalogi. Museumcatalogi --- Exhibitions --- gerechtigheidstafereel --- rechtvaardigheid --- law [discipline] --- Art --- gerechtigheidstaferelen --- geschiedenis --- martelaarschap --- propaganda --- rechtspraak --- religies --- 1450 - 1650 --- 15de eeuw --- 16de eeuw --- 17de eeuw --- Nederlanden --- rechtspraak. --- gerechtigheidstaferelen. --- geschiedenis. --- religies. --- propaganda. --- 1450 - 1650. --- 15de eeuw. --- 16de eeuw. --- 17de eeuw. --- Nederlanden. --- tuin. --- Frankrijk.
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Spanning the period 1450-1640, this book considers diverse watercolours together for the first time, bringing together 150 paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Durer, Hans Holbein, Nicholas Hilliard and Anthony Van Dyck, as well as works by less well-known figures such as Giulio Clovio, Joris Hoefnagel, Jacopo Ligozzi and Jacques le Moyne. It highlights the intellectual breadth and artistic quality of the Renaissance watercolour, an art form which reached as far afield as the New World and the court of the Mughal emperor.
Painting --- watercolors [paintings] --- Renaissance --- anno 1400-1499 --- anno 1500-1599 --- Watercolor painting, Renaissance --- Peinture à l'aquarelle --- renaissance (historisch tijdvak, doorheen de 16e eeuw) --- Victoria and Albert Museum (Londen) --- aquarellen --- Leonardo da Vinci --- Dürer, Albrecht --- Holbein, Hans --- Hilliard, Nicholas --- van Dyck, Anthony --- Clovio, Giulio --- Hoefnagel, Joris --- Ligozzi, Jacopo --- Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques --- 1450 - 1650 --- 15de eeuw --- 16de eeuw --- 17de eeuw --- Renaissance watercolor painting --- Exhibitions --- Victoria and Albert Museum (Londen). --- aquarellen. --- Leonardo da Vinci. --- Dürer, Albrecht. --- Holbein, Hans. --- Hilliard, Nicholas. --- van Dyck, Anthony. --- Clovio, Giulio. --- Hoefnagel, Joris. --- Ligozzi, Giacomo. --- Le Moyne de Morgues, Jacques. --- 1450 - 1650. --- 15de eeuw. --- 16de eeuw. --- 17de eeuw. --- Ligozzi, Giacomo --- Peinture à l'aquarelle --- Holbein, Hans (De Oude). --- Bruegel, Pieter I.
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Most of the eleven essays in this book have been published previously in journals and lesser-known conference proceedings, or in books which are hard to obtain nowadays. A few other essays were specially written for this occasion. With the emphasis on function, meaning, literary sources and general cultural background, they deal with various themes that characterise Netherlandish printmaking : religious, moralistic and philosophical allegories, depictions of daily life, classical antiquity, but also with the production of prints and contemporary views on the craft.
History --- Graphic arts --- iconology --- History of the Low Countries --- Iconography --- anno 1500-1599 --- anno 1400-1499 --- grafiek --- protestantisme --- iconografie --- dagelijks leven --- Heemskerck, Maarten van --- Homerus --- Passe, Crispijn de (de Oude) --- Coornhert, Dirck Volkertsz. --- 1450 - 1650 --- 15de eeuw --- 16de eeuw --- 17de eeuw --- Nederlanden --- 76 <492> "14" --- 76 <492> "15" --- 76 <492> "16" --- Grafische kunsten. Grafiek. Prentkunst--Nederland--15e eeuw. Periode 1400-1499 --- Grafische kunsten. Grafiek. Prentkunst--Nederland--16e eeuw. Periode 1500-1599 --- Grafische kunsten. Grafiek. Prentkunst--Nederland--17e eeuw. Periode 1600-1699 --- 76 <492> "16" Grafische kunsten. Grafiek. Prentkunst--Nederland--17e eeuw. Periode 1600-1699 --- 76 <492> "15" Grafische kunsten. Grafiek. Prentkunst--Nederland--16e eeuw. Periode 1500-1599 --- 76 <492> "14" Grafische kunsten. Grafiek. Prentkunst--Nederland--15e eeuw. Periode 1400-1499 --- prints [visual works] --- Van Heemskerck, Maarten --- van Heemskerck, Maarten --- protestantisme. --- iconografie. --- dagelijks leven. --- van Heemskerck, Maarten. --- Homerus. --- Passe, Crispijn de (de Oude). --- 1450 - 1650. --- 15de eeuw. --- 16de eeuw. --- 17de eeuw. --- Nederlanden. --- Gravure --- Signes et symboles --- Pays-bas --- 1500-1800 --- Histoire --- Dans l'art --- de Passe, Crispijn (de Oude).
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In the early modern Low Countries, literary culture functioned on several levels simultaneously: it provided learning, pleasure, and entertainment while also shaping public debate. From a ditty in Dutch sung in the streets to a funeral poem in Latin composed to be read for or by intimate friends, from a play performed for a prince to a comedy written for pupils – literary texts and performances often dealt with highly controversial topics of religion or politics, on a local or national, but also on a supranational scale. This volume sets out to analyse the role and function of literary culture in the formation of early modern public opinion, and proposes ways in which a modern scholar might approach early modern works of literature and other traces of literary culture to explore early modern public opinion making. The cases presented in this volume bring the Dutch and Latin literary cultures of the Low Countries in the focus of international debates on the history of public opinion.
History of civilization --- History of the Low Countries --- anno 1400-1499 --- anno 1500-1599 --- anno 1600-1699 --- Dutch literature --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern --- Literature and society --- Public opinion in literature --- Public opinion --- 094:839.3 --- 839.3 "14/16" --- Artistic impact --- Artistic influence --- Impact (Literary, artistic, etc.) --- Literary impact --- Literary influence --- Literary tradition --- Tradition (Literature) --- Art --- Influence (Psychology) --- Literature --- Intermediality --- Intertextuality --- Originality in literature --- Literature and sociology --- Society and literature --- Sociology and literature --- Sociolinguistics --- Opinion, Public --- Perception, Public --- Popular opinion --- Public perception --- Public perceptions --- Judgment --- Social psychology --- Attitude (Psychology) --- Focus groups --- Reputation --- 839.3 "14/16" Nederlandse literatuur--?"14/16" --- Nederlandse literatuur--?"14/16" --- 094:839.3 Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nederlandse literatuur --- Oude en merkwaardige drukken. Kostbare en zeldzame boeken. Preciosa en rariora-:-Nederlandse literatuur --- History and criticism --- History --- Social aspects --- Benelux countries --- Low countries --- Intellectual life --- Littérature néerlandaise --- --Histoire et critique --- --Littérature latine --- --Pays-Bas --- --Pays-Bas bourguignons --- --Pays-Bas espagnols --- --1450-1650 --- --Influence --- --Opinion publique --- --History and criticism --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.). --- Public opinion in literature. --- History and criticism. --- Dutch literature. --- Intellectual life. --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern. --- Literature and society. --- Public opinion. --- 1500 - 1800 --- Benelux countries. --- Influence (Literary, artistic, etc). --- Cultural life --- Culture --- Littérature néerlandaise --- Littérature latine médiévale et moderne --- Opinion publique dans la littérature --- Littérature et société --- Opinion publique --- Influence littéraire, artistique, etc. --- Histoire et critique --- Histoire --- Benelux --- Vie intellectuelle --- Dutch literature - To 1500 - History and criticism --- Dutch literature - 1500-1800 - History and criticism --- Latin literature, Medieval and modern - Benelux countries - History and criticism --- Public opinion - Benelux countries --- Literature and society - Benelux countries - History --- Littérature latine --- Influence --- Pays-Bas --- Pays-Bas bourguignons --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- literaire cultuur --- public opinion --- religieuze geschiedenis --- early modern history --- geschiedenis van het boek --- literary culture --- lage landen --- history of the book --- religious history --- vroege moderne geschiedenis --- publieke opinie --- low countries --- Arminius --- Catholic Church --- Hugo Grotius --- Netherlands
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