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History of climate change : from the Earth's origins to the Anthropocene
ISBN: 9781509553938 1509553932 Year: 2023 Publisher: Cambridge Polity

De oorsprong en evolutie van leven : 15 van het standaardparadigma afwijkende thesen
ISBN: 9054873612 9789054873617 Year: 2004 Publisher: Brussel VUBPress

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Hoe is leven ontstaan? Welke vorm nam het eerste leven aan?Hoe ontstonden de cellen waaruit ons lichaam is opgebouwd? Is natuurlijke selectie het enige mechanisme waarlangs evolutie zich voordoet? Wat bedoelde Darwin met natuurlijke selectie en gebruiken we deze definitie vandaag nog? Voltrekt evolutie zich traag of snel? Worden we gedetermineerd door onze genen? We stellen ons allemaal deze vragen wel eens. Wetenschappers worden echter algauw te technisch en filosofen te speculatief bij het beantwoorden ervan. Dit boek wil een brug slaan tussen de natuurwetenschappen en de menswetenschappen en de vragen omtrent de oorsprong en evolutie van leven, kritisch en nuchter, vanuit verschillende disciplines analyseren. Het resultaat is een huidige stand van zaken, leesbaar, zowel voor filosofen als wetenschappers en ook voor de leek. Vele van de voorgestelde antwoorden kunnen daarbij begrepen worden als aanvullingen, afwijkingen of alternatieven van het standaardparadigma in de biologie: de Moderne Synthese. Deze afwijkende stellingen werden gebundeld in 15 thesen. De vraag is in hoeverre de Moderne Synthese, in relatie met deze thesen, onderwerp voor herziening moet zijn.


Evolution. Phylogeny --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Hérédité --- Evolutieleer --- BPB0908 --- Darwin, Charles --- Philosophie --- Sciences physiques --- 575.8 --- RNA ribonucleic acid --- biologie --- cellen --- evolutie --- proteïnen --- Evolutie --- Filosofie --- Natuurwetenschap --- fyzikálne vedy --- физичке науке --- φυσικές επιστήμες --- xjenzi fiżiċi --- физически науки --- fizikalne vede --- füüsikateadused --- fyzikální vědy --- fysikaaliset tieteet --- физички науки --- nauki fizyczne --- naturvetenskap --- fiziniai mokslai --- shkenca fizike --- fysiske videnskaber --- eksaktās dabaszinātnes --- ciências físicas --- Physik --- natuurwetenschap --- fizică --- fizikai tudományok --- fizika i srodne znanosti --- ciencias físicas --- physical sciences --- scienze fisiche --- fysik --- fyzika --- fizika --- физика --- natuurkunde --- física --- füüsika --- physics --- fysica --- fizikë --- fysiikka --- φυσική --- physique --- fisica --- физика и сродни науки --- exakte Naturwissenschaften --- filosofija --- filosofie --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- filozófia --- философия --- filosofi --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- evolutieleer --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen --- eolaíochtaí fisiceacha --- fealsúnacht --- sciences physiques --- philosophie

Le hasard : Une approche mathématique
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782803637393 2803637391 Year: 2016 Volume: 6 Publisher: Bruxelles Larcier

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Probabilités, absence de certitudes, impossibilité de prévoir le futur, théorie du chaos... De tout temps, le hasard accompagne l'homme et ne cesse de le fasciner. Qu'en pense réellement un grand mathématicien ? Cette bande dessinée explique de façon simple et ludique le hasard et ses mystères ainsi que les stratégies qui peuvent aider à mieux appréhender les prévisions, la chance et les jeux de hasard !


Hasard --- Chaos --- Probabilités --- Hasard - Bandes dessinées --- Chaos - Bandes dessinées --- Probabilités - Bandes dessinées --- mathématiques --- sciences physiques --- philosophie --- gnozeologie --- humanisme --- dialektika --- ontologie --- гносеологија --- epistemologie --- дијалектика --- епистемологија --- umanesimo --- bölcselet --- онтологија --- noetika --- filosofija --- filosofie --- filozofija --- filosofia --- filozofie --- philosophy --- filosofía --- филозофија --- φιλοσοφία --- filosoofia --- filozofi --- filozofia --- fealsúnacht --- filozófia --- философия --- Philosophie --- filosofi --- fysik --- fyzika --- fizika --- физика --- natuurkunde --- física --- füüsika --- physics --- fysica --- fizikë --- fysiikka --- φυσική --- physique --- fisica --- физика и сродни науки --- exakte Naturwissenschaften --- fyzikálne vedy --- физичке науке --- φυσικές επιστήμες --- xjenzi fiżiċi --- физически науки --- fizikalne vede --- füüsikateadused --- fyzikální vědy --- fysikaaliset tieteet --- физички науки --- nauki fizyczne --- naturvetenskap --- fiziniai mokslai --- shkenca fizike --- fysiske videnskaber --- eksaktās dabaszinātnes --- ciências físicas --- Physik --- natuurwetenschap --- fizică --- fizikai tudományok --- eolaíochtaí fisiceacha --- fizika i srodne znanosti --- ciencias físicas --- physical sciences --- scienze fisiche --- алгебра --- aritmetika --- logika --- géométrie --- algebra --- meetkunde --- geometrie --- логика --- геометрија --- gjeometri --- geomeetria --- γεωμετρία --- Geometrie --- geometry --- kombinatorika --- geometría --- geometria --- geometri --- geometrija --- matamaitic --- matemaatika --- математика --- matematica --- matematiikka --- matematik --- mathematics --- matematika --- μαθηματικά --- matematică --- wiskunde --- matemáticas --- matematyka --- matemātika --- Mathematik --- matematikë --- matemática --- mathématiques

Les météorites
ISBN: 9782130574286 2130574289 Year: 2009 Volume: 3859 Publisher: Paris : Presses universitaires de France,

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Bien que les météorites aient depuis toujours fasciné les hommes, l'intérêt scientifique pour ces pierres tombées du ciel s'est, depuis quelques années, considérablement accru. A travers elles, l'évolution géologique des corps célestes les plus massifs peut être appréhendée. Elles nous aident aussi à comprendre les mécanismes de formation des systèmes solaires. Certaines - les chondrites carbonées -, riches en molécules organiques complexes, ont permis de renouveler les questionnements sur l'apparition de la vie. Depuis l'ère " suspicieuse " jusqu'aux recherches les plus contemporaines, cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire naturelle et scientifique de ces échantillons extra-terrestres.


Meteorites --- Météorites --- BPB0908 --- Météorologie --- Meteorologie --- Météorites --- метеорология --- meteorología --- ilmatiede --- метеорологија --- μετεωρολογία --- meteorologija --- meteorológia --- meteorologji --- meteorology --- meteorologi --- meteoroloogia --- meteoroloģija --- meteorologie --- meteoroloġija --- meteorologia --- väderrapport --- meteorologische voorspelling --- atmosferos mokslas --- ilmaennustus --- previsione meteorologica --- meteorološka prognoza --- předpověď počasí --- prognoză meteorologică --- scienza dell'atmosfera --- veda o atmosfére --- sääennuste --- vejrprognose --- Wettervorhersage --- veda o klíme --- πρόγνωση καιρού --- prognoza vremena --- science de l'atmosphère --- prévision météorologique --- ciências da atmosfera --- weerkunde --- φυσική της ατμόσφαιρας --- atmospheric science --- atmosfääriteadus --- věda o atmosféře --- wetenschap van de atmosfeer --- previsão meteorológica --- previsión meteorológica --- meteorológiai előrejelzés --- læren om vejrforhold --- meteorologická predpoveď --- orų prognozė --- meteorologická předpověď --- meteoroloģiskā prognoze --- parashikim meteorologjik --- Wetterkunde --- ilmakehätiede --- vremenska prognoza --- știința atmosferei --- shkenca atmosferike --- fyzika atmosféry --- meteorologisk prognos --- meteorological forecast --- ciencia de la atmósfera --- метеоролошка прогноза

Yearbook of science and the future
ISSN: 00963291 ISBN: 0852290179 0852291450 0852291558 Publisher: Chicago, Ill.

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Science --- Sciences --- Yearbooks --- Annuaires --- Closed periodicals --- Annuaire --- Sciences physiques --- 5/6 <03> --- #ANTIL0010 --- Jaarboek --- Natuurwetenschap --- Exacte en toegepaste wetenschappen--Naslagwerken. Referentiewerken --- Bestelvoorstellen --- Techniek --- Wetenschappen --- Algemeen --- instellingen/algemene vakken --- encyclopedieën --- instellingen/algemene vakken. --- encyclopedieën. --- Instellingen/algemene vakken. --- Encyclopedieën. --- Lexica --- fyzikálne vedy --- физичке науке --- φυσικές επιστήμες --- xjenzi fiżiċi --- физически науки --- fizikalne vede --- füüsikateadused --- fyzikální vědy --- fysikaaliset tieteet --- физички науки --- nauki fizyczne --- naturvetenskap --- fiziniai mokslai --- shkenca fizike --- fysiske videnskaber --- eksaktās dabaszinātnes --- ciências físicas --- Physik --- natuurwetenschap --- fizică --- fizikai tudományok --- fizika i srodne znanosti --- ciencias físicas --- physical sciences --- scienze fisiche --- fysik --- fyzika --- fizika --- физика --- natuurkunde --- física --- füüsika --- physics --- fysica --- fizikë --- fysiikka --- φυσική --- physique --- fisica --- физика и сродни науки --- exakte Naturwissenschaften --- Jahrbuch --- metknygė --- annuario --- årbog --- vjetar --- rocznik --- évkönyv --- επετηρίδα --- yearbook --- gadagrāmata --- letopis --- årsbok --- godišnjak --- годишњак --- anuario --- annwarju --- годишник --- anuar --- ročenka --- vuosikirja --- jaarboek --- aastaraamat --- anuário --- almanacco --- annuaire officiel --- oficialioji metknygė --- úradná ročenka --- officiell årsbok --- Almanach --- almanak --- official yearbook --- almanahh --- алманах --- ametlik aastaraamat --- almanac --- oficiālā gadagrāmata --- oficiální ročenka --- kalendář --- vejviser --- annuario ufficiale --- anuário oficial --- анали --- επίσημη επετηρίδα --- anuario oficial --- almanachas --- хроника --- úřední ročenka --- virallinen vuosikirja --- almanaque --- almanach --- telefonbog --- αλμανάκ --- летопис --- anuar oficial --- statskalender --- almanah --- vjetar zyrtar --- amtliches Jahrbuch --- aikakausjulkaisu --- τηλεφωνικός κατάλογος --- Yearbooks. --- eolaíochtaí fisiceacha --- bliainiris

Oefenen als professie : handboek procesmanagement oefenen voor crisisbeheersing en rampenbestrijders.
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789044125184 Year: 2009 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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BPB1004 --- Désastre naturel --- Désastre d'origine humaine --- Rampen --- Crisisbestrijding --- Crisisopvang --- Natuurramp --- Ramp door menselijk toedoen --- природно бедствие --- přírodní katastrofa --- natuurramp --- naravna nesreča --- desastre natural --- stihiska nelaime --- природна непогода --- klęska żywiołowa --- luonnonmullistus --- φυσική καταστροφή --- diżastru naturali --- gaivalinė nelaimė --- naturkatastrof --- природна катастрофа --- natural disaster --- természeti csapás --- dezastru natural --- katastrofë natyrore --- prirodna nepogoda --- loodusõnnetus --- disastro naturale --- naturkatastrofe --- Naturkatastrophe --- prírodná pohroma --- stichinė nelaimė --- bahnotok --- catastrofe naturale --- naturolycka --- catastrophe naturelle --- елементарна непогода --- catástrofe natural --- řícení skal --- sesuv --- prírodná katastrofa --- dabas katastrofa --- lavina --- catastrofă naturală --- looduskatastroof --- luonnonkatastrofi --- lávotok --- elementarna nepogoda --- calamità naturale --- nelaimė --- natuurcatastrofe --- natural catastrophe --- katastrofë e shkaktuar nga njeriu --- katastrofa uzrokovana ljudskim djelovanjem --- von Menschen verursachte Katastrophe --- katastrof orsakad av människan --- žmogaus sukelta nelaimė --- dezastru provocat de om --- nesreča, ki jo povzroči človek --- pohroma spôsobená človekom --- diżastru mill-bniedem --- ember okozta katasztrófa --- menneskeskabt katastrofe --- бедствие причинено от човек --- cilvēku izraisīta katastrofa --- ihmisen aiheuttama onnettomuus --- desastre de origem humana --- катастрофа предизвикана од човекот --- ramp door menselijk toedoen --- man-made disaster --- katastrofa wywołana przez człowieka --- inimese põhjustatud katastroof --- ανθρωπογενής καταστροφή --- disastro causato dall'uomo --- katastrofa způsobená člověkem --- несрећа коју је изазвао човек --- desastre causado por el hombre --- хаварија --- man-made catastrophe --- door mensen veroorzaakte catastrofe --- несреќа предизвикана од човечки фактор --- catastrofe imputabile all'uomo --- avarija --- catástrofe causada por el hombre --- katastrofa spôsobená človekom --- antropogen katastrofe --- catastrophe d'origine humaine --- catastrofă provocată de om --- catástrofe de origem humana --- ihmisen toiminnan aiheuttama luonnonmullistus --- žmogaus sukelta katastrofa --- antropogen katastrof --- természeti katasztrófa --- luonnononnettomuus --- tubaiste nádúrtha --- tubaiste de dhéanamh an duine --- Désastre d'origine humaine --- Désastre naturel

Rampspoed : politiek ten tijde van catastrofe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789048859023 9789048859030 Year: 2021 Publisher: Amsterdam Hollands Diep

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Historisch overzicht van het ontstaan en oplossen van rampen en spectaculaire ongelukken door de eeuwen heen


ramp door menselijk toedoen --- Désastre naturel --- природно бедствие --- přírodní katastrofa --- natuurramp --- naravna nesreča --- desastre natural --- catástrofe natural --- calamità naturale --- stihiska nelaime --- природна непогода --- klęska żywiołowa --- luonnonkatastrofi --- φυσική καταστροφή --- diżastru naturali --- gaivalinė nelaimė --- naturkatastrof --- природна катастрофа --- természeti katasztrófa --- natural disaster --- dezastru natural --- katastrofë natyrore --- prirodna nepogoda --- loodusõnnetus --- naturkatastrofe --- Naturkatastrophe --- prírodná pohroma --- stichinė nelaimė --- bahnotok --- catastrofe naturale --- luonnonmullistus --- naturolycka --- catastrophe naturelle --- елементарна непогода --- řícení skal --- sesuv --- luonnononnettomuus --- prírodná katastrofa --- dabas katastrofa --- lavina --- catastrofă naturală --- looduskatastroof --- lávotok --- elementarna nepogoda --- nelaimė --- natuurcatastrofe --- természeti csapás --- disastro naturale --- natural catastrophe --- katastrofë e shkaktuar nga njeriu --- katastrofa uzrokovana ljudskim djelovanjem --- von Menschen verursachte Katastrophe --- katastrof orsakad av människan --- žmogaus sukelta nelaimė --- dezastru provocat de om --- nesreča, ki jo povzroči človek --- pohroma spôsobená človekom --- diżastru mill-bniedem --- ember okozta katasztrófa --- menneskeskabt katastrofe --- бедствие причинено от човек --- cilvēku izraisīta katastrofa --- ihmisen aiheuttama onnettomuus --- desastre de origem humana --- катастрофа предизвикана од човекот --- désastre d'origine humaine --- man-made disaster --- katastrofa wywołana przez człowieka --- inimese põhjustatud katastroof --- ανθρωπογενής καταστροφή --- disastro causato dall'uomo --- katastrofa způsobená člověkem --- несрећа коју је изазвао човек --- desastre causado por el hombre --- хаварија --- man-made catastrophe --- door mensen veroorzaakte catastrofe --- несреќа предизвикана од човечки фактор --- catastrofe imputabile all'uomo --- avarija --- catástrofe causada por el hombre --- katastrofa spôsobená človekom --- antropogen katastrofe --- catastrophe d'origine humaine --- catastrofă provocată de om --- catástrofe de origem humana --- ihmisen toiminnan aiheuttama luonnonmullistus --- žmogaus sukelta katastrofa --- antropogen katastrof --- tubaiste nádúrtha --- tubaiste de dhéanamh an duine --- World history --- Désastre naturel

De transformatie van de aarde : een nieuwe wereldgeschiedenis
ISBN: 9789000371464 9789000371471 Year: 2023 Publisher: Amsterdam Spectrum

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Wanneer we het over de wereldgeschiedenis hebben, denken we doorgaans niet meteen aan de zwaarste overstromingen, de hardnekkigste droogteperiodes of de veranderende ecosystemen. Maar in de lange geschiedenis van onze planeet is geen element zo allesbepalend geweest als de natuur. Vulkaanuitbarstingen, aardverschuivingen, klimaatveranderingen en andere transformaties hebben een cruciale rol gespeeld in het verloop van de geschiedenis ? en zullen ook in de toekomst allesbepalend zijn.In De transformatie van de aarde neemt historicus Peter Frankopan ons mee in een verhaal dat eeuwen en continenten overspant, van vulkaanuitbarstingen in IJsland die het Ottomaanse Rijk op de knieën kregen tot de val van de Moche-beschaving door de opwarming van het zeewater. Hij onderzoekt het ontstaan van religies en talen in relatie tot de natuurlijke omgeving, onze eeuwenlange fascinatie met het begrijpen en manipuleren van weerspatronen en hoe de toenemende vraag naar goede oogsten de slavernij in de hand werkte. Op basis van de meest recente wetenschappelijke ontdekkingen schetst Frankopan een intrigerend beeld van de wereldgeschiedenis waarin het klimaat niet langer in de schaduw staat.(


903 --- wereldgeschiedenis --- transformaties --- klimaatverandering --- mensheid --- algemene geschiedenis --- World history --- BPB9999 --- 500 Milieu --- 900 Geschiedenis --- klimaatsverandering --- ecologische geschiedenis --- natuurramp --- природно бедствие --- přírodní katastrofa --- naravna nesreča --- desastre natural --- tubaiste nádúrtha --- catástrofe natural --- calamità naturale --- stihiska nelaime --- природна непогода --- klęska żywiołowa --- désastre naturel --- luonnonkatastrofi --- φυσική καταστροφή --- diżastru naturali --- gaivalinė nelaimė --- naturkatastrof --- природна катастрофа --- természeti katasztrófa --- natural disaster --- dezastru natural --- katastrofë natyrore --- prirodna nepogoda --- loodusõnnetus --- naturkatastrofe --- Naturkatastrophe --- prírodná pohroma --- stichinė nelaimė --- bahnotok --- catastrofe naturale --- luonnonmullistus --- naturolycka --- catastrophe naturelle --- елементарна непогода --- řícení skal --- sesuv --- luonnononnettomuus --- prírodná katastrofa --- dabas katastrofa --- lavina --- catastrofă naturală --- looduskatastroof --- lávotok --- elementarna nepogoda --- nelaimė --- natuurcatastrofe --- természeti csapás --- disastro naturale --- natural catastrophe --- cambio climático --- klimatska promjena --- tibdil fil-klima --- промена климе --- klimatförändring --- alteração climática --- kliimamuutus --- sprememba podnebja --- климатска промена --- zmiany klimatyczne --- climate change --- changement climatique --- промяна на климата --- cambiamento climatico --- schimbare climatică --- ndryshim klimaterik --- změna klimatu --- klimata maiņa --- éghajlatváltozás --- zmena podnebia --- klimato kaita --- athrú aeráide --- Klimaveränderung --- ilmastonmuutos --- klimaændring --- κλιματική αλλαγή --- az éghajlat változása --- modificación del clima --- klimatiskā izmaiņa --- промена на климата --- klimatická změna --- klimatická zmena --- climatic change --- schimbări climatice --- 500 Milieu. --- 900 Geschiedenis. --- BPB9999. --- ecologische geschiedenis. --- klimaatverandering. --- mensheid. --- transformaties. --- wereldgeschiedenis. --- Algemene geschiedenis. --- BPB2308 --- Geschiedenis --- Ecologie --- Mens en natuur --- Milieuramp --- Klimaatverandering --- #SBIB:93H2 --- Algemene geschiedenis, wereldgeschiedenis

Neutron imaging : basics, techniques and applications
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 981166272X 9811662738 Year: 2022 Publisher: Gateway East, Singapore : Springer,

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"This book comprehensively presents the concepts of neutron physics and imaging including neutron properties, neutron matter interaction, neutron imaging, comparison with X-ray and physics and design of neutron sources. It discusses how neutron imaging has gained importance as a powerful non-destructive technique to understand the internal structures of materials/engineered components in wide range of industries by increasing their applicability and efficiency. The book also covers the topics of neutron optics and detectors, basic principles of neutron radiography and tomography, related standards, safety, metrology and regulations in neutron imaging. The book presents applications of neutron imaging in the areas of aerospace industry, nuclear power and manufacturing industry, materials science and engineering, geomechanics, national security, biological, and medical domain. Given its scope, the book will be highly beneficial for postgraduate students, researchers and industry professionals working in the area of engineering and physics, especially non-destructive testing and non-destructive evaluation through neutron imaging."--Publisher.


Neutron radiography. --- Neutrons. --- fundamental particle. --- optics. --- physical sciences. --- technology. --- particule élémentaire --- елементарна честичка --- elementarioji dalelė --- elemi részecske --- particella elementare --- elementarpartikler --- particulă elementară --- фундаментална частица --- Elementarteilchen --- cáithnín bunúsach --- temeljna čestica --- elementair deeltje --- elementārdaļiņa --- cząstka elementarna --- elementární částice --- alkeishiukkanen --- partikola fundamentali --- osnovni delec --- algosake --- základná častica --- основна честица --- partícula elementar --- στοιχειώδη σωματίδια --- partícula elemental --- elementarpartikel --- grimcë elementare --- proton --- fotão --- νετρόνιο --- elementariųjų dalelių fizika --- eletrão --- partiċella fundamentali --- fotoni --- électron --- footon --- neutronas --- electron --- неутрон --- elettrone --- perushiukkanen --- fotone --- neitrons --- fotonas --- Elektron --- ηλεκτρόνιο --- elektronas --- πρωτόνιο --- φωτόνιο --- elementary particle --- prooton --- фотон --- photon --- Neutron --- protonas --- nukleární částice --- elementárna častica --- protone --- електрон --- elektrons --- neutrón --- Proton --- electrón --- elementarna čestica --- elektron --- positron --- протон --- elektroni --- protoni --- protón --- Foton --- foton --- neutrão --- protons --- fotón --- neutrone --- neutron --- elementaarosake --- fotons --- neutroni --- elektrón --- protão --- основна честичка --- технология --- technológia --- teknik --- tecnologia --- technologija --- tehnoloogia --- tehnoloģija --- teknologi --- tehnologie --- tehnologija --- teknologia --- technologia --- teknoloġija --- τεχνολογία --- tecnología --- Technologie --- technologie --- teicneolaíocht --- teknologji --- технологија --- technický postup --- ingeniería --- inžinierstvo --- settore tecnologico --- technika --- egnet teknologi --- ingenjörsvetenskap --- ingénierie --- μηχανολογία --- engenharia --- инженерство --- inženýrství --- inžinerija --- engineering --- inženjering --- tehnika --- inženierpakalpojumi --- inginerie --- ingegneria dei sistemi --- inženierzinība --- inxhinieri --- fyzikálne vedy --- физичке науке --- φυσικές επιστήμες --- xjenzi fiżiċi --- физически науки --- fizikalne vede --- füüsikateadused --- sciences physiques --- fyzikální vědy --- fysikaaliset tieteet --- физички науки --- nauki fizyczne --- naturvetenskap --- fiziniai mokslai --- shkenca fizike --- fysiske videnskaber --- eksaktās dabaszinātnes --- ciências físicas --- Physik --- natuurwetenschap --- fizică --- fizikai tudományok --- eolaíochtaí fisiceacha --- fizika i srodne znanosti --- ciencias físicas --- scienze fisiche --- fysik --- fyzika --- fizika --- физика --- natuurkunde --- física --- füüsika --- physics --- fysica --- fizikë --- fysiikka --- φυσική --- physique --- fisica --- физика и сродни науки --- exakte Naturwissenschaften --- оптика --- ottica --- οπτική --- ótica --- optiikka --- optică --- ottika --- optaic --- optica --- optik --- Optik --- optikë --- optique --- optika --- optyka --- óptica --- fototecnica --- catadiottrica --- diottrica --- fénytan --- диоптрија --- Radiography, Industrial --- Thermal neutrons --- Atoms --- Baryons --- Matter --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Constitution

De onbewoonbare aarde
ISBN: 9789403148601 Year: 2019 Publisher: Amsterdam De Bezige Bij

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Als jouw zorgen over de opwarming van de aarde zich beperken tot angst voor de stijgende zeespiegel, dan zie je slechts het topje van de ijsberg. Het is veel, veel erger dan je denkt. Klimaatverandering wordt vaak beschouwd als een langzaam proces, maar de onheilspellende effecten ervan zien we nu al: hete zomers, grote droogte, allesverwoestende overstromingen en orkanen. natuurrampen die zich vroeger maar één keer in een mensenleven voltrokken, overvallen de mensheid tegenwoordig jaarlijks. Als we onze aanpak van dit probleem en onze manier van leven niet snel veranderen, zullen delen van de aarde door desastreuze ontwikkelingen in de nabije toekomst onbewoonbaar worden.


500 Milieu --- Meteorology. Climatology --- environmental protection --- global warming --- klimatologie --- milieubescherming --- BPB1907 --- Changement climatique --- Protection de l'environnement --- Écologie --- Désastre naturel --- Klimaatsverandering --- Milieubescherming --- Ecologie --- Natuurramp --- human ecology --- Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- climate change --- природно бедствие --- přírodní katastrofa --- natuurramp --- naravna nesreča --- desastre natural --- stihiska nelaime --- природна непогода --- klęska żywiołowa --- luonnonmullistus --- φυσική καταστροφή --- diżastru naturali --- gaivalinė nelaimė --- naturkatastrof --- природна катастрофа --- natural disaster --- természeti csapás --- dezastru natural --- katastrofë natyrore --- prirodna nepogoda --- loodusõnnetus --- disastro naturale --- naturkatastrofe --- Naturkatastrophe --- prírodná pohroma --- stichinė nelaimė --- bahnotok --- catastrofe naturale --- naturolycka --- catastrophe naturelle --- елементарна непогода --- catástrofe natural --- řícení skal --- sesuv --- prírodná katastrofa --- dabas katastrofa --- lavina --- catastrofă naturală --- looduskatastroof --- luonnonkatastrofi --- lávotok --- elementarna nepogoda --- calamità naturale --- nelaimė --- natuurcatastrofe --- natural catastrophe --- ekologji --- екологија --- ekologie --- ekológia --- ekoloġija --- ökológia --- økologi --- ecología --- ekologija --- ökoloogia --- Ökologie --- екология --- ekoloģija --- ecology --- ekologi --- οικολογία --- ecologia --- ekologia --- ecologie --- környezettudomány --- наука за животната средина --- znanost o okolišu --- teorie životního prostředí --- ciencia del medio ambiente --- επιστήμες του περιβάλλοντος --- ympäristötiede --- ηθολογία --- milieuwetenschap --- scienze dell'ambiente --- věda o životním prostředí --- vides zinātne --- environmentální vědy --- ciência do ambiente --- environmental science --- environmentálna veda --- Umweltwissenschaft --- ekologické vědy --- știința mediului înconjurător --- aplinkotyra --- miljøvidenskab --- nauka o životním prostředí --- keskkonnateadus --- shkenca mjedisore --- cambio climático --- klimatska promjena --- tibdil fil-klima --- промена климе --- klimatförändring --- alteração climática --- kliimamuutus --- sprememba podnebja --- климатска промена --- zmiany klimatyczne --- промяна на климата --- cambiamento climatico --- schimbare climatică --- ndryshim klimaterik --- změna klimatu --- klimata maiņa --- éghajlatváltozás --- zmena podnebia --- klimato kaita --- klimaatsverandering --- Klimaveränderung --- ilmastonmuutos --- klimaændring --- κλιματική αλλαγή --- az éghajlat változása --- modificación del clima --- klimatiskā izmaiņa --- промена на климата --- klimatická změna --- klimatická zmena --- climatic change --- schimbări climatice --- ochrona środowiska --- προστασία του περιβάλλοντος --- keskkonnakaitse --- varstvo okolja --- protección del medio ambiente --- опазване на околната среда --- ympäristönsuojelu --- miljöskydd --- protecția mediului înconjurător --- vides aizsardzība --- mbrojtje e mjedisit --- cosaint an chomhshaoil --- Umweltschutz --- környezetvédelem --- aplinkos apsauga --- miljøbeskyttelse --- заштита на животната средина --- zaštita okoliša --- ochrana životného prostredia --- protezione dell'ambiente --- заштита животне средине --- proteção do ambiente --- protezzjoni ambjentali --- ochrana životního prostředí --- keskkonna säilitamine --- sauvegarde de l'environnement --- Naturschutz --- ochrana prírody --- protezione del patrimonio ambientale --- protecção do ambiente --- dabas aizsardzība --- konservim i natyrës --- proteção da natureza --- miljøbevarelse --- protection of nature --- protection de la nature --- očuvanje okoliša --- protección de la naturaleza --- tutela dell'ambiente --- a természeti környezet megőrzése --- naturskydd --- gamtosauga --- еколог --- заштита на природата --- conservation de la nature --- ruajtje e mjedisit --- natuurbehoud --- salvaguarda do ambiente --- gamtos apsauga --- miljövård --- διατήρηση του φυσικού περιβάλλοντος --- διαφύλαξη του περιβάλλοντος --- looduskaitse --- nature protection --- conservación del medio ambiente --- медиуми на животната средина --- a természet megőrzése --- προστασία της φύσης --- zachování životního prostředí --- luonnonsuojelu --- conservación de la naturaleza --- aplinkosauga --- természetmegőrzés --- conservation of nature --- protecția naturii --- екологист --- conservarea naturii --- vides saglabāšana --- természetvédelem --- bevarande av natur --- naturbeskyttelse --- Erhaltung der Natur --- preservation of the environment --- salvaguardia dell'ambiente --- ochrana/zachovanie prírody --- mbrojtje e natyrës --- conservação da natureza --- protezione della natura --- ochrana/zachovanie životného prostredia --- difesa dell'ambiente --- beskyttelse af naturen --- tutela ambientale ed ecologica --- zaštita prirode --- заштита околине --- naturvård --- dabas saglabāšana --- natuurbescherming --- Erhaltung der Umwelt --- difesa della natura --- prírodná ochrana --- udržení životního prostředí --- protezione ambientale --- zachování přírody --- ochrana přírody --- tutela del patrimonio naturale --- behoud van het milieu --- természeti katasztrófa --- luonnononnettomuus --- tubaiste nádúrtha --- éiceolaíocht --- athrú aeráide --- 570 --- klimaatverandering --- politieke ecologie --- milieu --- environnement --- Désastre naturel --- Écologie

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