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This book is written to help educate dermatologists and general physicians of the challenges involved in treating those with darker skin tones in culturally appropriate ways. Distinctly broken up into three sections for ease of use, the reader enters the text through a series of chapters meant to introduce the physician to the anatomical structure and makeup of patient with skin of color as well as the evolution basic concepts for understanding and treatment. The second and longest section looks at diseases and cosmetic concerns covering some of the most common issues for patients with skin of color. The last section offers cultural considerations to treatment and care. Socially conscious and comprehensive, Ethnic Skin and Hair is written by some of the leading names in dermatological treatment of skin of color, and functions as a concise and thorough tool for dermatologists at every stage in their career.
Dermatology. --- Medicine --- Skin --- Diseases --- Diseases. --- Cutaneous diseases --- Dermatoses --- Dermatology --- Dermatologia --- Relacions metge-pacient --- Color de la pell --- Ètica mèdica --- Bioètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia --- Color de l'home --- Pigmentació --- Antropologia física --- Pell --- Cabells --- Negres --- Albinisme --- Melanina --- Comunicació malalt-metge --- Comunicació metge-malalt --- Metge i pacient --- Relació malalt-metge --- Relació metge-malalt --- Relació metge-pacient --- Relació pacient-metge --- Relacions malalt-metge --- Relacions metge-malalt --- Pacients --- Relacions humanes --- Cooperació dels malalts --- Educació dels pacients --- Entrevista clínica --- Relacions psicoterapeuta-pacient --- Malalts --- Medicina --- Dermatòlegs --- Dermatologia pediàtrica --- Dermatologia veterinària --- Infermeria dermatològica --- Malalties de la pell
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This open access book has been written by ten Belgian health care professionals, nurses, university professors and doctors specializing in palliative care and ethicists who, together, raise questions concerning the practice of euthanasia. They share their experiences and reflections born out of their confrontation with requests for euthanasia and end-of-life support in a country where euthanasia has been decriminalized since 2002 and is now becoming a trivial topic. Far from evoking any militancy, these stories of life and death present the other side of a reality needs to be evaluated more rigorously. Featuring multidisciplinary perspectives, this though-provoking and original book is intended not only for caregivers but also for anyone who questions the meaning of death and suffering, as well as the impact of a law passed in 2002. Presenting real-world cases and experiences, it highlights the complexity of situations and the consequences of the euthanasia law. This book appeals to palliative care providers, hematologists, oncologists, psychiatrists, nurses and health professionals as well as researchers, academics, policy-makers, and social scientists working in health care. It is also a unique resource for those in countries where the decriminalization of euthanasia is being considered. Sometimes shocking, it focuses on facts and lived experiences to challenge readers and offer insights into euthanasia in Belgium.
Eutanàsia --- Ètica mèdica --- Ètica en infermeria --- Bèlgica --- Ètica professional --- Bioètica --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en odontologia --- Suïcidi assistit --- Testament vital --- Bélgica --- België --- Belgique --- Belgium --- Koninkrijk België --- Pays-Bas autrichiens --- Pays-Bas espagnols --- Regne de Bèlgica --- Royaume de Belgique --- Europa occidental --- Països de la Unió Europea --- Ardenes --- Brabant (Bèlgica) --- Flandes (Bèlgica) --- Ourthe (Bèlgica : Curs d'aigua) --- Valònia (Bèlgica : Regió) --- Benelux --- Palliative Medicine --- Hematology --- Oncology --- Bioethics --- Nursing Ethics --- Psychiatry --- Palliative Care --- Internal Medicine --- Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics --- Medical Ethics --- Critical views --- Therapeutic obstinacy --- Meaning of life --- Slippery slope --- Experiences from daily practice --- Open Access --- Haematology --- Nursing --- Medical ethics & professional conduct
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This book addresses the ethical problems that physicians have to face every day while caring for critically ill patients. Advances in medical technology, ageing societies worldwide, and their increased demands on health care systems have, on the one hand, led to better care and remarkable longevity in many parts of the world. On the other hand, however, improved treatments in many medical fields, amongst others in emergency and critical care, have resulted in more patients surviving with reduced quality of life. This entails tradeoffs for many patients, their families, and the teams caring for them. At the same time, health care expenditures have risen dramatically and have to be balanced against costs for other public goods. Finally, the humane aspects of care have often failed to keep pace with the remarkable technological strides made in recent years. In this book, experts in their respective fields describe compelling ethical challenges resulting from these discrepancies and discuss potential solutions. The book is primarily intended for clinicians who care for two of the most vulnerable patient subpopulations – those being treated in ambulances or emergency rooms, and those being treated at intensive care units – due in part to the fact that they may be temporarily or permanently incapacitated. Core medical skills, such as diagnosis and predicting outcomes, as well as implementing treatment, remain challenging. However, without adequate communication and collaboration both within the inter-professional treatment teams and between the teams and the patients/their families, delivering excellent care is difficult at best. Therefore, the so-called “soft skills” are given the attention they deserve in order to overcome the gap between technological progress and interpersonal standstill.
Critical care medicine. --- Emergency medicine. --- Internal medicine. --- Anesthesiology. --- Bioethics. --- Intensive / Critical Care Medicine. --- Emergency Medicine. --- Internal Medicine. --- Biology --- Biomedical ethics --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Science --- Anaesthesiology --- Surgery --- Medicine, Internal --- Medicine --- Medicine, Emergency --- Critical care medicine --- Disaster medicine --- Medical emergencies --- Intensive care --- Intensive medicine --- Emergency medicine --- Intensive care units --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Critical Care --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- ethics. --- Medicina intensiva --- Medicina d'urgència --- Ètica mèdica --- Bioètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia --- Cirurgia d'urgència --- Medicina --- Infermeria d'urgència --- Medicina d'urgència en entorns naturals --- Reanimació --- Traumatologia --- Urgències quirúrgiques --- Medicina de catàstrofes --- Serveis d'urgències mèdiques --- Unitats de cures intensives --- Urgències mèdiques --- Cures intensives --- Medicina crítica --- Cura dels malalts terminals --- Infermeria en cures intensives --- Malalts en estat crític --- Medicina intensiva en cardiologia --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Pediatria intensiva
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Of all forms of alternative medicine, chiropractic is the one that is most generally accepted. In the UK, for instance, chiropractors are regulated by statute and even have their own ‘Royal College of Chiropractic’. In the US, chiropractic’s country of origin, most chiropractors carry the title ‘doctor’ and many consumers believe they are medically trained. Despite this high level of acceptance, chiropractic is wide open to criticism. The claims and assumptions made by chiropractors are far from evidence based. Chiropractic manipulations are of doubtful effectiveness and have regularly been associated with severe adverse effects, including multiple fatalities. The advice issued by chiropractors to patients and consumers is often less than responsible. The behaviour of chiropractors and their organisations is frequently less than professional. This book presents and discusses recent evidence in and around chiropractic in a factual and unemotional manner. It amounts to an evidence-based critique of this profession and discloses the often dangerously misleading information published for the lay audience. It thereby contributes to advancing public health and critical thinking.
Medicine . --- Health. --- Complementary medicine. --- Health psychology. --- Bioethics. --- Health economics. --- Popular Science in Medicine and Health. --- Complementary & Alternative Medicine. --- Health Psychology. --- Health Economics. --- Economics, Medical --- Health --- Health economics --- Hygiene --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Biology --- Biomedical ethics --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Science --- Complementary medicine --- Healing systems --- Systems, Healing --- Systems, Therapeutic --- Therapeutic systems --- Integrative medicine --- Health psychology --- Health psychology, Clinical --- Psychology, Clinical health --- Psychology, Health --- Salutogenesis --- Clinical psychology --- Medicine and psychology --- Personal health --- Wellness --- Physiology --- Diseases --- Holistic medicine --- Well-being --- Health Workforce --- Economic aspects --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Chiropractic --- Evaluation. --- Quiropràxia --- Controvèrsies científiques --- Ètica mèdica --- Bioètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia --- Conflictes científics --- Controvèrsies acadèmiques --- Debats acadèmics --- Debats científics --- Disputes acadèmiques --- Polèmiques científiques --- Querelles científiques --- Ciència --- Debats --- Medicina alternativa --- Osteopatia --- Terapèutica fisiològica --- Medicine. --- Alternative medicine. --- Clinical health psychology. --- Medical economics.
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Medicine --- Medical ethics --- Philosophy, Medical. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Humanities. --- Medical ethics. --- Philosophy --- Philosophy. --- Human medicine --- Bioethics. --- Medical Philosophy --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medical Ethics --- Moral and ethical aspects --- ethics --- philosophy of medicine --- bioethics --- medical ethics --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Medical logic --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Professionalism --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Health Workforce --- Medical Ethics & Philosophy --- Filosofia mèdica. --- Medicina. --- Ètica mèdica. --- Bioètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia --- Biologia humana --- Anatomia --- Andrologia --- Bacteriologia --- Bioquímica --- Botànica mèdica --- Cirurgia --- Climatologia mèdica --- Dermatologia --- Enginyeria biomèdica --- Estomatologia --- Farmacologia --- Geriatria --- Ginecologia --- Hospitals --- Infermeria --- Internet en medicina --- Malalties --- Medicina esportiva --- Medicina d'urgència --- Medicina de catàstrofes --- Medicina familiar --- Medicina física --- Medicina integrativa --- Medicina intensiva --- Medicina interna --- Medicina militar --- Medicina prenatal --- Medicina regenerativa --- Medicina submarina --- Medicina alternativa --- Ment i cos --- Nanomedicina --- Neurologia --- Nosologia --- Obstetrícia --- Oftalmologia --- Oncologia --- Otorrinolaringologia --- Patologia --- Pediatria --- Podologia --- Psiquiatria --- Salut --- Urologia --- Veterinària --- Educació mèdica --- Ensenyament de la medicina --- Filosofia mèdica --- Història de la medicina --- Metges --- Metgesses --- Psicologia mèdica --- Tecnologia mèdica --- Filosofia de la medicina --- Filosofia --- Medicina --- Ètica mèdica
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This book explores, through case studies, the interplay between religion, culture, government, and politics in diverse societies on questions arising in the domain of bioethics. The case studies draw from multiple disciplinary perspectives, including history, theology, law, bioethics, public policy, science, and medicine. The text's global perspective permits a comparison of the differing approaches adopted by countries facing similar bioethical quandaries and the extent to which religion has or has not been instrumental in addressing such dilemmas. Secular and religious societies across the globe are being confronted with complex questions involving religious belief and the extent to which specific religious perspectives have in the past or should in the future be adopted as official policy. Bioethical issues involving the interplay of religion and government have become particularly notable in recent years. How these issues are resolved has major implications for individuals, healthcare providers, and the future of medical research and medical care. Topics explored among the chapters include: Homosexuality: Sin, Crime, Pathology, Identity, Behavior Medical Error: Truthtelling, Apology, and Forgiveness Refusal of Medical Treatment Medical Deportation Case Study: Nazism, Religion, and Human Experimentation The New Frontier: Cloning Case Studies in Society, Religion, and Bioethics will find an engaged audience among researchers and scholars in history, religion/theology, medicine, and bioethics interested in the influence of religion on bioethical decision-making. Students—particularly upper-level undergraduate and graduate students interested in bioethics, humanities, and theology—will find the text helpful in understanding the processes through which religion may serve as a basis for both societal policy and law and individual decision-making in health-related matters.
Bioethics. --- Biology --- Biomedical ethics --- Life sciences --- Life sciences ethics --- Science --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Nursing ethics. --- Religion and sociology. --- Medicine—History. --- Nursing Ethics. --- Sociology of Religion. --- History of Medicine. --- Religion and society --- Religious sociology --- Society and religion --- Sociology, Religious --- Sociology and religion --- Sociology of religion --- Sociology --- Nurses --- Nursing --- Professional ethics --- Medical ethics --- Ètica mèdica --- Bioètica --- Política sanitària --- Medicina --- Aspectes religiosos --- Biologia humana --- Anatomia --- Andrologia --- Bacteriologia --- Bioquímica --- Botànica mèdica --- Cirurgia --- Climatologia mèdica --- Dermatologia --- Enginyeria biomèdica --- Estomatologia --- Farmacologia --- Geriatria --- Ginecologia --- Hospitals --- Infermeria --- Internet en medicina --- Malalties --- Medicina esportiva --- Medicina d'urgència --- Medicina de catàstrofes --- Medicina familiar --- Medicina física --- Medicina integrativa --- Medicina intensiva --- Medicina interna --- Medicina militar --- Medicina prenatal --- Medicina regenerativa --- Medicina submarina --- Medicina alternativa --- Ment i cos --- Nanomedicina --- Neurologia --- Nosologia --- Obstetrícia --- Oftalmologia --- Oncologia --- Otorrinolaringologia --- Patologia --- Pediatria --- Podologia --- Psiquiatria --- Salut --- Urologia --- Veterinària --- Educació mèdica --- Ensenyament de la medicina --- Filosofia mèdica --- Història de la medicina --- Metges --- Metgesses --- Psicologia mèdica --- Tecnologia mèdica --- Política social --- Política farmacèutica --- Reforma dels serveis sanitaris --- Salut pública --- Biologia i ètica --- Ciència i ètica --- Ètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia --- Religió
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This book presents in detail the problems and ethical challenges in daily oncological practice. In western industrialized countries, roughly 25 percent of all citizens still die from cancer. Despite significant progress in basic science and in individual areas of clinical care, even in the 21st century, being diagnosed with cancer has lost none of its dread and can still be a death sentence. This situation raises many problems and challenges for medical ethics, e.g., the question of the benefits and risks of prevention programs, or the right to know and not to know. Clinical trials with cancer patients and quality assurance for surgery, radiotherapy and medication also pose a series of ethical dilemmas. Furthermore, cancer treatment is a psychological challenge not only for patients but also for physicians and caregivers. The issues of adequate pain management and good palliative care, of treatment limiting and the question of assisted suicide at the end of life also have to be considered. In order to reflect the subject’s diverse and multifaceted nature, the book incorporates legal, ethnographic, historical and literary perspectives into ethical considerations.
Medical ethics. --- Cancer --- Neoplasms --- Neoplasms. --- Medical Oncology. --- Medical Oncology --- Diagnosis --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Treatment --- diagnosis. --- therapy. --- ethics. --- Clinical Oncology --- Oncology, Medical --- Oncology, Clinical --- Benign Neoplasms --- Malignancy --- Malignant Neoplasms --- Neoplasia --- Neoplasm --- Neoplasms, Benign --- Tumors --- Benign Neoplasm --- Cancers --- Malignancies --- Malignant Neoplasm --- Neoplasias --- Neoplasm, Benign --- Neoplasm, Malignant --- Neoplasms, Malignant --- Tumor --- Carcinoma --- Malignancy (Cancer) --- Malignant tumors --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Càncer --- Ètica mèdica --- Diagnòstic --- Oncologia --- Medicina --- Oncologia geriàtrica --- Oncologia pediàtrica --- Oncologia veterinària --- Infermeria oncològica --- Diagnosi --- Diagnòstic físic --- Examen mèdic (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració médica (Diagnòstic) --- Exploració clínica (Diagnòstic) --- Medicina clínica --- Cateterisme --- Cribratge --- Diagnòstic d'infermeria --- Diagnòstic diferencial --- Diagnòstic dual --- Diagnòstic molecular --- Diagnòstic prenatal --- Diagnòstic quirúrgic --- Diagnòstic per la imatge --- Electrodiagnòstic --- Entrevista clínica --- Examen físic --- Isòtops radioactius en diagnòstic mèdic --- Monitoratge de pacients --- Proves funcionals (Medicina) --- Patologia --- Pronòstic mèdic --- Símptomes --- Carcinosi --- Càncer d'ossos --- Càncer de cap --- Càncer de coll --- Càncer de bufeta --- Càncer de fetge --- Càncer de laringe --- Càncer de mama --- Càncer de pàncrees --- Càncer de pell --- Càncer de pròstata --- Càncer de pulmó --- Càncer de ronyó --- Càncer de tiroide --- Càncer d'ovari --- Càncer gastrointestinal --- Càncer ginecològic --- Càncer en els adolescents --- Càncer en els infants --- Medicaments antineoplàstics --- Melanoma --- Leucèmia --- Sarcoma --- Carcinògens --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Cirurgia oncològica --- Malalts de càncer --- Metàstasi --- Bioètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia
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This open access volume is the first academic book on the controversial issue of including spiritual care in integrated electronic medical records (EMR). Based on an international study group comprising researchers from Europe (The Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland), the United States, Canada, and Australia, this edited collection provides an overview of different charting practices and experiences in various countries and healthcare contexts. Encompassing case studies and analyses of theological, ethical, legal, healthcare policy, and practical issues, the volume is a groundbreaking reference for future discussion, research, and strategic planning for inter- or multi-faith healthcare chaplains and other spiritual care providers involved in the new field of documenting spiritual care in EMR. Topics explored among the chapters include: Spiritual Care Charting/Documenting/Recording/Assessment Charting Spiritual Care: Psychiatric and Psychotherapeutic Aspects Palliative Chaplain Spiritual Assessment Progress Notes Charting Spiritual Care: Ethical Perspectives Charting Spiritual Care in Digital Health: Analyses and Perspectives Charting Spiritual Care: The Emerging Role of Chaplaincy Records in Global Health Care is an essential resource for researchers in interprofessional spiritual care and healthcare chaplaincy, healthcare chaplains and other spiritual caregivers (nurses, physicians, psychologists, etc.), practical theologians and health ethicists, and church and denominational representatives.
Medical care. --- Public health. --- Health --- Psychology and religion. --- Medical ethics. --- Health Services Research. --- Religion and Health. --- Religion and Psychology. --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics. --- Religious aspects. --- Health—Religious aspects. --- Biomedical ethics --- Clinical ethics --- Ethics, Medical --- Health care ethics --- Medical care --- Medicine --- Bioethics --- Professional ethics --- Nursing ethics --- Social medicine --- Community health --- Health services --- Hygiene, Public --- Hygiene, Social --- Public health services --- Public hygiene --- Social hygiene --- Human services --- Biosecurity --- Health literacy --- Medicine, Preventive --- National health services --- Sanitation --- Religion and psychology --- Religion --- Delivery of health care --- Delivery of medical care --- Health care --- Health care delivery --- Healthcare --- Medical and health care industry --- Medical services --- Personal health services --- Public health --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Assistència religiosa --- Històries clíniques --- Ètica mèdica --- Salut --- Aspectes religiosos --- Religió --- Fisiologia --- Medicina --- Condició física --- Descans --- Dieta --- Educació sanitària --- Exercici --- Hàbits sanitaris --- Longevitat --- Nutrició --- Salut pública --- Tècnica Alexander --- Medicina holística --- Bioètica --- Ètica professional --- Consentiment informat (Dret mèdic) --- Ètica farmacèutica --- Eutanàsia --- Experimentació humana en medicina --- Ètica en infermeria --- Ètica en odontologia --- Casos --- Casos clínics --- Historials clínics --- Informes mèdics --- Protocols clínics --- Registres d'infermeria --- Assistència espiritual --- Assistència religiosa en centres docents --- Assistència religiosa en centres militars --- Assistència religiosa en centres penitenciaris --- Assistència religiosa en tanatoris --- Health Services Research --- Religion and Health --- Religion and Psychology --- Theory of Medicine/Bioethics --- Health Sciences --- Sociology of Religion --- Psychology of Religion and Spirituality --- healthcare chaplaincy --- spiritual care --- spirituality and health --- professionalization of spiritual care --- integration of spirituality in health care --- electronic medical records (EMR) --- pastoral confidentiality --- models of recording spiritual care --- outcome-oriented chapliancy --- digital health --- health ethics --- religion and health --- interprofessional spiritual care --- legal and theoretical perspectives --- open access --- Health systems & services --- Religious issues & debates --- Psychology --- Religion: general --- Medicine: general issues --- Salut.
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