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This book compares and analyses the practical utility and potential pitfalls of the 2nd generation regulations (European Enforcement Order, European Order for Payment, European Small Claims Procedure and European Account Preservation Order) and their relation to Brussels Ibis. Further, it analyses whether and to what extent all of the 2nd generation EU regulations prove their worth in the cross-border enforcement of claims, and which measures can be recommended for their practical improvement and for achieving greater consistency in European enforcement law. The work is based on an extensive evaluation of case law, empirical data, and literature from eight Member States (Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain) and the Court of Justice of the European Union. It provides an extensive and up-to-date picture of the cross-border enforcement of claims across Europe.
schuldvordering --- tenuitvoerlegging van het vonnis --- schuldenlast --- privaatrecht --- privatno pravo --- soukromé právo --- privāttiesības --- magánjog --- drept privat --- e drejtë private --- приватно право --- zasebno pravo --- Privatrecht --- yksityisoikeus --- prawo prywatne --- diritto privato --- Derecho privado --- private law --- частно право --- privaträtt --- dritt privat --- privatret --- direito privado --- droit privé --- ιδιωτικό δίκαιο --- privatinė teisė --- eraõigus --- súkromné právo --- задолженост --- eladósodás --- endividamento --- velkaantuneisuus --- Verschuldung --- zadlženosť --- zadolženost --- gældsætning --- zadluženost --- endeudamiento --- parādsaistības --- võlgnevus --- indebitamento --- gjendje debitore --- endettement --- zadłużenie --- χρέος --- įsiskolinimas --- indebtedness --- îndatorare --- zaduženost --- skuldsättning --- tidjin --- задуженост --- задълженост --- eladósodottság --- обврски --- zadlužení --- δανεισμός --- Schulden --- execução de sentença --- voie d'exécution --- postępowanie egzekucyjne --- verkställighet av dom --- ekzekutim i një vendimi të ndërmjetëm --- executarea sentinței --- извршење судске одлуке --- изпълнение на съдебно решение --- kohtuotsuse täitmine --- izvršitev sodne odločbe --- Urteilsvollstreckung --- ítélet végrehajtása --- eżekuzzjoni ta’ deċiżjoni --- teismo sprendimo vykdymas --- nolēmuma piespiedu izpilde --- výkon rozhodnutí --- fuldbyrdelse af dom --- výkon rozhodnutia --- enforcement of ruling --- εκτέλεση της απόφασης --- esecuzione della sentenza --- izvršenje presude --- ejecución de sentencia --- извршување судска пресуда --- päätöksen täytäntöönpano --- esecuzione coattiva --- teismo nutarimo vykdymo būdas --- kohtuotsuse täitmise viis --- извршување судско решение --- δεδικασμένο --- genomförande av domstols dom --- autorità della cosa giudicata --- exécution du jugement --- via esecutiva --- nolēmuma spēkā esamība --- utsökning --- effet du jugement --- esecuzione provvisoria --- rättskraft --- autoridad de cosa juzgada --- ítélet jogereje --- tenuitvoerlegging van een arrest --- meio de execução --- wijze van tenuitvoerlegging --- Vollstreckungsweg --- forcë res judicata --- força de caso julgado --- kohtuotsuse mõju --- tvangsfuldbyrdelse --- oikeusvoima --- exekuční právo --- účinnosť rozhodnutia --- mënyra e ekzekutimit --- autorité de la chose jugée --- res iudicata --- res judicata spēks --- efectul hotărârii judecătorești --- retskraft --- force of res judicata --- gezag van het gewijsde --- exekutionstitel --- effetti della sentenza --- executare silită --- teismo nutarimo vykdymas --- exekuční řízení --- pakartotinio teisminio nagrinėjimo draudimas --- αναγκαστική εκτέλεση --- obstavení majetku --- efekt i vendimit të ndërmjetëm --- jogerő --- mesure d'exécution forcée --- начин на спроведување судска одлука --- exekuce --- Urteilswirkung --- αποτέλεσμα δικαστικής απόφασης --- autoritatea lucrului judecat --- esecuzione penale --- ítélt dolog --- μέσο εκτελέσεως --- provođenje presude --- eksekution --- platnosť právomocne rozsúdenej veci --- executarea hotărârii judecătorești --- päätöksen vaikutus --- esecuzione forzata --- spôsob výkonu --- извршување и спроведување судски одлуки --- retsvirkning af dom --- exécution d'un arrêt --- teismo sprendimo įsiteisėjimas --- mode of enforcement --- õigusjõud --- vía ejecutiva --- effect of ruling --- werking van het vonnis --- efecto jurídico --- täytäntöönpanotapa --- efeito de sentença --- medios de ejecución --- claim --- pretensjoni --- pretendim --- terjatev --- ieškinys --- créance --- credito legale --- creanță --- tražbina --- Schuldforderung --- побарување --- nõue --- prasība --- követelés --- pohľadávka --- fordran --- pohledávka --- вземане --- потраживање --- απαίτηση --- éileamh --- créditos por cobrar --- saatava --- créditos --- fordring --- roszczenie --- notation des créances --- kreditorius --- creditor --- laskelma saatavista --- доверител --- creditore --- montante devido --- Gläubiger --- πιστωτής --- znesek denarne terjatve --- věřitel --- Bewertung von Wertpapieren des Finanzmarkts --- βαθμολόγηση της πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας ομολογιακής έκδοσης --- prasījums --- αξιολόγηση της πιστοληπτικής ικανότητας --- nárok --- prasītājs --- kreditur --- éileamh ar fhiach --- võlausaldaja --- cuentas por cobrar --- ammont riċevibbli --- zahtjev vjerovnika --- velkoja --- zadužnica --- kreditbedömning för skuldebrev --- upnik --- creidiúnaí --- Forderung --- požadavek --- acreedor --- tenedor de deuda --- võlaarvestus --- βαθμολόγηση του αξιόχρεου των χρεογράφων --- vjerovnik --- veriteľ --- kreditor --- заемодавец --- deuda incobrable --- risque des créances --- potraživanje --- credor --- reikalavimas --- schuldeiser --- kreditors --- кредитор --- договорно побарување --- hitelező --- rischio creditizio --- заемодател --- Wertpapierrisiko --- rating --- créancier --- cuenta de deudores --- amount receivable --- borgenär --- wierzyciel --- fordringsägare --- kifogás --- risknivå för skuldebrev --- igény --- valor a receber --- valutazione bancaria --- créditos incobrables --- European law --- International private law --- European Union --- Judgments, Foreign --- Jugements étrangers --- Civil procedure (International law) --- Procédure civile (Droit international privé) --- Judicial assistance --- Entraide judiciaire internationale --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- Enforcement measures (International law) --- Mesures d'exécution (Droit international) --- dlí príobháideach --- féichiúnas --- rialú a fhorfheidhmiú --- Entraide judiciaire européenne. --- Entraide judiciaire européenne --- Entraide judiciaire européenne
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Over the course of the last few decades, the European legislature has adopted a total of 18 Regulations in the area of private international law, including civil procedure. The resulting substantial legislative unification has been described as the first true ?Europeanisation? of private international law and even as a kind of ?European Choice of Law Revolution?. 0However, it remains largely unclear whether the far-reaching unification of the ?law on the books? has turned private international law into a truly European ?law in action?: To what extent is European private international law actually based on uniform European rules common to all Member States rather than on state treaties or instruments of enhanced cooperation? Is the manner in which academics and practitioners analyse and interpret European private international law really different from previously existing domestic approaches to private international law? Or, rather, is the actual application and interpretation of European private international law still influenced, or even dominated, by national legal traditions, leading to a re-fragmentation of a supposedly uniform body of law?
International private law --- European Union --- Droit international privé --- Droit européen --- Droit privé (droit européen) --- Législation --- Conflict of laws --- Droit international privé --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- Législation européenne. --- Choice of law --- Intermunicipal law --- International law, Private --- Private international law --- Law --- Legal polycentricity --- Civil law
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