Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome : concerning the divisions of the papists of England their difference in government whether by bishops or Jesuites with the care of His Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England for making priests to increase the Catholic number : whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse.

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Jacques Davy Cardinal du Perron

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An oration made on the part of the Lordes spirituall : in the chamber of the Third Estate (or communality) of France, vpon the oath (pretended of allegiance) exhibited in the late Generall Assembly of the three Estates of that kingdome: by the Lord Cardinall of Peron, arch-bishop of Sens, primate of Gaule and Germany, Great Almenour of France &c. Translated into English, according to the French copy, lately printed at Paris, by Antoine Estiene. Whereunto is adioyned a preface, by the translatour.

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The copy of a letter sent from the Cardinall du Perron embassadour for the French king at Rome, : concerning the divisions of the papists of England, their difference in government, whether by bishops or Jesuites, with the care of his Holinesse in the agreement, and his judgement in placing of bishops in England, for making priests to increase the Catholike number. Whereunto is added a certaine conjecture of the use both prelates and papists have made of the Cardinals counsell to augment and establish their greatnesse.

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Harangue faicte de la part de la chambre ecclesiastique, en celle du tiers Estat, sur l'article du serment

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A trew discourse of the order observed in the assemble & meeting made by the leaue of the king at Fontainebleau : for the effectuating of the dispute agreed vpon, betwixt the Lord Bishoppe of Eureux, and the Sr. of Plessis Mornay, vpon Thursday being the 4. of May Anno Domini 1600. : In the presence of the Kinges Maiestie, of many Prelates, Princes, Lords, Gentlemen, and other persons of diuers qualities; : Concerning the falsehoodes which the aforesaid Lord of Eureux had marked in 500 places, cited by the aforesaid Sr. of Plessis in a booke which he lately made & imprinted against the most blessed sacrame[n]t of the altar.

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Réfutation de toutes les objections tirées des passages de S. Augustin alléguez par les hérétiques contre le sainct sacrement de l'eucharistie

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Oeuvres diverses

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Replique à la response du serenissime roy de la Grand Bretagne

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Les ambassades et negotiations de l'illustrissime & reverendissime Cardinal Du Perron, archevesque de Sens, primat des Gaules et de Germanie, & grand aumosnier de France : avec les plus belles & eloquentes lettres, tant d'estat & de doctrine, que familières, qu'il a écrittes sur toutes sortes de sujets, aux roys, princes, princesses, ducs, republiques, grands seigneurs, & autres de diverses qualitez ...

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