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The European Union (EU) is facing one of the rockiest periods in its existence. At no time in its history has it looked so economically fragile, so insecure about how to protect its borders, so divided over how to tackle the crisis of legitimacy facing its institutions, and so under assault by Eurosceptic parties. The unprecedented levels of integration in recent decades have led to increased public contestation, yet at the same the EU is more reliant on public support for its continued legitimacy than ever before. This book examines the role of public opinion in the European integration process. It develops a novel theory of public opinion that stresses the deep interconnectedness between people’s views about European and national politics. It suggests that public opinion cannot simply be characterized as either Eurosceptic or not, but rather that it consists of different types. This is important because these types coincide with fundamentally different views about the way the EU should be reformed and which policy priorities should be pursued. These types also have very different consequences for behaviour in elections and referendums. Euroscepticism is such a diverse phenomenon because the Eurozone crisis has exacerbated the structural imbalances within the EU. As the economic and political fates of member states have diverged, people’s experiences with and evaluations of the EU and national political systems have also grown further apart. The heterogeneity in public preferences that this book has uncovered makes a one-size-fits-all approach to addressing Euroscepticism unlikely to be successful.
European Union --- Public opinion. --- Europe --- Economic integration. --- E.U. --- Social integration --- Gay culture Europe --- Europa
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'Money Flows' studies how remittances shape the relationship between remittance recipients and the authorities in migrant-sending countries by providing a comprehensive study of the political effects of remittances on the attitudes of their recipients.
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De crisis in de eurozone heeft de hervorming van de Europese Unie (EU) op de voorgrond van het politieke debat geplaatst. Hoe kan een unie van 27 staten met een bevolking van bijna een half miljard mensen worden hervormd om economi-sche crisissen en politieke uitdagingen het hoofd te bieden in de toekomst? Een antwoord vinden op deze vraag is geen sinecure. Niet alleen omdat de huidige hervormingsvoorstellen zo uiteenlopend zijn, maar des te meer omdat we niet genoeg inzicht hebben in de voorkeuren van de nationale elites en het grote pu-bliek wat betreft de manier waarop deze hervorming moet plaatsvinden. Hoewel de steun van de EU al meer dan drie decennia de interesse van wetenschappers en academici heeft weten op te wekken, weten we vrijwel niets over de steun van het grote publiek aan een hervorming van de EU. Het huidige onderzoek focust vrijwel uitsluitend op de oorzaken van de steun voor het huidige project en biedt geen voldoende basis voor daadwerkelijke beslissingen om tot hervorming over te gaan. De haalbaarheid en duurzaamheid van de hervorming van de EU hangt zeker in grote mate af van de steun van het nationale publiek. eupinions onderzoekt in welke mate het publiek de hervorming van de EU steunt door een theoretisch model te ontwikkelen en toonaangevende technieken voor gegevensverzameling te gebruiken. Onze bevindingen zullen de beleidsmakers helpen hervormings-voorstellen voor de EU op te stellen die op brede steun van het grote publiek zullen kunnen rekenen.
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Eupinions is een onafhankelijk platform voor de Europese publieke opinie dat in 2015 door de Bertelsmann Stiftung werd gelanceerd en sinds 2020 door de Koning Boudewijnstichting wordt ondersteund. Het eupinions team verzamelt, analyseert en becommentarieert wat het Europese publiek denkt over actuele politieke kwesties en megatrends. Eupinions maakt gebruik van geavanceerde technieken om data te verzamelen. Elk trimester verzamelen ze samples van elke EU-lidstaat in 22 talen In hun laatste rapport, ‘Het empathie-effect’, onderzoekt eupinions de relevantie van empathie in tijden van een wereldwijde pandemie. Het blijkt dat een kleine meerderheid van de Europeanen zeer empathisch is. Hoe verschilt empathie van land tot land? Heeft empathie invloed op de naleving van de gezondheidsbeperkingen van Covid-19? En heeft het überhaupt te maken met de bereidheid van de EU-burgers om op Europees niveau samen te werken? Eupinions beschikt over alle gegevens om deze vragen te beantwoorden
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Challenger parties are on the rise in Europe, exemplified by the likes of Podemos in Spain, the National Rally in France, the Alternative for Germany, or the Brexit Party in Great Britain. Like disruptive entrepreneurs, these parties offer new policies and defy the dominance of established party brands. In the face of these challenges and a more volatile electorate, mainstream parties are losing their grip on power. This book explores why some challenger parties are so successful and what mainstream parties can do to confront these political entrepreneurs. Drawing analogies with how firms compete, the book demonstrates that political change is as much about the ability of challenger parties to innovate as it is about the inability of dominant parties to respond. Challenger parties employ two types of innovation to break established party dominance: they mobilize new issues, such as immigration, the environment, and Euroscepticism, and they employ antiestablishment rhetoric to undermine mainstream party appeal. Unencumbered by government experience, challenger parties adapt more quickly to shifting voter tastes and harness voter disenchantment. Delving into strategies of dominance versus innovation, the authors explain why European party systems have remained stable for decades, but also why they are now increasingly under strain. As challenger parties continue to seek to disrupt the existing order, Political Entrepreneurs shows that their ascendency fundamentally alters government stability and democratic politics.
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In our previous report, The Optimism Gap, we found that a substantialshare of the EU’s population thinks that their own country is notdoing well, despite still being hopeful about their own lives. We calledthis the “optimism gap”. We also discussed what this might mean forthe ongoing COVID-19 crisis and European governments’ response to it. People’stendency to overestimate their own personal resilience in the face of imminentdanger could lead to undesirable social outcomes. While European governmentshave appealed to their citizens’ sense of responsibility by suggesting that individualsshould adhere to the rules, thus benefiting everyone, compliance hasbeen far from universal.In this report, we want to explore the role of empathy in this respect. To whatextent does empathy in the sense of being sensitive to the fate of other peoplehelp us understand people’s willingness to engage in COVID-19-related healthbehavior? Does empathy impact people’s views regarding the role that Europeancooperation should play in the pandemic? We shed light on these questions bypresenting evidence based on a survey conducted in June 2020, in which weinterviewed nearly 13,000 EU citizens. Our data is representative for the EU asa whole, as well as for the seven member states of Belgium, France, Germany,Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain.
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In this report, we delve deeper into people’s anxieties by focusing on their senseof societal pessimism. We present evidence based on a survey conducted in December2019 in which we interviewed more than 12,000 EU citizens. Our data isrepresentative for the EU as a whole, as well as for seven member states includingBelgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain. At theend of this report, we take a look at the ongoing COVID-19 crisis and Europeangovernments’ response to it. In particular, we examine what lessons might bedrawn from times of crisis-management for politics in general.
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European Union. --- Europe --- Politics and government. --- International relations. Foreign policy --- European Union --- E.U. --- Politics --- #SBIB:327.7H200 --- #SBIB:327.7H201 --- #SBIB:32H3 --- Europese Unie: algemeen --- Europese Unie: politieke theorie --- Politieke wetenschappen: inleidende werken, handboeken, methoden --- European Union countries --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Politique et gouvernement --- Europe - Politics and government.
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