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From casting to sculpture Cast materials become solid, yet they originate as fluid materials that can take on any imaginable form. This simple yet radical paradigm allows for the exploration of volumetric formations through process-oriented casting and experimentation with alternative ways of manufacturing, presenting, and shaping casting molds. Working with hardening bodies fundamentally challenges the notion of formal rigidity; conventional formwork models are reconsidered, and a new aesthetic emerges. Fluid Bodies presents a variety of objects created using alternative casting methods. The book documents experimental artistic research and showcases innovative and surprising sculptures in concrete and plaster. Alternative ways of manufacturing, presenting, and shaping casting molds Concrete and plaster sculptures, parametric designs, and the further development of conventional formwork models and casting processes With numerous large-format photographs Von der Gussmethode zur Skulptur Gegossene Materialien werden fest, sind jedoch in ihrem Ursprung ein fließendes Baumaterial, das jede erdenkliche Form annehmen kann. Dieses einfache, aber radikale Paradigma ermöglicht die Erforschung volumetrischer Formationen durch prozesshaftes Gießen und das Experimentieren mit alternativen Möglichkeiten der Herstellung, Inszenierung und Formgebung von Gussformen. Durch die Arbeit mit aushärtenden Körpern wird die Vorstellung ihrer formalen Starrheit grundlegend infrage gestellt, konventionelle Schalungsmodelle werden überdacht, und es entsteht eine neue Ästhetik. Fluid Bodies präsentiert eine Vielzahl an Objekten, die aus alternativen Gussmethoden entstanden sind. Das Buch dokumentiert die experimentelle künstlerische Forschung und setzt die innovativen wie überraschenden Beton- und Gipsskulpturen in Szene. Alternative Wege der Herstellung, Inszenierung und Formgebung von Gussformen Betonskulpturen, Gipsskulpturen, parametrische Entwürfe und Weiterentwicklung konventioneller Schalungsmodelle und -gießverfahren Mit zahlreichen großformatigen Abbildungen
Human body --- Human figure in art. --- Body, Human (in religion, folk-lore, etc.) --- Human body in art --- Art --- Composition (Art) --- Figurative art --- Anatomy, Artistic --- Figure drawing --- Figure painting --- Symbolic aspects of the human body --- Symbolism --- Symbolic aspects. --- Religious aspects. --- Sculpture. --- artistic research. --- casting methods. --- concrete. --- design.
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Cast materials become solid, yet they originate as fluid materials that can take on any imaginable form. This simple yet radical paradigm allows for the exploration of volumetric formations through process-oriented casting and experimentation with alternative ways of manufacturing, presenting, and shaping casting molds.Working with hardening bodies fundamentally challenges the notion of formal rigidity; conventional formwork models are reconsidered, and a new aesthetic emerges.Fluid Bodies presents a variety of objects created using alternative casting methods. The book documents experimental artistic research and showcases innovative and surprising sculptures in concrete and plaster.
Beeldhouwkunst ; technieken ; afgietsels ; gietvormen --- Industrieel design ; 21ste eeuw ; nieuwe materialen --- Industrieel design; materialen; kunststoffen --- Industrieel design ; stoelen ; experimentele variaties op --- Meubelkunst; Experimentele --- Meubelen ; industrieel design ; 21ste eeuw --- Meubelen ; van gevlochten vezels --- Meubelen ; sculpturale meubelontwerpen --- 749.02 --- Meubelkunst en design ; technieken, materialen --- Sculpture --- Plâtre --- Béton --- Textile
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Cast materials become solid, yet they originate as fluid materials that can take on any imaginable form. This simple yet radical paradigm allows for the exploration of volumetric formations through process-oriented casting and experimentation with alternative ways of manufacturing, presenting, and shaping casting molds.Working with hardening bodies fundamentally challenges the notion of formal rigidity; conventional formwork models are reconsidered, and a new aesthetic emerges.Fluid Bodies presents a variety of objects created using alternative casting methods. The book documents experimental artistic research and showcases innovative and surprising sculptures in concrete and plaster.
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Wolf D. Prix, Mitbegründer von Coop Himmelb(l)au, war mehr als 20 Jahre der Leiter des Studio Prix an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien. Seine architektonischen Visionen prägten das Studio, das von Anfang an für Radikalismus, hochkarätige Strategien und in die Realität übertragene und umgesetzte Utopien stand. Studio Prix war ein Kreativzentrum, das intensive Betreuung bot. Diese Publikation beinhaltet eine Auswahl von Projekten und Diplomarbeiten von Studierenden, sowie Ausführungen von internationalen Freunden wie den ArchitektenHitoshi Abe, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Klaus Bollinger, Chris Bangle, Aaron Betsky, Mario Coyula-Cowley, Gregor Eichinger, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Catherine Ingraham, Bettina Götz, Lars Lerup, Greg Lynn, Thom Mayne, Eric Owen Moss, Peter Noever, Carl Pruscha, Hani Rashid, Michael Rotondi, Patrik Schumacher, Peter Sellars und Lebbeus Woods sowie von seinen AssistentInnen und Theoretikern wie Günther Feuerstein, Sanford Kwinter, Hans Ulrich Reck und Christian Reder. Wolf D. Prix, founder of Coop Himmelb(l)au was more than 20 years head of Studio Prix at the Angewandte in Vienna.His architectural visions shaped the studio with radical concepts, high profile strategies and right from the beginningenabled students to develop projects for the world of the future. Studio Prix was a creative cluster with intense teaching. This publication contains a selection of projects and diploma works of students as well as statements of international friends like Hitoshi Abe, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Klaus Bollinger, Chris Bangle, Aaron Betsky, Mario Coyula-Cowley, Gregor Eichinger, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Catherine Ingraham, Bettina Götz, Lars Lerup, Greg Lynn, Thom Mayne, Eric Owen Moss, Peter Noever, Carl Pruscha, Hani Rashid, Michael Rotondi, Patrik Schumacher, Peter Sellars, Lebbeus Woods as well as teaching staff and theoreticians such as Günther Feuerstein, Sanford Kwinter, Hans Ulrich Reck and Christian Reder.
Architecture --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Design and construction --- Architecture, Primitive --- Prix, Wolf D., --- Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien. --- 1900-2099 --- Austria --- IOA --- Universität für Angewandte Kunst Wien
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