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Focusing on the protection of rights in the UK, this book establishes a framework for interactions to better protect rights, facilitate deliberation, engage citizens and provide for checks and balances. It further evaluates how well these values are achieved in the UK constitution now, and in light of a British Bill of Rights and Brexit.
Constitutional law --- Human rights --- Great Britain. --- Human Rights Act 1998 (Great Britain) --- Great Britain --- Politics and government. --- England --- Politics and government
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Constitutions divide into those that provide for a constitutionally protected set of rights, where courts can strike down legislation, and those where rights are protected predominantly by parliament, where courts can interpret legislation to protect rights, but cannot strike down legislation. The UK's Human Rights Act 1998 is regarded as an example of a commonwealth model of rights protections. It is justified as a new form of protection of rights which promotes dialogue between the legislature and the courts - dialogue being seen not just as a better means of protecting rights, but as a new form of constitutionalism occupying a middle ground between legal and political constitutionalism. This book argues that there is no clear middle ground for dialogue to occupy, with most theories of legal and political constitutionalism combining legal and political protections, as well as providing an account of interactions between the legislature and the judiciary. Nevertheless, dialogue has a role to play. It differs from legal and political constitutionalism in terms of the assumptions on which it is based and the questions it asks. It focuses on analysing mechanisms of inter-institutional interactions, and assessing when these interactions can provide a better protection of rights, facilitate deliberation, engage citizens, and act as an effective check and balance between institutions of the constitution.This book evaluates dialogue in the UK constitution, assessing the protection of human rights through the Human Rights Act 1998, the common law, and EU law. It also evaluates court-court dialogue between the UK court, the European Court of Justice, and the European Court of Human Rights. The conclusion evaluates the implications of the proposed British Bill of Rights and the referendum decision to leave the European Union
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A lot has happened to the UK Constitution in the last seven years. We've witnessed the UK's exit from the EU, further devolution to Scotland and Wales, a number of prominent cases by the Supreme Court, two early parliamentary general elections, major governmental defeats and two Prime Ministerial resignations. Alison Young has built on the text of Colin Turpin and Adam Tomkins' earlier edition, keeping their unique historical and contextual approach, whilst bringing the material up to date with more contemporary examples, including references to Brexit, the recent prorogation and Brexit case law, and the Covid-19 pandemic. The book continues to include substantial extracts from parliamentary and other political sources as well as from legislation and case law. It also provides a full yet accessible account of the British constitution at the culmination of a series of dramatic events, on the threshold of possible further constitutional reform.
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The Human Rights Act 1998 is criticised for providing a weak protection of human rights. The principle of parliamentary legislative supremacy prevents entrenchment, meaning that courts cannot overturn legislation passed after the Act that contradicts Convention rights. This book investigates this assumption, arguing that the principle of parliamentary legislative supremacy is sufficiently flexible to enable a stronger protection of human rights, which can replicate the effect of entrenchment. Nevertheless, it is argued that the current protection should not be strengthened. If correctly interpreted, the Human Rights Act can facilitate democratic dialogue that enables courts to perform their proper correcting function to protect rights from abuse, whilst enabling the legislature to authoritatively determine contestable issues surrounding the extent to which human rights should be protected alongside other rights, interests and goals of a particular society. This understanding of the Human Rights Act also provides a different justification for the preservation of Dicey's conception of parliamentary sovereignty in the UK Constitution
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Political systems --- Public law. Constitutional law --- United Kingdom
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The topic of sovereignty is contentious, and one of enduring interest. In a world of ever increasing economic globalisation, the rise of supranational regulation and the interconnected age of information and communication technology, among many other developments, have challenged the once exclusively held Westphalian model of sovereignty. The distinction between the internal aspect of sovereignty as expressed in terms of ultimate authority in a constitution, and the externalaspect involving the relationship between sovereign states has been blurred. This has given rise to contemporary debates
Sovereignty. --- Constitutional law. --- Constitutional law --- Constitutional limitations --- Constitutionalism --- Constitutions --- Limitations, Constitutional --- Public law --- Administrative law --- Sovereignty --- State sovereignty (International relations) --- International law --- Political science --- Common heritage of mankind (International law) --- International relations --- Self-determination, National --- Interpretation and construction --- Law and legislation
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Public law in the UK and EU has undergone seismic changes over the last forty years: development and membership of the EU, the Human Rights Act, devolution, the fostering of public law expertise within the judiciary, the globalization of public law, and the increased interaction between the academy, judiciary, barristers, public interest groups, and legislatures have transformed the public law landscape. Commentators spend much time at the frontiers of the subject, responding rapidly to new developments and providing guidance to scholars, legislators, and judges for future directions. In these circumstances, there is rarely a chance to reflect upon the implications of these changes for the fundamentals of public law and how those fundamentals relate to one another. In this collection, leading figures in UK and EU public law address this lacuna. Inspired by the depth, scope, and ambition of the work of Paul Craig, Professor of English Law at Oxford University, the focus of this collection is upon exploring and reflecting upon six fundamentals of public law and the interrelationship between them: legislation, case law, theory, institutions, process, and constitutions.
Public law. --- Law --- public law. --- legislation. --- administrative law. --- EU Member State. --- United Kingdom. --- constitutional law. --- public authorities. --- poderes públicos --- viranomaiset --- viešojo valdymo institucijos --- overheid --- javne vlasti --- údaráis phoiblí --- državni organi --- poteri pubblici --- orgány verejnej správy --- awtoritajiet pubbliċi --- autoritete publike --- ametivõimud --- orgány veřejné správy --- autoritate publică --- државни органи --- јавни власти --- държавни органи --- pouvoirs publics --- valsts iestādes --- δημόσιες αρχές --- organy państwowe --- Staatsorgane --- offentlige myndigheder --- offentliga myndigheter --- hatóságok --- veřejná moc --- helyi és regionális hatóságok --- autorité publique --- det offentlige --- pouvoir constitué --- autoridade pública --- státní orgány --- државна власт --- potere costituito --- statsmagten --- autoridad pública --- autoridades --- öffentliche Hand --- autorità costituita --- autorità nazionale --- publiskās iestādes --- állami szervek --- poderes constituídos --- orgány výkonné moci --- gestelde macht --- organe de stat --- správní orgány --- közigazgatási hatóságok --- autoridades del Estado --- органи на државна власт --- výkonné orgány --- autorità pubblica --- úřady --- javne ovlasti --- poder constituido --- e drejta kushtetuese --- drept constituțional --- riigiõigus --- Derecho constitucional --- prawo konstytucyjne --- alkotmányjog --- valtiosääntöoikeus --- konstitucinė teisė --- уставно право --- forfatningsret --- direito constitucional --- författningsrätt --- konstitucionālais likums --- ústavné právo --- ustavno pravo --- ústavní právo --- конституционно право --- dlí bunreachtúil --- droit constitutionnel --- Verfassungsrecht --- συνταγματικό δίκαιο --- grondwettelijk recht --- diritto costituzionale --- dritt kostituzzjonali --- ligj parlamentar --- konstitucionalistika --- parlamentinė teisė --- staatsrecht --- konstitutionel ret --- parlamentārās tiesības --- politiek recht --- derecho político --- direito parlamentar --- Derecho parlamentario --- κοινοβουλευτικό δίκαιο --- parlamenti jog --- diritto parlamentare --- droit parlementaire --- parlementair recht --- parlamentní právo --- πολιτικό δικαίωμα --- politikai jog --- konstitucionālās tiesības --- parlamentarisk ret --- конституционално право --- prawo parlamentarne --- droit politique --- liġi parlamentari --- konstitutionell rätt --- oikeuspolitiikka --- parlamentné právo --- direito político --- parliamentary law --- valsts tiesības --- парламентарно право --- parlamentaarne õigus --- parlamentarno pravo --- Parlamentsrecht --- drept parlamentar --- státní právo --- statsforfatningsret --- diritto politico --- politisches Recht --- parlamentaarinen oikeus --- Yhdistynyt kuningaskunta --- Förenade kungariket --- Ühendkuningriik --- Обединетото Кралство --- An Ríocht Aontaithe --- Spojené kráľovstvo --- ir-Renju Unit --- Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο --- Spojené království --- Великобритания --- Velika Britanija i Sjeverna Irska --- Marea Britanie --- Regno Unito --- Verenigd Koninkrijk --- Mbretëria e Bashkuar --- Уједињено Краљевство --- Apvienotā Karaliste --- Reino Unido --- Egyesült Királyság --- Wielka Brytania --- Det Forenede Kongerige --- Jungtinė Karalystė --- das Vereinigte Königreich --- Združeno kraljestvo --- Royaume-Uni --- Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország --- Velká Británie --- Jungtinė Didžiosios Britanijos ir Šiaurės Airijos Karalystė --- Gran Bretagna --- Reino Unido da Grã-Bretanha e Irlanda do Norte --- Verenigd Koninkrijk van Groot-Brittannië en Noord-Ierland --- Iso-Britannia --- Storbritannien --- Μεγάλη Βρετανία --- Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo Velike Britanije i Sjeverne Irske --- Mbretëria e Bashkuar e Britanisë së Madhe dhe Irlandës së Veriut --- das Vereinigte Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland --- Združeno kraljestvo Velika Britanija in Severna Irska --- Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága --- Iso-Britannia ja Pohjois-Irlanti --- Ujedinjena Kraljevina --- Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας και της Βορείου Ιρλανδίας --- Zjednoczone Królestwo Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej --- Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska --- Nagy-Britannia --- Grã-Bretanha --- Groot-Brittannië --- Gran Bretaña --- United Kingdom --- Уједињено Краљевство Велике Британије и Северне Ирске --- Обединетото Кралство на Велика Британија и Северна Ирска --- Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord --- Обединено кралство --- Británie --- Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο της Μεγάλης Βρετανίας και της Βόρειας Ιρλανδίας --- Det Forenede Kongerige Storbritannien og Nordirland --- Großbritannien --- Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d’Irlande du Nord --- Ison-Britannian ja Pohjois-Irlannin yhdistynyt kuningaskunta --- Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord --- Suurbritannia ja Põhja-Iiri Ühendkuningriik --- Spojené kráľovstvo Veľkej Británie a Severného ĺrska --- Обединено кралство Великобритания и Северна Ирландия --- Lielbritānijas un Ziemeļīrijas Apvienotā Karaliste --- Veľká Británia a Severné Írsko --- Förenade konungariket Storbritannien och Nordirland --- Lielbritānija --- Grande-Bretagne --- Velika Britanija --- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland --- Marea Britanie și Irlanda de Nord --- Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte --- členský stát EU --- države članice EU-a --- țări ale UE --- Stat Membru tal-UE --- Shtetet Anëtare të BE-së --- EU-tagállam --- państwo członkowskie UE --- État membre UE --- Stato membro UE --- EU-medlemsstat --- štáty EÚ --- Mitgliedstaat der EU --- država članica EU --- земља ЕУ --- Estado-Membro UE --- κράτος μέλος ΕΕ --- ES dalībvalsts --- medlemsstat i EU --- ELi riigid --- EU:n jäsenvaltio --- държави от Европейския съюз --- ES valstybė narė --- EU-lidstaat --- Estado miembro UE --- Ballstát den Aontas Eorpach --- земји членки на ЕУ --- krajiny EÚ --- EG-land --- EK valsts --- země ES --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Union --- paese dell'Unione europea --- pays CE --- κράτος μέλος της ΕΕ --- země Evropské unie --- krajiny Európskej únie --- Mitgliedsland der Europäischen Gemeinschaften --- EG-Land --- χώρα ΕΕ --- países CE --- kraje UE --- Euroopan unionin maat --- земји членки на Европската Заедница --- ELi liikmesriik --- država EU --- pays de l'Union européenne --- země Evropských společenství --- EU-Staat --- EK-tagország --- земји од ЕУ --- vend i KE-së --- land i Det Europæiske Fællesskab --- χώρα ΕΚ --- Estado miembro de la UE --- EÜ riik --- paese CE --- EU country --- país UE --- Europos Bendrijos šalis --- ES šalis --- European Community country --- земји од ЕЗ --- ES valsts --- Estado-Membro da União Europeia --- štáty Európskej únie --- ELi riik --- państwo UE --- EG-medlemsstat --- EC country --- Euroopa Liidu riik --- European Union country --- Mitgliedstaat der Europäischen Union --- paese della Comunità europea --- pays UE --- vend i Bashkimit Europian --- země EU --- EU-maat --- EU-ország --- EU-tagország --- land i Europeiska gemenskapen --- zemlje članice EU-a --- país de la UE --- países da União Europeia --- vend i BE-së --- vend i Komunitetit Europian --- land i Europeiska unionen --- EU-stat --- stat membru al Comunității Europene --- EF-land --- stat membru al Uniunii Europene --- EG-stat --- países de la Unión Europea --- az Európai Unió tagállama --- landen van de Europese Gemeenschappen --- krajiny Európskych spoločenstiev --- Europos Sąjungos šalis --- EU:n jäsenmaat --- Euroopa Ühenduse riik --- Eiropas Savienības valsts --- EU-land --- Stato membro dell'UE --- lidstaten van de Europese Unie --- paese UE --- landen van de EG --- EU-Land --- pays de la Communauté européenne --- țări membre ale Comunității Europene --- países de la Comunidad Europea --- EK-tagállam --- land i Den Europæiske Union --- Eiropas Kopienas valstis --- az Európai Közösségek tagállama --- EB šalis --- droit administratif --- forvaltningsret --- hallinto-oikeus --- Verwaltungsrecht --- Derecho administrativo --- haldusõigus --- e drejtë administrative --- direito administrativo --- správní právo --- diritto amministrativo --- διοικητικό δίκαιο --- административно право --- dlí riaracháin --- upravno pravo --- förvaltningsrätt --- drept administrativ --- správne právo --- administracinė teisė --- управно право --- bestuursrecht --- prawo administracyjne --- közigazgatási jog --- liġi amminisitrattiva --- administratīvās tiesības --- administrativní právo --- államigazgatási jog --- legislação --- Gesetzgebung --- legislación --- legjislacion --- seadusandlus --- législation --- teisėkūra --- legislazione --- νομοθεσία --- законодавство --- lainsäädäntö --- lovgivning --- leġiżlazzjoni --- законодателство --- törvényalkotás --- ustawodawstwo --- lagstiftning --- zakonodavstvo --- legislație --- legislativa --- legislatíva --- wetgeving --- zakonodaja --- likumdošana --- reachtaíocht --- koncepcija --- právní normy --- aspetto giuridico --- законска одредба --- rättslig aspekt --- zakonodavni akt --- disposição legislativa --- dimensión jurídica --- legislative provision --- правна норма --- νομοθετική πράξη --- právní předpisy --- juridische aspecten --- lovbestemmelse --- programa --- teisės nuostata --- disposition législative --- dispozitë legjislative --- juridisk aspekt --- õiguslik aspekt --- likumi --- disposizione legislativa --- disposizione di legge --- legislatívny akt --- õigustloov akt --- atto legislativo --- legislatívne ustanovenie --- õigusakt --- aspeto jurídico --- rättsregler --- tiesību normas --- zakonska odredba --- правни прашања --- disposición legislativa --- legislative act --- seadusandlik akt --- νομική πλευρά --- wetgevende handeling --- juridisk dimension --- Gesetzesbestimmung --- Gesetzesvorschrift --- vertiente jurídica --- törvény rendelkezése --- teisės aktų leidimas --- säädös --- punto de vista jurídico --- teisinis aspektas --- zákonodárství --- lagbestämmelse --- tiesību aspekts --- jogalkotási aktus --- νομοθετική διάταξη --- rechtlicher Aspekt --- Gesetzgebungsakt --- teisės aktas --- törvényi rendelkezés --- akt legjislativ --- jogszabály --- säännös --- легислатива --- act legislativ --- wettelijke bepaling --- oikeudellinen näkökohta --- likumdošanas akti --- gesetzliche Vorschrift --- prevederi legislative --- правен акт --- ato legislativo --- jogszabályi rendelkezés --- lagstiftningshandling --- törvényhozás --- acte législatif --- tiesību akti --- gesetzliche Bestimmung --- publiek recht --- veřejné právo --- e drejtë publike --- javno pravo --- diritto pubblico --- avalik õigus --- δημόσιο δίκαιο --- publiskās tiesības --- julkisoikeus --- direito público --- dritt pubbliku --- offentlig rätt --- Derecho público --- offentlig ret --- viešoji teisė --- öffentliches Recht --- közjog --- dlí poiblí --- drept public --- јавно право --- verejné právo --- droit public --- prawo publiczne --- публично право --- Staatsrecht --- államjog --- Public law --- Public law. Constitutional law --- European Union --- Comparative law --- Droit comparé --- Droit public
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The judgment of the UK Supreme Court in R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union is of fundamental legal, constitutional and political significance. The Supreme Court's judgment discussed the relative powers of Parliament and the Government, the relationship between Westminster and the devolved legislatures, and the extent to which the UK's membership of the EU had changed the UK constitution, both prior to and even after departure. It also provided further evidence of the emerging role of the UK's Supreme Court as a constitutional court, despite the lack of a codified constitution in the UK. This edited collection critically evaluates the decision in Miller, providing a detailed analysis of the reasoning in the judgment and its longer-term consequences for the UK constitution through the period of Brexit and beyond. The case is used as a lens through which to evaluate the modern UK constitution and its potential future evolution. Whatever form Brexit may eventually take, the impact that EU membership and the triggering of Brexit has already had on the UK's constitutional settlement is profound. The book will be of great value to anyone interested in the effect of the Miller case and Brexit on the UK's constitution.
Treaty-making power --- Prerogative, Royal --- Miller, Gina, --- Trials, litigation, etc. --- European Union --- Great Britain. --- Coopération internationale --- Pouvoir royal --- Pouvoir de conclusion --- Miller, Gina --- Procès. --- Union européenne --- Treaty-making power - Great Britain. --- Prerogative, Royal - Great Britain. --- Royaume-Uni --- Miller, Gina, - 1965- - Trials, litigation, etc. --- R (Miller) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union [2017] UKSC 5 --- Miller, Gina, - 1965 --- -Treaty-making power --- Coopération internationale --- Procès. --- Union européenne --- -Royaume-Uni --- Miller, Gina, - 1965-
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The topic of sovereignty is contentious, and one of enduring interest. In a world of ever increasing economic globalisation, the rise of supranational regulation and the interconnected age of information and communication technology, among many other developments, have challenged the once exclusively held Westphalian model of sovereignty. The distinction between the internal aspect of sovereignty as expressed in terms of ultimate authority in a constitution, and the external aspect involving the relationship between sovereign states has been blurred. This has given rise to contemporary debates that explore the theoretical and practical implications of current challenges to established doctrines. Evidently no book could encompass the entirety of the contemporary debates on sovereignty. This is a book of essays focusing on sovereignty by a team of leading writers contributing domestic, European and international perspectives. The essays have been written at a time of very great testing of the institutional frameworks at every level: domestic, European, international or global. The book illuminates the enduring strength of sovereignty as a foundational concept and the continuing widespread appeal of sovereignty as an idea
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