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c Societa a Italiana di Fisica / Springer-Verlag 2008 The 11th Workshop on The Physics of Excited Nucleons, NSTAR 2007, was held at the University of Bonn, Germany,fromSeptember5–8,2007.ItwasthelatestofaseriesofsuccessfulconferencesattheRensselaerPolytechnic Institute (1988), Florida State University (1994 and 2005), Je?erson Lab (1995 and 2000), INT Seattle (1996), GWU ? Washington (1997), ECT Trento (1998), Mainz (2001), Pittsburgh (2002) and the LPSC Grenoble (2004). A Baryon Resonance Analysis Group (BRAG) meeting immediately before the workshop focused especially on the physical meaning of bare and dressed scattering matrix singularities. A focus workshop on? photoproduction rounded o? the NSTAR 2007. The goal of NSTAR 2007 was to bring together experts on all areas of physics relevant to baryon spectroscopy, both in experiment and theory. Latest results were presented in 30 plenary talks and 34 parallel contributions, the proceedings of which are collected in this volume. The workshop was attended by 123 scientists of 41 universities and laboratories from 16 countries. Exciting new high-precision data were shown from facilities in Asia, the US and Europe, e.g. BES, BNL, COSY, ELSA, GRAAL, JLab, MAMI and LEPS. Large-acceptance detectors provide complete angular distributions in many reaction channels. Particular emphasis is put on the measurement of single and double polarisation observables such that many new polarization measurements can be expected in forthcoming meetings.
Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Quarks --- Baryons --- Nuclear Physics, Heavy Ions, Hadrons. --- Baryons -- Congresses. --- Quarks -- Congresses. --- Physics. --- Nuclear physics. --- Heavy ions. --- Hadrons. --- Fermions --- Hadrons --- Heavy particles (Nuclear physics) --- Atomic nuclei --- Atoms, Nuclei of --- Nucleus of the atom --- Physics --- Ions
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Baryons --- Baryons. --- Hadrons --- Hadrons. --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Particles (Nuclear physics). --- Particules (Physique nucléaire)
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The study of N*s can provide us with critical insights into the nature of QCD in the confinement domain. The keys to progress in this domain are the identification of its important degrees of freedom and the effective forces between them. The nucleon is the simplest system in which the nonabelian character of QCD is manifest. There are Nc quarks in a baryon because there are Nc colors, and as a consequence Gell-Mann and Zweig were forced to introduce the quarks in order to describe the octet and decuplet baryons. This volume gives a status report on the recent experimental and theoretical results in the field of nucleon resonance physics. A wealth of new high precision data was presented from facilities around the world, such as BES, BNL, ELSA, GRAAL, JLab, MAMI, MIT/Bates, SPring8, and Yerevan. Particular emphasis was laid on polarization degrees of freedom and large acceptance detectors as precision tools for studying small but important transition amplitudes, and the helicity (spin) structure of the nucleon. There were new results describing the nucleon resonance structure on the basis of quantum chromodynamics, either directly in terms of quarks and gluons by means of lattice gauge theory, or in terms of hadrons in the framework of chiral field theories. A status report on duality showed the surprising connections between the physics of the low energy nucleon resonance region and the realm of quark structure functions in deep inelastic scattering. Finally, this volume contains a summary report of the BRAG workshop, devoted to the analysis of baryon resonances.
Hadrons --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Baryons --- Fermions --- Heavy particles (Nuclear physics)
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This book covers recent advances in the field of nucleon resonances presented at the IX International Workshop on the Physics of Excited Baryons, NSTAR2004. A complete overview of the most recent experimental results obtained worldwide on baryon spectroscopy is presented together with theoretical progress on related topics ranging from resonance parameters extraction to lattice-QCD calculations through effective field theory. Of particular interest, a large part of the book is devoted to exotic states with quantum numbers of pentaquarks, whose recent discovery represents a new chapter in hadro
Hadrons --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Baryons --- Fermions --- Heavy particles (Nuclear physics)
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This book covers recent advances in the physics of nucleon resonances, including new experimental results from laboratories in the USA, Europe, and Asia, and new developments in effective field theories, quark models, and lattice gauge theory.
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Brings together experts on the quark-gluon structure of matter as it applies to nucleon resonance physics. This book contains contributions that discuss the findings in areas such as meson production via electromagnetic and hadronic reactions, baryon resonance structure in chiral and lattice QCD approaches, and more.
Hadrons --- Particles (Nuclear physics) --- Baryons --- Fermions --- Heavy particles (Nuclear physics)
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