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Atmospheric dynamics
ISBN: 1281179175 9786611179175 354073936X 3540739351 3642093205 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Springer,

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This book presents decade-long advances in atmospheric research in the Mackenzie River Basin in northern Canada, which encompasses environments representative of most cold areas on Earth. Collaborative efforts by a team of about 100 scientists and engineers have yielded knowledge entirely transferable to other high latitude regions in America, Europe and Asia. Emphases are placed on the investigation of processes (including storm genesis, precipitation, moisture and energy fluxes and frost), and the improvement and application of a suite of models and remote sensing to enhance the assessment o

Permafrost hydrology
ISBN: 3642429742 3642234615 9786613704320 3642234623 1280793937 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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Permafrost Hydrology systematically elucidates the roles of seasonally and perennially frozen ground on the distribution, storage and flow of water. Cold regions of the World are subject to mounting development which significantly affects the physical environment. Climate change, natural or human-induced, reinforces the impacts. Knowledge of surface and ground water processes operating in permafrost terrain is fundamental to planning, management and conservation. This book is an indispensable reference for libraries and researchers, an information source for practitioners, and a valuable text for training the next generations of cold region scientists and engineers.

Hydrologic processes
ISBN: 1281140813 9786611140816 354075136X 3540749276 3642094341 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin : Springer,

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This book presents decade-long advances in atmospheric research in the Mackenzie River Basin in northern Canada, which encompasses environments representative of most cold areas on Earth. Collaborative efforts by a team of about 100 scientists and engineers have yielded knowledge entirely transferable to other high latitude regions in America, Europe and Asia. Emphases are placed on the investigation of processes (including storm genesis, precipitation, moisture and energy fluxes and frost), and the improvement and application of a suite of models and remote sensing to enhance the assessment of climate variability and water resources. This book complements the first volume coming from the GEWEX project, dealing with the region's atmospheric dynamics. Together these books provide a unique synthesis of atmospheric and hydrological findings and an integrative approach across disciplines in addressing major research issues of cold regions.

Cold region atmospheric and hydrologic studies: the Mackenzie GEWEX experience: volume 1: atmospheric dynamics
ISBN: 9783540739364 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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ThegeographyofCanadamakesitoneofthebestlocationsintheworld for cold regionatmosphericand hydrologic studies:its high latitudeand high mountains,proximity to oceans in theArcticand cold temperate zones,a broadassemblage of landscapeand vegetation,and numerous lakesand rivers.Foryears,Canadians have conducted research on cold regions,either individually or in small groups, thusaccumulating rich experienceandample expertisein the farNorth.Creation of theGlobal EnergyandWaterCycleExperiment(GEWEX),undertheauspicesofthe WorldClimateResearchProgram,providedanexternalimpetusforlar- scale collaborative research. Canada responded to this initiativeby creatingtheMackenzieGEWEXStudyorMAGSthatfocusedonthecold region.ItwasrecognizedattheearlystageofMAGSthattheatmosphere andthehydrospherearestronglylinked.Aconcertedeffortofatmospheric andhydrologicscientistsisbeneficial,ifnotessential,toasuccessfullarge research program.In thisregards,investigation conducted bya groupof scientistsandengineersofMAGSwasentirelyrelevantandtimely.This study,carriedoutbetween1994and2005,hadtheresearchobjectivesof (1)understandingandmodelingthehigh-latitudeenergyandwatercycles that playroles in the climate system,and (2)improving ourability to assess the changestoCanada ?swaterresourcesthatarisefrom climate variabilityandanthropogenicclimatechange. So vast a world region that isunderthe influence of intense and persistent coldness cannot be covered by a contingent of Canadian researchersoveradecadaltimehorizon.TheMackenzieRiverBasinand its vicinity in northwestern Canada, occupying an area of about two millionsquarekilometers,wasadoptedasthepreferredresearchlocation. It offersa wideassemblage of environments, including mountainsand plains,tundraandforests,lakesandwetlands,andwinterslandscapesof snow, ice and frost. Its climatic continentality is accompanied by pronounced external influences,notably from the Pacific Ocean. The Mackenzie area presents a diversity of atmospheric and hydrologic conditionswiththeirattendantresearchproblemstochallengetheMAGS investigators. With increasing pressureofdevelopment, the previously neglected northernareas in many circumpolar nations havecome to the fore.The coldregionwithitspermafrost,snowandicethataresensitivetoclimate v warming,andwithitsecosystemthatisvulnerabletodisturbances,must be developed in a considered fashion toenable environmental sustainability.Information needstobegatheredand sound knowledge should be available for proper planning and operationalpurposes. Furthermore, the cold region isacknowledged to be highlysensitive to variationsandchangesintheclimate.Theeffectsofitsatmosphericand hydrologicfeedbackextendwellbeyondtheconfinesofthehighlatitudes to influence the globalmovements of waterand energy.Therearelarge uncertaintiesregarding howthe cold region respondsto the impetus of changesimposedbynatureandhuman.Progressincoldclimateresearch wouldcontributetoimprovedunderstandingofhowthesystembehaves, henceenablingbetterpreparationforandappropriateadaptationtothese changes. MAGSattempted toincreaseour knowledge of the North. All its projectsplacedanexplicitorimplicitemphasisonimprovingthecurrent understanding of the cold regionatmosphericand hydrologic processes.

Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies. The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience : Volume 2: Hydrologic Processes
ISBN: 9783540751366 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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This book presents decade-long advances in atmospheric research in the Mackenzie River Basin in northern Canada, which encompasses environments representative of most cold areas on Earth. Collaborative efforts by a team of about 100 scientists and engineers have yielded knowledge entirely transferable to other high latitude regions in America, Europe and Asia. Emphases are placed on the investigation of processes (including storm genesis, precipitation, moisture and energy fluxes and frost), and the improvement and application of a suite of models and remote sensing to enhance the assessment of climate variability and water resources. This book complements the first volume coming from the GEWEX project, dealing with the region's atmospheric dynamics. Together these books provide a unique synthesis of atmospheric and hydrological findings and an integrative approach across disciplines in addressing major research issues of cold regions.

Permafrost Hydrology
ISBN: 9783642234620 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Permafrost Hydrology
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783642234620 Year: 2012 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg Imprint Springer

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Permafrost Hydrology systematically elucidates the roles of seasonally and perennially frozen ground on the distribution, storage and flow of water. Cold regions of the World are subject to mounting development which significantly affects the physical environment. Climate change, natural or human-induced, reinforces the impacts. Knowledge of surface and ground water processes operating in permafrost terrain is fundamental to planning, management and conservation. This book is an indispensable reference for libraries and researchers, an information source for practitioners, and a valuable text for training the next generations of cold region scientists and engineers.

Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies. The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience : Volume 1: Atmospheric Dynamics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783540739364 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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ThegeographyofCanadamakesitoneofthebestlocationsintheworld for cold regionatmosphericand hydrologic studies:its high latitudeand high mountains,proximity to oceans in theArcticand cold temperate zones,a broadassemblage of landscapeand vegetation,and numerous lakesand rivers.Foryears,Canadians have conducted research on cold regions,either individually or in small groups, thusaccumulating rich experienceandample expertisein the farNorth.Creation of theGlobal EnergyandWaterCycleExperiment(GEWEX),undertheauspicesofthe WorldClimateResearchProgram,providedanexternalimpetusforlar- scale collaborative research. Canada responded to this initiativeby creatingtheMackenzieGEWEXStudyorMAGSthatfocusedonthecold region.ItwasrecognizedattheearlystageofMAGSthattheatmosphere andthehydrospherearestronglylinked.Aconcertedeffortofatmospheric andhydrologicscientistsisbeneficial,ifnotessential,toasuccessfullarge research program.In thisregards,investigation conducted bya groupof scientistsandengineersofMAGSwasentirelyrelevantandtimely.This study,carriedoutbetween1994and2005,hadtheresearchobjectivesof (1)understandingandmodelingthehigh-latitudeenergyandwatercycles that playroles in the climate system,and (2)improving ourability to assess the changestoCanada ?swaterresourcesthatarisefrom climate variabilityandanthropogenicclimatechange. So vast a world region that isunderthe influence of intense and persistent coldness cannot be covered by a contingent of Canadian researchersoveradecadaltimehorizon.TheMackenzieRiverBasinand its vicinity in northwestern Canada, occupying an area of about two millionsquarekilometers,wasadoptedasthepreferredresearchlocation. It offersa wideassemblage of environments, including mountainsand plains,tundraandforests,lakesandwetlands,andwinterslandscapesof snow, ice and frost. Its climatic continentality is accompanied by pronounced external influences,notably from the Pacific Ocean. The Mackenzie area presents a diversity of atmospheric and hydrologic conditionswiththeirattendantresearchproblemstochallengetheMAGS investigators. With increasing pressureofdevelopment, the previously neglected northernareas in many circumpolar nations havecome to the fore.The coldregionwithitspermafrost,snowandicethataresensitivetoclimate v warming,andwithitsecosystemthatisvulnerabletodisturbances,must be developed in a considered fashion toenable environmental sustainability.Information needstobegatheredand sound knowledge should be available for proper planning and operationalpurposes. Furthermore, the cold region isacknowledged to be highlysensitive to variationsandchangesintheclimate.Theeffectsofitsatmosphericand hydrologicfeedbackextendwellbeyondtheconfinesofthehighlatitudes to influence the globalmovements of waterand energy.Therearelarge uncertaintiesregarding howthe cold region respondsto the impetus of changesimposedbynatureandhuman.Progressincoldclimateresearch wouldcontributetoimprovedunderstandingofhowthesystembehaves, henceenablingbetterpreparationforandappropriateadaptationtothese changes. MAGSattempted toincreaseour knowledge of the North. All its projectsplacedanexplicitorimplicitemphasisonimprovingthecurrent understanding of the cold regionatmosphericand hydrologic processes.

Cold Region Atmospheric and Hydrologic Studies. The Mackenzie GEWEX Experience : Volume 2: Hydrologic Processes
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783540751366 Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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This book presents decade-long advances in atmospheric research in the Mackenzie River Basin in northern Canada, which encompasses environments representative of most cold areas on Earth. Collaborative efforts by a team of about 100 scientists and engineers have yielded knowledge entirely transferable to other high latitude regions in America, Europe and Asia. Emphases are placed on the investigation of processes (including storm genesis, precipitation, moisture and energy fluxes and frost), and the improvement and application of a suite of models and remote sensing to enhance the assessment of climate variability and water resources. This book complements the first volume coming from the GEWEX project, dealing with the region's atmospheric dynamics. Together these books provide a unique synthesis of atmospheric and hydrological findings and an integrative approach across disciplines in addressing major research issues of cold regions.

Hydrological classification of Canadian prairie wetlands and prediction of wetland inundation in response to climatic variability
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780662207153 0662207157 Year: 1993 Publisher: [Lieu de publication inconnu]: Minister of supply and services Canada,

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