Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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Von Gottes genade[n] vnser Hermans Ertzbischoffs zu Cöln vn[d] Churfürste[n] [et]c. einfaltigs bedencken, warauff ein Christliche inn dem wort Gottes gegrünte Reformation, an Lehrbrauch der Heiligen Sacramenten vnd Ceremonien, Seelsorge, vnd anderem Kirchen dienst, biss auff eines freyen Christlichenn, Gemeinen oder Nationals Concilij ... : ; Einfaltigs Bedencken, warauff ein christliche ... Reformation ... bis auff eines freyen Christlichenn Gemeinen oder Nationals Concilii ... anzurichten seye : ... oder des Reichs Teutscher Nation Stende, im Heiligen Geist versamlet, verbesserung, bei denen so vnserer Seelsorge befolhenn, anzurichtenn seye ..
Wied, Hermann von
Year: 1544
Publisher: [S.l.] : Printed in (Marpurg :; by Tirolt) [s.n.] ,
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A brefe and a playne declaratyon of the dewty of maried folkes : gathered out of the holy scriptures, and set forth in the almayne tonge by Hermon archbyshop of Colayne, whiche wylled all the housholdes of his flocke to haue the same in their bedchambers as a mirror or glasse dayly to loke in, wherby they might know and do their dewties eche vnto others, and lede a godly, quiet and louing life togethers, and newly translated into ye Englishe tonge by Hans Dekyn.
Wied, Hermann von.
Dekyn, Hans.
Year: 1553
Publisher: [Imprynted at London : In Temestrete by [S. Mierdman for] Hughe Syngelton, at the sygne of the dobbel hood, ouer agaynste the Stylyarde,
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A briefe and a plaine declaration of the duety of maried folkes : gathered out of the holy scriptures, and set forth in the Almaine tongue by Hermon archbishop of Colaine, which willed all the housholdes of his flocke to haue the same in their bedchambers as a mirror or glasse dayly to looke in, whereby they might know and doo their dueties eche vnto others, and leade a godly, quiet and louing life togethers. And newlye translated into the English tongue by Haunce Dekin.
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Erzbischof von Köln
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The order of the communion
Wied, Hermann von.
Church of England.
Year: 1548
Publisher: [Imprinted at London : The viii day of Marche, in the second yere of the reigne of our souereigne lorde kyng Edvvard the VI: By Richard Grafton, printer to his moste royall Maiestie,
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The order of the communion
Wied, Hermann von.
Church of England.
Year: 1548
Publisher: [Imprinted at London : The eyght daie of Marche, in the second yere of the reigne of our souereigne lorde kyng Edvvard the. VI: by Rychard Grafton printer to his moste royall Maiestie,
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The right institutio[n] of baptisme : set forth by the reuere[n]d father in Christ, Herman Archebysshop of Coleyne, wherunto is also annexed a godlye treatyse of matrimonye, compyled by the famous clerke and faythfull euangelyst Wolfgangus Musculus, no lesse fruteful the[n] necessary for all godly mynisters of Christs church, translated by the vnproffitable seruaunt of Chryst Richard Ryce.
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The right instytucion of baptisme sett forth by the reuerend father in Chryst Herman Archbysshoppe of Coleyne, whervnto is also annexed a godly treatyse of matrymonye, compyled by the famous clerke and faythfull euangelyste Wolfgangus Musculus. Wyth also a godly prayer to be vsed at the puryfication or churchyng of wome[n], wyth the ordre of buryall, whych wanted in the fyrst
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The order of the communion
Wied, Hermann von.
Church of England.
Year: 1548
Publisher: [Imprinted at London : The eyght daye of Marche, in the seco[n]d yere of the reigne of our souereigne lorde kyng Edward the. vi. By Richard Grafton, prynter to hys mooste royall Maiestie,
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The schoole of honest and vertuous lyfe : profitable and necessary for all estates and degrees, to be trayned in: but (cheefely) for the pettie schollers, the yonger sorte, of both kindes; bee they men or women. by T.P. Also, a laudable and learned discourse, of the worthynesse of honorable wedlocke, written in the behalfe of all (aswell) maydes as wydowes, (generally) for their singuler instruction, to choose them vertuous and honest husbandes: but (most specialy) sent writte[n] as a iewell vnto a worthy gentlewoman, in the time of her widowhood, to direct & guide her in the new election of her seconde husband. By her approoued freend and kinseman. I.R.
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