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Meaning, feeling and expression – the experience of inwardness – matter most in human existence. The perspective of biopoetics shows that this experience is shared by all organisms. Being alive means to exist through relations that have existential concern, and to express these dimensions through the body and its gestures. All life takes place within one poetic space which is shared between all beings and which is accessible through subjective sensual experience. We take part in this through our empirical subjectivity, which arises from the experiences and needs of living beings, and which makes them open to access and sharing in a poetic objectivity. Biopoetics breaks free from the causal-mechanic paradigm which made biology unable to account for mind and meaning. Biology becomes a science of expression, connection and subjectivity which can understand all organisms including humans as feeling agents in a shared ecology of meaningful relations, embedded in a symbolical and material metabolism of the biosphere.
Philosophy. --- Aesthetics. --- Philosophy of nature. --- Evolutionary biology. --- Environmental health. --- Philosophy of Nature. --- Environmental Health. --- Evolutionary Biology. --- Human behavior. --- Behavior evolution. --- Art --- Psychology. --- Behavioral evolution --- Action, Human --- Behavior, Human --- Ethology --- Human action --- Human beings --- Beautiful, The --- Beauty --- Esthetics --- Taste (Aesthetics) --- Behavior --- Philosophy --- Criticism --- Literature --- Proportion --- Symmetry --- Psychology --- Evolutionary psychology --- Human biology --- Physical anthropology --- Social sciences --- Psychology, Comparative --- Environmental Medicine. --- Evolution (Biology). --- Animal evolution --- Animals --- Biological evolution --- Darwinism --- Evolutionary biology --- Evolutionary science --- Origin of species --- Biology --- Evolution --- Biological fitness --- Homoplasy --- Natural selection --- Phylogeny --- Nature --- Nature, Philosophy of --- Natural theology --- Environmental quality --- Health --- Health ecology --- Public health --- Environmental engineering --- Health risk assessment --- Health aspects --- Environmental aspects --- Radio broadcasting Aesthetics --- Aesthetics
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Andreas Weber vermittelt Unternehmern und Managern die überlebenswichtige Facette der Digitalisierung mithilfe eines selbst entwickelten Modells. In dessen Mittelpunkt steht der Mensch: der Kunde im Fokus einer veränderten Wertschöpfungskette, die Mitarbeiter mit Ihrem Engagement, ihrer Kreativität und Wandlungsfähigkeit und last not least die Führungskräfte als deren Vorbilder und Befähiger sowie als strategische Pioniere. Daten sind der Treibstoff, ihre Integration ist das Geschäft. Nur eine kundenzentrierte Supply Chain ermöglicht unternehmerisches Wachstum und garantiert den unternehmerischen Fortbestand. Ansprechende Grafiken erläutern die eingängige Darstellung Schritt für Schritt. Sie eröffnet dem Leser den Ausblick auf die kommenden fünf Jahre, in denen sich entscheidet, wer am Markt überlebt. Das Buch ist Weckruf und Ansporn, endlich digital zu handeln, um den Unternehmenserfolg zu sichern und zu steigern. Der Inhalt Die digitale Revolution ist allgegenwärtig Wer die Daten hat, hat die Macht Die moderne Architektur der Wertschöpfungsstufen Weckruf nach neuer Unternehmenskultur Denken ohne Grenzen Der Mensch im Netz der Digitalisierung Das Erfolgscredo: Machen, machen, machen! Nicht ohne Team Erfolge und Fehler gleichsam feiern Intern first, Customer second Management 4.0. Der Autor Dr. Andreas Weber ist Vice-President Business Development bei Evonik Technology & Infrastructure. Zudem ist er ein gefragter Keynote-Speaker mit dem Schwerpunktthema "Data Driven Services in der Prozessindustrie" sowie Verfasser zahlreicher Fachbeiträge.
Leadership. --- Customer relations-Management. --- Management information systems. --- Business Strategy/Leadership. --- Customer Relationship Management. --- Business Information Systems. --- Business Process Management. --- Computer-based information systems --- EIS (Information systems) --- Executive information systems --- MIS (Information systems) --- Sociotechnical systems --- Information resources management --- Management --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- Communication systems --- Customer relations—Management. --- Industrial management. --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Business --- Industrial organization
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Although scientific computing is very often associated with numeric computations, the use of computer algebra methods in scientific computing has obtained considerable attention in the last two decades. Computer algebra methods are especially suitable for parametric analysis of the key properties of systems arising in scientific computing. The expression-based computational answers generally provided by these methods are very appealing as they directly relate properties to parameters and speed up testing and tuning of mathematical models through all their possible behaviors. This book contains 8 original research articles dealing with a broad range of topics, ranging from algorithms, data structures, and implementation techniques for high-performance sparse multivariate polynomial arithmetic over the integers and rational numbers over methods for certifying the isolated zeros of polynomial systems to computer algebra problems in quantum computing.
superposition --- SU(2) --- pseudo-remainder --- interval methods --- sparse polynomials --- element order --- Henneberg-type minimal surface --- timelike axis --- combinatorial decompositions --- sparse data structures --- mutually unbiased bases --- invariant surfaces --- projective special unitary group --- Minkowski 4-space --- free resolutions --- Dini-type helicoidal hypersurface --- linearity --- integrability --- Galois rings --- minimum point --- entanglement --- degree --- pseudo-division --- computational algebra --- polynomial arithmetic --- projective special linear group --- normal form --- Galois fields --- Gauss map --- implicit equation --- number of elements of the same order --- Weierstrass representation --- Lotka–Volterra system --- isolated zeros --- polynomial modules --- over-determined polynomial system --- simple Kn-group --- sum of squares --- four-dimensional space
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Digitalization is the greatest change project that we have ever known, and data is circulating in unimaginable quantities and at unimaginable speed. In this book, the author urges managers and business leaders to embrace this constant state of change in cooperation with their team. He addresses how corporate culture and hierarchies have to change to adapt to new digital workspaces and value chains. These changes also include questions about the use and storage of data, customer relations and international teamwork. The book is especially geared towards managers in manufacturing industries and companies. .
Industrial management --- Business administration --- Business enterprises --- Business management --- Corporate management --- Corporations --- Industrial administration --- Management, Industrial --- Rationalization of industry --- Scientific management --- Management --- Business --- Industrial organization --- Data processing. --- Data processing --- Auditing. --- Information technology. --- Business—Data processing. --- Leadership. --- Customer relations—Management. --- IT in Business. --- Business Strategy/Leadership. --- Customer Relationship Management. --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- IT (Information technology) --- Technology --- Telematics --- Information superhighway --- Knowledge management
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Sein heißt Teilen. Teilen heißt Sein, auf allen Ebenen, vom Atom bis zu unserer Erfahrung von Glück. Lebendigsein folgt der Sehnsucht, ganz Individuum zu werden - und diese erfüllt sich nur in Austausch und Verwandlung. Erst aus Teilhabe entsteht Stimmigkeit, das Gefühl, ein eigenes Selbst, Zentrum der eigenen Erfahrung zu sein. Unser Stoffwechsel, gelingende Beziehungen, Sinnerfahrungen, aber auch der Austausch von Gütern und Leistungen können nur gedeihen, wenn wir sie als gemeinsame Teilhabe an einer schöpferischen Wirklichkeit erschaffen. Diese ist Stoff, und sie ist Fantasie. Atmen heißt Teilen, Körpersein ist Teilen und Lieben bedeutet Teilen. Sein durch Teilen ist die Seele der lebendigen Wirklichkeit. In dieser durchdringen sich Innen und Außen. Sie ist ein leidenschaftlicher Beziehungsprozess, in dem das Begehren nach Identität erst im Leuchten des Anderen eingelöst wird. O-Ton: »Wir müssen Formen der Verbundenheit erkunden, die andere Genres zulassen« - Andreas Weber im Interview bei Grüner Journalismus am 04.09.2020. »Kaum jemand versteht es wie der Philosoph und Biologe Andreas Weber, die innige Verbindung zwischen Poesie und Allmende, zwischen Autopoiese und Ökologie sichtbar zu machen.« Oya, 48/5 (2018) »Ein Plädoyer für Beziehungen, die nicht von Wettbewerb oder Effizienz geprägt sind.« Fundraiser-Magazin, 1 (2018) »Ein anregendes Buch [...], nach dessen Lektüre man durchaus einen anderen Blick auf sich selbst und das eigene Sein gewonnen hat.« Jörg Friedrich,, 10.11.2017 Besprochen in:, 08.09.2017, Jos Schnurer evolve, 16 (2017) Zivilgesellschaft Info, 3 (2017)
Social sciences --- Methodology. --- Commons; Wirtschaft; Nachhaltigkeit; Ökophilosophie; Share Economy; New Realism; Natur; Sozialphilosophie; Naturphilosophie; Ökologie; Philosophie; Economy; Sustainability; Ecophilosophy; Nature; Social Philosophy; Philosophy of Nature; Ecology; Philosophy --- Ecology. --- Economy. --- Ecophilosophy. --- Nature. --- New Realism. --- Philosophy of Nature. --- Philosophy. --- Share Economy. --- Social Philosophy. --- Sustainability.
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In this work we derive upper Gaussian bounds for the heat kernel on locally symmetric spaces of non-compact type. Furthermore, we determine explicitly the Lp-spectrum of locally symmetric spaces M whose universal covering is a rank one symmetric space of non-compact type if either the fundamental group of M is small (in a certain sense) or if the fundamental group is arithmetic and M is non-compact.
Laplace-Beltrami-Operator --- Wärmeleitungskern --- Lokal symmetrischer Raum --- Spektrum
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Biology --- Nature (Aesthetics). --- Organism (Philosophy). --- Semiotics. --- Philosophy.
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