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Proceedings of The IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics : HYP 2006 October 10–14, 2006 Mainz, Germany
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783540763673 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg SIF and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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Proceedings of The IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics
Authors: ---
Year: 2007 Publisher: Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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Proceedings of the IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics : HYP 2006, October 10-14, 2006, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, Mainz, Germany
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 128151277X 9786611512774 3540763678 3540763651 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin ; New York : Springer,

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This volume contains the proceedings of the IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP 2006). This conference series, started in 1982, is devoted to the progress of our knowledge about strangeness flavour in hadron and nuclear physics. Besides the traditional topics as hadron structure, hypernuclear spectroscopy and weak decay of hypernuclei, a particular focus of this conference was on the properties of strange mesons and their binding in nuclear systems.

Proceedings of The IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics : HYP 2006 October 10-14, 2006 Mainz, Germany
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9783540763673 Year: 2007 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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c Societ` aItalianadiFisica/Springer-Verlag2007 The IX International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange Particle Physics (HYP 2006) was held in Mainz (Germany) from October 10 to 14, 2006. The conference was jointly organized by the Gesellschaft fur ¨ Schwerion- forschung (GSI), Darmstadt and the Institut fur ¨ Kernphysik, Mainz. It was hosted by the Johannes-Gutenberg- Universit¨ atMainz. Thiswasthe9thconferenceinaseriesthatwasstartedbyBogdanPovhin1982inHeidelberg,andwasfollowedby meetingsinUpton(NewYork)1985,Padova(Italy)1988,Shimoda(Japan)1991,Vancouver(Canada)1994,Upton (New York) 1997, Torino (Italy) 2000 and Newport News (Virginia) 2003. The scienti?c program of the conference was based on the advice and the comments from the members of the International Advisory Committee. It took account of the developments during the past few years and the perspectives for the near future. Like its previous editions, HYP 2006includedsubjectsrelevantbothtohigh-energyandhadronphysicsaswellastonuclearphysics. Besidestraditionalthemeslikestructure,spectroscopyandweakdecaysofhypernuclei,aparticularfocusofthepresent meetingwasonthepropertiesofstrangemesonsandtheirbindinginnuclearsystems.Anumberoftalksalsodiscussed recent?eld-theoreticalapproachestohypernucleiaimingataconnectionbetweenQCDandnuclei. HYP 2006 brought together about 180 scientists from 17 nations presenting 52 invited plenary talks and 52 parallel contributions. A poster session covering 36 contributions was also organized. During the conference we had twospecialinvitedtalksbyD.H.DavisandAvrahamGal,payingatributetothememoryofProf.RichardH.Dalitz, an outstanding and active member of the hypernucleus community and a member of the International Advisory Committeeofthisconferenceseries,deceasedatthebeginningof2006. A most important feature of the conference was the participation of a large number of young physicists, both amongtheparticipantsandthespeakers.Theseproceedings,containingwriteupsofmostofthesepresentations,will hopefullybeapermanentrecordoftheprogresstodateandchallengesremaininginthestrangenuclearsystems. On behalf of the Organizing Committee we would like to thank all participants for coming to Mainz, for the contributionstheygavetothemeetingandfortheexcitedandfruitfuldiscussions.Oursinceregratitudetothemembers oftheInternationalAdvisoryCommitteefortheirinvaluablehelpinshapingtheprogramandtothemembersofthe LocalOrganizingCommitteeisalsoacknowledged.Wearedeeplyindebtedtotheconferencesecretaries,I.Andres,P. BischofandS.Fischer.Withouttheirprofessionalhelpanddedication,thisconferencecouldnothavebeenasuccess. We gratefully acknowledge ?nancial support from GSI, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the state of Rheinland-Pfalz.

Many Body Structure of Strongly Interacting Systems : Refereed and selected contributions from the symposium 20 Years of Physics at the Mainz Microtron MAMI 
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783540367543 Year: 2006 Publisher: Berlin Heidelberg Springer Berlin Heidelberg

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This carefully edited proceedings volume provides an extensive review and analysis of the work carried out over the past 20 years at the Mainz Microtron (MAMI). This research centered around the application of Quantum Chromodynamics in the strictly nonperturbative regime at hadronic scales of about 1 fm. Due to the many degrees of freedom in hadrons at this scale the leitmotiv of this research is "Many body structure of strongly interacting systems". Further, an outlook on the research with the forthcoming upgrade of MAMI is given. This volume is an authoritative source of reference for everyone interested in the field of the electro-weak probing of the structure of hadrons.

A European hadron facility : proceedings of the International conference on a European hadron facility, Mainz (FRG), 10-14 March 1986
Authors: ---
Year: 1987 Publisher: Amsterdam: North-Holland,

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Many Body Structure of Strongly Interacting Systems : Refereed and selected contributions from the symposium “20 Years of Physics at the Mainz Microtron MAMI”
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9783540367543 Year: 2006 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg SIF and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

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