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Relativistic quantum mechanics
ISBN: 904813644X 9786612996894 9048136458 1282996894 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York : Springer,

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Which problems do arise within relativistic enhancements of the Schrödinger theory, especially if one adheres to the usual one-particle interpretation, and to what extent can these problems be overcome? And what is the physical necessity of quantum field theories? In many books, answers to these fundamental questions are given highly insufficiently by treating the relativistic quantum mechanical one-particle concept very superficially and instead introducing field quantization as soon as possible. By contrast, this monograph emphasizes relativistic quantum mechanics in the narrow sense: it extensively discusses relativistic one-particle concepts and reveals their problems and limitations, therefore motivating the necessity of quantized fields in a physically comprehensible way. The first chapters contain a detailed presentation and comparison of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac theory, always in view of the non-relativistic theory. In the third chapter, we consider relativistic scattering processes and develop the Feynman rules from propagator techniques. This is where the impossibility to get around a quantum field theoretical reasoning is discussed and basic quantum field theoretical concepts are introduced. This book addresses undergraduate and graduate physics students who are interested in a clearly arranged and structured presentation of relativistic quantum mechanics in the "narrow sense" and its connection to quantum field theories. Each section contains a short summary and exercises with solutions. A mathematical appendix rounds up this excellent introductory book on relativistic quantum mechanics.

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
ISBN: 9789048136452 Year: 2011 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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Relativistische Quantenmechanik
ISBN: 3540274847 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer,

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- Welche Probleme tauchen in relativistischen Erweiterungen der Schrödinger-Theorie auf, insbesondere wenn man an der gewohnten Ein-Teilchen-Wahrscheinlichkeitsinterpretation festhält? - Inwieweit können diese Schwierigkeiten überwunden werden? - Worin besteht die physikalische Notwendigkeit von Quantenfeldtheorien? Viele Bücher geben auf solch fundamentale Verständnisfragen nur unzureichend Antwort, indem sie das relativistisch-quantenmechanische Ein-Teilchenkonzept zugunsten einer möglichst frühen Einführung der Feldquantisierung relativ schnell abhandeln oder ganz weglassen. Im Gegensatz dazu betont das vorliegende Lehrbuch gerade diesen Ein-Teilchenaspekt (relativistische Quantenmechanik ‚im engeren Sinne’), diskutiert die damit einhergehenden Probleme und motiviert somit auf physikalisch verständliche Weise die Notwendigkeit quantisierter Felder. Die ersten beiden Kapitel beschäftigen sich mit der ausführlichen Darlegung und Gegenüberstellung der Klein-Gordon- und Dirac-Theorie - immer mit Blick auf die nichtrelativistische Theorie. Im dritten Kapitel werden relativistische Streuprozesse behandelt und die Feynman-Regeln aus Propagatorverfahren heraus entwickelt. Dabei wird auch hier deutlich, warum man letztlich um eine quantenfeldtheoretische Begründung nicht herumkommt. Dieses Lehrbuch wendet sich an alle Studierenden der Physik, die an einer übersichtlich geordneten Darstellung der relativistischen Quantenmechanik ‚im engeren Sinne’ und deren Abgrenzung zu Quantenfeldtheorien interessiert sind.

Compendium of Theoretical Physics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780387291987 Year: 2006 Publisher: New York, NY Springer Science+Business Media, Inc

Repetitorium Theoretische Physik
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1280616245 9786610616244 3540267603 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer Berlin Heidelberg : Imprint: Springer,

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Das Repetitorium Theoretische Physik enthält den kanonischen Lehrstoff der Theoretischen Physik, der in den ersten 6 Semestern an deutschen Universitäten gelehrt wird. Zwei junge theoretische Physiker bieten den Prüfungsstoff für Vordiplom, Zwischenprüfung, Diplom und Staatsexamen in prägnanter und argumentativ stringenter Darstellung. Von der klassischen Mechanik über Elektrodynamik, Quantenmechanik und Statistische Physik/Thermodynamik werden alle Themen in einer axiomatisch-deduktiven Darstellung behandelt und durch Übungen mit Lösungen sowie Zusammenfassungen gefestigt. Das Buch eignet sich sowohl als begleitendes Lehrbuch als auch zum Wiederholen und Strukturieren von bereits vertrautem Lehrstoff und überbrückt somit die Kluft zwischen umfangreichen Lehrbüchern und reinen Formelsammlungen. Dieses Repetitorium der Theoretischen Physik wird insbesondere all jene begeistern, die sich in der Prüfungsvorbereitung befinden und den Lehrstoff noch einmal im Zusammenhang durchgehen wollen.

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789048136452 Year: 2011 Publisher: Dordrecht Springer Netherlands

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Which problems do arise within relativistic enhancements of the Schrödinger theory, especially if one adheres to the usual one-particle interpretation, and to what extent can these problems be overcome? And what is the physical necessity of quantum field theories? In many books, answers to these fundamental questions are given highly insufficiently by treating the relativistic quantum mechanical one-particle concept very superficially and instead introducing field quantization as soon as possible. By contrast, this monograph emphasizes relativistic quantum mechanics in the narrow sense: it extensively discusses relativistic one-particle concepts and reveals their problems and limitations, therefore motivating the necessity of quantized fields in a physically comprehensible way. The first chapters contain a detailed presentation and comparison of the Klein-Gordon and Dirac theory, always in view of the non-relativistic theory. In the third chapter, we consider relativistic scattering processes and develop the Feynman rules from propagator techniques. This is where the impossibility to get around a quantum field theoretical reasoning is discussed and basic quantum field theoretical concepts are introduced. This book addresses undergraduate and graduate physics students who are interested in a clearly arranged and structured presentation of relativistic quantum mechanics in the "narrow sense" and its connection to quantum field theories. Each section contains a short summary and exercises with solutions. A mathematical appendix rounds up this excellent introductory book on relativistic quantum mechanics.

Compendium of Theoretical Physics
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780387291987 0387257993 9780387257990 0387291989 1441920692 Year: 2006 Publisher: New York, NY Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.

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Mechanics, Electrodynamics, Quantum Mechanics, and Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics comprise the canonical undergraduate curriculum of theoretical physics. In Compendium of Theoretical Physics, Armin Wachter and Henning Hoeber offer a concise, rigorous and structured overview that will be invaluable for students preparing for their qualifying examinations, readers needing a supplement to standard textbooks, and research or industrial physicists seeking a bridge between extensive textbooks and formula books. The authors take an axiomatic-deductive approach to each topic, starting the discussion of each theory with its fundamental equations. By subsequently deriving the various physical relationships and laws in logical rather than chronological order, and by using a consistent presentation and notation throughout, they emphasize the connections between the individual theories. The reader’s understanding is then reinforced with exercises, solutions and topic summaries. Unique Features: Every topic is reviewed axiomatically-deductively and then reinforced through exercises, solutions and summaries Each subchapter ends with a set of applications, making the Compendium an ideal review of theoretical physics for physicists working in industry or research A Mathematical Appendix covers vector operations, integral theorems, partial differential quotients, complete function systems, Fourier analysis, Bessel functions, spherical Bessel functions, Legendre functions, Legendre polynomials and spherical harmonics Armin Wachter holds a Ph.D. in Physics from the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) / Research Centre of Jülich, Germany. His research interests include theoretical elementary particle physics, heavy quark physics, heavy meson spectroscopy, algorithms on parallel computers, and lattice gauge theory. He is presently writing a textbook on relativistic quantum mechanics for Springer. Henning Hoeber received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland and has since held research positions at the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC) / Research Centre of Jülich, Germany and the University of Wuppertal, Germany. His research interests include elementary particle physics, lattice gauge theory, and computational physics, and since 1998 he has done extensive work in the fields of seismic processing, time series analysis, statistical and transform methods for seismic signal processing, and elastic wave propagation.

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