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Bible --- Criticism, Redaction --- 224.6 --- Kleine profeten--(algemeen) --- Bible. --- Book of the twelve Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Tere ʻaśar (Books of the Old Testament) --- Twelve Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, Redaction.
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Patriarchs (Bible) --- P document (Biblical criticism) --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- 221.015 --- Oud Testament: literaire kritiek; authenticiteit; bronnenstudie; Formgeschiche; Traditionsgeschichte; Redaktionsgeschichte --- 221.015 Oud Testament: literaire kritiek; authenticiteit; bronnenstudie; Formgeschiche; Traditionsgeschichte; Redaktionsgeschichte --- Priestly document (Biblical criticism) --- Bible. --- Be-reshit (Book of the Old Testament) --- Bereshit (Book of the Old Testament) --- Bytie (Book of the Old Testament) --- Chʻangsegi (Book of the Old Testament) --- Genesis (Book of the Old Testament) --- Sifr al-Takwīn --- Takwīn (Book of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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Das Buch behandelt die Entstehung des exilischen Vierprophetenbuches (Hosea; Amos; Micha; Zefanja) und des Haggai-Sacharja-Korpus sowie die Einarbeitung des Joelbuches in das exilische Vierprophetenbuch. Dabei beruhen die Ausführungen gegenüber der bisherigen Forschung erstmals auf einer redaktionsgeschichtlichen Analyse sämtlicher Einzelbücher. Auf dieser Grundlage kann eine präzise Beschreibung der Komposition, der Intention und der theologiegeschichtlichen Hintergründe dieser frühen Sammlungen vorgelegt werden. The book deals with the genesis of the Book of the Four Prophets (Hosea, Amos, Micah, Zephaniah) from the time of exile, the Haggai-Zechariah-Corpus and the integration of the Book of Joel into the Book of the Four Prophets from the time of exile. In contrast to previous research, the findings are based for the first time on an analysis of the editorial history of each of the individual books. Thus it is possible to provide a precise description of the composition, intention and historical theological backgrounds of these early collections.
Bible OT. Major prophets. Ezekiel --- 224.6 --- Kleine profeten--(algemeen) --- Bible. O.T. Minor Prophets --- Criticism [Redaction ] --- Bible. --- History. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Altes Testament. --- Book of the twelve prophets. --- Prophet. --- Zwölfprophetenbuch. --- Textgeschichte --- Redaktion --- RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / Old Testament. --- Bearbeitung --- Redaktionsgeschichtliche Methode --- Redaktionsgeschichte --- Textüberlieferung --- Überlieferung --- Überlieferungsgeschichte --- Text --- Bibel --- Literatur --- Book of the twelve Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Tere ʻaśar (Books of the Old Testament) --- Twelve Prophets (Books of the Old Testament)
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Das Buch behandelt die in der bisherigen Forschung besonders umstrittenen späten Entstehungsphasen des Zwölfprophetenbuches. Auf Grundlage einer vollständigen redaktionsgeschichtlichen Analyse der Bücher Obadja, Jona, Nahum, Habakuk, Deuterosacharja und Maleachi wird gezeigt, wie nach der Formierung erster buchübergreifender Sammlungen - des exilischen Vierprophetenbuches mit den Büchern Hosea, Amos, Micha und Zefanja, des Haggai-Sacharja-Korpus und der Einarbeitung des Joelbuches in das exilische Vierprophetenbuch - aus diesen Teilsammlungen in mehreren Stufen das vorliegende Zwölfprophetenbuch erwachsen ist. So wird in dieser Studie ein neues Gesamtmodell zur Entstehung des Zwölfprophetenbuches vorgelegt, das erstmals aus der Entstehung der Einzelbücher heraus entwickelt ist und so umfassende Einblicke in die Formierung der einzelnen Entstehungsstadien und in die damit verbundenen theologiegeschichtlichen Entwicklungen bietet.
Religion. --- Religion, Primitive --- Atheism --- Irreligion --- Religions --- Theology --- Bible. --- Book of the twelve Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Tere ʻaśar (Books of the Old Testament) --- Twelve Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Criticism, Redaction. --- Book of the Twelve Prophets. --- Dodecapropheton. --- Edition.
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In the last two decades, research on the Book of the Twelve has shown that this corpus is not just a collection of twelve prophetic books. It is rather a coherent work with a common history of formation and, based upon this, with an overall message and intention. The individual books of the Book of the Twelve are thus part of a larger whole in which they can be interpreted in a fruitful manner. The volume The Book of the Twelve: Composition, Reception, and Interpretation features 30 articles, written by renowned scholars, that explore different aspects regarding the formation, interpretation, and reception of the Book of the Twelve as a literary unity.
Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- 224.6 --- 224.6 Kleine profeten--(algemeen) --- 224.6 Petits prophetes--(general) --- Kleine profeten--(algemeen) --- Petits prophetes--(general) --- Book of the twelve Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Minor Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Tere ʻaśar (Books of the Old Testament) --- Twelve Prophets (Books of the Old Testament) --- Bible
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Strangers in the Bible --- Aliens (Jewish law) --- 221.08*2 --- 221.08*2 Theologie van het Oude Testament: moraal; ethica; juridica Israelis; vroomheid --- Theologie van het Oude Testament: moraal; ethica; juridica Israelis; vroomheid --- Jewish law --- Conferences - Meetings --- Noncitizens (Jewish law)
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The second volume of History and Theology contains 23 articles by Rainer Albertz on the history of Israel, on literary and religious history, and on the anthropology and theology of the Old Testament. These articles demonstrate the Münster-based scholar’s project to explain the development, diversity, and societal, political, and theological relevance of Old Testament transmissions.
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