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Fluid mechanics and control of annular jets with and without swirl
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ISBN: 9789056828004 Year: 2007 Publisher: Leuven Katholieke Universiteit Leuven

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Wervelende stromingen komen vaak voor in de industrie. Omwille van hun gunstige eigenschappen vindt men ze vaak terug in verbrandingsprocessen, zoals motoren of gasturbines. Werveling maakt het mogelijk om binnen dezelfde geometrie verschillende vlampatronen te verkrijgen. Vermits de koude stroming (stroming zonder verbranding) de drijvende kracht is achter deze transitie van vlampatronen is kennis ervan essentieel in het begrijpen van het verbrandingsproces. Daarom is het doel van deze thesis dan ook het onderzoek naar de wervelende stroming in een axisymmetrische geometry die model staat voor een wervelbrander. De afmetingen van de opstelling zijn gebaseerd op een design van een wervelbrander door het IFRF. Deze geometrie is dan geoptimaliseerd om een zo groot mogelijke verscheidenheid te krijgen aan stromingspatronen, ieder met zijn specifieke eigenschappen. De stromingspatronen bij 9 verschillende wervelgetallen werden experimenteel opgemeten met behulp van de LDA snelheidsmeettechniek. Niet alleen de gemiddelde snelheidsvelden, maar ook 3 componenten van de Reynoldsspanningen zijn beschreven. In een cyclus van toenemende werveling tot maximum en vervolgens een afname van werveling werden 4 stromingspatronen geidentificeerd die onderhevig zijn aan hysteresis tussen toenemende en afnemende werveling. Als aanvulling op de experimentele werd er ook een numerieke studie uitgevoerd. De bewegingsvergelijkingen werden opgelost met behulp van de RANS benadering. Twee verschillende turbulentiemodellen werden gebruikt en hun capaciteiten op het voorspellen van de stromingspatronen werden uitvoerig getest. Naast de experimentele en de numerieke analyse is er ook een theoretische studie gemaakt van het stromingsgedrag. Gebaseerd op de gelijkvormigheid van loshechting in wervelende stromingen is er een mechanistisch model opgesteld dat een verklaring geeft voor de geobserveerde phenomenen. Ook werd er gekeken naar de invloed van de geometrie van de straaltuit op de stromingspatronen. Het is gebleken dat de verschillende straaltuiten met elkaar scaleren. De verkregen correlaties kunnen dan dienen als een database in de ontwikkeling van straaltuiten voor zowel koude stromingstoepassingen als voor verbranding. Tenslotte werd er een straaltuit ontworpen die het mogelijk maakt om een overgang van stromingspatroon te verkrijgen zonder gebruik te maken van werveling. De controle van deze transitie gebeurt aan de hand van dwarsinjectie van secundaire straalstromen. Deze dwarsinjectie vervangt dan de werveling als controleparameter van het stromingspatroon. De verkregen resultaten met de PIV snelheidsmeettechniek tonen deze transitie aan als een alternatief voor stromingscontrole met zijn voordelen ten opzichte van de reeds bestaande technieken. Swirling flows are widespread in industry. Because of their favourable properties they appear in many applications in the area of combustion such as in engines or gas turbines. With swirl it is possible to produce different flame patterns within the same combustor geometry. Since the cold flow (flow without combustion) is the driving force in this flame transition, knowledge of this cold flow is essential in understanding the combustion process. For this reason the aim of this thesis is to investigate the swirling flow in an axisymmetric geometry resembling a swirling jet combustor. The basic configuration is based on a design of a swirl burner by the IFRF. This geometry has been optimised to obtain a number of different flow patterns each with their own specifications. Flow patterns at 9 different swirl numbers are experimentally measured by LDA. Not only the mean velocity profiles, but also 3 components of the Reynolds stresses are reported. A cycle between increasing and subsequently decreasing swirl shows the hysteresis in the flow patterns. Besides the experimental also a numerical study has been performed. The equations of motion are solved using the RANS approach with two different turbulence models and the predictive capacities of these models are thoroughly studied. In addition to the experimental and numerical analysis also a theoretical study is made of the flow behaviour. Based upon the similarity analysis of reattachment flows, a full mechanistic explanation is given of the observed phenomena. Also the influence of the nozzle dimensions on the different flow patterns and their transitions is performed. It is found that the different nozzles scale with each other. The obtained correlations can serve as a database for nozzle design and since the cold flow is the determining factor in the flame pattern the database is also applicable to the design of nozzles for combustion. Finally a nozzle is designed to control the flow pattern without the use of swirl. The control is achieved by the cross-injection of small jets which fulfills the same role as the swirl. The obtained PIV measurements reveal a different approach to jet control with its own advantages compared to the traditional methods. Wervelende stromingen komen veelvuldig voor in de natuur alsook in de industrie. Denk bijvoorbeeld maar aan tornado's. Zij worden echter ook gebruikt in veel ingenieurstoepassingen, zoals bijvoorbeeld in verbrandingsprocessen. Daar zijn de effecten van werveling vlamstabilisatie en een betere menging tussen brandstof en lucht. Daarom bestudeert deze thesis de wervelende stroming en een geometrie, representatief voor een wervelbrander. Alleen de koude stroming is bestudeerd (stroming zonder verbranding), sinds het begrijpen van de koude stroming is essentieel in het begrijpen van het verbrandingsproces. Er werd een uitgebreide experimentele studie gemaakt van het stromingsveld bij 9 verschillende wervelgetallen. Het snelheidsveld werd gemeten met behulp van de LDA techniek voor snelheidsmeting. Hysteresis is aangetoond tussen het verhogen en het vervolgens verlagen van de werveling. Als toevoeging op de experimenten werd er ook een theoretische analyse gemaakt van het stromingsgedrag teneinde om dat gedrag te verklaren. Alsook een numerieke analyse werd uitgevoerd en de bekomen resultaten werden vergeleken met de experimenten. Experimenten toonden het belang aan van de geometrie van de branderkop op het stromingsgedrag. Daarom werd er een uitgebreide studie gemaakt door het stromingsgedrag van 87 verschillende branderkoppen op the meten. De aldus bekomen resultaten kunnen dan dienen als een database voor het ontwerp van branderkoppen voor koude stromingstoepassingen en voor verbranding. Tenslotte werd er een nozzle ontworpen die stromingscontrole toelaat zonder gebruik te maken van werveling. Met deze nozzle is het mogelijk om the switchen tussen stromingspatronen met behulp van radiale injectie van secundaire straalstromen. Deze nieuwe methode van stromingscontrole is verschillend van de huidige methodes en heeft zo zijn specifieke voordelen. Swirling flows are widespread in nature as well as in industrial applications. Examples of natural swirling flows are tornado's. Swirling flows are also used in many engineering applications, such as combustion. The effects of swirl are flame stabilisation and a more intense mixing of air and fuel. For this reason this thesis investigates the swirling flow in a geometry resembling a combustor. Only the cold swirling flow is studied (flow without combustion) since understanding this flow is crucial in understanding the flow with combustion. A comprehensive study of the flow field is made at 9 different swirl numbers. The flow fields are measured by the LDA technique for velocity measurement. Hysteresis is revealed between the increasing and subsequent decreasing of swirl. In addition to the experiments, the observed phenomena are also explained based on a theoretical analysis of the flow field. Also a numerical study is performed of the flow field and the results are compared with the experiments. Studies indicated the importance of the nozzle geometry on the observed behaviour. Therefore an extensive study is made on the influence of this nozzle geometry by measuring the transitional behaviour of 87 geometries. These findings can serve as a database in the nozzle design for cold flow applications as well as for combustion. Finally a nozzle is designed which allows the transition between flow patterns without the use of swirl. With this nozzle it is possible to switch the flow pattern by making use of cross-injection of small radial jets. This new method of flow control allows a transition with advantages compared to the transitional methods.

Thermomechanische machines
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789462921245 Year: 2015 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Thermomechanische machines
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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CFD and PIV investigation of Flow Patterns and Particle Behavior in Swirling Jets
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Engineering Technology

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Swirling flows are widely observed in nature as well as in man-made machines from tornadoes to tip vortices of airplane wings. In industry, they are utilizedin many applications such as cyclone separators and pumps. In this study, it is aimed to propose a new area of utilization of swirling flows: life sciences
applications. As swirling jets were used for particle concentration control to increase combustion efficiency successfully in the past, this research aims tosuggest a new concept to use this particle concentration ability in life sciences applications. An annular jet swirl burner, which operates in turbulent conditions,is used as a base for a novel flow cell design to be used in biomedical diagnostics devices. This requires scaling down the size and the flow rate of this deviceto laminar conditions. Firstly, how the annular jet swirl burner behaves underlaminar conditions at a Reynolds number of 180 is investigated. The flowpatterns that are possible to achieve are determined with numerical simulations (CFD), validated with particle image velocimetry (PIV). The hysteresis betweendifferent flow states, that was previously observed for fully turbulent flows was also found to be present in laminar conditions and the hysteretic behavioris mapped with respect to the swirl rate. Secondly, the influence of vortex breakdown on the flow structures in the annular jet was investigated. Severalfeatures of flow patterns near breakdown were observed for the first time. The large scale instability frequencies are determined and the 3D structures of thevortices in these states are visualized by further investigation with numerical and experimental tools. A spiral vortex breakdown is proved to exist by S-PIVmeasurements and the flow scales at different flow and swirl rates are calculated in detail. Moreover, the largest and smallest length scales in the flow are mappedversus the swirl number. Finally, the knowledge obtained by investigating the spiral vortex breakdown is used to design a small scale annular swirling nozzle,inspired from the investigated swirl burner. The flow cell is designed for usage in life sciences applications together with a flow cell based on a standard vesselwidely used in biomedical applications. The aimed application is to use this flow type with a surface plasmon resonance fiber optic sensor (FO-SPR) which works by detecting the refractive index difference between liquids that have high and low concentration of biological molecules. The flow was simulated to understandthe flow patterns and the particle behavior. For further investigation, optical experiments by laser induced fluorescence were performed. Finally, the designeddevice was built for usage with a FO-SPR sensor and liquid with a known concentration of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was fed to the flow cell to provethe concept. The output of this research is, firstly, flow maps for laminar conditions in annular jet flows, secondly, reporting the flow scales of spiral vortex breakdownforming inside the annular jet and finally, a new concept design of a flow cell that can be used in life sciences applications for artificially increase solid particleconcentration in a biological specimen. Even though the design is still in the concept stage, it is promising to be commercialized with further research.


Modelling and optimization of high density media separators
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Engineering Technology

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Dense Medium Drum (DMD) separators are playing an important role in the separation process of modern recycling plants. As the mass flow to be separated in these machines is huge, a high efficiency is mandatory to increase the total efficiency of the recycling plant. Up till now, DMDs have been developed based on empirical first order models and experience for several years and a decent efficiency has been reached. However, further improvements are only possible by leveraging a shift in the methodology to more detailed scientific investigations based on state-of-the-art simulations and experiments. In this PhD project, DMDs will be analyzed in two steps. At first, in cooperation with a company, a real drum will be modeled and optimised. Hence, possible improvements can be validated directly on a real size industrial application. A set of existing physical models involving fluid mechanics will be combined to simulate the complex phenomena in the drum. In the second part of the project, the previously validated models, which have proven to be capable to simulate the physical processes in the drum up to a certain degree, will be used to derive new more sophisticated physical models, which will be validated on a lab scale experimental setup.


Numerieke modellering van de krachtwerking op een aan de wind zeilende laser

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Research on the hydrodynamic characteristics analysis and optimization design of a rim-driven thruster
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Engineering Technology

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In conventional shaft-driven propulsion systems, the shaft has to be connected to the main engine by another intermediate transmission device, in which way too much space is taken up. Moreover, the complex structure causes great mechanical loss, resulting in low efficiency and creating high vibrations and noise. On the contrary, the rapidly developing rim-driven thruster (RDT) is gaining more and more popularity in recent years. Comparing to conventional propulsors, the RDT has many outstanding advantages and is surely a major topic of development in the future. The Rim-driven thruster, also known as integrated motor propeller, has gained much attention all over the world since the concept was brought up for the first time. The RDT integrates the driver motor with propeller blades to form a more compact design, which is totally different from conventional propulsors. The propeller blades are connected to the rotor of the motor, while the stator is embedded in the duct, and when the thmster works, the rotor drives the propeller blades to rotate and produce thi-ust which is then delivered by bearings. In this way, the high integrated structure cuts the need for a large design space, improves working efficiency significantly and more importantly reduces vibration and noise greatly, making vessels quieter and more comfortable. The RDT was applied in the military field in the beginning, but nowadays the application of RDT's has been extended to yachts, civil boats and AUVs. Despite the many benefits the RDT possesses, there are still several technical problems in the optimal design of a RDT. Therefore, the study of the optimal design and fluid flow control mechanism of a RDT is definitely a worthy topic. The flow field generated by a RDT in open water is quite complicated and varies randomly, making it a tough challenge to capture the very details of the flow characteristics with experimental methods. With the development of computer technology, fortunately, the CFD methods promote a convenient way of addressing these kind of problems. Costs can be reduced with CFD simulation since the CFD method occupies relatively less resources and provides acceptable results. The nature of the fluid flow in a RDT is turbulent and currently there are 3 ways of numerical simulation of turbulence, which are Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS), Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The advantage of the DNS method is that precise information of the fluid flow can be acquired and the disadvantage is that the demand for computer power cannot be met when employing the DNS method to calculate flows with high Reynolds number. RANS methods can solve high- Reynolds problems, at the cost that small details of flow field are missing because the results are obtained by computing mean motions of the fluid. LES can be used to calculate the motion of large-scale vortices based on the transport mechanism of kinetic energy, and the influences of the small scales on the large scales can be simulated by establishing models. As such, more details of the flow field can be revealed at less cost, and that's why the LES method is applied more widely now. RANS methods are widely used due to its common requirements for computer resources and extensive application scope. At present, many studies on the performance analysis of RDT's are carried out with CFD methods employing RANS to achieve the steady flow field. However, RANS has its limits in the sense that detailed information about flow characteristics is lost with this method, therefore flow mechanisms cannot be revealed. Moreover, the performance derived from a propeller, and the inevitable losses, arise from the interaction of a large number of flow features, each adding to the complexity of the flow and rendering the task of its simulation more difficult. A solution to this problem can be found in the unsteady RANS method, were the large scale transient flow features are resolved. This method seems feasible for simulation of a RDT, but this method is currently not applied frequently. Therefore, this project will focus on the optimal design and fluid flow control mechanism of a RDT with URANS and LES methods. By establishing numerical models with different parameters and different methods, the steady and unsteady results and details will be analyzed to optimize the structure design of RDT, and unsteady characteristics, like cavitation, will be studied, and the flow field will be assessed as well as the flow mechanisms.


Detection and analysis of coherent structures in turbulent annular swirling jets
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculty of Engineering Technology

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Adding swirl to jet flows has severable favorable effects in many engineering applications. It is well known for instance that swirl enhances mixing and recirculation in jet flows. Despite the favorable effects of swirl, addition of swirl can also exhibit unfavorable effects. At certain levels of swirl, large scale coherent structures are formed such as vortex breakdown or the Precessing Vortex Core. These structures involve instabilities which can create resonance effects and can harm the working of the installation. Since there are still some issues and unknown physical mechanisms involved that lead to this coherent structure instabilities in swirling jets and sudden expansion flows, this research project involves a thorough analysis of both flow fields to identify the underlying flow physics. The flow fields will be studied and analysed by a combination of experimental measurements, numerical simulations and stability analyses.


Modeling and Impact Analysis of Heat Extraction from Surface Water

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Het ontwikkelen van duurzame en rationele concepten voor energiegebruik is een cruciale trend in het huidige tijdperk gekenmerkt door een aanzienlijke menselijke impact. CORE is een coöperatie van ingenieursstudenten en professionele partners wiens werk bijdraagt tot deze essentiële ontwikkeling. De hantering van innovatieve technieken om warmte te onttrekken uit water is één van de centrale thema’s binnen CORE. Momenteel wordt intensief onderzoek uitgevoerd naar het onttrekken van warmte uit oppervlaktewater in rivieren via warmtepompen. Deze thesis onderzoekt het potentieel van de aanwezige warmte in de Dijle in en rondom Leuven. Daarnaast wordt ook de temperatuurdaling en diens invloed na het onttrekken van de gevraagde warmte uit de waterloop geanalyseerd. Een restrictie op de totale temperatuurdaling is vastgelegd op maximaal 3°C in dit onderzoek, gebaseerd op richtlijnen van de Vlaamse Milieu Maatschappij (VMM). Om een antwoord te bieden op de gestelde onderzoeksvragen worden twee modellen ontwikkeld in MATLAB. Beide modellen simuleren een watertemperatuur door de verschillende warmte-uitwisselingsprocessen van een rivier te modelleren. De modellen worden met elkaar vergeleken en hun accuraatheid wordt getoetst aan de hand van verschillende testen gebaseerd op rivierdata. Na het onderschrijven van deze accuraatheid worden de modellen gebruikt voor de analyse van het warmtepotentieel in de Dijle. De bekomen resultaten uit dit onderzoek stellen dat de aanwezige warmte in de Dijle gebruikt kan worden voor het verwarmen van residentiële gebouwen in Leuven. Dit is toepasbaar in een warmte net van 1000 meter rond de Dijle zonder dat de riviertemperatuur een ontoelaatbare daling kent.



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Introducing a swirl can lead to many positive effects such as flame stabilization or enhanced mixing. On the other hand, there are also negative effects such as the chance of resonance that can damage components. This thesis contains an investigation of various flow structures in a swirling flow. The flow contains an annular jet and the swirl is generated by a swirl generator. This setup imitates the setup of a combustion chamber of a gas turbine or an airplane engine for example. By simulating these experiments in CFD, the influence of several parameters of the vortex generator can be adjusted to investigate additional effects. Based on an experiment, this flow case is modeled and solved via numerical simulations/CFD (Computational fluid dynamics). It is characterized by turbulence with a Reynolds number of 8500, so it is necessary to choose the right turbulence model for this case. This can be verified by the experiments acquired beforehand. We opt for a transient and 3D solution, because of the transient non-axisymmetric structures. The first and second central recirculation zones (CRZ) belong to stationary structures while the precessing vortex core (PVC), induced by vortex breakdown, is a transient phenomenon. The first turbulence model tested is the Reynolds stress model (RSM). This model falls under the category of Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), which means that a more coarse mesh can be chosen whereby a considerable part of the solution field is modeled. In this category, RSM is the model with the smallest modeled share, but still large with respect to LES and DNS, about which more later. It introduces 6 extra equations on top of the Navier-Stokes equations to determine the Reynold stresses in each direction. RSM can be used for non-isentropic flow cases and is thus appropriate for cyclone, swirling, rotating flows and flows with a lot of separation. Besides RANS, there is also Large Eddy Simulation (LES). This is the second turbulence model we will use in order to make the comparison with RSM. Here, the mesh size is smaller than that of RANS. All structures smaller than the mesh size are modeled, while those larger than the mesh size are solved. The modeled proportion is lower here, indicating a more accurate solution but a longer simulation time. To be able to perceive the helical structures in the LES solution SPOD is used. This technique can decompose the velocity field into modes of different frequencies, energies and amplitudes. Some of these modes contained the helical structures and could be visualized with the Q-criterion.


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