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In dit deel van het Fiscaal Compendium wordt de fiscale procedure inzake directe belastingen in detail toegelicht. De indeling van het boek volgt de klassieke indeling van het Wetboek Inkomstenbelastingen op het vlak van de procedure.
procedure fiscale --- inkomstenbelasting --- Inkomstenbelastingen ; België --- belastingprocedure --- impot sur le revenu --- Yearbooks --- Fiscaliteit --- Procedures --- Belastingen --- Fiscaal recht --- Inkomstenbelastingen --- Directe belastingen --- fiscale procedure --- Tax law --- Belgium --- Income tax --- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- fiscaal recht --- nodokļu likums --- dritt tat-taxxa --- direito fiscal --- vero-oikeus --- diritto tributario --- prawo podatkowe --- davčno pravo --- данъчно право --- porezno pravo --- skatterätt --- droit fiscal --- tax law --- maksuõigus --- Steuerrecht --- e drejta fiskale --- drept fiscal --- φορολογικό δίκαιο --- mokesčių teisė --- Derecho fiscal --- daňové právo --- даночно право --- adójog --- skatteret --- пореско право --- maksualased õigusaktid --- fiscale voorschriften --- adótörvény --- даночни прописи --- legislație fiscală --- normativa fiscale --- Derecho tributario --- tax legislation --- mokesčių įstatymai --- législation fiscale --- regulamentação fiscal --- φορολογική νομοθεσία --- mokesčių reguliavimas --- daňová legislativa --- daňové předpisy --- daňová legislatíva --- legislação fiscal --- legislazione fiscale --- daňový zákon --- skattebestämmelser --- rregullore tatimore --- verosääntely --- adójogi előírások --- даночно законодавство --- Steuergesetzgebung --- skattelovgivning --- tiesību akti nodokļu jomā --- adójogszabályok --- regolamentazione fiscale --- legjislacion tatimor --- maksumäärus --- réglementation fiscale --- verolainsäädäntö --- skattelagstiftning --- porezno zakonodavstvo --- nodokļu likumdošana --- steuerrechtliche Bestimmung --- porezni propisi --- skattebestemmelser --- φορολογικές ρυθμίσεις --- normativa fiscal --- reglamentación fiscal --- фискални прописи --- daňové predpisy --- legislación fiscal --- fiscale wetgeving --- tax regulation --- данък върху дохода --- imposta sul reddito --- impôt sur le revenu --- indkomstskat --- porez na dohodak --- daň z příjmů --- tulovero --- impuesto sobre la renta --- daň z príjmu --- davek na dohodek --- inkomstskatt --- imposto sobre os rendimentos --- Einkommensteuer --- jövedelemadó --- tax on income --- taxxa fuq l-introjtu --- impozit pe venit --- φόρος εισοδήματος --- tulumaks --- pajamų mokestis --- порез на доходак --- podatek dochodowy --- данок на доход --- tatim mbi të ardhurat --- ienākuma nodoklis --- tatimi mbi të ardhurat --- dôchodková daň --- income tax --- imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche --- IRPEF --- důchodová daň --- Procedure --- Belasting (fiscaal) --- Inkomstenbelasting --- dlí cánach --- cáin ar ioncam --- Belgique --- Rechtspraak --- Recht --- Wetgeving --- Handboek
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BPB0612 --- 351.713 <493> --- fiscaliteit --- strafrecht --- fraude --- fiscale procedure --- belgie --- fiscaal recht --- rechtspraak --- Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2}--België --- fiscalite --- droit penal --- procedure fiscale --- belgique --- 351.713 <493> Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2}--België --- Tax evasion --- Belgium --- Criminal law --- Taxation --- Law and legislation
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351.713 <493> --- #A0011A --- 439 Fiscaal recht --- inkomstenbelasting --- personenbelasting --- kadastraal inkomen --- fiscaal recht --- belgie --- fiscaliteit, aanslag --- fiscaliteit, aftrek --- fiscaliteit, kapitaal --- fiscaliteit, vrijstelling --- inkomstenbelastingen --- onroerende goederen --- personenbelastingen --- rechtspraak --- Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2}--België --- impot sur le revenu --- impot des personnes physiques --- revenu cadastral --- droit fiscal --- belgique --- 351.713 <493> Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2}--België --- fiscale ontwijking --- recht, bronnen --- bezwaar --- invordering --- fiscaliteit, aangifte --- procedures --- reclamation --- recouvrement --- rechtspersonenbelasting --- belasting van niet-inwoners --- fiscaliteit, niet-inwoners --- managementvennootschappen --- impot des personnes morales --- impot des non residents --- 351.713*12 <493> --- vennootschapsbelasting --- fiscaliteit, rechtspersonen --- vennootschapsbelastingen --- 351.713*12 <493> Inkomstenbelasting--België --- Inkomstenbelasting--België --- impot des societes --- jurisprudence --- belastingprocedure --- aangifte --- aanslag --- directe belastingen --- strafrecht --- procedure fiscale --- declaration --- taxation --- #RBIB:gift.1999.4 --- corporate governance --- fiscaliteit --- grondwet --- rechtsbescherming
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