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Institutional experience with bracing for pectus carinatum by means of a 2-shell compression orthesis -initial experience in the UZ Leuven Hospital
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Background Pectus carinatum is a thoracic deformity of the sternum that can be treated in a non-invasive manner by compressive bracing. The treatment duration, which typically consists of three different phases, is extensive. As a consequence, therapeutic compliance can be a challenge, especially in adolescents for whom the bracing treatment can cause social discomfort and psychological distress. At the department of thoracic surgery at UZ Leuven, pectus carinatum patients are treated with a Wilmington brace. Methods All patients who started bracing therapy between 2019/01/01 and 2021/12/31 at the UZ Leuven Hospital, and who subsequently received follow-up by the same physician, were admitted. Data collection was twofold. Firstly, we retrospectively collected data from clinic reports. And secondly, we used the validated PCEQ (Pectus Carinatum Evaluation Questionnaire) and PeCBI-QOL (Pectus Carinatum Body Image-Quality of Life) questionnaires to investigate treatment compliance, complications, physical limitations and social and psychological well-being during and after brace use. Results 79 patients were included, with a median age at the start of treatment of 14 years old. 16 patients finished treatment and 52 patients are still under treatment. 14% (N=11) were lost to follow-up. Of the patients who finished treatment, 75% (N=12) finished treatment successfully and 25% (N=4) experienced treatment failure. Mean treatment duration for the group who successfully completed treatment was 16 months. In addition, successfully treated patients had a significantly higher number of follow-up clinics than other outcome groups (p< 0.001). Skin problems occurred in 11% (N=9) of patients. Pain during bracing treatment was present in 11% (N=9) of patients and was mainly manifested by chest pain (N=3) and back pain (N=4). Brace damage occurred in 7.6% (N=6) of patients. As asked in the PCEQ, patients responded to have been compliant ‘many times’ regarding the prescribed number of days per week and number of hours per day. The degree of chest pain, back pain, dyspnoea and limitation in activities during brace wearing was reported as low. Conclusions In this study, the Wilmington brace seems to be an effective and safe non-invasive treatment for pectus carinatum. Already 56 patients achieved a complete correction after a mean treatment duration of 7 months. As expected, regular follow-up consultations were associated with a greater treatment success. Complications were minor and included skin problems, pain during bracing treatment and minor brace damage. Since most patients are still under bracing treatment, we will have to repeat this study in a few years time, when more patients have ended the treatment.


Skin erosion after Abramson procedure after treatment for pneumothorax
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Introduction Since Abramson introduced his minimally invasive technique for pectus carinatum repair in 2005, it has been adopted by surgeons all over the world. In this paper we will present a case report describing skin erosion following operative intervention for pneumothorax, one year after the patient underwent the Abramson technique in UZ Leuven. We aim to describe the available literature around skin erosion after Abramson technique, and combine this with the case report to provide insights into the occurrence of skin erosion after the Abramson technique. Methods A literature search was performed using the Pubmed database. 9 articles describing postoperative complications after the Abramson technique were included. Informed consent was obtained from the patient to access his electronic medical files, in order to describe his case in this article. Results In the literature we found mention of skin necrosis in one patient, skin erosion in two patients, skin perforation in two patients, bar exposition in three patients and exposure of the implant in one patient. The development of skin erosion in one patient, treated at UZ Leuven, is described. Conclusion The Abramson procedure for pectus carinatum repair, with submuscular bar placement, is rarely complicated by the occurrence of skin erosion. Our case report describes the occurrence of imminent skin erosion in a patient with muscle wasting after surgical intervention in the context of a pneumothorax. Further research is warranted.


Nutritional support methods after esophagectomy for esophageal cancer: a Systematic Review
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Introduction Esophagectomy is an important part of the treatment of esophageal cancer. This type of surgery is associated with a significant reduced quality of life and symptoms due to malnutrition. One way to improve the postoperative management is nutritional support (NS) in addition to a normal diet. The aim of this systematic review was to give a qualitative synthesis of the different post-operative nutritional support methods in this patient group, described in clinical trials over the past 20 years. Methods We searched systematically in three different databases: MEDLINE, Embase and CENTRAL. The screening and selection was done independently by two reviewers, data collection and risk of bias assessment by the first reviewer. Results We identified 516 records, finally we included 49 studies for qualitative synthesis. The described NS interventions could be divided into five different domains: (1) Enteral NS vs. parenteral NS (2) the optimal timing and route of enteral NS (3) Immunonutrition (4) Home enteral nutrition (HEN) and (5) Early oral feeding. We analysed the evidence and influence of these interventions on nutritional, prognosis and complication outcomes. Discussion The last 20 years, there was a noticeable evolution in the postoperative nutritional support (NS) after esophagectomy from parenteral to enteral NS to early oral feeding. It’s important that there is still attention to the important contribution of NS to reach the daily caloric intake. Especially long-term clinical trials to the impact of NS on QOL and functional recovery are needed in further research.


Quality of life after Nuss-procedure: experience after 20 years of minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Background: Pectus excavatum (PE) is the most common chest wall deformity. Commonly reported symptoms with PE are dyspnea, problems of self-confidence, loss of endurance, palpitations and chest pain. The Nuss-procedure is a minimal invasive surgical technique where metal struts are inserted beneath the sternum to push the deformed sternum forward and removed 3 years later. Aim of this study: Studies have shown that patients with PE have a significant lower disease-specific and general quality of life (QoL). With this project we wanted to investigate the QoL-evolution with a large study population, albeit single center, while also comparing the general health of the participants with those of their peers in a national reference health survey data set. Methods: All patients who underwent the Nuss-procedure in UZ Leuven between 2013 and 2021 were included in this study. They got sent 3 questionnaires about their QoL, more specifically the EQ-5D-5L, the SF-36 and the single step questionnaire (SSQ). We looked at the overall responses, the differences between genders and age-groups and compared our results of the EQ-5D-5L with those of the national reference database. Results: Of the 200 responders 70% states their health has improved after the Nuss-procedure. The same number also sees improvement in their exercise capacity. About thirty-five percent state that the procedure had a positive effect on their social life. Our results of the EQ-5D-5L questionnaire were significantly better than or comparable with those of the national reference. Conclusion: it appears safe to assume that the Nuss-procedure has a positive effect on the quality of life of patients with PE and that their quality of life after surgery is at least as good, if not better than the one of their peers.


Institutionele ervaring met de Abramson procedure voor pectus carinatum binnen UZ Leuven.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Doelstellingen: Met deze studie willen we de institutionele ervaring met de Abramson procedure binnen het UZ Leuven nagaan. We onderzoeken welke complicaties er worden gezien na deze operatie. Alsook wat de levenskwaliteit van de patiënten is die deze procedure ondergingen en of deze verschilt van de levenskwaliteit van de algemene Belgische bevolking. Naderhand wordt de correlatie tussen beide onderzoeksvragen geanalyseerd en trachten we na te gaan of de patiënten met ernstige complicaties na de Abramson procedure een minder gunstig resultaat bekomen dan patiënten zonder of met milde complicaties. Patiënten en methoden: Voor het eerste onderdeel van deze studie werden de patiëntendossiers van alle 59 patiënten bij wie de Abramson procedure in UZ Leuven werd uitgevoerd van 2013 t.e.m. 2021 retrospectief onderzocht voor detectie van complicaties. Het tweede deel bestond uit een prospectief onderzoek waarbij er 3 vragenlijsten (EQ-5D-5L, SF-36v2, SSQ) die naar de levenskwaliteit van deze patiënten en de tevredenheid over het resultaat van de operatie peilen opgestuurd werden. 32 patiënten zijn op deze bevraging ingegaan. Resultaten: Er werden 216 complicaties geregistreerd bij de 59 patiënten, 84,72%hiervan kon geclassificeerd worden als een Clavien-Dindo graad I, 7,41% als een graad II en 7,87% als een graad IIIb. Er werd geen significant verschil geobserveerd in levenskwaliteit tussen de behandelde patiënten en een Belgische referentiepopulatie aan de hand van de EQ-5D-5L. Er werd eveneens geen significant verschil geobserveerd in levenskwaliteit en resultaat van de operatie tussen patiënten met geen of milde complicaties en deze met ernstige complicaties aan de hand van de SSQ. Conclusie: Patiënten dienen een doordachte afweging te maken tussen de complicaties die kunnen optreden en de winst in levenskwaliteit en zelfzekerheid door deze operatie. Deze beslissing is persoonsgebonden en kan verschillen naargelang de mate waarin de patiënt zich aan deze aangeboren afwijking stoort. Er dient opgemerkt te worden dat de studiepopulatie uit een klein aantal deelnemers bestaat en dat er verder onderzoek dient te gebeuren met grotere studiepopulaties om significante verschillen te kunnen opmerken.


Experience, outcomes and complications using cross bar technique for the minimal invasive repair of pectus excavatum.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2024 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Objectives: This study aims to analyze interventions using the cross bar technique (CBT) in the minimal invasive repair of pectus excavatum (MIRPE). CBT is a relatively new technique within MIRPE on which only minimal data is currently available. Methods: Our study involves a retrospective analysis of all patients operated using CBT for MIRPE between 01/01/2002 and 24/06/2023, at the department of Thoracic Surgery of the University Hospitals Leuven. The proportion of interventions using CBT over the total number of MIRPE was calculated. Patient and surgery profiles along with the complications and their prevalence were analyzed. Results: CBT was used in 55 cases, 13.3% of all MIRPE since the introduction of CBT in 2018. The average age at surgery was 23.7 years old (range 12-56) and their average Haller index was 4.6 (range 2.5-11). 92.2% of post-operative complications were Clavien-Dindo grade I. Forty-nine patients (89.0%) were diagnosed with a pneumothorax of whom only 1 needed a chest tube for resolution. When combining early and late bardisplacements there were 6 (10.9%), who all required surgical repositioning. There were 6 patients (10.9%) with atelectasis, 5 patients (9.1%) with failed pain control, 5 patients (9.1%) with a pleural effusion and 4 patients (7.3%) with a pneumonia. Finally, we noted 1 patient (1.8%) with a bleeding larger than one liter, 1 patient (1.8%) with a minor plexopathy, 3 patients (5.5%) with neuropathic pain of whom 2 needed tricyclic antidepressants, 1 patient (1.8%) with an allergic reaction to the bar, 1 patient (1.8%) with recurrent pectus excavatum, 2 patients (3.6%) with worsening scoliosis, 8 patients (14.5%) with a chronic pain syndrome and 2 patients (3.6%) with a wound infection. No problems occurred during the 22 bar removals. Conclusions: CBT was mainly used in complex cases. We observed a higher prevalence of pleural effusion, bar displacements, chronic pain syndrome and atelectasis comparing to literature concerning overall MIRPE. Further investigations are required to properly compare CBT to non-CBT.


Quality of life after Abramson procedure. A new technique for treatment of pectus carinatum

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ABSTRACT Objectives The Abramson procedure is a relative new minimally invasive procedure for Pectus Carinatum (PC) repair. Half 2013 the Abramson procedure was introduced in our centre as alternative treatment for PC. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial experience obtained three years after the implementation of the Abramson procedure in our institution and to assess postoperative quality of life (QoL). Methods In this single centre retrospective study we analysed the complications after the Abramson procedure, graded according to the Clavien-Dindo classification. Patients were enrolled in the time period between August 2013 and December 2015. In the prospective part of this study health questionnaires (EQ-5D- 5L, SF-36 and Single Step Questionnaire) were sent to the patients after consent of our local ethical committee. Results 20 patients, all male, were included in the study. Median age at time of surgery was 14.92 years. In all of the patients low self-esteem was an indication for surgery. All patients received a patient-controlled epidural analgesia for 5 days. Median length of stay was 7 days. In 12/20 patients the bar is already removed after a median treatment duration of 1.95 years. There were 23 complications early postoperatively, mostly pneumothorax (n=17). One patient needed revisional surgery for bar dislocation. During the two-year treatment 9 patients had an uncomplicated treatment pathway. 10 patients had grade I complications (breakage of cable). Two patients had neuropathy treated with medication. Mean EQ- 5D-5L-VAS-score in our population was 87.31 compared to 82.8 in the Flemish control group (p=0.017). SF-36 revealed that the mean value for each domain was above the norm. Conclusions Our initial experience with the Abramson procedure shows a good complication profile for this minimal invasive technique. Results of the three health questionnaires (EQ-5D-5L, SF-36 and Single Step Questionnaire) demonstrate a good influence of this new surgical technique on the postoperative quality of life. Postoperative quality of life is at least at the same level of the control group.


ypT0N+: the unusual patient with pathological complete tumor response but with residual lymph node disease after neoadjuvant chemoradiation for esophageal cancer, what’s up?

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Background: Little is known about the prognostic significance of residual nodal disease in otherwise complete pathologic responders (ypT0N+) after neoadjuvant chemoradiation (nCRT) for esophageal cancer (EC). The purpose is to analyze the long-term outcomes of EC patients with ypT0N+ following nCRT and esophagectomy. Methods: From a single institution database, 466 consecutive EC patients undergoing esophagectomy after nCRT were collected (1996–2016). ypT0N+ responders were compared to pathological complete responders (ypT0N0) and to pathological non-complete responders (ypT+N0 and ypT+N+). Results: There were 149 ypT0N0, 31 ypT0N+, 141 ypT+N0 and 145 ypT+N+. Median overall survival (OS) was worse in ypT0N+ (21.7 months) and ypT+N+ (16.8 months) compared to ypT0N0 (55.2 months) and ypT+N0 (42.0 months). Stratification by histology revealed a significant difference in prevalence of ypT0: 62.5% in 184 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) compared to 23.0% in 282 adenocarcinomas (ADC) (P<0.0001) but not in ypT0N+ (15% vs. 22% respectively, P=0.25). In ADC, locoregional recurrence in ypT0N+ (43%) was comparable to ypT+N+ (31%) and more common compared to ypT0N0 (7%) and ypT+N0 (10%), reflected in median OS rates of 20.6, 17.5, 53.0 and 36.6 months respectively. Median OS in ADC is significantly determined by number of positive lymph nodes, being 21.7 months for pN1 and 2.7 months for pN2/3 (P=0.005) in ypT0N+ and 33.7 months for pN1 and 16.2 months for pN2/3 (P=0.031) in ypT+N+. In SCC, locoregional recurrences were found in 17% of ypT0N+, 33% of ypT+N+, 11% of ypT0N0 and 22% in ypT+N0 and median OS was 26.6, 15.6, 55.2 and 43.8 months respectively. In SCC ypN+ number of affected lymph nodes showed no difference on OS. Conclusions: ypT0N+ in EC patients following nCRT has a poor prognosis and behaves similar to ypT+N+. However, stratification by histology shows that this is especially true in ADC but seems determined by the number of involved lymph nodes.


Perioperative fluid management in esophagectomy for cancer and its relation to postoperative respiratory complications.

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Background The optimal perioperative fluid management during esophagectomy is still not clear. Liberal regimens have been associated with higher morbidity and respiratory complications. Restrictive regimens might raise concerns for kidney function and increase the need to associate vasopressors. Recently, perioperative care is changing towards goal-directed fluid regimens as part of early recovery programs. The aim of this study was to investigate retrospectively the perioperative fluid administration during esophagectomy and to correlate this with postoperative respiratory outcome. Methods All patients who underwent esophagectomy between January-December 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. Patient characteristics, type of surgery and postoperative course were reviewed. Fluid administration and vasopressor use were calculated intra-operatively and during the postoperative stay at the recovery room. Fluid overload was defined as a positive fluid balance of more than 125 ml/m2/h during the first 24 hours. Patients were divided in 3 groups: GRP0 (no fluid overload/no vasopressors); GRP1 (need for vasopressors); GRP2 (fluid overload with/without vasopressors). Postoperative complications were prospectively recorded according to Esophagectomy Complications Consensus Group criteria. Multivariable analysis (binary logistic regression) for "any respiratory complication" was performed. Results 103 patients were analyzed: 35 (34%) GRP0, 50 (49%) GRP1 and 18 (17%) GRP2. No significant differences were found for age, treatment (neoadjuvant vs. primary), type of surgery (Open / MIE), histology nor comorbidities. There were significant (p≤0.001) differences in fluid balance/m²/h (75±21 ml; 86±22 ml and 144±20 ml) across GRP0, GRP1 and GRP2 respectively. We found differences in respiratory complications (GRP0 (20%) versus GRP1 (42%;p=0.034) and GRP0 (20%) versus GRP2 (61%;p=0.002)) and ‘Comprehensive Complications Index’ (GRP0 (20.5) versus GRP1 (34.6;p=0.015) and GRP0 (20.5) versus GRP2 (35.1;p=0.009)). Next, we performed a logistic regression analysis for the overall respiratory outcome. Patients who received fluid overload (GRP2) had a 10.24 times higher risk to develop postoperative respiratory complications. Also, when patients received vasopressors alone (GRP1), the chances of developing these complications were 3.57 times higher compared to GRP0. Conclusion Among patients undergoing esophagectomy, there is a wide variety in the administration of fluid during the first 24 hours. There was a higher incidence of respiratory complications if patients received higher amounts of fluid or if vasopressors were used. Type of surgery (open versus MIE) did not impact respiratory outcome. We believe that a personalized and protocolized fluid administration algorithm should be implemented and that individual risk factors for patients at risk should be identified.


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