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Assessing sustainability performance of farms: an efficiency approach
ISBN: 9789059891869 9059891864 Year: 2007 Publisher: Gent Universiteit Gent

Milieu & milieubehoud : economische benadering
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789044134704 Year: 2016 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant Uitgevers

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Dit studieboek biedt een heldere inleiding tot de economische benadering van milieuvragen en de aansluitende beleidsaanpak. Hoewel inleidend, behandelen de auteurs de belangrijkste aspecten, met vernieuwende bijdragen zoals: verduidelijking van de inhoud van duurzame ontwikkeling, weergave van de kosten-batenafweging met afzonderlijke aandacht voor de publieke en de privésferen en verklaring van de EU-emissiehandel.De econoom ontdekt in het eerste hoofdstuk een ruimere visie door toetsing van de economische benadering aan inzichten uit andere disciplines. Het tweede hoofdstuk maakt de niet-econoom vertrouwd met de basisconcepten van economisch denken. Het derde hoofdstuk beschrijft de methoden om niet-geprijsde factoren alsnog een monetaire waarde toe te kennen. Het vierde hoofdstuk legt uit hoe economisch redeneren kan bijdragen tot milieubehoud in de praktijk. De afweging van kosten tegen baten van milieubehoud omcirkelt na te streven doelstellingen voor de gemeenschap. Het conflict tussen privé- en publiek belang maakt de zichtbare hand van het beleid nodig om de neuzen van de talrijke vervuilers in de richting van milieubehoud te zetten en te houden. De keuze van het geschikte beleidsinstrument komt uitgebreid aan bod in hoofdstuk vijf, met een overzichtelijke lijst van criteria en een diepgaande studie van de economische instrumenten bij uitstek: heffingen en verhandelbare emissievergunningen. Het laatste instrument is een hybride en om spraakverwarring te voorkomen, geldt het EU-emissiehandelsschema als referentie voor de studie. Het handboek sluit af met kernbegrippen van besluitvorming en een bespreking van de kosten-batenanalyse. Lesgevers die het boek als handboek benutten, kunnen bij de auteurs de powerpoint- bestanden aanvragen ter ondersteuning.

A Ricardian analysis of the impact of climate change on European agriculture
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2014 Publisher: Munich CESifo

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Efficiëntie en productiviteit van de Vlaamse landbouw : een empirische analyse
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2005 Publisher: Gontrode : Steunpunt duurzame landbouw,

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Een milieu-economisch perspectiefop de Vlaamse lange-termijn visie voor eindverwerking afvalstoffen.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2013 Publisher: Heverlee Steunpunt Duurzaam Materialen Beheer

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Social sustainability assessment in the biobased economy

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Social sustainability is an important part of sustainable development, although it has been broadly neglected in sustainabbility assessment analysis in comparison with the economic and environmental pillars. This is specially the case when limiting the scope of the analysis to the biobased economy. One of the examples of innovative technologies in the biobased economy is algae cultivationn system through which microalgae are able to take up CO2 as a carbon source during photosynthesis. Algae are seen as breakthroughs in CO2 capture and utilizations (CCUs) due to the metabolic capability to absorb inorganic carbon. CCUs are at low technology readiness levels (TRLs) and mainly in the research and development phase through which the implications of CCU are evaluated in terms of environmental, economic and technical indices while social concerns are usually neglected in the majority of impact evaluations in the past. A comprehensive literature review on the existing methodologies for social sustainability assessments in this research demonstrated that social life cycle assessment (S-LCA) is a promising approach for evaluating the social impacts of biobased products and processes along their life cycles. However, its applicability is questionable when a company is considered as the functional unit of analysis. Besides, the difficulty of linking social values with an integrated sustainability assessment model arises when an efficient transition towards sustainability matters. Using two case study examples (i.e., algae cultivations and CCUs), the binary focus of this dissertation is on the assessment of the possibilities and challenges of ; i) conducting the S-LCA at company level in the biobased economy in terms of existing research needs for improving sustainability assessment approaches and methodologies, and ii) testing the possibility of the incorporation of the social impacts into a techno-economic assessment (TEA) concentrating on the company's performance along the life cycle. In order to effectively conduct the S-LCA, first, a systemic approach tailored to the biobased economy was developed through which the steps for conducting the social impact assessment along the life cycle were defined. Following the developed systemic approach, a survey among European CCU experts was conducted to determine the most relavant social assessment topics and indicators. This was done using modified-multi-criteria decision making (MCDM), and bases on the list of potential social impact categories suggested by the UNEP/SETAC guidelines (2009). Three relevant stakeholders (workers, consumers and local community) were considered as the main social impact categories through the life cycle phases of CCU activities. The results for the indicator set covers the following main criteria : for the workers group : "Fair Salary" ; "Health and Safety" ; and "Equal Opportunities/Discrimination" ; for the consumer group : "End of Life Responsabilty", "Transparency", and "Health and Safety" ; and for the locan community group : "Safe and Healthy Living Conditions", "Secure Living Conditions" and "Local Employment". The identified social topics were used in response to the question of relevance and feasability of the S-LCA at company level in the biobased economy. Accordingly, a CO2-based algae cultivation system is used as a case study example through which the company's performance on the identified social impact categories are considered using both quantitative and semi-quantitative impact assessment approaches for the S-LCA. By doing so, needs for improvements and the limitations of the S-LCA at company level within the biobased economy were underlined. The possibility of the incorporation of social impacts into a TEA model, was tested using an illustrative exercise on the algae case. The calculation prameters for accidents at the workplace were used as a measure of "health and safety of workers" which was identified as an important social indicator. Accordingly, a cost-related model was constructed linked to the technical and economic models of the TEA. By doing do, the feasability of an alternative innovative technology was lighlighted from a social perspective in comparison with an existing conventional system. The accidents cost at the workplace was demonstrated for both cultivation systems and its effect was later reflected in the main economic outcome of the TEA. The contribution of the total internal accident costs in the final economic outcome of the model was not large in the case study and by itself might not be encouraging for companies to invest in (further) prevention plans and safety measures. Existence of policies to control the current accident rates will be of importance in case of measuring both the internal and external cost of accidents to society to reach a total social cost to be incorporated into the TEA. By doing so, the need for any additional accident prevention plan with major external benefits is underlined. Nevertheless, the illustrative exercise can be a starting point towards a comprehensive sustainability analysis in feasibility studies of innovative technologies while the social pillar is taken into account for developing a technology from the sustanability perspective. The outcome of this dissertation enables companies to pay more attention to the social domain when implementing innovative technologies at higher TRLs. Besides, it contributes to the development of a suitable and clear S-LCA approach and provide insights on the possibilities of incorporating the social impacts into TEAs when a company is considered as the unit of analysis.


Economische duurzaamheid en toegevoegde waarde : een eerste aanzet op basis van macro-economische gegevens
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9077547096 Year: 2004 Volume: 12 Publisher: Gontrode Steunpunt Duurzame Landbouw

Van bedrijfsrisico naar sociaal-economisch risico bij landbouwgezinnen
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
Year: 2011 Publisher: Merelbeke ILVO

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Agronomy --- Flanders

Efficiëntie en productiviteit van de Vlaamse landbouw : een empirische analyse
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9077547169 Year: 2005 Publisher: Gontrode Steunpunt Duurzame Landbouw

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