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In zahlreichen Ländern wird über das Thema "Selbstbestimmung am Ende des Lebens" diskutiert. Dabei gehen die Auffassungen weit auseinander, in welchen Formen die Autonomie Schwerkranker und Sterbender rechtlich abzusichern ist bzw. welche objektiven Grenzen die Rechtsordnung der Selbstbestimmung und Selbstverwirklichung ziehen oder anderen Disziplinen (insbesondere der medizinischen Wissenschaft) überantworten darf. Die hier vorgelegte Dokumentation umfaßt 23 Landesberichte, die diese und weitere (vor allem zivilrechtliche) Fragen der Patientenautonomie am Ende des Lebens aus dem jeweiligen nationalen Blickwinkel aufarbeiten. Die Dokumentation soll dazu beitragen, ausländische Erfahrungen in die Diskussion um die Fortentwicklung des deutschen Rechts einzubringen; sie soll darüber hinaus aber auch den internationalen Diskurs um das rechtliche Umfeld von - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - "Lebensentscheidungen" fördern. The topic of "patient autonomy at the end of life" is currently under discussion in various countries. The opinions differ about the legal means of securing the autonomy of fatally ill patients on the one hand and about the limits of selfdetermination on the other hand. This documentation contains 23 country reports presenting a thorough picture of the national regulations in the field of private law to safeguard the autonomy of patients at the end of their life. It was prepared as a contribution to the "63. Deutscher Juristentag 2000" (63rd German lawyers'conference) where (from the German point of view) the question will be discussed whether additional private law regulations are recommendable to safeguard the autonomy of patients at the end of life. The documentation also aims at intensifying the international discourse on the legal aspects of what may - in the utmost sense of the world - be called "life decisions".
Status of persons --- Medical law --- Informed consent (Medical law) --- Right to die --- Terminal care --- Law and legislation. --- levenseinde (einde van het leven, levenseindebeslissing) --- patiëntenrechten (rechten van de patiënt) --- orgaandonatie --- Oostenrijk --- Australië --- België --- Brazilië --- Canada --- Zwitserland --- Duitsland --- Denemarken --- Spanje --- Frankrijk --- Engeland --- Griekenland --- Italië --- Israël --- Japan --- Nederland --- Nieuw-Zeeland --- Portugal --- Korea --- Zweden --- Turkije --- Zuid-Afrika --- fin de vie (décision de fin de vie) --- droits du patient (droits des malades) --- don d'organes --- Autriche --- Australy --- Belgique --- le Brésil --- Suisse --- Allemagne --- Danemark --- Espagne --- France --- Angleterre --- Grèce --- Italie --- Japon --- Pays-Bas --- Nouvelle-Zélande --- la Corée --- Suède --- la Turquie --- l'Afrique du Sud --- Informed consent (Medical law). --- Medical laws and legislation --- Consent, Informed --- Consent to treatment --- Disclosure, Medical --- Medical disclosure --- Treatment, Consent to --- Consent (Law) --- Medical ethics --- Medical personnel --- Patient education --- Involuntary treatment --- Patient refusal of treatment --- Law and legislation --- Malpractice
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Civil law --- Law --- International unification --- 341.9 EC --- Internationaal privaatrecht --(algemeen)--EC --- 341.9 EC Internationaal privaatrecht --(algemeen)--EC --- Civil law - Europe - International unification --- Law - European Economic Community countries - International unification
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Seit 1997 liegt das "Menschenrechtsübereinkommen zur Biomedizin" des Europarates vor, das inzwischen von 11 Mitgliedstaaten des Europarates ratifiziert wurde. Zu diesem Übereinkommen wurde nunmehr der Entwurf eines Zusatzprotokolls über biomedizinische Forschung zur öffentlichen Diskussion in den Mitgliedstaaten freigegeben. Die hier vorgelegte Untersuchung, die aus einem Gutachten im Auftrag des BMBF hervorgegangen ist, unterzieht den Entwurf des Forschungsprotokolls einer kritischen Würdigung, um zu klären, inwieweit die Bestimmungen des Forschungsprotokolls mit dem deutschen und europäischen Recht sowie dem Völkerrecht vereinbar sind. Darüber hinaus sollen Anregungen für Verbesserungen des Entwurfs gegeben werden. Nicht zuletzt steht im Hintergrund die Frage, ob Deutschland dem Forschungsprotokoll später beitreten sollte. Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, daß der Entwurf in mehrfacher Hinsicht modifizierungsbedürftig ist.
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Disclosure --- Self-incrimination --- Torts --- Law and legislation
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National, European and international concepts and strategies concerning the legal and ethical framework of chimera and hybrid research are still largely missing, even though they are absolutely necessary in order to use the potential of chimera and hybrid research effectively and efficiently for the benefit of science and society. The outcome of the CHIMBRIDS-Project successfully sheds light on the chances and risks of this research and provides legal solutions to existing problems in order to help decision-makers fulfil their tasks in an informed and efficient manner. This comprehensive volume details the complete results, contributed by 40 scholars from 10 member states of the European Union, Canada, China, Israel, Japan, Switzerland and the US, with descriptive reports of the legal situation in specific countries and in-depth analysis of all scientific, medical, ethical and legal implications of chimera and hybrid research.
Genetic engineering --Research.
Mosaicism --Research.
Transgenic animals --Research.
Transgenic animals
Genetic engineering
Animals, Genetically Modified
Ethics, Research
Biomedical Research
Genetic Engineering
Organism Forms
Organisms, Genetically Modified
Animal Population Groups
Genetic Techniques
Social Sciences
Investigative Techniques
Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation
Anthropology, Education, Sociology and Social Phenomena
Natural Science Disciplines
Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment
Health Care
Disciplines and Occupations
Sciences - General
Law, General & Comparative
Law, Politics & Government
Physical Sciences & Mathematics
Health & Biological Sciences
Chimeras (Botany)
Transgenic animals.
Moral and ethical aspects.
Chimeras, Plant
Plant chimaeras
Plant chimeras
Research ethics
Chimeras and Hybrids in Comparative European and International Research (project)
Transgenic organisms.
Private international law.
Conflict of laws.
International law.
Comparative law.
Medical laws and legislation.
Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law.
Medical Law.
Theories of Law, Philosophy of Law, Legal History.
Law, Medical
Medical personnel
Medical registration and examination
Medical policy
Medical jurisprudence
Comparative jurisprudence
Comparative legislation
Jurisprudence, Comparative
Law, Comparative
Legislation, Comparative
Law of nations
Nations, Law of
Public international law
Choice of law
Conflict of laws
Intermunicipal law
International law, Private
International private law
Private international law
Legal polycentricity
Genetically engineered organisms
Genetically modified organisms
GEOs (Genetically engineered organisms)
GMOs (Genetically modified organisms)
Ethics, Primitive
Moral philosophy
Philosophy, Moral
Science, Moral
Acts, Legislative
Enactments, Legislative
Laws (Statutes)
Legislative acts
Legislative enactments
Legal status, laws, etc.
Law and legislation
Civil law
Transgenic organisms
Animal genetic engineering
Plant genetics
Public health laws.
Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law .
Communicable diseases
Public health
Medical laws and legislation
Europäische Union
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