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Energy Relations in the Euro-Mediterranean : A Political Economy Perspective
ISBN: 3319351168 331935115X Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book investigates the current status and future prospects of energy relationships for European Mediterranean countries. By adopting a political economy perspective, this book provides insight into regional cooperation in the fields of natural gas and renewable energy. The author posits that regional energy relations have yet to be examined through a comprehensive analytical framework in order to realistically assess the potential role of energy in acting as a catalyst for greater economic and political cooperation in the region. To do so, the author provides a detailed analysis of the region’s energy relations and pertinent case studies. Chapters illustrate the political and economic drivers underpinning the region’s energy dynamics, providing the reader with a wide-ranging overview of the Euro-Mediterranean energy relations of today and tomorrow.

Global energy fundamentals : economics, politics, and technology
ISBN: 1108861598 1108858252 1108495214 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,

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This book provides a rigorous, concise guide to the current status and future prospects of the global energy system. As we move away from fossil fuels and toward clean energy solutions, the complexity of the global energy system has increased. Tagliapietra cuts through this complexity with a multidisciplinary perspective of the system, which encompasses economics, geopolitics, and basic technology. He goes on to explore the main components of the global energy system - oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear energy, bioenergy, hydropower, geothermal energy, wind energy, solar energy, marine energy - as well as energy consumption and energy efficiency. It then provides an in-depth analysis of the pivotal issues of climate change and of energy access in Africa.


energy technology --- economics --- natural resources --- renewable energy --- climate change policy --- Power resources --- Energy industries --- Renewable energy sources. --- Climatic changes. --- Changes, Climatic --- Changes in climate --- Climate change --- Climate change science --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Alternate energy sources --- Alternative energy sources --- Energy sources, Renewable --- Sustainable energy sources --- Renewable natural resources --- Agriculture and energy --- politique en matière de changement climatique --- klimato kaitos politika --- polityka przeciwdziałania zmianie klimatu --- politika dwar il-bidla fil-klima --- beartas aeráide --- politica in materia di cambiamenti climatici --- политика в областта на изменението на климата --- klimata pārmaiņu politika --- politica privind schimbările climatice --- politika o podnebnih spremembah --- политика у области климатских промена --- πολιτική για την αλλαγή του κλίματος --- éghajlat-változási politika --- klimatpolitik --- politika v oblasti změny klimatu --- política para as alterações climáticas --- politika klimatske promjene --- Klimapolitik --- politikë e ndryshimit të klimës --- beleid inzake klimaatverandering --- política en materia de cambio climático --- ilmastonmuutospolitiikka --- politika v oblasti zmeny klímy --- политика за климатски промени --- Klimaschutzpolitik --- kliimamuutuste poliitika --- klimaatveranderingsbeleid --- действия срещу изменението на климата --- climate policy --- politika v oblasti klimatických zmien --- politikë klimaterike --- politikë në përgjigje të ndryshimit klimaterik --- action face au changement climatique --- klimatåtgärder --- klimatska politika --- политика срещу изменението на климата --- climate action --- acción ante el cambio climático --- policy for responding to climate change --- възстановима енергия --- energji e ripërtëritshme --- énergie renouvelable --- foinsí inathnuaite fuinnimh --- obnovljiva energija --- energia odnawialna --- erneuerbare Energie --- taastuv energia --- energia rinnovabile --- ανανεώσιμη ενέργεια --- atjaunīgā enerģija --- uusiutuva energia --- atsinaujinančių išteklių energija --- обновљива енергија --- обновлива енергија --- enerġija rinnovabbli --- energie reutilizabilă --- energia renovável --- energía renovable --- regenereerbare energie --- obnoviteľná energia --- vedvarende energi --- megújuló energia --- förnybar energi --- obnovitelná energie --- förnybar energikälla --- icke-förnybar energi --- neizsīkstošais enerģijas avots --- fonte de energia renovável --- обновливи извори на енергија --- atsinaujinančios energijos šaltinis --- atsinaujinanti energija --- fuente de energía renovable --- regenerierbare Energiequelle --- low-carbon energy --- uusiutuva energialähde --- neatjaunīgā enerģija --- taastumatu energia --- ανανεώσιμη μορφή ενέργειας --- burim energjie i ripërtëritshëm --- source d'énergie renouvelable --- foinse fuinnimh neamh-inathnuaite --- regenereerbare energiebron --- нискојаглеродна енергија --- energia non rinnovabile --- ikke-vedvarende energi --- neobnoviteľná energia --- energia não renovável --- μη ανανεώσιμες ενεργειακές πηγές --- εξαντλούμενες ενεργειακές πηγές --- megújuló energiaforrás --- ανανεώσιμη πηγή ενέργειας --- energía no renovable --- energie nereutilizabilă --- neatsinaujinanti energija --- renewable energy source --- taastuv energiaallikas --- nicht erneuerbare Energie --- neobnovljivi izvori energije --- neobnovitelná energie --- erneuerbare Energiequelle --- non-renewable energy --- fonte d'energia rinnovabile --- nem megújuló energia --- energji e paripërtërishme --- sursă de energie reutilizabilă --- obnoviteľný zdroj energie --- niet-regenereerbare energie --- uusiutumattomat energialähteet --- obnovljivi izvori energije --- energji me konsum të ulët karboni --- fuinneamh ó fhoinsí in-athnuaite --- regenerative Energiequelle --- énergie non renouvelable --- obnovitelné zdroje energie --- dabas resursi --- prírodné zdroje --- naturtillgångar --- resurse naturale --- burime natyrore --- prirodna dobra --- naturressourcer --- φυσικοί πόροι --- loodusvarad --- luonnonvarat --- risorse naturali --- recursos naturais --- природни ресурси --- recurso natural --- naravni viri --- natürliche Ressourcen --- természeti erőforrások --- riżorsi naturali --- ressource naturelle --- přírodní zdroje --- zasoby naturalne --- gamtos ištekliai --- natuurlijke reserves --- природна богатства --- bohatství přírody --- Naturgüter --- loodusressursid --- Naturschätze --- природни богатства --- prirodni resursi --- natuurlijke rijkdom --- természeti kincsek --- prirodna baština --- prirodni izvori --- natürliche Hilfsquellen --- природни добра --- naturrigdomme --- prirodna bogatstva --- přírodní bohatství --- ekonomikas zinātne --- ekonomie --- xjenza ekonomika --- taloustiede --- економски науки --- ekonomija --- science économique --- Wirtschaftswissenschaft --- közgazdaságtan --- ekonomi politike --- ekonomia --- eacnamaíocht --- științe economice --- economische wetenschap --- οικονομική επιστήμη --- ciência económica --- majandusteadus --- ekonómia --- ekonomika --- ekonomska znanost --- ciencia económica --- økonomisk videnskab --- ekonomisk vetenskap --- економска наука --- икономическа наука --- scienze economiche --- οικονομική θεωρία --- hospodářská teorie --- politická ekonómia --- taloustieteellinen teoria --- teori ekonomike --- политичка економија --- teoria económica --- economic theory --- economische theorie --- politikai gazdaságtan --- ekonomska teorija --- ekonomikos mokslai --- πολιτική οικονομία --- politisk ekonomi --- economía política --- економика --- politinė ekonomija --- Wirtschaftstheorie --- politička ekonomija --- økonomisk teori --- teoria economica --- teoría económica --- politieke economie --- poliitökonoomia --- politiskā ekonomija --- economic science --- théorie économique --- teorie economică --- Volkswirtschaftslehre --- poliittinen taloustiede --- ekonomisk teori --- économie politique --- shkencë ekonomike --- political economics --- ekonomikos teorija --- ekonomická teória --- ekonomická nauka --- political economy --- ekonomická teorie --- majandusteooria --- ekonomikas teorija --- economia politica --- economie politică --- economia política --- gazdaságelmélet --- економска теорија --- národohospodářství --- Nationalökonomie --- energiteknologi --- tecnologia energetica --- energiatehnoloogia --- energiatechnológia --- energetická technológia --- energiateknologia --- енергийна технология --- energiteknik --- ενεργειακή τεχνολογία --- energetická technologie --- technologie énergétique --- teknoloġija enerġetika --- energetska tehnologija --- енергетска технологија --- tecnología energética --- Energietechnologie --- teknologji e energjisë --- energotehnoloģija --- technologia energetyczna --- tecnologia energética --- energetikos technologija --- energietechnologie --- tehnologie energetică --- energetische techniek --- tehnologija energije --- Energietechnik --- energetikai technológia --- energetická technika --- technique énergétique --- Environmental aspects. --- Environmental aspects --- beartas don athrú aeráide --- Global environmental change

Global energy fundamentals
ISBN: 9781108495219 9781108817707 9781108861595 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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"Energy is a key prerequisite for modern life and it represents the life blood of modern societies. Every international order in modern history has been based on an energy resource: coal was the backdrop for the British Empire in the 19th century, oil has been at the core of the subsequent 'American Century', and today many expect China to become the 21th century's world renewable energy superpower. That is, the strategic importance of energy is so pervasive to shape global economic and geopolitical dynamics. Over the last two decades, the global significance of energy has become even more pronounced, as two major issues increasingly gathered international recognition and awareness: climate change, and energy access in the developing world. Global energy supply has always been, and it continues to be, largely based on fossil fuels. Notwithstanding the most recent renewable energy developments, 80 per cent of global energy supply indeed remains based on coal, oil and natural gas. The combustion of these fossil fuels is responsible for around 75 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, making energy the largest cause of climate change. A structural response to this major threat to humanity can therefore only come from the energy sector, notably through a global clean energy revolution."

Energy Relations in the Euro-Mediterranean : A Political Economy Perspective
ISBN: 9783319351162 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book investigates the current status and future prospects of energy relationships for European Mediterranean countries. By adopting a political economy perspective, this book provides insight into regional cooperation in the fields of natural gas and renewable energy. The author posits that regional energy relations have yet to be examined through a comprehensive analytical framework in order to realistically assess the potential role of energy in acting as a catalyst for greater economic and political cooperation in the region. To do so, the author provides a detailed analysis of the region’s energy relations and pertinent case studies. Chapters illustrate the political and economic drivers underpinning the region’s energy dynamics, providing the reader with a wide-ranging overview of the Euro-Mediterranean energy relations of today and tomorrow.

Les véhicules électriques sont-ils verts?
Year: 2021 Publisher: Paris Cedex 12 (5, rue Roland Barthes 75598) : Agence française dedéveloppement,

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The European Gas Markets : Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3319558013 3319558005 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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This book explores in detail the challenges which the European gas markets currently face, and the opportunities they present. Bringing together some of the most prominent gas experts on Europe from both academia and industry, this edited volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the various economic, political and technological factors that interact in this sector. Featuring a Foreword by Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union, contributions explore a wide range of issues, such as the role of gas in decarbonizing Europe, the outlook of Europe’s gas demand, supply and pricing, and global LNG dynamics. Country specific studies include Russia, Norway, the Netherlands, and Germany, with regional studies including North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. Alongside detailed analysis of this complex sector it also puts forward a set of policy recommendations for the sector’s key stakeholders. This volume will be of interest to researchers and academics, as well as practitioners and professionals within European gas markets.

The European Gas Markets : Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783319558011 Year: 2017 Publisher: Cham Springer International Publishing :Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan

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This book explores in detail the challenges which the European gas markets currently face, and the opportunities they present. Bringing together some of the most prominent gas experts on Europe from both academia and industry, this edited volume provides a comprehensive analysis of the various economic, political and technological factors that interact in this sector. Featuring a Foreword by Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of the Energy Union, contributions explore a wide range of issues, such as the role of gas in decarbonizing Europe, the outlook of Europe’s gas demand, supply and pricing, and global LNG dynamics. Country specific studies include Russia, Norway, the Netherlands, and Germany, with regional studies including North Africa and the Eastern Mediterranean. Alongside detailed analysis of this complex sector it also puts forward a set of policy recommendations for the sector’s key stakeholders. This volume will be of interest to researchers and academics, as well as practitioners and professionals within European gas markets.

Energy in Africa : Challenges and Opportunities
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3319922181 331992219X Year: 2018 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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This open access book presents a picture of the current energy challenges on the African continent (and the Sub-Saharan region in particular) and proposes pathways to an accelerated energy transition. Starting with an analysis of the status quo and the outlook for Africa’s energy demand and energy access, it provides an account of the available resources, including hydrocarbons and renewable energy resources, which are playing an increasingly crucial role. It then moves on to analyze the level of investment required to scale-up Africa’s energy systems, shedding light on the key barriers and elaborating on potential solutions. It also provides a suggestion for improving the effectiveness of EU–Africa cooperation. While mainly intended for policymakers and academics, this book also speaks to a broader audience interested in gaining an overview of the challenges and opportunities of the African energy sector today and in the future.

The Geopolitics of the Global Energy Transition
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030390667 3030390659 Year: 2020 Publisher: Springer Nature

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The world is currently undergoing an historic energy transition, driven by increasingly stringent decarbonisation policies and rapid advances in low-carbon technologies. The large-scale shift to low-carbon energy is disrupting the global energy system, impacting whole economies, and changing the political dynamics within and between countries. This open access book, written by leading energy scholars, examines the economic and geopolitical implications of the global energy transition, from both regional and thematic perspectives. The first part of the book addresses the geopolitical implications in the world’s main energy-producing and energy-consuming regions, while the second presents in-depth case studies on selected issues, ranging from the geopolitics of renewable energy, to the mineral foundations of the global energy transformation, to governance issues in connection with the changing global energy order. Given its scope, the book will appeal to researchers in energy, climate change and international relations, as well as to professionals working in the energy industry.


International relations. --- Energy policy. --- Energy and state. --- Natural resources. --- Climate change. --- International Relations. --- Energy Policy, Economics and Management. --- Natural Resource and Energy Economics. --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts. --- Changes, Climatic --- Changes in climate --- Climate change --- Climate change science --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- National resources --- Natural resources --- Resources, Natural --- Resource-based communities --- Resource curse --- Energy and state --- Power resources --- State and energy --- Industrial policy --- Energy conservation --- Coexistence --- Foreign affairs --- Foreign policy --- Foreign relations --- Global governance --- Interdependence of nations --- International affairs --- Peaceful coexistence --- World order --- National security --- Sovereignty --- World politics --- Environmental aspects --- Economic aspects --- Government policy --- Global environmental change --- International Relations --- Energy Policy, Economics and Management --- Natural Resource and Energy Economics --- Climate Change/Climate Change Impacts --- Environmental Economics --- Earth System Sciences --- Energy transition geopolitics --- International decarbonisation policies --- Global warming --- Global energy system --- Geopolitics of the global energy transition --- Economic and political impacts of low-carbon technologies --- Power generation mix --- Geopolitical implications of global warming --- Governance of the global energy order --- Open Access --- International relations --- Energy technology & engineering --- Energy industries & utilities --- Environmental economics

The Future of Transport Between Digitalization and Decarbonization : Trends, Strategies and Effects on Energy Consumption
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3030379663 3030379655 Year: 2020 Publisher: Cham Springer Nature

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Energy systems are rapidly transitioning towards decarbonization, thanks in part to innovative digital technologies and changing mobility demands. This open access book examines the decarbonization and digitalization transformation in the transport sector, with a particular focus on energy consumption. By studying historical trends and outlining future scenarios, the authors illustrate the evolution of energy consumption in the transport sector, compare alternative decarbonization strategies, and analyze digitalization trends and their effects on energy consumption. The book addresses a broad readership of both academics and professionals working in the energy and transport industries, as well as readers interested in the ongoing debate over energy, mobility and climate change.

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