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EHBO : eerste hulp bij ongevallen
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789033484995 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leuven Den Haag Acco

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Iedereen heeft de morele plicht zijn medemens in nood naar best vermogen bij te staan. In onze moderne samenleving staan een grote groep artsen, een brede waaier van paramedisch personeel en een hele reeks geavanceerde apparatuur ter beschikking om slachtoffers van ongevallen de beste medische zorgen toe te dienen. Tussen het tijdstip van het ongeval en de eigenlijke medische verzorging verloopt er echter nog heel wat tijd. Om te voorkomen dat de toestand van een ongevalsslachtoffer in deze tijdsspanne beduidend verslechtert, is eerste hulp bij ongevallen onmisbaar. Dit handboek wil voor de EHBO'er een leidraad zijn voor de hulpverlening bij frequent en minder frequent voorkomende ongevallen. De ongevalssituaties worden op een leesbare en bevattelijke wijze in een logische volgorde besproken, en met vele figuren geïllustreerd. Dit boek bevat de reanimatierichtlijnen van 2010.

EHBO : eerste hulp bij ongevallen
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789033484998 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Iedereen heeft de morele plicht zijn medemens in nood naar best vermogen bij te staan. In onze moderne samenleving staan een grote groep artsen, een brede waaier van paramedisch personeel en een hele reeks geavanceerde apparatuur ter beschikking om slachtoffers van ongevallen de beste medische zorgen toe te dienen. Tussen het tijdstip van het ongeval en de eigenlijke medische verzorging verloopt er echter nog heel wat tijd. Om te voorkomen dat de toestand van een ongevalsslachtoffer in deze tijdsspanne beduidend verslechtert, is eerste hulp bij ongevallen onmisbaar. Dit handboek wil voor de EHBO'er een leidraad zijn voor de hulpverlening bij frequent en minder frequent voorkomende ongevallen. De ongevalssituaties worden op een leesbare en bevattelijke wijze in een logische volgorde besproken, en met vele figuren geïllustreerd. Dit boek bevat de reanimatierichtlijnen van 2010. (Bron: covertekst)


Microsurgical thrombosis : development, standardisation and application of an experimental model

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Plate Osteosynthesis In Scaphoid Non-Unions and Complex Fractures: A Systematic Review.
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Geneeskunde

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Background. Internal fixation of a scaphoid fracture is usually done with K-wires or headless compression screws (HCS). These fixation methods are difficult and technically demanding due to the complex shape of the scaphoid and lead to non-union in approximately 10% of cases. It is crucial to achieve bony healing to prevent scaphoid non-union, evolution to advanced collapse and ultimately osteoarthritis of the wrist, which leads to a significant functional impairment. Recently, plate osteosynthesis of the scaphoid bone was re-introduced as treatment modality. Patients and Methods. A systematic review of the existing literature was performed about scaphoid plating in scaphoid fractures and non-unions. Pubmed MEDLINE, Embase, Scopus and TRIP database were searched from the first records up to 31/08/2018, restricted to the English language. Twelve articles were selected by two independent reviewers, all of them are descriptive studies. A total of 125 cases are reported in 124 patients. Radiological healing was chosen as the primary outcome measure. Hardware complications is our secondary outcome parameter. Functional outcome, follow-up and patient characteristics are reported as well. Results. A total of 118 out of 125 fractures achieved bony healing by scaphoid plate osteosynthesis in a mean time of 4.1 months. Fourteen patients needed plate removal because of discomfort. A trend of improvement or stabilisation in pain relief and range of motion was observed. Conclusion. Scaphoid plate osteosynthesis leads to excellent radiological healing in scaphoid non-unions and fractures. These results correlate with recent biomechanical studies suggesting that plates lead to a form of fixation with better stability compared to HCS. A disadvantage is the relative high hardware complication rate that can require a second operation for removal.


Comparison of the radiocarpal joint loads before and after proximal row carpectomy; a computational and experimental study
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Osteoarthritis in the wrist affects 5% of women and 3% of men over the age of 70 years and has a large impact on individuals and society. To alleviate the associated symptoms, proximal row carpectomy (PRC) is one of the most commonly performed surgeries for the treatment of osteoarthritis in the wrist. Although, a lot of kinematic studies are performed to examine the effects of PRC, only a few studies exist on the biomechanical effects of PRC. The aim of this thesis is the comparison of the biomechanical behaviour in the radiocarpal joint before and after a proximal row carpectomy, both via an experimental and computational study. A fresh frozen cadaveric wrist was tested in neutral wrist position. For the experiment, the intact specimen was first loaded for loads up to 750 N while the pressure was measured with a Tekscan pressure sensor that was implanted in the radiocarpal joint. Then, a PRC was performed and the experiment was repeated. For the computational study, a finite element (FE) model of the wrist was built, of which the bone geometry was obtained from cone beam computed tomographic (CBCT) images of the same specimen. A new algorithm was also introduced to model the cartilage layers automatically. The experimentally measured maximum pressure increases from 3.06 MPa to 3.91 MPa after PRC for an applied load of 430 N. The total measured contact area pre-operatively could not be calculated, since the pressure distribution was not completely captured pre-operatively, although a decrease could be observed to a contact area of 76.05 mm² after PRC for an applied load of 430 N. The maximum computed von Mises pressure increased from 8.37 MPa to 10.33 MPa after PRC, while the computed contact area decreased from 82.27 mm² to 44.41 mm² for an applied load of 430 N. This pilot study can be used as a foundation for further research. The cartilage modelling algorithm is a good start to automate to process of cartilage modelling, which has several advantages, although tuning of the modelling parameters is recommended. The experimental workflow is applicable in future tests and gives results that are comparable with those found in literature. This pilot study provides opportunities for further research with larger test sets and other surgical procedures and in this way allows to compare the outcome of different surgical options.


Non-invasive determination of the articular stress distribution in the wrist
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2017 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common causes of disability in older people. Obviously it has a tremendous effect on the life quality of an individual, but it also has a large socio-economic impact. Due to the increasing life expectancy, these costs will only increase. To be able to reduce these costs, fundamental changes should be made in the way care is given to patients suffering from OA. New and better treatments can only be found if the disease is better understood. One wants to be able to quantify the changes between a healthy joint and one with degraded cartilage. This quantification of the stresses and strains in the cartilage layers of a joint can be achieved using FE- (finite element) modelling. This project focusses on modelling the wrist joint. In the past only a few FE-models of the entire wrist joint have been published. In these models, the cartilage has never been extracted from images. It is however easy to understand that the geometry of the cartilage has a large effect on the stresses and strains generated within those cartilage layers. In this project, the stress and strain distribution in the cartilage layers of the wrist joint are determined using an FE-model and are experimentally validated. The geometry of both the bones and cartilage layers is extracted from Computed Tomography (CT) images. Based on the imaged geometry, an FE-model (Analytical model) is built. An experimental validation of this model is done, using a device that can apply a load on a cadaver wrist. A CT-scan is made of the wrist in loaded and unloaded condition. Based on these scans, the displacements of the bones are calculated. An FE-model (Experimental models) is used to convert the computed displacements into stresses and strains in the cartilage layers. The stress and strain distribution in the cartilage layers computed by the Analytical and Experimental models are compared to validate the Analytical model. This project is a first study in which an FE-analysis of the entire wrist joint, based on cartilage layers extracted from images, is successfully performed. Methods to visualize the cartilage, build the model and validate the model are described.


Kliniek van hand en pols : navormingsavond : 03 februari 2009
Authors: --- --- --- ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Kortrijk Medisch Centrum Huisartsen

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Experimental quantification of the contact pressures acting on the trapezium during lateral key pinch
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2018 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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The carpometacarpal-1 (CMC-1) joint, the joint between the trapezium bone in the wrist and the thumb, is commonly affected by osteoarthritis, a disease characterized by the loss of cartilage. Multiple treatments can be offered to the patients depending on the stage of the disease. Though, there is still a lack of insights in the disease and its treatments. Therefore, in order to make a finite element model of the trapezium bone to get more insights, this research determined the boundary conditions through an experiment on a cadaver hand. The focus lied on measuring the contact pattern and pressures acting on the trapezium bone in the CMC-1 joint during lateral key pinching, as this is a common position causing pain in arthritic joints. To obtain a lateral key pinch, the specimen was mounted on a setup and the thumb muscles were mimicked by pulling on the tendons in their physiological direction with a specific force. When the tendons were tensioned, a sensor inserted in the CMC-1 joint and one placed underneath the tip of the thumb recorded the pressures. This recording was repeated for five different tendon loads and for two different amounts of loaded tendons. The contact pattern in another joint with the trapezium, the scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal (STT) joint, was also measured, though not for increasing tendon loads. From the outcomes, the CMC-1 contact pattern was observed to be located at the dorsal-radial aspect of the trapezium bone and to shift to an even more dorsal and radial side with increasing tendon loads, suggesting a change in bone seating. In addition, within the range of applied proportionality factors, the exerted thumb-tip force was observed to increase exponentially with increasing loads, suggesting a nonlinear behavior of the finger. Using more tendons to mimic the lateral key pinching resulted in a higher thumb-tip force, whereas the pressure range (0.1 - 1.2 MPa) and pressure distribution in the CMC-1 joint did not significantly change. In the STT joint, a dorsal-ulnar contact pattern was observed, and both the pressures and the contact area turned out the be smaller than in the CMC-1 joint, which might explain the lower prevalence of isolated STT osteoarthritis.


An Anatomical Study of the Subtalar Ligaments

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ABSTRACT Background and purpose: Chronic subtalar instability is a disabling complication of acute ankle sprains. Currently, the literature describing the anatomy of the intrinsic subtalar ligaments is rather limited and equivocal. This causes difficulties in diagnosis and adequate treatment. The purpose of this study is to assess the anatomical characteristics of the intrinsic subtalar ligaments. Methods: In 12 fresh-frozen cadaveric feet, the dimensions of the lateral and subtalar ankle ligaments were assessed and measured. The footprints of the ligaments were outlined with radio-opaque paint on the talus and calcaneus. CT-scans were performed before dissection and after dissection to indicate the position of the footprints. A 3D model with ligament footprints was generated. Footprint areas and distances from osseous landmarks were determined. Results: The mean (SD) dimensions of the cervical ligament (CL) are: 12.1 mm in width, 18.2 mm in length and 1,7 mm in thickness. These are the dimensions that are measured in the middle of the ligament. The mean (SD) dimensions of the interosseous talocalcaneal ligament (ITCL) are: 12 mm in width at the talar insertion and 9.8 mm at the calcaneal insertion, the lateral length is 9 mm and the medial length is 7.8 mm and the thickness is 1.1 mm. An anterior capsular ligament was present in 11/12 specimens. Conclusion: Comparison of the dimensions and footprints of the intrinsic ligaments of the subtalar joint suggest that the CL likely plays an important role in the stability of the subtalar joint. However, biomechanical studies are needed to confirm this. Clinical relevance: The anatomical characteristics identified in this study are useful to understand the pathophysiology of subtalar instability. These findings allow us to improve the protocols for biomechanical studies. In addition, these results are relevant to improve diagnostic tools and offer some guidelines when reconstructing the injured ligaments.


Quantification of longitudinal changes in the microarchitecture of the wrist bones after surgery
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2019 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Ingenieurswetenschappen

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Wrist osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases affecting the wrist joint. In severe cases, a surgical procedure is the only option left to provide the patient with pain relief and restore the wrist function. Two frequently exerted wrist surgeries are proximal row carpectomy (PRC) and four-corner arthrodesis (FCA). A problem is that the long-term outcomes of these surgical procedures are not equally good for each patient and some patients need to undergo a revision surgery, which is better avoided. Therefore, predicting the outcome of a wrist surgery is of great interest. A possible way to predict this, is by looking at changes that occur in the microarchitecture, trabeculae, of the wrist bones. If different patterns arise in the changes of the bone microstructure between operated wrists with and without complications, this difference can be used for a prediction of the surgical outcome. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to develop a workflow for the quantification of longitudinal changes in the bone microarchitecture of wrist bones after surgery. CBCT images with an improved spatial resolution were used to visualize the trabeculae of the bones. To account for the different position of the wrist inside the scanner between the two images, an optimal registration procedure was developed. Based on a parameter analysis and a validation, the optimal registration parameters were selected. A rigid registration of each bone at a time produced good results. For the comparison of the bone microstructure, a segmentation procedure was constructed based on a segmentation algorithm for ex vivo CBCT images. The segmentation performed well in general, but had difficulties with fine detailed trabeculae and in regions where the bones were closely positioned to each other. The registration and segmentation were combined into one workflow to produce an overlap image of the segmentation of the baseline and follow-up image. Regions of bone formation and resorption could be identified this way. As the segmentation had no validation and the follow-up image was more noisy than the baseline image, it was difficult to assess changes in the bone microstructure with certainty. Although different indications were available towards more bone resorption than formation. These were located in the neighbourhood of the newly formed contact surface between the radius and capitate after surgery. In conclusion, there is shown that CBCT images have the possibility to assess longitudinal changes in the bone microstructure of the wrist bones over time and that the developed workflow is a good method to do so. Improvements need to be made to different aspects of the technique such as the in vivo segmentation and quality of the CBCT images.


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