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The book summarises the basic principles as well as main tendencies within the medieval lyric genre Minnesang - both in its German version, investigating its individual evolutionary phases, and in later appearing old Czech love poetry of high Middle ages. Moreover, the author of this comparative study Sylvie Stanovská applies her findings to younger German love poetry before 1500 as well so she gains a broad analytical basis, pursuant to which she constructs a novel, with numerous text examples supported typology of the old Czech love poetry. This typology can thus lead to further research of this genre.
Czech poetry --- German poetry --- Love poetry, Czech --- Love poetry, German --- German love poetry --- Czech love poetry --- Czech literature --- History and criticism.
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Kniha přináší poprvé v dějinách novodobé české germanistické medievistiky česky psané přehledy děje vybraných literárních děl německého středověku včetně charakteristiky hlavních postav a jejich vztahu k lásce a smrti. Má sloužit čtenářům, kteří chtějí hlouběji proniknout do spletitých dějů hrdinské epiky, dvorského románu a novely, středověkých milostných básní či středověké vrcholné prózy z německojazyčného prostředí. Podává základní informace o autorech a o ději těchto děl a doplňuje je ukázkami z nich v originálním jazyce a v překladech, které až na výjimku děl „Píseň o Nibelunzích“ a „Oráč z Čech“ jsou do češtiny v moderní době převedeny poprvé.
Medievalism. --- Love. --- Death.
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Old Bohemian love poetry stands at the end of a long tradition of medieval love lyric poetry in national languages. This tradition has shaped the overall European literature: it continues from Petrarch until now - although reformed and altered several times. The authors of the book present all texts of old Bohemian love poetry known so far from the beginnings of the genre in the 13th and 14th century to the 15th century. Love poems are provided with commentary; and unlike the previous editions the reader will find a comparison of old Czech lyrical texts with texts from German-speaking countries from the same period. Let's emphasize that the old Bohemian love poetry combines poetic patterns of literatures from various periods; its testimony and value is thus extremely important.
Czech poetry --- German poetry --- Love poetry, Czech --- Love poetry, German --- Courtly love in literature. --- Civilization, Medieval, in literature. --- German love poetry --- Czech love poetry --- Czech literature --- History and criticism.
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