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arbeidsmarkt --- Age group sociology --- Labour market --- sonar --- jeugdwerkloosheid --- Flanders --- 331.52 --- Academic collection --- #ECO:01.03:economie arbeidsmarkt werkgelegenheid werkloosheid --- #ECO:05.01:landen België --- #A0104A --- 450 Werkgelegenheid en arbeid --- Arbeidsmarkt 331.52 --- Jeugdproblematiek 301.185.3-053.7 --- Aansluiting onderwijs - arbeidsmarkt 371:331 --- Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap 353.11 --- onderwijs --- opleiding --- vlaanderen --- belgie --- VL / Flanders - Vlaams Gewest - Région Flamande --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 332.630 --- Vlaamse Gemeenschap / Gewest --- mogelijkheid na studies --- onderwijs, holt --- onderwijs, middelbaar --- onderwijs, universitair en voortgezet --- statistiek --- studievoorlichting --- werkloosheid --- Vlaanderen --- jeugd --- 331.52 Arbeidsmarktstructuur. Vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt. Spreiding van arbeidsplaatsen. Spreiden van arbeidskrachten. Tewerkstellingsgraad --- Arbeidsmarktstructuur. Vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt. Spreiding van arbeidsplaatsen. Spreiden van arbeidskrachten. Tewerkstellingsgraad --- marche du travail --- enseignement --- formation --- flandre --- belgique --- Strijd tegen de werkloosheid: algemeen. Theorie en beleid van de werkgelegenheid. Volledige werkgelegenheid --- 493.8 --- 331.6 --- 362.8 --- Arbeidsmarkt --- Tewerkstellingsbeleid --- Onderwijs --- Aansluiting onderwijs - arbeidsmarkt --- Jeugd --- Opvoeding --- Pedagogiek --- Statistische gegevens --- Sport --- Emigratie --- Jongere --- Vlaanderen ; economie --- Werkende jongeren
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This book provides a thrilling history of the famous priority dispute between Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Isaac Newton, presenting the episode for the first time in the context of cultural history. It introduces readers to the background of the dispute, details its escalation, and discusses the aftermath of the big divide, which extended well into recent times. One of the unique features of the book is that the mathematics behind the story is very intelligibly explained – an approach that offers general readers interested in the history of sciences and mathematics a window into the world of these two giants in their field. From the epilogue to the German edition by Eberhard Knobloch: Thomas Sonar has traced the emergence and the escalation of this conflict, which was heightened by Leibniz’s rejection of Newton’s gravitation theory, in a grandiose, excitingly written monograph. With absolute competence, he also explains the mathematical context so that non-mathematicians will also profit from the book. Quod erat demonstrandum! From the reviews for the German language edition ….. This book provides a vivid and easy-reading picture of many political and scientific aspects of the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century, and constitutes an excellent guide to the existing secondary literature for laymen as well as for specialists…. Stefan Neuwirth in: Zentralblatt MATH 1343 — 1 (1343.01005) An extremely readable book on one of the most memorable episodes in the history of sciences. Manfred Jacobi in: Physik in unserer Zeit, Jg. 47, Heft 5, September 2016.
Calculus --- History --- Newton, Isaac, --- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, --- Mathematics. --- History. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- Analysis (Mathematics) --- Fluxions (Mathematics) --- Infinitesimal calculus --- Limits (Mathematics) --- Mathematical analysis --- Functions --- Geometry, Infinitesimal --- Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm --- Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm --- Newton, Izaak, --- Niu-tun, --- Nʹi︠u︡ton, Isaak, --- Niutun, Yisake, --- Niyu̇ton, Isak, --- Nyuṭon, Ayzaḳ, --- Nyuṭon, Ayziḳ, --- ניוטאן, אייזאק, --- ניוטון, אייזק --- ניוטון, אייזיק --- 牛頓, --- 牛頓, 伊萨克, --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Math --- Science
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What exactly is analysis? What are infinitely small or infinitely large quantities? What are indivisibles and infinitesimals? What are real numbers, continuity, the continuum, differentials, and integrals? You’ll find the answers to these and other questions in this unique book! It explains in detail the origins and evolution of this important branch of mathematics, which Euler dubbed the “analysis of the infinite.” A wealth of diagrams, tables, color images and figures serve to illustrate the fascinating history of analysis from Antiquity to the present. Further, the content is presented in connection with the historical and cultural events of the respective epochs, the lives of the scholars seeking knowledge, and insights into the subfields of analysis they created and shaped, as well as the applications in virtually every aspect of modern life that were made possible by analysis. From the reviews of the German edition: Three wishes granted at once: the book “3000 Jahre Analysis” is anything but a dry mixture of mathematical facts and formulae. Instead, it is a skillful blend of textbook, nonfiction, and history book rolled into one, which has been very vibrantly written. The author Thomas Sonar has managed to present the history of Analysis vividly, thrillingly, and full of intriguing details. Florian Modler, Spektrum der Wissenschaft The book [...] is simply wonderful. Everybody [...] picks up this book with a certain expectation, of course, and they won’t be disappointed! ... It is truly fun browsing the book. Peter Littelmann, Mitteilungen der DMV.
Mathematics. --- History. --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- Annals --- Auxiliary sciences of history --- Math --- Science --- Mathematical analysis --- Mathematical analysis. --- 517.1 Mathematical analysis --- Mathematical analysis - History
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This book provides a thrilling history of the famous priority dispute between Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Isaac Newton, presenting the episode for the first time in the context of cultural history. It introduces readers to the background of the dispute, details its escalation, and discusses the aftermath of the big divide, which extended well into recent times. One of the unique features of the book is that the mathematics behind the story is very intelligibly explained – an approach that offers general readers interested in the history of sciences and mathematics a window into the world of these two giants in their field. From the epilogue to the German edition by Eberhard Knobloch: Thomas Sonar has traced the emergence and the escalation of this conflict, which was heightened by Leibniz’s rejection of Newton’s gravitation theory, in a grandiose, excitingly written monograph. With absolute competence, he also explains the mathematical context so that non-mathematicians will also profit from the book. Quod erat demonstrandum! From the reviews for the German language edition ….. This book provides a vivid and easy-reading picture of many political and scientific aspects of the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th century, and constitutes an excellent guide to the existing secondary literature for laymen as well as for specialists…. Stefan Neuwirth in: Zentralblatt MATH 1343 — 1 (1343.01005) An extremely readable book on one of the most memorable episodes in the history of sciences. Manfred Jacobi in: Physik in unserer Zeit, Jg. 47, Heft 5, September 2016.
Mathematics --- History --- geschiedenis --- wiskunde
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What exactly is analysis? What are infinitely small or infinitely large quantities? What are indivisibles and infinitesimals? What are real numbers, continuity, the continuum, differentials, and integrals? You'll find the answers to these and other questions in this unique book! It explains in detail the origins and evolution of this important branch of mathematics, which Euler dubbed the "analysis of the infinite." A wealth of diagrams, tables, color images and figures serve to illustrate the fascinating history of analysis from Antiquity to the present. Further, the content is presented in connection with the historical and cultural events of the respective epochs, the lives of the scholars seeking knowledge, and insights into the subfields of analysis they created and shaped, as well as the applications in virtually every aspect of modern life that were made possible by analysis. From the reviews of the German edition: Three wishes granted at once: the book "3000 Jahre Analysis" is anything but a dry mixture of mathematical facts and formulae. Instead, it is a skillful blend of textbook, nonfiction, and history book rolled into one, which has been very vibrantly written. The author Thomas Sonar has managed to present the history of Analysis vividly, thrillingly, and full of intriguing details. Florian Modler, Spektrum der Wissenschaft The book [...] is simply wonderful. Everybody [...] picks up this book with a certain expectation, of course, and they won't be disappointed! ... It is truly fun browsing the book. Peter Littelmann, Mitteilungen der DMV.
Mathematics --- History --- geschiedenis --- wiskunde
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Dieses Buch beschreibt erstmalig die Geschichte des berühmten Prioritätsstreits zwischen Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz und Isaac Newton um die Entdeckung der Differenzial- und Integralrechnung in einem kulturhistorischen Kontext inklusive der Vorgeschichte und der Auswirkungen des Streits, die bis in das 20. Jahrhundert hinein wirkten. Dabei wird auch die Mathematik Leibnizens und Newtons im Detail erklärt. Eberhard Knobloch schrieb in seinem Nachwort: "Thomas Sonar hat das Entstehen und die Eskalation dieses Streites, die durch Leibnizens Ablehnung der Newton’schen Gravitationstheorie zusätzlich an Schärfe gewann, in einer grandiosen, spannend geschriebenen Monographie nachgezeichnet. Mit souveräner Kompetenz erläutert er zugleich den mathematischen Kontext, so dass auch der Nichtmathematiker das Buch mit Gewinn lesen wird. Quod erat demonstrandum!" Herausgeber Projektgruppe Geschichte der Mathematik der Universität Hildesheim H.-W. Alten Kl.-J. Förster K.-H. Schlote H. Wesemüller-Kock.
Mathematics. --- History. --- History of Mathematical Sciences.
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Was ist eigentlich Analysis? Was sind unendlich kleine und unendlich große Größen, Indivisible und Infinitesimale? Was bedeuten Begriffe wie reelle Zahl, Stetigkeit, Kontinuum, Differential und Integral? Die Antwort gibt dieses Buch: Ausführlich werden darin Entstehung und Entwicklung dieser grundlegenden Begriffe des von Euler "Analysis des Unendlichen" genannten Teilgebietes der Mathematik von der Antike bis heute beschrieben, durch viele Figuren und farbige Abbildungen illustriert und in Tabellen zusammengefasst. All dies wird eingebettet in die historischen und kulturellen Ereignisse der einzelnen Epochen, die Lebensläufe der um Erkenntnis ringenden Gelehrten und kurze Einblicke in die von ihnen entwickelten modernen Teilgebiete der Analysis sowie deren Anwendungen in fast allen Bereichen unseres Lebens. Dieser Band ist eine wertvolle Fortsetzung der Reihe "Vom Zählstein zum Computer", von dem der Wissenschaftshistoriker E. Knobloch sagt, es sei eine Lust, dieses Buch zu lesen. Stimmen zur 1. Auflage "Drei Wünsche auf einmal erfüllt. Das Buch "3000 Jahre Analysis" ist alles andere als ein[e] trockene Aneinanderreihung von mathematischen Fakten und Formeln: Es ist vielmehr eine gelungene Mischung aus Lehr-, Sach- und Geschichtsbuch in einem, das sehr anschaulich und lebendig geschrieben ist. Der Autor Thomas Sonar hat es verstanden, die Geschichte der Analysis anschaulich, spannend und voller interessanter Details aufzuschreiben." Florian Modler, Spektrum der Wissenschaft "Das Buch […] ist einfach wunderbar. Jeder […] nimmt natürlich mit einer gewissen Erwartung dieses Buch in die Hand, und man wird nicht enttäuscht! ... Es macht wirklich Spaß, in dem Buch zu schmökern." Peter Littelmann, Mitteilungen der DMV Herausgeber Projektgruppe Geschichte der Mathematik der Universität Hildesheim H.-W. Alten Kl.-J. Förster K.-H. Schlote H. Wesemüller-Kock.
Mathematics. --- History. --- Mathematical analysis. --- Analysis (Mathematics). --- History of Mathematical Sciences. --- Analysis.
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The goal of this book is to provide readers with an update on recent developments in surgical treatment of some shoulder disorders. The perspective of this book involves highlighting management of complex shoulder conditions in better ways. This book is divided into four main sections: 'Repair' involves chapters related to primary repair; 'Replacement' section provides detailed perspective on shoulder replacement procedures for different conditions; 'Reconstruction' includes a chapter on reconstructive procedures where primary repair is not possible; and lastly 'Rehab and Miscellaneous' section includes chapters on surgical management of rheumatoid arthritis and rehab. Individual chapters provide a base for a wide range of readers including students, professors, physiotherapists and orthopaedic surgeons, who will find in this book simply explained basics as well as advanced techniques of shoulder surgeries. The book consists of ten chapeters, compiled by experts from institutes across the globe.
MEDICAL / Surgery / Oral & Maxillofacial. --- Medicine --- Surgery --- Orthopedics --- Health Sciences --- Medicine. --- Surgery. --- Orthopedics. --- Health sciences. --- Basic medical sciences --- Basic sciences, Medical --- Biomedical sciences --- Health sciences --- Preclinical sciences --- Sciences, Medical --- Life sciences --- Orthopaedics --- Orthopedia --- Surgery, Primitive --- Health Workforce --- Medical sciences.
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Der Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz im Gesundheitsbereich verspricht besonders großen Nutzen durch eine bessere Versorgung sowie effizientere Abläufe und bietet damit letztlich auch ökonomische Vorteile. Dem stehen unter anderem Befürchtungen entgegen, dass sich durch den Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz das Arzt-Patienten-Verhältnis verändern könnte, Arbeitsplätze gefährdet seien oder die Ökonomisierung des Gesundheitswesens einen weiteren Schub erfahren könnte. Zuweilen wird die Debatte um diese Technologie, zumal in der Öffentlichkeit, emotional und fern sachlicher Argumente geführt. Die Autorinnen und Autoren untersuchen die Geschichte des KI-Einsatzes in der Medizin, deren öffentliche Wahrnehmung, Governance der KI, die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Technik sowie Einsatzgebiete, die bisher noch nicht oder nur wenig im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit waren. Dabei erweist sich die KI als leistungsfähiges Werkzeug, das zahlreiche ethische und soziale Fragen aufwirft, die bei der Einführung anderer Technologien bereits gestellt wurden; allerdings gibt es auch neue Herausforderungen, denen sich Professionen, Politik und Gesellschaft stellen müssen.
Computers --- Automatic computers --- Automatic data processors --- Computer hardware --- Computing machines (Computers) --- Electronic brains --- Electronic calculating-machines --- Electronic computers --- Hardware, Computer --- Computer systems --- Cybernetics --- Machine theory --- Calculators --- Cyberspace --- Artificial intelligence --- Medical applications. --- Medicine --- Data processing
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