Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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A sacred septenarie, or, A godly and fruitful exposition on the seven Psalmes of repentance : viz. the VI. XXV. XXXII. XXXVIII. LI. CXXX. CXLIII. the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. of the penitentials. Seruing especially for the direction and comfort of all such, who are either troubled in minde, diseased in body, or persecuted by the wicked. The second impression. By Mr. A. Symson, pastor of the church at Dalkeeth in Scotland.
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1623
Publisher: London : Printed by W. I[ones, G. Eld, and J. Dawson] for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop, at the two Greyhounds in Cornehill, neare the Royall-Exchange,

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A godly and fruitful exposition on the twenty five psalme, the second of the penteniials [sic]. : Seruing especially for the direction and comfort of all persons, who are either troubled in minde, diseased in bodie, or persecuted by the wicked.
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1622
Publisher: London, : Printed by W.I. for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his Shop at the two Greyhounds in Cornehill, neare the Royall-Exchange.,

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Samsons seaven lockes of haire : allegorically expounded, and compared to the seauen spirituall vertues, whereby we are able to ouercome our spirituall Philistims. By M. A. Symson, minister of the euangell at Dalkeith.
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1621
Publisher: Printed at Sainct-Andrewes : By Edward Raban, printer to the Vniversitie,

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Hieroglyphica animalium terrestrium, volatilium, natatilium, reptilium, insectorum, vegetivorum, metallorum, lapidum: &c. quæ in scripturis Sacris inveniuntur : & plurimorum aliorum, cum eorum interpretationibus, ob theologiæ studiosos. Opus contextum per Archibaldum Simsonum Dalkethensis ecclesiæ pastorem.
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1622
Publisher: Edinburgi : Excudebat Thomas Finlason, augustissimæ Regiæ Maiest. typographus,

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Christes testament vnfolded: or, Seauen godlie and learned sermons, on our Lords seauen last words : spoken on the crosse. By M.A. Symson, minister of the gospel at Dalkeith.
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1620
Publisher: Printed at Edinburgh : By Edward Raban: dwelling at the Cowgate Port, at the signe of ABC,

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A sacred septenarie, or, A godly and fruitfull exposition on the seven Psalmes of repentance : viz. the VI. XXV. XXXII. XXXVIII. LI. CXXX. CXLIII. the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. of the penitentials. Serving especially for the direction and comfort of all such, who are either troubled in minde, diseased in body, or persecuted by the wicked. By Mr. Archibald Symson, late pastor of the church at Dalkeeth in Scotland.
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1638
Publisher: London : Printed by Thomas Paine for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop, at the three Golden Lyons in Cornehill, neare the Royall-Exchange,

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Heptameron, the seven dayes: that is, meditations and prayers, vpon the vvorke of the Lords creation : Together with other certaine prayers and meditations, most comfortable for all estates, & c. By M. A. Symson, minister at Dalkeith.
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1621
Publisher: Sainct-Andrews : Printed by Edward Raban, printer to the Vniversitie,

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Nobilissimo et summo heroi, musarum Mecoenati, Alexandro Setono, Fermilodunensi Comiti; Fivæ & Vrquarti Domino : Magno Scotiae cancellario, eucharisticon de regis & reipublicae, salute. Novem. V. Anno Dom. 1605..
Simson, Archibald
Year: 1621
Publisher: Andreapoli, : excudit Eduardus Rabanus, Universitatis Typographus.,

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