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As a witness to the early Coptic and Greek Biblical traditions, Papyrus Bodmer III is of vital interest to biblical scholars. This updated transcription is unique in providing readers with direct access to the original text by positioning digital images of the actual papyrus side by side with a new transcription of each page. Over 100 corrections to Kasser's 1958 transcription underscore the importance of this book for serious students of the New Testament.A detailed introduction examines the provenance, codex and paleography of P. Bodmer III, presents the singular readings discovered in the text, and separates these readings into meaningful categories. Finally, the appendices provide a complete list of the 1,960 singular readings, a brief description of the 119 corrections made by the original scribe, and a quick reference to the location of all corrections to Kasser's 1958 transcription, as well as corrections to citations in the NA 28th edition.This work will prove a valuable asset to anyone interested in Coptic Biblical studies, New Testament textual criticism, scribal habits, and other related fields.
226.5 --- 222.2 --- 222.2 Genesis --- 222.2 La Genese --- Genesis --- La Genese --- 226.5 Evangelie volgens Johannes --- 226.5 Evangile de S. Jean --- Evangelie volgens Johannes --- Evangile de S. Jean --- Bible. --- Manuscripts (Papyri) --- Criticism, Textual --- Bible --- Bodmer. --- Coptic. --- Genesis. --- Johannesevangelium. --- John. --- koptisch. --- RELIGION / Biblical Criticism & Interpretation / New Testament. --- Criticism, Textual. --- Bible. - Manuscripts (Papyri) - Criticism, Textual
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Chronicles the entanglement of traditional and experimental music in northeast Brazil
Popular music --- Sambas --- Music, Popular --- Music, Popular (Songs, etc.) --- Pop music --- Popular songs --- Popular vocal music --- Songs, Popular --- Vocal music, Popular --- Music --- Cover versions --- Sambas (Band) --- Dance music --- Social aspects --- History. --- History and criticism.
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Die Apokalypse fehlte bislang in der Reihe „Text und Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments“. Um diese Lücke zu füllen, wurden 123 Teststellen der Apokalypse ausgewählt und alle zugänglichen griechischen Handschriften an ihnen kollationiert. Neben den Kollationsergebnissen umfasst der Band diverse computergestützte Auswertungslisten, die den Textcharakter jedes Zeugen aus verschiedenen Perspektiven abbilden. Dabei galt es die spezielle Überlieferungsstruktur der Apokalypse zu berücksichtigen, um die adäquate Gewichtung wie auch Gruppierung der Zeugen zu ermöglichen. In das komplexe Datenmaterial führt eine ausführliche Einleitung (deutsch/englisch) ein. Insgesamt bildet der TuT-Band zur Apokalypse die Grundlage, um die Bedeutung, den Textcharakter sowie die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Handschriften einzuschätzen und so weiterführende Untersuchungen durchzuführen. This extensive collection of material, imcomparable in the canon of research literature, marks the conclusion of the series "Text und Textwert der griechischen Handschriften des Neuen Testaments". In 123 sample passages the editors meticulously demonstrate the complex transmission history of the Apocalypse, a book shaped by a number of divergent groups of manuscripts.
228 --- 228 Apocalyps. Boek der Openbaring van Johannes. Apocalyptiek --- 228 Apocalypse de S. Jean --- Apocalyps. Boek der Openbaring van Johannes. Apocalyptiek --- Apocalypse de S. Jean --- Criticism, Textual. --- Apocalypse. --- Epic poetry, Greek Criticism, Textual --- Criticism, Textual --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- Manuscripts, Greek. --- Abūghālimsīs --- Apocalipse (Book of the New Testament) --- Apocalisse (Book of the New Testament) --- Apocalypse (Book of the New Testament) --- Apocalypse of John --- Apocalypse of St. John --- Apocalypsis Johannis --- Apocalypsis S. Johannis --- Apokalypse (Book of the New Testament) --- Apokalypsin --- Book of Revelation --- Johannes-Apokalypse --- Johannesapokalypse --- Johannesoffenbarung --- Offenbarung des Johannes --- Revelation (Book of the New Testament) --- Revelation of St. John --- Revelation of St. John the Divine --- Revelation to John --- Ruʼyā (Book of the New Testament) --- Sifr al-Ruʼyā --- Yohan kyesirok --- Apokalipsa św. Jana --- Apokalipsa świętego Jana
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