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"This essential Research Handbook provides a multifaceted exploration of surrogacy and the law, examining a variety of critical yet under-researched perspectives including globalisation, power, gender, sexual orientation, genetics, human rights and family relations. Bringing together diverse, expert contributors, this contemporary Research Handbook covers four distinct topics: surrogacy and rights, the interplay between surrogacy and different areas of the law, cross-border aspects, and regional perspectives. Building on case studies from a multitude of countries, astute authors tackle significant issues related to surrogacy in their legal context, as well as their theoretical, cultural and political complexities. The Research Handbook on Surrogacy and the Law will be a crucial resource for scholars and students specialising in family law, as well as those interested in human rights law, health law, social science and social policy. Highlighting avenues for future research and legislation, it will also be beneficial to legal practitioners and national and international policymakers in the field"--
Domestic relations. --- Human reproductive technology --- Law and legislation.
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Status of persons --- internationaal recht --- draagmoederschap
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La pratique de la gestation pour autrui (GPA) n’est pas uniformisée à l’échelle mondiale et varie énormément d’un État à l’autre : tandis que certains États la prohibent, d’autres la tolèrent faute de réglementation et d'autres l’autorisent, l’encadrent et la soumettent à des conditions plus ou moins restrictives – en la réservant parfois aux couples hétérosexuels. Cette diversité nationale n’est pas encadrée par une convention internationale et, comme le souligne le Bureau permanent de la Conférence de La Haye, la majorité des États proposent des solutions jugées inadéquates en raison de procédures longues et difficiles qui n’offrent que des réponses partielles inadaptées aux cas de GPA. Face à ce tableau complexe et hétérogène, cet ouvrage a pour objectif d’analyser différentes législations et solutions juridiques nationales quant à l’établissement de la filiation issue d’une GPA. Il se compose de l’examen de huit ordres juridiques nationaux, d’un article analytique sur les typologies d’États et d’une conclusion sociojuridique sur les enjeux actuels relatifs aux sens de la filiation. Cet ouvrage, qui contient deux contributions en anglais, a vocation à s’adresser à différents acteurs issus tant des mondes juridique et médical que des sciences sociales et plus généralement à toute personne intéressée par la problématique de la GPA.
Status of persons --- internationaal recht --- draagmoederschap --- BPB1809. --- Droit international --- Gestation pour autrui --- Maternité --- Mère porteuse --- Parenté --- Procréation artificielle --- Internationaal recht --- Draagmoederschap --- Moederschap --- Draagmoeder --- Verwantschap --- Kunstmatige voortplanting --- Droit international privé --- Filiation. --- BPB1809 --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- vecāki --- mama --- far --- közeli hozzátartozó --- madre --- apa --- föräldrar --- père --- moeder --- otac --- Eltern --- äiti --- fader --- anya --- příbuzenský poměr --- mamă --- rodiče --- pai --- роднинска врска --- majka --- parents --- genitori --- consanguineità --- vanemad --- otec --- rodičia --- γονείς --- μητέρα --- padres --- moder --- mother --- rodbinska veza --- rokonság --- atë --- prindër --- tėvas --- ema --- father --- isä --- Vater --- grado di parentela --- mãe --- mère --- motina --- tėvai --- roditelji --- tată --- πατέρας --- māte --- vincolo di parentela --- paternità --- mor --- nënë --- szülők --- ouders --- татко --- πατρότητα --- părinți --- padre --- parente in linea diretta --- isa --- forældre --- мајка --- родители --- vanhemmat --- tēvs --- vader --- příbuzenstvo --- Mutter --- parente in linea collaterale --- rokoni viszony --- matka --- radniecība --- συγγένεια --- sugulus --- pais --- marrëdhënie --- pokrewieństwo --- сродство --- parentela --- однос --- slægtskab --- príbuzenstvo --- srodstvo --- sorodstvo --- роднинска връзка --- relationship --- relazzjoni --- Verwandtschaft --- släktskap --- parentesco --- verwantschap --- příbuzenský vztah --- rudenie --- hozzátartozói viszony --- sukulaisuussuhde --- giminystė --- inseminnation hos människa --- darování embryí --- oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo --- liječenje neplodnosti --- teknika të riprodhimit artificial --- embryodonatie --- spermadonatie --- umelé počatie u ľudí --- darovanie embryí --- dhurim i vezëve --- asszisztált reprodukció --- sperm bank --- вештачко оплодување кај луѓето --- embrija transplantācija --- ιατρικά υποβοηθούμενη τεκνοποίηση --- banca dello sperma --- infertility treatment --- asistovaná reprodukce člověka --- medizinisch unterstützte Fortpflanzung --- artificial fertilisation --- вантелесна оплодња --- riprodhim artificial te njeriu --- fécondation artificielle --- petesejt adományozása --- banka sperme --- fertilizare artificială --- procreare artificială umană --- assisted fertilisation --- fecondazione medicalmente assistita --- hedelmöityshoito --- sperm donor --- spermatozoīdu donors --- tratament pentru infertilitate --- asszisztált humán reprodukció --- spermanluovuttaja --- doação de esperma --- assisterad reproduktion --- spermos donorystė --- банка сперме --- Samenspende --- lekársky asistované počatie --- υποβοηθούμενη αναπαραγωγή ανθρώπων --- донација на сперма --- донатор сперме --- prokreazzjoni artifiċjali umana --- bankë sperme --- artificial human reproduction --- sperm donation --- prokreazzjoni medika assistita --- донација сперме --- донација ембриона --- konceptim i ndihmuar --- procreazione medicalmente assistita --- prokreacja wspomagana medycznie --- embryo donation --- künstliche Befruchtung --- донирање јајце-клетки --- doniranje jajnih stanica --- dhurues i spermës --- embrüodoonorlus --- artificial fertilization --- don de sperme --- fecundación artificial --- зачеване по изкуствен път при човека --- donation af sæd --- лечење неплодност --- dirbtinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- τράπεζα σπέρματος --- Samenbank --- nevaisingumo gydymas --- egg donation --- asistovaná ľudská reprodukcia --- spermadonation --- fecundação artificial --- kunstig befrugtning --- doniranje embrija --- In-vitro-Fertilisierung --- umělá reprodukce u člověka --- umetna oploditev --- lapsettomuushoito --- procréation artificielle humaine --- oploditev s človeško pomočjo --- spermos bankas --- reprodução humana assistida --- semenska banka --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση ανθρώπων --- асистирана репродукция при човека --- embriódonor --- darování spermií --- procréation médicalement assistée --- donación de embriones --- spermabank --- assisterad befruktning --- banque de sperme --- донација на ембрион --- neauglības ārstēšana --- spermapankki --- reproduction humaine assistée --- pagalbinis žmogaus apvaisinimas --- reproducción humana asistida --- embryodonation --- donazione di embrioni --- даряване на сперма --- δωρεά εμβρύων --- medicinski potpomognuta oplodnja --- assisted human reproduction --- darovanie spermií --- alkion luovutus --- donazzjoni ta' sperma --- mākslīgās pavairošanas metodes --- dhurim i embrionit --- mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donazzjoni ta' embrijuni --- procriação medicamente assistida --- sperma adományozása --- fecondazione artificiale --- donatur tal-isperma --- procreación médicamente asistida --- doniranje sperme --- donazione di sperma --- даряване на ембриони --- don d'embryons --- augļa ieņemšana un attīstības sekmēšana ar medicīnas līdzekļu palīdzību --- ИВФ третман --- darovanje semena --- assisted fertilization --- In-vivo-Befruchtung --- banka spermií --- doação de embriões --- keinohedelmöitys --- sædbank --- Embryonenspende --- donación de esperma --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- kiaušinėlio donorystė --- fertilizzazzjoni artfiċjali --- банка за сперма --- ngjizje artificiale --- sztuczne zapłodnienie u ludzi --- riproduzzjoni umana assistita --- umělé reprodukční techniky --- bank tal-isperma --- sperman luovutus --- dzimumšūnu banka --- ВТО --- изкуствено зачеване --- tehnike umjetne oplodnje --- assistierte Reproduktion --- spermatozoīdu ievadīšana --- техники на вештачко оплодување --- dawstwo embrionów --- dhurim i spermës --- konceptim i asistuar --- procreación artificial humana --- riproduzione umana assistita --- procriação artificial humana --- donator sperme --- insemination --- banco de esperma --- медицински помогнато оплодување --- darovanje jajčec --- лечење стерилитета --- bank nasienia --- lombikbébi-program --- dawstwo nasienia --- reproducere umană asistată --- lékařsky asistovaná reprodukce --- spermapank --- лекуване на безплодие --- lisääntymishoidot --- trajtim i mungesës së pjellorisë --- embriono donorystė --- spermadoonorlus --- umelé oplodnenie --- viljatusravi --- konceptim artificial --- riprodhim i asistuar te njeriu --- донација јајне ћелије --- fecundación médicamente asistida --- artificial reproductive techniques --- cilvēku mākslīgā apaugļošana --- donation af embryoner --- léčba neplodnosti --- δωρεά σπέρματος --- procreazione artificiale umana --- umetno razmnoževanje --- umělé oplodnění --- riproduzzjoni artifiċjali --- kunstlik viljastamine --- riprodhim artificial --- вештачка репродукција --- вештачко размножавање --- reprodução artificial --- kunstmatige voortplanting --- tehnici de reproducere artificială --- umelá reprodukcia --- kunstig forplantning --- dirbtinis apvaisinimas --- mesterséges megtermékenyítés --- sztuczna prokreacja --- mākslīgās ataudzes metodes --- künstliche Fortpflanzung --- procreazione artificiale --- umjetna oplodnja --- konstgjord befruktning --- зачеване по изкуствен път --- procreación artificial --- artificial reproduction --- τεχνητή τεκνοποίηση --- keinotekoinen lisääntyminen --- prêt d'utérus --- leenmoeder --- utero in affitto --- béranyaság --- išnešiojusioji motina --- surrogatmoder --- dajkaterhesség --- majka surogat --- madre sostituta --- maternidad subrogada --- madre de alquiler --- surrogatmor --- skolintoji motina --- pótanyaság --- κυοφορούσα για λογαριασμό τρίτων --- mère de substitution --- сурогат мајчинство --- mãe de aluguer --- matka nosička --- sijaisäiti --- béranya --- půjčení dělohy --- δανείζουσα μητέρα --- utero in prestito --- surogatka --- zamjenska majka --- surrogatmamma --- Leihmutter --- dajkaanya --- наета майка --- máthair ionaid --- augļa iznēsātāja --- сурогат мајка --- matka nosicielka --- mãe portadora --- nënë mbajtëse --- mamă purtătoare --- surogatinė motina --- omm surrogata --- φέρουσα μητέρα --- náhradná matka --- rugemor --- surrogate mother --- draagmoeder --- sijaissynnyttäjä --- nadomestna mati --- madre portatrice --- asendusema --- madre portadora --- náhradní matka --- shtatzëni --- várandós nő --- graviditate --- κυοφορία --- trudnica --- förlossning --- tehotná žena --- Schwangere --- porod --- zwangerschap --- těhotná žena --- kraamvrouw --- sünnitus --- raskaana oleva nainen --- mulher grávida --- szülés --- fødsel --- Niederkunft --- havandeskap --- Entbindung --- svangerskab --- gestante --- femme enceinte --- gravidní žena --- födande kvinna --- terhesség --- gravid kvinde --- gravidita --- raskaus --- těhotenství --- pregnant woman --- Schwangerschaft --- gravidez --- έγκυος --- mujer gestante --- grūtniece --- izolim pas lindjes --- embarazo --- gestazione --- bevalling --- plánované mateřství --- accouchement --- födsel --- puerpera --- rase naine --- tehotenstvo --- бремена жена --- gimdymas --- rasedus --- grua shtatzënë --- graviditet --- εγκυμοσύνη --- maternity confinement --- pregnancy --- femeie însărcinată --- rodička --- nėštumas --- бременост --- rodící žena --- grossesse --- parturiente --- grūtniecība --- породување --- werdende Mutter --- zwangere vrouw --- pôrod --- gyermekágy --- parto --- synnytys --- trudnoća --- nėščioji --- Mutterschaft --- moderskap --- moderskab --- maternidad --- mātes stāvoklis --- macierzyństwo --- majčinstvo --- mateřství --- emadus --- maternitate --- äitiys --- materstvo --- anyaság --- maternità --- maternidade --- amësi --- μητρότητα --- материнство --- мајчинство --- moederschap --- máithreachas --- motinystė --- materinstvo --- motherhood --- майчинство --- E-books --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- gaol --- atáirgeadh saorga --- Surrogate mothers --- Human reproductive technology --- Paternity --- Comparative law --- Mères porteuses --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Filiation --- Droit comparé --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- Maternité --- Mère porteuse --- Procréation artificielle --- Parenté --- droit international --- draagmoederschap (zwangerschap-voor-een-ander, draagmoeder, surrogaatmoeder) --- maternité de substitution (grossesse de substitution, gestation pour autrui, mère-porteuse, mère de substitution)
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