Union Catalogue of Belgian Libraries
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En kairō logo ̄u, sive Concio ad clerum, : Latinè habita in ecclesiâ B. Mariæ Cantabrigiæ, June. 17. 1651. De naturâ, necessitate, & fine hæresium.
Sclater, William
Year: 1652
Publisher: Londini : Excudebat Gulielmus Bentley typographus, pro Richardo Ireland, & Antonio Nickolson, bibliopolis Cantabrigiæ,
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Death's summons, and the saints duty : Laid forth first summarily in a sermon on 2. King. 20.1. in the cathedrall of St Peter in Exeter, Ianu. 24. 1638. at the solemne funerall of a well-deserving citizen. Since somewhat enlarged for the common good, by William Sclater, Master of Arts, late fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, now a preacher of Gods Word in the city of Exeter.
Sclater, William
Year: 1640
Publisher: London : Printed by Richard Hodgkinson,
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A threefold preseruatiue against three dangerous diseases of these latter times : 1. Non proficiency in grace. 2. Fals-hearted hypocrisie. 3. Back-sliding in religion. Prescribed in a sermon at S. Pauls Crosse in London, September, 17. 1609. By William Sclater, Batcheler in Diuinity, and sometimes fellow of the Kings Colledge in Cambridge.
Sclater, William
Year: 1610
Publisher: Imprinted at London : By S. S[tafford] for Richard Bonian and Henry Walley, and are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard at the spred Eagle, neere the great north doore,
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A key to the key of Scripture: or An exposition with notes, vpon the epistle to the Romanes; the three first chapters : begun at Walsall in Stafford-shire, continued at Pitmister in Somerset. By William Sclater, Doctour in Diuinitie, and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset.
Sclater, William
Year: 1629
Publisher: London : Printed by T. C[otes] for Nicholas Fussell and Humphrey Mosley, and are to be sold at the Ball in Pauls church-yard, neare the great north doore,
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The crovvne of righteousnes: or, The glorious reward of fidelity in the discharge of our duty. : As it was laid forth in a sermon, preached in S. Botolphs Aldersgate, London, Sept. 25. 1653. At the solemn funerall of Mr. Abrah: Wheelock, B. D. the first publick professor, and reader of Arabick, and of the Saxon, in the University of Cambridge. Whereunto is added, an encomium of him.
Sclater, William
Year: 1654
Publisher: London, : Printed by J. G. for John Clarke, and are to be sold at his shop under S. Peter's Church in Cornhill.,
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En kairō logo ̄u, sive Concio ad clerum : Latinè habita in ecclesiâ B. Mariæ Cantabrigiæ, June. 17. 1651. De naturâ, necessitate, & fine hæresium. A Guilielmo Sclatero SS. Theologiæ Doctore, Collegii regalis in eâdem Academiâ non ita pridèm socio: posteà apud Exonienses, & Collomptonenses in comitatu Devon: Nùnc tandèm apud S. Petrum P. in vico vulgʻo vocato Broadstreet, in civitate Londinensi, concionatore.
Sclater, William
Year: 1651
Publisher: Londini : excudebat Gulielmus Bentley typographus, pro Richardo Ireland, & Antonio Nickolson, bibliopolis Cantabrigiæ,
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Vtriusque epistolæ ad Corinthios explicatio analytica : Vnà cum scholiis: authore Gul. Sclatero SS. Theol. Doctore, nunc tandem à filio suo Coll. Regalis in Academia Cantabr. socio in lucem edita.
Sclater, William
Year: 1633
Publisher: Oxoniæ : Excudebat Guilielmus Turner,
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The remedie of schisme, or, A mean to settle the divisions of the times : set forth in a seasonable sermon before an honorable assembly in the city of London
Sclater, William
Year: 1642
Publisher: London : Printed by T. Paine and M. Symmons for Tho. Slater ...,
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The ministers portion· By William Sclater. Batchelar of Diuinity and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset
Sclater, William
Year: 1612
Publisher: At Oxford : Printed by Ioseph Barnes,
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The sick souls salue. By William Sclater. Batchelar of Diuinity and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset
Sclater, William
Year: 1612
Publisher: At Oxford : Printed by Ioseph Barnes,
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