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How are individual and social ideas of late-onset dementia shaped and negotiated in film, literature, the arts, and the media? And how can the symbolic forms provided by popular culture be adopted and transformed by those affected in order to express their own perspectives? This international and interdisciplinary volume summarizes central current research trends and opens new theoretical and empirical perspectives on dementia in popular culture. It includes contributions by internationally renowned scholars from the humanities, social and cultural gerontology, age(ing) studies, cultural studies, philosophy, and bioethics. Contributions by Lucy Burke, Marlene Goldman, Annette Leibing and others. »Die insgesamt 17 Artikel reflektieren eine beeindruckende Bandbreite von Perspektiven, Praktiken und Methoden, die gängige Narrative von Demenz als tragischem Verlust oder als ›lost self‹ hinterfragen. Diesen stereotypen Erzählungen stellt der Band vielschichtige und lebensbejahende Alternativen entgegen, die wir dringend brauchen.« Anita Wohlmann, MEDIENwissenschaft, 2 (2017) »Dieser reichhaltige Band macht von neuem aufmerksam und gibt sowohl der Forschung als auch politischem Engagement wertvolle Anregungen.« Susanne K. Christ, KULT_online, 46 (2016)
Dementia. --- Alzheimer's disease. --- Dementia in art. --- Aphrenia --- Aphronesia --- Athymia --- Dementias --- Brain --- Neurobehavioral disorders --- Psychoses --- Alzheimer disease --- Alzheimer's dementia --- Basal ganglia --- Presenile dementia --- Senile dementia --- Diseases --- #SBIB:316.334.3M20 --- #SBIB:309H515 --- Sociale epidemiologie en etiologie: sociale aspecten van ziekte en gezondheid --- Literatuurwetenschap, literatuursociologie --- (Produktform)Paperback / softback --- Culture --- Film --- Literature --- Arts --- Media --- Aging Studies --- Cultural Studies --- General Literature Studies --- British Studies --- Dementia; Culture; Film; Literature; Arts; Media; Aging Studies; Cultural Studies; General Literature Studies; British Studies --- Aging Studies. --- Arts. --- British Studies. --- Cultural Studies. --- Culture. --- Film. --- General Literature Studies. --- Literature. --- Media.
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This book focuses on ageing as a topic of philosophical, theological, and historical anthropology. It provides a systematic inventory of fundamental theoretical questions and assumptions involved in the discussion of ageing and old age. What does it mean for human beings to grow old and become more vulnerable and dependent? How can we understand the manifestations of ageing and old age in the human body? How should we interpret the processes of change in the temporal course of a human life? What impact does old age have on the social dimensions of human existence? In order to tackle these questions, the volume brings together internationally distinguished scholars from the fields of philosophy, theology, cultural studies, social gerontology, and ageing studies. The collection of their original articles makes a twofold contribution to contemporary academic discourse. On one hand, it helps to clarify and deepen our understanding of ageing and old age by examining it from the fundamental point of view of philosophical, theological, and historical anthropology. At the same time, it also enhances and expands the discourses of philosophical, theological, and historical anthropology by systematically taking into account that human beings are essentially ageing creatures.
Aging. --- Philosophy. --- Religion and sociology. --- Anthropology. --- Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary. --- Philosophy of Man. --- Social Aspects of Religion. --- Human beings --- Religion and society --- Religious sociology --- Society and religion --- Sociology, Religious --- Sociology and religion --- Sociology of religion --- Sociology --- Mental philosophy --- Humanities --- Age --- Ageing --- Senescence --- Developmental biology --- Gerontology --- Longevity --- Age factors in disease --- Physiological effect
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Philosophy --- Religious studies --- Sociology --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- veroudering (biologie) --- religie --- sociologie --- filosofie --- antropologie --- Philosophical anthropology
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This book focuses on ageing as a topic of philosophical, theological, and historical anthropology. It provides a systematic inventory of fundamental theoretical questions and assumptions involved in the discussion of ageing and old age. What does it mean for human beings to grow old and become more vulnerable and dependent? How can we understand the manifestations of ageing and old age in the human body? How should we interpret the processes of change in the temporal course of a human life? What impact does old age have on the social dimensions of human existence? In order to tackle these questions, the volume brings together internationally distinguished scholars from the fields of philosophy, theology, cultural studies, social gerontology, and ageing studies. The collection of their original articles makes a twofold contribution to contemporary academic discourse. On one hand, it helps to clarify and deepen our understanding of ageing and old age by examining it from the fundamental point of view of philosophical, theological, and historical anthropology. At the same time, it also enhances and expands the discourses of philosophical, theological, and historical anthropology by systematically taking into account that human beings are essentially ageing creatures.
Philosophy --- Religious studies --- Sociology --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- veroudering (biologie) --- religie --- sociologie --- filosofie --- antropologie
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It is becoming increasingly possible to fundamentally intervene into human life using disruptive biotechnologies. On the other side, artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly. In this twofold development, the boundaries between human nature and technology are being blurred. This has provoked fundamental questions about what it is to be human, with which this volume engages interdisciplinarily. Mit disruptiven Biotechnologien kann immer grundlegender in das menschliche Leben eingegriffen werden. Dem stehen die rasanten Fortschritte in der Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz gegenüber. In dieser doppelten Entwicklung werden die Grenzen zwischen menschlicher Natur und Technik diffus. Hieran entzünden sich grundlegende Fragen in Bezug auf unser Mensch-Sein, mit denen sich der vorliegende Band in interdisziplinärer Perspektive auseinandersetzt. Mit disruptiven Biotechnologien kann immer grundlegender in das menschliche Leben eingegriffen werden. Dem stehen die rasanten Fortschritte in der Entwicklung von Künstlicher Intelligenz gegenüber. In dieser doppelten Entwicklung werden die Grenzen zwischen menschlicher Natur und Technik diffus. Hieran entzünden sich grundlegende Fragen in Bezug auf unser Mensch-Sein: Werden Menschen unter therapeutischen Eingriffen mit disruptiven Biotechnologien - wie etwa Tiefer Hirnstimulation - zu Cyborgs? Lässt sich das Mensch-Sein mit disruptiven Biotechnologien optimieren: mit Hilfe von Eingriffen in das menschliche Erbgut, von Gesundheits-Apps, Psychopharmaka, Neurofeedbacks, Implantaten? Lassen sich Anwendungen von Biotechnologien zu Zwecken der Therapie und des Enhancements überhaupt klar unterscheiden? Stehen wir bereits am Anfang einer Ersetzung des Menschen durch die Technik, wie in trans- und posthumanistischen Utopien suggeriert wird? Der vorliegende Band setzt sich mit diesen und ähnlichen Fragen in interdisziplinärer Perspektive auseinander und regt damit zur Diskussion über neue Formen menschlichen Lebens mit disruptiven Biotechnologien an.
PHILOSOPHY / History & Surveys / Modern. --- Transhumanism. --- biotechnologies. --- technical design. --- ways of life.
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Die Idee der Solidarität erfährt insbesondere im Kontext multipler Krisen verstärkte Aufmerksamkeit. Die heute allgegenwärtigen Forderungen nach »mehr Solidarität« werden auch - bisweilen leichtfertig und unhinterfragt - als vielversprechender, wenn nicht einzig tragfähiger Lösungsansatz in herausfordernden Zeiten dargestellt. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes aus Philosophie, Soziologie, Theologie, Geschichte, Wirtschaftswissenschaft, Amerikanistik, Postcolonial sowie Gender Studies stellen kritische Perspektiven zu Grenzen und Möglichkeiten von Solidarität zur Diskussion.
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Popular Culture. --- Community. --- Crisis. --- Cultural History. --- Cultural Studies. --- Cultural Theory. --- Culture. --- History. --- Postcolonialism. --- Social Movements. --- Social Relations. --- Sociology of Culture.
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