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Long description: With the ongoing transition of the electrical power system to a more sustainable generation structure we need new ideas and solutions for a safe and reliable energy supply. We named the NEIS event Conference on sustainable energy supply and integration of energy storage systems. This implies that the future power system design demands a sustainable approach with several contributions and ideas from different application fields. The NEIS 2019 was the seventh conference event, providing an annual occasion for scientists to present their current work. A special focus of this year`s topics was placed on electrical power grids and grid related aspects such as grid monitoring and protection as well as electro-mobility. The speakers and participants came from South Africa, India, Iran, Poland, Austria and Germany. Every year we have at least one international keynote-speaker to bring new impulse to the participants and enhance the international collaboration within the community.
Power Quality --- Distribution Grids --- Electric Power Engineering --- Energy Storage Systems --- Harmonic Impedance Measurement --- Micro Grids --- Renewable Energies --- Grid Failures in DC and AC Gri --- Grid Support --- Power Converter Control --- Reactive Power Management
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Long description: With the ongoing transition of the electrical power system to a more sustainable generation structure we need new ideas and solutions for a safe and reliable energy supply. We named the NEIS event Conference on sustainable energy supply and integration of energy storage systems. This implies that the future power system design demands a sustainable approach with several contributions and ideas from different application fields. The NEIS 2020 was the eighth conference event, providing an annual occasion for scientists to present their current work. A special focus of this years conference was placed on electrical power grids and relevant aspects such as power system planning, management and monitoring, as well as innovative protection methods and electromobility. Three keynote speakers from the UK, Germany and Denmark gave an insight into the newest developments in the field of future power systems and the challenges that we are facing on that way.
Power Quality --- Distribution Grids --- Electric Power Engineering --- Energy Storage Systems --- Harmonic Impedance Measurement --- Micro Grids --- Renewable Energies --- Grid Failures in DC and AC Gri --- Grid Support --- Power Converter Control --- Reactive Power Management
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The NEIS conference of 2021 was held under special circumstances. Just like last year, the ongoing pandemic prevented us from hosting our conference the usual way. Even more so, Covid showed us once more the high importance of independent, sustainable and reliable energy supply. For over a year now, we all have been forced to adapt our research and general working environment to new and mostly virtual surroundings. Not only does this result in limited research possibilities, but also the personal exchange and the work in research groups was very restricted. This shows that, now more than ever, we need a safe, flexible and reliable energy supply to secure amongst other things also our further digital research exchange. Surely, we will also continue to have more online communication and less presence than before the pandemic. The 9th NEIS conference in 2021 was organized with the technical support of IEEE PES Germany Chapter, of the IEEE Germany Section and with support from the Cluster Agency Renewable Energy Hamburg and 50Hertz Transmission. For the second time in a row, we had to adapt to the ongoing pandemic by hosting the conference completely online. Even though this way of scientific exchange remains unfamiliar and somewhat impersonal, this format allowed the incorporation of even more keynote presentations and webinars than usual. Also, we were able to attract more research from foreign countries, who might not have been able to attend in person. In the end, we can say that we are once more very grateful for the active participation, the interesting scientific discussions and for the very nice atmosphere that we have grown accustomed to over the years. With careful preparation and detailed planning of all eventualities, we look back on a very successful conference that fulfilled all our expectations.
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With the ongoing transition of the electrical power system to a more sustainable generation structure we need new ideas and solutions for a safe and reliable energy supply. The future power system design demands a sustainable approach with several contributions and ideas from different application fields. With the NEIS conference, the Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Integration of Energy Storage Systems, we established a platform for the exchange of research and new developments in these fields. The NEIS 2022 was the 10th conference event, providing an annual occasion for scientists to present their current work. A special focus of this year's conference was placed on electrical power grids and relevant aspects such as power systems operation and control, smart and future grids, power systems measurement and identification, and grid integration of electro-mobility. With 3 keynote presentations and 35 contributions from Austria, Denmark, Greece, Norway, Spain, Thailand, and Germany, the NEIS conference continues to grow and to attract participants from all over the world.
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This conference proceedings presents contributions to the NEIS 2016 conference, which focused on electrical power grids. The contributions reflect current developments and experiences in power grids and grid integration, particularly in the context of wind energy and photovoltaic power plants as well as energy storage systems. Der Konferenzband gibt die Beiträge der Tagung NEIS 2016 mit dem Schwerpunkt elektrische Netze wieder. In den Beiträgen sind die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen zu Netzgestaltung und Netzintegration dargestellt. Ein besonderes Augenmerk lag diesmal auf den Bereichen Windenergie, Photovoltaik und Energiespeichern. Contents/Inhalt Electrical Power Grids – Elektrische Netze Wind Power and Photovoltaic Power Plants – Windkraft- und Photovoltaikanlagen Regulatory and Market Framework Conditions – Regulierung, Markt und Rahmenbedingungen Energy Storage Systems – Speichersysteme Grid Integration – Netzintegration Fuel Cells and Battery Systems – Brennstoffzellen und Batteriesysteme Audience/Zielgruppen Scientists and Professionals – Wissenschaftler und Experten Lecturers in engineering and environmental sciences – Dozenten in Ingenieurs- und Umweltwissenschaften Editor/Herausgeber Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Schulz is head of the Electrical Energy Systems department at the Helmut Schmidt University/ University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, which organized and hosted this conference.
Energy storage. --- Energy policy. --- Energy and state. --- Electronic circuits. --- Energy Storage. --- Energy Policy, Economics and Management. --- Circuits and Systems.
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Dieses Handbuch stellt in systematischer Form alle wesentlichen Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik in der komprimierten Form eines Nachschlagewerkes zusammen. Es wurde für Studenten und Praktiker entwickelt. Für Spezialisten eines bestimmten Fachgebiets wird ein umfassender Einblick in Nachbargebiete geboten. Die didaktisch ausgezeichneten Darstellungen ermöglichen eine rasche Erarbeitung des umfangreichen Inhalts. Über 2000 Abbildungen und Tabellen, passgenau ausgewählte Formeln, Hinweise, Schaltpläne und Normen führen den Benutzer sicher durch die Elektrotechnik. Der Inhalt - Mathematik - Physik - Werkstoffkunde - Elektrotechnik - Elektronik - Leistungselektronik - Technische Kommunikation - Datentechnik - Automatisierungstechnik - Regelungstechnik - Messtechnik - Energietechnik - Nachrichtentechnik - Signal- und Systemtheorie Die Zielgruppen Studierende, Professoren und Dozenten an Universitäten, Hochschulen, Fachhochschulen und Fachschulen Technik Ingenieure und Praktiker der Elektrotechnik Die Herausgeber Prof. (em.) Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Plaßmann lehrte an der Hochschule Hannover, Fakultät I, Elektro- und Informationstechnik. Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Schulz leitet das Fachgebiet Elektrische Energiesysteme an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg. Die Autoren sind Fachleute aus Industrie, Forschung und Lehre.
Electrical engineering. --- Computer science. --- Mechanical engineering. --- Energy. --- Electrical Engineering. --- Computer Science, general. --- Mechanical Engineering. --- Energy, general.
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Kompakt und systematisch - das sind die Kennzeichen der Formelsammlung, die zum Beginn des Elektrotechnikstudiums bei keinem Studenten fehlen darf. Häufig gebrauchte Formeln und Tabellen wurden aufgrund ihrer Lehrerfahrung von den Autoren des Handbuches Elektrotechnik ausgewählt. Die Begriffe werden in knapper aber prägnanter Form erläutert und der formelmäßige Zusammenhang dargestellt. Wenn erforderlich, fördern Beispiele das Verständnis. Für Begriffe, die nicht über mathematische Formeln erfasst werden können, werden ihre Eigenschaften und ihre Besonderheiten in Tabellen dargestellt bzw. einander gegenübergestellt. Das Buch ist den Praktikern eine schnelle Hilfe beim Nachschlagen von Formelzusammenhängen aus Nachbargebieten, den Studenten hilft es, die benötigten Formelzusammenhänge besonders bei Klausuren rasch und treffsicher aufzufinden. Der Inhalt Mathematik - Physik - Werkstoffkunde - Elektrotechnik - Elektronik - Technische Kommunikation/Technisches Zeichnen - Datentechnik - Steuerungstechnik - Messtechnik - Energietechnik - Nachrichtentechnik - Signal- und Systemtheorie Die Zielgruppen Studierende an Fachschulen, Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen Im Berufsleben stehende Praktiker Die Herausgeber Prof. (em.) Dr.-Ing. Wilfried Plaßmann lehrte an der Hochschule Hannover im Fachbereich Elektrotechnik. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Detlef Schulz lehrt und forscht an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg in der Fakultät für Elektrotechnik. Die Autoren sind Fachleute aus Industrie , Forschung und Lehre.
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Dieses Handbuch stellt in systematischer Form alle wesentlichen Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik in der komprimierten Form eines Nachschlagewerkes zusammen. Es wurde für Studenten und Praktiker entwickelt. Für Spezialisten eines bestimmten Fachgebiets wird ein umfassender Einblick in Nachbargebiete geboten. Die didaktisch ausgezeichneten Darstellungen ermöglichen eine rasche Erarbeitung des umfangreichen Inhalts. Über 2000 Abbildungen und Tabellen, passgenau ausgewählte Formeln, Hinweise, Schaltpläne und Normen führen den Benutzer sicher durch die Elektrotechnik.
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