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Documentaire sur le musée Ghibli. On y voit Goro Miyazaki s'entretenir avec Isao Takahata sur le « charme » du musée et ses diverses influences. Goro fait visiter le musée au spectateur, expliquant les détails complexes que son père, Hayao Miyazaki, a réalisés lors de sa construction. Le documentaire met en évidence les fortes influences européennes dans l'architecture du musée, avec des images de la ville montagneuse médiévale de Calcata en Italie et de la ville portuaire historique de Gênes, que Miyazaki avait déjà visitées. Ces voyages ont influencé l'imagerie de certains de ses films également.
Musée --- Image de l'architecture --- Référence architecturale --- Calcata --- Gênes --- Japon
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This is a book that has been needed for decades. It is the first compendium of recent research on a group of mammals that received almost no attention prior to the early 1970's and has not received enough since - the small carnivores. Although the larger members of the Carnivora were studied earlier than this date, notably the grey wolf, Lupus lupus, in Europe and the "Big Cats" in Africa, especially the lion, Panthera leo, and have been the objects of numerous studies since, the smaller members of the carnivore group were mostly ignored. Nearly all the scientists involved in the earlier carnivore studies were Europeans, with the notable exception of George Schaller from the USA with his benchmark study of the African lion in the late 1960s. In general, this book covers such a wide range of subdisciplines and techniques that it should be considered a solid baseline for further necessary research on this little-known group of highly interesting mammals. As our knowledge regarding how ecosystems function increases, the valuable role of small carnivores and the necessity for their conservation should be regarded as of paramount importance. The topics covered in this book should therefore be of great interest not only to academics and wildlife researchers, but also to the interested layman.
Carnivora. --- Carnivores (mammifères) --- Carnivora --- Carnivores (mammifères)
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Dieses Buch untersucht experimentelle Ansätze für Entwurf und Umsetzung von Holzstrukturen in der Architektur und präsentiert zugleich die Resultate eines künstlerischen Forschungsprojekts. Durch den Einsatz digitaler Werkzeuge wird die Anatomie des Holzes als entwurfsbestimmendes Prinzip für Raumgefüge genutzt, das Potenzial traditioneller Handwerkskunst erforscht und daraus eine materialorientierte Architekturpraxis abgeleitet. Strukturen werden hier nicht für eine bestimmte Nutzung entworfen, sondern eröffnen aufgrund ihrer spezifischen räumlichen und geometrischen Eigenschaften unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten der Bespielung. Die Dokumentation gibt Einblick in einen ergebnisoffenen Forschungsprozess. Gastbeiträge reflektieren die zugrunde liegenden Konzepte und damit die zukünftige Relevanz des Baustoffs Holz. This book explores experimental approaches to the design and construction of wooden structures in architecture, while presenting the results of an artistic research project. Through the use of digital tools, the anatomy of wood becomes a design-determining principle for spatial structures. The architects and artists also explore the potential of traditional craftsmanship and derive from this a material-oriented practice. Structures are not designed here for a specific use, but rather open up various usage possibilities due to their unique spatial and geometric properties. The documentation provides insight into an open-ended research process. Guest contributions reflect on the underlying concepts and thus the future relevance of wood as a building material.
Structure en bois --- Design --- Recherche en construction --- Joint --- 693.2 --- 694.1 --- houtbewerking --- houtverbindingen --- houtconstructies --- conceptueel design --- houtsoorten --- 710.9 --- onderzoek in de kunsten --- ontwerpmethodiek --- hout en houtproducten --- Houtconstructies, timmeren, meubelmaken --- architectuur, overige bijzondere onderwerpen --- 694 --- 691.11 --- Houtconstructies ; houtarchitectuur ; houtverbindingen --- Conceptuele architectuur --- Digitale productietechnieken --- Houtbouw. Schrijnwerk --- Bouwmaterialen ; hout --- 3-D technology. --- artistic research. --- supporting framework structure. --- timber structure. --- wood construction.
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