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The Evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combatting trafficking in human beings
Year: 2009 Publisher: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles

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The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems.

The Evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combatting trafficking in human beings
Year: 2009 Publisher: Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles

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The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems.

The evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combatting trafficking in human beings
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Brussels : Editions del l'Université de Bruxelles, IEEE, Institut d'études européenes,

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The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems.

The evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combatting trafficking in human beings
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Brussels : Editions del l'Université de Bruxelles, IEEE, Institut d'études européenes,

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The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems.

The evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combating trafficking in human beings
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Bruxelles : Editions de l'Université libre de Bruxelles,

The evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combatting trafficking in human beings
Authors: ---
Year: 2009 Publisher: Brussels : Editions del l'Université de Bruxelles, IEEE, Institut d'études européenes,

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The role of evaluation has become increasingly important in the context of EU policies in the field of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This evolution is the result of an increasing number of legally binding instruments adopted in the framework of the third pillar of the European Union and of their growing impact on national legal systems.

The evaluation of European criminal law : the example of the framework decision on combating trafficking in human beings
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 2800414375 9782800414379 Year: 2008 Publisher: Bruxelles Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles

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Human trafficking - European Union countries --- Human smuggling - European Union countries --- Human smuggling --- Human trafficking --- BPB0905 --- Droit pénal international --- Union européenne --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- mednarodno kazensko pravo --- международно наказателно право --- διεθνές ποινικό δίκαιο --- medzinárodné trestné právo --- międzynarodowe prawo karne --- Derecho penal internacional --- dlí coiriúil idirnáisiúnta --- tarptautinė baudžiamoji teisė --- nemzetközi büntetőjog --- internationales Strafrecht --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare penale --- drept internațional penal --- mezinárodní trestní právo --- rahvusvaheline kriminaalõigus --- international strafferet --- international criminal law --- меѓународно кривично право --- међународно кривично право --- kansainvälinen rikosoikeus --- starptautiskās krimināltiesības --- međunarodno kazneno pravo --- diritto penale internazionale --- direito penal internacional --- dritt kriminali internazzjonali --- internationaal strafrecht --- internationell straffrätt --- кривично дело --- казнено дело --- starptautiskie akti krimināltiesību jomā --- меѓународно воено злосторство --- меѓународно кривично дело --- Forced prostitution (Human trafficking) --- People trafficking --- Sex trafficking --- Traffic in persons --- Trafficking in human beings --- Trafficking in persons --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Sex crimes --- Immigrant smuggling --- Migrant smuggling --- People smuggling --- Smuggling --- Illegal immigration --- Council of the European Union. --- Criminal law --- Europe --- European Union countries --- Juridical aspects --- Evaluation --- Effectiveness and validity of law --- Prostitution --- Droit pénal --- Traite des êtres humains --- Union européenne --- Droit pénal international --- an tAontas Eorpach --- White slave traffic (Human trafficking) --- White slavery (Human trafficking) --- Offenses against the person

L'enquête, les poursuites et les sanctions

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Cet ouvrage reprend les principales contributions des journées d’étude organisées par l’O.B.F.G., la Délégation des barreaux de France et l’Ordre des avocats du barreau de Luxembourg sur l’enquête et les poursuites d’une part et sur le procès d’autre part en droit pénal européen, ainsi qu’en droit pénal français, belge et luxembourgeois. Les thèmes suivants sont abordés dans cet ouvrage : - la coopération policière au sein de l’Union européenne et les mécanismes de coopération qui se mettent en place dans une affaire pénale à caractère européen ; - les spécificités de la garde à vue telle qu’elle est appliquée en France, au Royaume-Uni et au Luxembourg ; - les aspects pratiques du Réseau Pénal Européen PenalNet, qui est destiné à favoriser la collaboration entre avocats au sein de l’Union européenne ; - les mécanismes de recherche des preuves en droit européen d’abord et en droit belge et luxembourgeois ensuite, avec des informations précises au sujet de l’obtention de certains types de preuves, tels que les informations bancaires ou les relevés de télécommunications ; - le nouveau système du mandat d’arrêt européen mis en place et l’évaluation qui en est faite par la Commission européenne ; - les pratiques du mandat d’arrêt européen en France et en Belgique ; - l’interconnexion des casiers judiciaires européens ; - les sanctions dans un cadre européen. Cet ouvrage s’adresse à tous les avocats, et plus particulièrement aux praticiens du droit pénal.


Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- Europe --- Criminal procedure --- Criminal investigation --- Sentences (Criminal procedure) --- Preventive detention --- Evidence, Criminal --- Procédure pénale --- Enquêtes criminelles --- Sentences (Procédure pénale) --- Détention provisoire --- Preuve (Droit pénal) --- International cooperation --- Coopération internationale --- Criminal law --- European Union countries --- Congresses --- International cooperation. --- Ebooks --- E-books --- BPB --- droit pénal --- garde à vue --- mandat d'arrêt européen --- coopération policière (UE) --- trestné právo --- prawo karne --- baudžiamoji teisė --- diritto penale --- наказателно право --- büntetőjog --- dlí coiriúil --- kriminaalõigus --- kazensko pravo --- Strafrecht --- drept penal --- strafrecht --- Derecho penal --- strafferet --- krimināllikums --- dritt kriminali --- straffrätt --- kazneno pravo --- ποινικό δίκαιο --- direito penal --- кривично право --- criminal law --- e drejtë penale --- trestní právo --- rikosoikeus --- кривичен закон --- казнено право --- krimināltiesības --- kriminaalkoodeks --- trestní právo hmotné --- criminal code --- trestný kódex --- diritto criminale --- direito criminal --- kriminalret --- droit criminel --- crimineel recht --- karistusõigus --- Derecho criminal --- policejní spolupráce (EU) --- politisamarbejde (EU) --- polizeiliche Zusammenarbeit (EU) --- cooperare polițienească (UE) --- politiële samenwerking (EU) --- cooperazione di polizia (UE) --- полицейско сътрудничество в ЕС --- cooperación policial (UE) --- αστυνομική συνεργασία της ΕΕ --- kooperazzjoni bejn il-pulizija tal-UE --- cooperação policial (UE) --- EU rendőrségi együttműködés --- ES policijų bendradarbiavimas --- policajná spolupráca (EÚ) --- bashkëpunim policor në BE --- policijsko sodelovanje (EU) --- ELi politseikoostöö --- ES policijas sadarbība --- policijska suradnja u EU --- współpraca policyjna (UE) --- polissamarbete i EU --- EU police cooperation --- EU:n poliisiasiain yhteistyö --- полицијска сарадња у ЕУ --- полициска соработка во ЕУ --- полицијска и царинска сарадња у ЕУ --- bashkëpunimi policor dhe doganor në BE --- polisiärt samarbete i EU --- cooperação policial e aduaneira (UE) --- politie- en douanesamenwerking (EU) --- EU:n poliisi- ja tulliyhteistyö --- rendőrségi és vámügyi uniós együttműködés --- EU:n yhteistyö poliisi- ja tulliasioissa --- policijsko in carinsko sodelovanje (EU) --- ES dalībvalstu policijas un muitas iestāžu sadarbība --- cooperare polițienească și vamală (UE) --- ES policijų ir muitinių bendradarbiavimas --- politi- og toldsamarbejde (EU) --- polis- och tullsamarbete i EU --- EU police and customs cooperation --- полициска и царинска соработка во Европската Унија --- spolupráce policejních a celních orgánů (EU) --- cooperazione di polizia e doganale (UE) --- ELi politsei- ja tollikoostöö --- współpraca policyjna i celna (UE) --- coopération policière et douanière (UE) --- полициска соработка во Заедницата --- kooperazzjoni doganali u bejn il-pulizija tal-UE --- Zusammenarbeit der Polizei- und Zollbehörden --- cooperación policial y aduanera en la Unión Europea --- полицейско и митническо сътрудничество в ЕС --- polizeiliche und zollbehördliche Zusammenarbeit --- αστυνομική και τελωνειακή συνεργασία της ΕΕ --- policajná a colná spolupráca (EÚ) --- mandat ta' arrest Ewropew --- European arrest warrant --- urdhër arresti europian --- европски налог за хапшење --- Europos arešto orderis --- európsky zatykač --- Европейска заповед за задържане --- europæisk arrestordre --- mandat de arestare european --- europski nalog za uhićenje --- Eiropas apcietināšanas orderis --- europejski nakaz aresztowania --- mandato di cattura europeo --- európai elfogatóparancs --- europäischer Haftbefehl --- mandado de captura europeu --- eurooppalainen pidätysmääräys --- evropski zaporni nalog --- evropský zatýkací rozkaz --- mandamiento de detención europeo --- ευρωπαϊκό ένταλμα σύλληψης --- Europees arrestatiebevel --- европски налог за апсење --- europeisk arresteringsorder --- Euroopa vahistamismäärus --- European warrant --- Eiropas orderis --- evropský zatykač --- evropský příkaz k zadržení --- europski uhitbeni nalog --- Übergabeverfahren --- mandat european --- voorhechtenis --- policijski nadzor --- jälitustegevus --- полициски надзор --- sorveljanza --- guarda à vista --- policejní zadržení --- varetægtsfængsling --- őrizet --- detención preventiva --- policijas uzraudzība --- supraveghere judiciară --- полицијски надзор --- kiinniotto tutkintaa varten --- προφυλάκιση --- dozór policyjny --- policijos priežiūra --- surveillance --- polisförvar --- nadzor --- fermo di polizia --- разследване --- Polizeigewahrsam --- sledovanie --- mbikëqyrje --- rendőri őrizet --- sekimas --- sledování --- vorläufige Festnahme --- předběžné zadržení --- preuve --- доказ --- bewijs --- dowód --- proof --- правно доказателство --- evidenza --- probă judiciară --- důkaz --- dôkaz --- απόδειξη --- prova --- Rechtsbeweis --- pierādīšana --- todiste --- prueba --- dokaz --- tõend --- bevis --- provë --- bizonyíték --- įrodymas --- bevisbörda --- Beweis --- товар на докажување --- dužnost dokazivanja --- βάρος της απόδειξης --- утврдување вистинитост --- pierādīšanas līdzekļi --- carga de la prueba --- inversión de la carga de la prueba --- ónus da prova --- факт --- teret dokaza --- pienākums pierādīt --- bizonyítási teher --- tõendamiskohustus --- bizonyítási teher megfordulása --- судски доказ --- dôkazné bremeno --- obligația de a depune mărturie --- onere della prova --- barrë e provës --- Beweislast --- onus of proof --- důkazní břemeno --- todistustaakka --- pierādīšanas pienākums --- bevisbyrde --- onus --- charge de la preuve --- įrodinėjimo pareiga --- bewijslast --- Comité P --- cruthúnas --- faireachas --- Comité P --- droit pénal --- garde à vue --- mandat d'arrêt européen --- coopération policière (UE) --- barrántas gabhála Eorpach --- comhar póilíneachta an Aontais Eorpaigh --- Procédure pénale --- Entraide judiciaire européenne --- Garde à vue --- Mandats (droit européen) --- Casiers judiciaires --- Etudes comparatives

L'enquête, les poursuites et les sanctions

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The new handbook of multisensory processing
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 0262017121 0262323737 Year: 2012 Publisher: The MIT Press,

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The major reference work for a rapidly advancing field synthesizes central themes, reports on current findings, and offers a blueprint for future research.Scientists' attempts to understand the physiology underlying our apprehension of the physical world was long dominated by a focus on the individual senses. The 1980s saw the beginning of systematic efforts to examine interactions among different sensory modalities at the level of the single neuron. And by the end of the 1990s, a recognizable and multidisciplinary field of "multisensory processes" had emerged. More recently, studies involving both human and nonhuman subjects have focused on relationships among multisensory neuronal ensembles and their behavioral, perceptual, and cognitive correlates. The New Handbook of Multisensory Processing synthesizes the central themes in this rapidly developing area, reports on current findings, and offers a blueprint for future research. The contributions, all of them written for this volume by leading experts, reflect the evolution and current state of the field.This handbook does more than simply review the field. Each of the volume's eleven sections broadly surveys a major topic, and each begins with a substantive and thought-provoking commentary by the section editor that identifies the major issues being explored, describes their treatment in the chapters that follow, and sets these findings within the context of the existing body of knowledge. Together, the commentaries and chapters provide an invaluable guide to areas of general agreement, unresolved issues, and topics that remain to be explored in this fast-moving field.y leading experts, reflect the evolution and current state of the field.This handbook does more than simply review the field. Each of the volume's eleven sections broadly surveys a major topic, and each begins with a substantive and thought-provoking commentary by the section editor that identifies the major issues being explored, describes their treatment in the chapters that follow, and sets these findings within the context of the existing body of knowledge. Together, the commentaries and chapters provide an invaluable guide to areas of general agreement, unresolved issues, and topics that remain to be explored in this fast-moving field.y leading experts, reflect the evolution and current state of the field.This handbook does more than simply review the field. Each of the volume's eleven sections broadly surveys a major topic, and each begins with a substantive and thought-provoking commentary by the section editor that identifies the major issues being explored, describes their treatment in the chapters that follow, and sets these findings within the context of the existing body of knowledge. Together, the commentaries and chapters provide an invaluable guide to areas of general agreement, unresolved issues, and topics that remain to be explored in this fast-moving field.y leading experts, reflect the evolution and current state of the field.This handbook does more than simply review the field. Each of the volume's eleven sections broadly surveys a major topic, and each begins with a substantive and thought-provoking commentary by the section editor that identifies the major issues being explored, describes their treatment in the chapters that follow, and sets these findings within the context of the existing body of knowledge. Together, the commentaries and chapters provide an invaluable guide to areas of general agreement, unresolved issues, and topics that remain to be explored in this fast-moving field.ent in the chapters that follow, and sets these findings within the context of the existing body of knowledge. Together, the commentaries and chapters provide an invaluable guide to areas of general agreement, unresolved issues, and topics that remain to be explored in this fast-moving field.

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