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This book presents the understanding of how the different forms of regulatory mechanisms, like birth and death, competition, consumption and the like, result in changes in the stability and dynamics of ecological systems. It deals with a profound and unique insight into the mathematical richness of basic ecological models. Organised into eight chapters, the book discusses the models of mathematical ecology, the dynamical models of single-species system in a polluted environment, the dynamical behaviour of different nonautonomous two species systems in a polluted environment, the influence of environmental noise in Gompertzian and logistic growth models, stability behaviour in randomly fluctuating versus deterministic environments of two interacting species, stochastic analysis of a demographic model of urbanization and stability behaviour of a social group by means of loop analysis, thermodynamic criteria of stability and stochastic criteria of stability. The book will be useful to the researchers and graduate students who wish to pursue research in mathematical ecology.
Mathematics --- Planning (firm) --- mathematische modellen --- wiskunde --- Biomatemàtica --- Ecologia --- Models matemàtics --- Biomathematics. --- Ecology --- Population genetics. --- Mathematical models.
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Biomatemàtica --- Ecologia --- Models matemàtics --- Models (Matemàtica) --- Models experimentals --- Models teòrics --- Mètodes de simulació --- Anàlisi de sistemes --- Mètode de Montecarlo --- Modelització multiescala --- Models economètrics --- Models lineals (Estadística) --- Models multinivell (Estadística) --- Models no lineals (Estadística) --- Programació (Ordinadors) --- Simulació per ordinador --- Teoria de màquines --- Models biològics --- Bionomia --- Ciència ecològica --- Equilibri en la natura --- Processos ecològics --- Biologia --- Ciències ambientals --- Bioclimatologia --- Cadenes alimentàries (Ecologia) --- Cicles biogeoquímics --- Biocenosis --- Ecologia agrícola --- Ecologia animal --- Ecologia aquàtica --- Ecologia de les illes --- Ecologia de les costes --- Ecologia de les muntanyes --- Ecologia de les praderies --- Ecologia de les regions àrides --- Ecologia de les zones humides --- Ecologia del foc --- Ecologia del paisatge --- Ecologia dels sòls --- Ecologia espacial --- Ecologia microbiana --- Ecologia química --- Ecologia teòrica --- Ecologia urbana --- Ecologia vegetal --- Ecosistemes --- Hàbitat (Ecologia) --- Indicadors biològics --- Medi ambient --- Microclimatologia --- Nutrients (Medi ambient) --- Paleoecologia --- Predació (Biologia) --- Relacions animal-planta --- Restauració ecològica --- Successió ecològica --- Biodiversitat --- Biologia de poblacions --- Biosfera --- Ecòlegs --- Natura --- Premi Ramon Margalef d'Ecologia --- Simbiosi --- Matemàtica --- Model de Lotka-Volterra --- Biometria --- Resiliència (Ecologia) --- Biomathematics. --- Ecology --- Population genetics. --- Mathematical models. --- Genetics --- Heredity --- Biology --- Mathematics
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